Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1117: Disturbed story

Don't underestimate the audience's IQ, and don't treat the audience as inefficient.

This is a hardware standard that all user experience projects must comply with today. The Lost City is a successful product. There is almost no negative comment on the fare of one thousand yuan except for malicious disruption. Although the time for playing is limited, it is a day. You do n’t need to wait for an hour or two for a project as in Disney. Basically, you go according to the guide given by the park. Three thousand people take different routes in batches. Fifteen minutes is the maximum waiting time and the play time is enough. Make sure you play most games and have enough rest time.

TV shows and variety shows are also based on user experience to get their own value.

This is even more true of movies.

Someone once said that when robots can replace a variety of work industries in the future, all people will sell their own time to obtain survival capital. These times are different from before, not to work, not to sell physical strength, and It ’s using your time to use the human brain for user experience. A good thing is that a large amount of data is needed to determine the value. After the fake is slowly false, it ca n’t dominate the market, and the accumulation of these data requires a real user experience. .

For example, if a massage chair is good or not, whether it really has a certain therapeutic effect, it ’s not that your manufacturer says it ’s good. It takes a lot of users to try and use the conclusions, which are summarized for your product. value. And these data require users to take time to experience, the value of this time is the brain labor that robots can never replace after a lot of simple and rough work.

This trend is a bit strange now. It seems that this argument is uttered by lazy people. There is no need to do anything. Every day I lay at home. A game came out. I went in and played. Not only did I play, but I also paid for the user experience. The benefits.

In fact, at present, this trend is gradually being developed. Movies and television are two-way, which not only has a certain degree of publicity effect brought by user experience, but also serves the audience to bring the spiritual world to everyone's satisfaction.

In recent years, if you want a successful movie, you must first respect the audience ’s IQ and conform to the audience ’s feelings. In the end, your user experience is successful, word of mouth will spread, and those who do not want to enter the movie theater will be brought in. . The "Chinatown Detective" series is a typical example. From the director to the actor, it can not be regarded as a red star of traffic. Compared with some phenomenal movies, this film is used to detect the brain-burning case that everyone thinks is the most difficult to get. A funny atmosphere. The comedy effect is undoubtedly very good. When watching a movie, there will always be laughter, but in fact, the story is supported by the plot, especially the design of the case, and the audience ’s IQ is respected. Create the word "brain burner" instead of relying on the horror mystery of special effects and atmosphere to create the so-called brain burner.

In recent years, similar brain-burning themes, as long as you respect the IQ of the audience, your own IQ is online and come up with a really good storyline. If there is a good cooperation, like the comedy of "Chinatown Detective", like The bursting of "Master of Memory" 's acting skills will become a real word-of-mouth drama. It may be caused by the difference in tastes at the box office. However, the evaluation of the entire play will never be changed by the general public.

"Into the Division" is the product of Chen Hao's respect for the audience's IQ and his own desired subject matter. This is not a film with a detective theme, but is full of similar traces. One of the most important reasons for this movie not being shown in the Mainland, it is not Defuzzifying the definition of the final reversal does not preserve the outcome of justice.

There is no good person, the winner is the bad person, which is the conventional definition.

There is no bad person. From the perspective of any person, what he does is not a bad thing. Survival is the instinct of natural selection. There is no righteousness or evil in front of this instinct. This is a more macro definition.

The Chen Bin family, a family of four living in a small street, seems to tell the story of Chen Bin's work as a teacher around the family. In fact, it is a series of stories in this family that are finally summarized into the story of the teacher.

Except that the child is just a simple secret witness, including the mother Chen Bin played by Ji Meijuan, who had been stained with blood, Chen Bin's professional skills for the enrollment division did not come from his deceased father, but the seeming Buddha at home The mother of the department, a former king, has a vicious role. Her past identity and experience have been involved in incidents by Duan Yihong and other people, making her have to give up her current life.

Chen Bin ’s wife, Liu Miao, was unlucky and was kicked off the shelves. When you lived long enough with a man who seems peaceful but actually has a dark heart, and your mother-in-law has lived long enough, you seem to have undergone qualitative changes. I do n’t know. When you really encounter something, you will find that even if your hands are covered with blood, you can still wash away the blood stains calmly, get everything done, and then go back home to make dinner.

