Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1121: Disgusting level of shame

After Chen Hao said this sentence himself, he reacted. What these guys studied is really thorough. Although it is the success of the "Little Age" movie, it is reasonable to use them to derive a TV series. However, watching this plan, the fraud value of the TV series seems to be higher.

You are shameless in the movie, you do n’t click on the screen, conceal the trailer, conceal the content of the shooting, let the actors come out to advocate the feelings and cooperation, you will have a release day after the show, when the first show, you will also hide no shame Living.

To be more shameless, it is said to be released at zero. In order to deceive some box office, it will be delayed until the afternoon to let more people buy tickets, let the scam last longer, and trick more people to pull the actor for the actor to buy the story. ticket.

But even so, you can support the box office for a day or two at most. After the scam is broken down, the speed of information transmission in the Internet era will make your box office sprint down a steep slope, and soon everything will be broken down. Even if you have a good public relations team, try to minimize the negative news to the minimum, it is completely impossible to continue to support.

It became a TV series, which gave up three rounds and four rounds of one-hammer trading. In the name of Chen Hao, with the appeal of gathering together the beauty of the United States, with the success of the film, Chen Hao negotiated with the television before his work.

Make money with one hammer sale, sell the first round, whether it is a solo broadcast or a few broadcast together, by the way, sell the second round, at the same time, the advertising investment must also pay dividends, in short, cover the work, and then sell the work as a whole. Whoever harmed anyone, they made enough. According to the standards of market operation, there is no such thing as who harmed anyone. I am these people. There is no such thing as a fraud. Completely accurate definition, we are the drama version of "Little Age", you can't let us all shoot according to the movie, at the end we admit that the screenwriter of the work is not done well, the shooting is not shot well, it is a failed work Wasted such a good resource, others would not admit it at all.

The more I thought about it, the more I fell into the planning book. On the one hand, I was even more annoyed by the company's two specific departmental deputy directors. How could this project be played?

The two quickly picked up the plan book. They did not know what was going on. "Mr. Chen, is there a problem with the script?"

Chen Hao stared. "You didn't even finish the script?"

"Look at it." He looked at it with a clear lack of confidence.

"Then you think that this way of operation is suitable for us?"


We all know that this one is already angry. Even if they think they are suitable, they will never dare to say it. The movie of "Little Age" is not 100% successful, and it is also controversial. In this case, we will sell the TV series in one package ,Any questions?

Besides, this is a match made by the young and old of the company. Where do we dare to say anything?

Knock on the door.

Qiuyu hurried to open the door, and lightly, motioned to the knocker to lower his voice, what happened?

"Someone from Sky Television came here, and it was Zou Shao who brought them over." The working secretary outside saw Qiu Yu's expression and immediately lowered his voice.

Zou Shao? Zou Qingkai?

Qiu Yu frowned. This is a person in the circle of Jing Da Shao. It is a family in the era of jubilee. Seriously, he brought people here, and it was from Sky Film. That thing ...

He came to Chen Hao and whispered the situation.

He also knew that if according to the boss's temperament, the sky film and television would be blacked out, and he would never cooperate with it. He would directly treat it as a piece of stinky meat and would not want to watch it from afar. However, there is Zou Qingkai, this face is at least in front of the entire company, can not be refuted.

"This matter will be said later. Any work in our company must be reviewed by a professional person several times before it can enter the specific review. I don't know how this work got into your hands, and I don't want to know whether it passed. Who, the company's consistent purpose will not change. I will not be held accountable for this matter, the middle and senior staff meetings must be held, perhaps a long time, everyone began to forget something, I I think it is necessary to remind everyone. "

After Chen Hao spoke, he stepped out of the office and signaled Qiu Yu to lead the person to the small meeting room. At the same time, in his office, several small fresh meat did not dare to breathe. Do n’t look at Chen Hao who did not directly swear, but this whole The atmosphere in the office suppressed them from moving, and they felt stiff.

From Hao Zi to President Chen, and now Mr. Chen, even the oldest and oldest employees of the company for a few years, the former president of the guild, Anan, now respects Chen Hao from the heart and calls Mr. Chen You should know that when he just signed a contract with the Lele Guild of the Times, he was only a potential anchor at best. In the face of Anan, it would be all right.

