Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1147: Mixed reputation

Chen Haoren was in Los Angeles. His personal phone in the office and the personal phone between his pure friends and relatives did not stop calling and messaging that night. In some groups, Qiu Yu was there to help. On the night, the information in the group had been exploded. One or two minutes were one or two thousand.

Many of the private WeChat messages are unread. Many people called him directly. The shocking effect of this film was too strong. I believe he could produce a good work, but he never thought that he could shoot it. Such a crazy work is totally unimaginable. There are congratulations, complaints, puzzlements, and release of resentment, stink boy. How many people will lose sleep in your movie tonight? Do you know how many people in this movie can cause fear and fear?

In the filming of "Into the Division," Chen Hao was not as old as before and did not go to sleep peacefully. This night until noon the next day, he was waiting for data from various parties.

It's really the first film made entirely by his own screenwriter. He doesn't have much ambition to say that this film can catch up with the great screenplay given by the system, but he won't be arrogant and fight for the best foreign language film of Oscar. It is the goal to win awards at some international film festivals.

At the box office, he doesn't expect much.

Word of mouth, if such a film can reach the same level of praise, it is tantamount to success.

The attendance rate in the second half of the night was very poor, and good attendance was not allowed in the original time period. In addition, after the audience of the first premiere came out, if asked by others, he was advised to look at it during the day, except for some Few people who think that they have the courage to fear are really watching the show at three or four in the morning.

After entering the screening room, the viewers will find that there are ten or eight people watching. Everyone likes a relatively relaxed environment. When the large screening room is so small, everyone will find a place where there is no one around them. Sit, wait until the movie is played, and in the early hours of the show, everywhere in the world, there really are scenes where the viewers are scared to leave the cinema, and then the attractive plot, and they can't help fleeing.

Everyone is accustomed to Chen Hao showing you a big breakthrough point in a subtly flat and water-like plot. In the past, I have watched the addiction. Now I definitely look at the fear. Chen Bin's behaviors of course can make men excited, but this movie Some of the pictures in it definitely have the strength to let you retract.

As usual, the media will broadcast the feedback to everyone as soon as possible, and will present various topics that are hotly discussed to the audience, but this time at noon the next day, there will still be two or three kittens. It seems that they are afraid of saying wrong, and some people do not know what to say, and want to hear what others say first.

They are all waiting. Everyone is afraid that they will come up first and say something different from everyone else.

Other films have traces to follow. You can follow the context to see clearly what the film wants to express, and then say it clearly to everyone. However, you will find that you have several perspectives to interpret this film. The films interpreted from one perspective are completely different. If you haven't seen them, you will feel that you are not talking about the same movie.

In the simplest way, there are two extreme cognitive answers.

Looking at this film from a normal perspective, the family has already violated the bottom line. They should be punished for their crimes, no matter what the reason, there is no reason and need to explain, and what they should bear.

The best part of this film is that there is no vague concept, wrong is wrong, right is right, not sensational, but you need to stand in a different perspective to see, and you have to do it in the perspective of the protagonist ’s family, knowing that you must do it right. Only in this way can I protect what I want to protect. Wrong. I didn't feel that I was right. I just want to cover up what I want to cover up. It's that simple.

If you were Chen Bin, what would you do? Regardless of whether you have that strength and courage, ask if you have any ideas in your heart that you want to protect yourself and your family.

In the afternoon of the media, some online media started to send out some news in a tentative way, and major movie and television grading websites also started voting on ratings, accompanied by the drama in just over two hours Three or four-point evaluation, most of them are still three points, and everyone ’s rating standards are different. The overall score of this film is almost in the middle range. Some people use it for nothing, and some worship this film, but more of them are He thought about sending a film review or short review, and then giving a three-pointer. He didn't know how many points should be given.

Good or bad.

There seems to be no way to define this film in this way. You will say a lot, you will think a lot, but you have to use one sentence to define whether the film is good or not. It ’s like when you walk out of the cinema and other viewers ask you if the film is good, you will turn your head If you think about it, you can't find an accurate word to answer him, you can only say that this film is hard to say, let's watch it yourself.