Chen Bin is a person who has witnessed the changes in the family since he was a child but already has a mental illness. In his world, there is no difference between a human and a dead body. He can do whatever he wants. If Liu Miao Seeing his eyes will be scared from the bottom of your heart. If you are not afraid, then you may close your eyes and never open again.

The child is a witness and sees a lot of things that should not be seen, and all that her father knows is tantamount to retaking her father's path, so there is a peeper behind the witness.

When the peaceful life was changed because of the emergence of a criminal, the family changed drastically. Chen Bin killed the criminal, and the police began to investigate, and to some extent, he was investigated. The witness who was absent from time was his mother. The anxious job was waiting for Chen Bin in the funeral home, and at this time he was killing at home. His mother, carrying the tools in his room, entered the funeral home to help his son complete the work, which was almost impossible to be imitated. According to the testimony of the staff of the funeral parlour, it took at least six or seven hours to complete the job. No one except Chen Bin could do it. Although there was no time witness, it indirectly proved Chen Bin that night. In the funeral home.

Liu Miao witnessed everything, silently helped her husband pack everything in the house, and the child witnessed everything in the gap of the door.

When the accomplice's accomplice did not need to abide by the so-called evidence, I doubt you came to your principle and found Chen's house. Liu Miao completed her killing.

The police officer played by Duan Yihong disappeared. He found the Chen family, but he finally embarked on the road of destruction. With the three members of the Chen family, killing his dead body is the most effective they can think. the way.

I was implicated in a case, and then a series of things were dug out. A few years ago, more than ten years ago, thirty years ago, Chen Bin, Chen Bin's parents all followed the storyline a little bit. Was unveiled, just as everyone started thinking about what would happen to this family, suddenly missing Duan Yihong became the scapegoat. When the plot came to the end, the clues from Duan Yihong grew more and more during his lifetime. It started to decrease gradually. Cruelty and blood were not the theme. It was the efforts of this family to maintain this family and to protect themselves. Even if it was wrong or even sinful, they were also trying to defend themselves until they finally became suspicious. The concept of -from-none 'is erased. The concept of protecting the family by everyone protects themselves. The family of four have never once gathered together for the so-called confession, including the last child facing an inquiry. The innocent eyes that day gave people a sense of trust. As a result, she just calmly lied in one or two subtle details in the process of narrating the facts, and eliminated this. Family suspected, was the final coffin.

Liu Miao did not enter her mother-in-law's room because she knew that the mother-in-law had done something in that room, and the old history was exactly the reason why she would marry Chen Bin. It was not the old lady who erased her Some of the troubles that can ruin her life, then she has no current life. After so many years, the **** night in that room, Liu Miao selectively forgot, but she knew that she should not enter that room.

Everyone has a devil in his heart. The devil of a family of four is extraordinarily powerful. Once released, he will have great lethality.

Everyone's heart also has his own insistence, no matter what he has done, this adherence is the warmest thing he thinks.

At the Chen's.

Chen Bin went out to make money, and the old lady supported her every day ~ ~ Liu Miao enjoyed the extreme material life supported by her family's economy.

Every day, step by step, get up, cook, eat, go to work, cook, eat, sleep. These years of boring life are just what this family needs, and the factors that make the child a witness are not just her. Seeing what happened in her home, but when she was used to hiding in the dark to observe others, and felt that it was very happy, she saw what happened in some families in the side street.

There are many normal people in the street, but their family life seems to be peaceful and happy, private scolding, abuse, domestic violence, and even intrigue among relatives, big fights, and family relationships are no longer stimulating. Child, let her feel that her home is the real home. Our power is external, not like these people. Why do they pretend to be happy and why do they have to face their own family?

There are also some abnormal people in the street. Duan Yihong is a good qualified policeman, but in this street, he is like a joke. The children of the Chen family saw something and killed someone in this street. Yes, it is not only her family members. This has also caused her psychological obstacles since she was very young. Even if she was exposed to law in school, she did n’t think it was necessary. In this street, people who have killed or sinned have more or less contacted Duan Yihong as neighbors, and these are in the eyes of children, especially when she secretly sees those neighbors facing away Duan Yihong's disdain smile made her little heart twisted.

Four people in a family all have different degrees of mental illness, which do not affect life, but affect the way and value of survival.

When a young journalist who has lived in the sun and had no gloomy side from the inside to the outside, entered the case, the truth began to emerge ...

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