Such a change in status is not a change of position. He really made it a little bit. Today's Huanju era already has capital to prepare for listing, but the only reason for not choosing to go public is to have Chen Hao's Huanju era. The most powerful cash flow resources do not need to go online to raise funds, nor do they need to raise funds in reality. It seems that the amount of assets is not as large as expected, and it is not a big man in Forbes, but you have to know the Production will not shrink, and the amount of funds that can be used is not less than those of billionaires.

In the age of joyful gathering, Chen Hao never said a word. Except for specific business, he did n’t say a word, he just said the word. The rest of the things, including the company's development strategy, did not say a word. He didn't speak, and no one dared to question his importance in the company. His one sentence could even determine the existence of a department manager, let alone an artist. Not to mention the artist, although he never hid an artist in the happy age, It is believed that as long as Chen Hao opens his mouth, any signing artist can be hidden indefinitely.

He was so angry that he usually sat quietly with a few people who could make trouble with him. This group of small fresh meat that has just entered the circle and is still climbing, has known the circle through various channels earlier. Cruel, they also analyzed it afterwards, is it really just because they are afraid of the power of the other party? In his office, not only that, but the angry Chen Hao had a temperament that made them awe and fear.

Until he was gone, Zhou Dongyu spat out his tongue first, his expression relaxed, and he patted his chest "scared me."

In their previous cognition, Chen Hao is a very good person who speaks well and bullies. As long as it does not involve the principle of serious filming, he is like a good old man. Everyone is used to bullying him. He also accepted it, but suddenly a change came, and it still shocked everyone. Zhou Dongyu's behavior was not exaggerated.

Everyone's attention is directed to Xiao Di. As the closest person, you should know what his temper is.

Xiaodi lowered his lips forward. "I don't know. He never lost his temper with me. I've seen it for the first time, but the play ..."

When it comes to drama, everyone frowns. Although I haven't watched the script with complete confidence just now, the plot revealed inside is already clear.

The TV script of "Little Age"?

Just kidding, except that the actors are these people, the whole story has nothing to do with "Little Times". In addition to the name, a group of people still use the name set in the movie, and the character is somewhat left over. But the whole story, even It turned into a story similar to the crossing, no longer an urban emotional drama, and an adventure drama series. There was even a lot of interspersed content in the "lost" content, which was completely different from the script of "Little Age". Just add a bit of a plot at the beginning and end, this is all about selling dog meat.

As the two deputy directors said just now, this whole planning case seems to be fine. A few of them are not newcomers. I have seen such things. Then, I will throw the pot to the screenwriter and to the unknown director. The person who made the last profit was still profitable.

Any real actor with a dream of acting, in the face of such a script and such a plan, will only come up with two words in his heart-nausea.


Reception room ~ ~ Dressed from top to bottom and revealed the temperament of the whole person, Zou Qingkai, a child of a wealthy family, was sitting with a young man of the same temperament, talking hotly, Sitting next to him are a man and a woman, who are smart and capable in the workplace. There is a stack of documents on the coffee table in front of them. At first glance, they are in charge of the professional field. You need to talk about the business process, and the other party can find out at any time What you need is not only to tell you with your mouth, but also to show it to you in words.

"Come, Haozi, introduce you, Lao Jin, Jin Feng."

Zou Qingkai is very enthusiastic. Seeing this means matching. The two sides are friends. If you have the opportunity to sit together and make money, it is the best. Friends and friends are better than strangers suddenly forming a partnership.

"The sky was made by him. He has overseas funds and is very powerful. This time we got our copyright and made a TV series ..." Zou Qingkai introduced enthusiastically. Chen Hao shook hands with this Jin Feng. The atmosphere at the scene was slightly awkward. Zou Qingkai frowned secretly, Hao Zi usually is not like this, will not face so open, is there anything wrong? Or did someone get stuck in this incident?

Zou Qingkai glanced at Chen Hao, nodded his head with Jin Feng, and pulled Chen Hao who was also interested in talking outside alone to the door.

"Haozi, what's going on?"

This brings a little bit of resentment. He is also a good-looking person. It seems that he has no face at all in this situation.

Chen Hao sighed, afraid of such fear, "Lao Zou, are you really ignorant, or are you confused?"

After asking Zou Qingkai a question, he turned his eyes and realized that the only problem was the planning book. When he helped matchmaking before, he checked it and confirmed that there were no real grudges between the main characters on both sides. .

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