Compared with the previous "The True Story of Forrest Gump", this time is really hard to say. The angle of one's appreciation and the angle of judgment of right and wrong are different. Some people who read "Into the Master" directly ask for the dark side of their hearts. People think that this is real life.

Chen Hao had a simple interview in the afternoon. Facing the media reporter ’s expression of excitement, his inner excitement calmed down. The facts of these ten hours told him that the new film "Entry Division" was successful, even if it could not be achieved. The achievements of such great films as "Shawshank's Redemption" and "Forrest Gump", but as a controversial film, all the effects it should have obtained.

After the interview, others left Los Angeles and flew straight to Modu. They wore blindfolds all the way to sleep directly above Modu, and were awakened.

The first thing he did after getting off the plane was the mobile phone information Qiu Yu showed him. There was a one-day box office for Northwest Division in North America, which would pass 10 million. This data looks inconspicuous, but the effect is It was in North America that the screen number of the film was increased. Twenty-four hours later, hot discussions and hot news also began to pop up. Like ratings on the Internet, this film was once more popular than "Ah "Gan Zheng Zhuan", but word of mouth is mixed reputation, before all are one-sided discussions, everyone lively also feels boring, without the stimulation of opponents, there is no more crazy counterattack.

The evaluation of "Into the Division" is polarized. This time, there are opponents and it is also stimulated. You and me come and go. The comments under a post on the Internet are mutually conflicting with each other. No one is willing to give in. Today's black powder is also The level is good, this opportunity is so good, keep up with the team and Haomen, a bunch of guys to fight for a good fight, you say it is good, we say it is not good, all are justified, see who comes to the end Can get more support.

What is the truth of speech?

People are moving in clouds, so many people have spoken, not just the truth has become the truth.

Chen Hao put aside the mind of "Into the Master". Without the mainland box office, the statistics at Huaxia are slower. The box offices of Xiangjiang and Baodao are good. This film was released in North America for one day. After investing, you must know that the construction of the side street is not included in the investment. After that, it will be turned into an inn. As a filming site, it will become a unique scenic line in the overall scenic area of ​​the lost city in the future.

The group boarded a Toyota Coster, which was modified, and could only take eleven or two people, with independent comfortable seats, and fresh fruit was prepared for him on the car's lifting table. The car refrigerator was also full. Some drinks and some fine pastries.

From Modu Airport, straight all the way to the film and television city more than 300 kilometers away. On the way, Qiu Yu specially sat in the front co-pilot position, and the front and rear blocks rose to answer the phone processing work ~ ~ So that the boss will not be disturbed. From the time of getting off the plane, the mobile phone has never stopped. People looking for the boss are in line to call. After a few years with Chen Hao, Qiu Yu already has enough experience on how to deal with such things. .

The person sent to pick up the plane sat at the door and saw that Chen Hao had no intention of chatting, so he chose to shut his mouth, except to glance at the other side from time to time, always silently watching a Jackie Chan broadcast on TV. old movie.

Chen Hao, Kang Yan, and Chen Gang read it with interest, and from time to time they will discuss two sentences. Like many ordinary people, there is no difference. The person who picks up the plane, when he sneaks the sight, his inner thoughts are one after another. This is the famous Chen Hao. At present, Huaxia is truly a man who is a world-class superstar. He also eats fruit, eats pastries, and watches movies. When I talk or talk with people around me, this is no different from ordinary people.

The idea was fleeting, how could it be no different. The crew of "The Great Tang Ssangyong Biography" made a lot of preparations to welcome his arrival. He had clearly heard that the director had concerns "I do n’t know if Mr. Chen can Come."

At that time, Chen Hao was one of the big guys in the play who promised to make a guest appearance. To this day, "Dang Tang Shuanglong Biography" was a success, and it has become one of the most successful season-broadcast domestic TV dramas. There is enough space for the entire plot to follow the original script. Finally, it is time to reach the big plot of Tian Dao Song Que. At this time, go to see the success of "The Great Tang Shuanglong Biography". Compared with Chen Hao's development in the past two years, it is completely Trivial, will people come again? Even if it comes, will it arrive on time as if the contract was signed?

On the crew side, they are all ready to wait indefinitely. You have n’t urged them. There is a lot of excuses for them to come anytime-"Into the Division" just released.

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