Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1149: Success is no accident

Li Meijuan was lying on the sickbed, facing Chen Hao, who played her son, and Chen Hao wiped her tears for her. She held her son's hand tightly.

Come back home.

"Actually, the point of the play is already on the point." After several years of experience, Dongge is already a professional and said the play in a word.

Everything is for the home, in order to be able to protect that home and prevent anyone from damaging it.

Ke Er has his own opinion: "I like the picture at the end. The appearance of Wang Lihong is also great. I really learned another trick. Choosing an actor is very important. A supporting actor can choose a suitable actor. It played a surprising role. However, your daughter in the play is really cruel. The character set is almost set in the mainland and it is difficult for you to release it. "

"Detective in Chinatown." Li Yifeng clicked Ke Er aside. Indeed, at the end of the first Chinatown investigation, the girl's reversal, although there is no such comprehensive description in this play, but if you use Chen Hao Relations to work, this is not the absolute reason why this drama cannot be shown in the Mainland.

"Many people on the Internet praise the good performance of Teacher Meimei Juan's mother. I still feel that no matter how many plays, Liu Miao's role is the only one in the whole show that can be put together with Chen Bin." Sunny rarely paid much attention Outside of things, her love of movies and TV shows is very intuitive. It just looks good to my heart. I just face it as an entertainment activity and don't delve into it. This time facing Falun Gong She, for the first time, she took a deep look at the kernel. If Chen Hao hadn't come back to film in the past two days, she planned to finish the film herself and then go to Xiangjiang or Singapore. Go and see it again.

With a smile in Chen Hao's eyes, he gave a thumbs-up to the sunny day: "I don't deny that the intensity of the performance of Teacher Meimei Juan really exceeded my expectations, but Lao Xu's performance was even better, and I also poured in my role. More, to be honest, I have no doubts about Teacher Meimei Juan. I was worried about Lao Xu when it was filming, but her efforts will not be wasted. "

Everyone didn't answer his words. Some words were the only ones he could say. Others would offend a lot of people.

This film was not released in the mainland, and it was released in Xiangjiang and Baodao. In terms of investment production and distribution, Chen Hao had moved his mind. This film fully met the selection criteria of the Golden Horse Awards and Golden Elephant Awards.

Efforts will not be given in vain, and other Chen Hao dare not assert, but this performance of Comrade Lao Xu was a guarantee for her to get a film, such as the Busan International Film Festival or some small-scale international film festivals. It is not impossible to get an international film for her. The little actor playing his own daughter won't have too much pressure to win a best newcomer award.

At the end of this year and the beginning of the next year, everyone here realized that it would be a crazy awards season. Last year, "Shawshank's Redemption" was placed outside the domestic awards. This year, "Forrest Gump" is bound to be rejected. Outside the door, there is no reason to refuse.

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes turned to Chen Hao, this guy wouldn't be intentional.

He will not deliberately intensive the last two films, the purpose is to make "Forrest Gump" appear in domestic awards.

"Into the Division" is strongly released, don't mention the box office, let alone word of mouth, don't discuss the things inside, just show the acting skills, put the influence alone, at least in the country in Southeast Asia, and the film can compete with it ? Not to mention that this is still half a year in April. Seeing this film, which director is still confident that he has passed it, instead of letting him stand out, let Chen Hao fight with his left hand and compete with his left hand. As for "Forrest Gump Will the foreign actors in "" attend the awards ceremony in China? Shouldn't Chen Hao consider it?

When I first met Chen Hao this time, I felt that he was still the same as he was before. He did n’t have a shelf and did n’t take out his superstar status. He also always talked to everyone on a channel with a rhythm, and never said I would use some 'Leading' in your attitude to speak with a little preaching tone, which makes everyone feel extra comfortable, but I haven't felt it yet. When everyone starts to revisit his achievements, he feels comfortable. He became more and more intense, and asked himself, in the alternative, he would never be able to do so.

The more you think about it, the deeper you admire Chen Hao.

In the early morning of the next day, at 9:30 in the morning, everyone gathered to rehearse how to cooperate with Chen Hao's filming. The big star must be in a hurry, and the surrounding small supporting actors and crowd actors are absolutely allowed to go wrong here .

At half past nine, when everyone appeared on the set, Chen Hao was already there. Not only were the people, even the makeup was done, and the costumes were also made. Everyone knows that he arrived yesterday. This must be What time does it start in the morning?

When "Dangtang Shuanglong Biography" was just filmed, everyone was still worried that Chen Hao could play the role of Tian Dao Song Que. Can such a young idol actor act as a peerless martial artist?

After two years of hard work, no one will have this doubt. In "Into the Division", Chen Hao successfully played a man in his forties. Everyone not only questioned his role in playing Tiandao Song Que, but also filled with expectations. It is expected that the sky knife he plays can perform the image of a nearly perfect mature man described by Huang Yi.

Domineering, unparalleled arrogant temperament, he can carry all the things at home, be the best haven for his family and his subordinates, and follow the direction of his fingers to fight and expand. You will be at ease, even if it becomes a land of open territory Victim, you will feel enough for this life.

Infatuated and at the same time care for the family, all his coldness and ruthlessness is just a weapon to frame the image and strictly govern the family. You never need to worry about being bullied outside by yourself, and no man will stand up for you.

Wise, really possesses great wisdom, knows how to choose, advance, and retreat, as well as self-scrutiny, and is able to understand how to endure trials. Such a man is scary enough, but he also has an extraordinary vision to select heirs, and not eclectic. The selection of talents, even if someone like Kou Zhong, is willing to give it time to develop, once it has reached the expected value in his heart, I really dare to put all the net worth on each other, you go fight, I will stand by you Behind, to be your last barrier, to defeat, I also let you have a way back.

Such a man has few plays, and who can show its complete image, especially under the face of the peerless strongman, he himself does not deny the weakness, but also the weakness of his entire 'group'-it is better to be partial. Without some basic qualities of hegemonic weather, if there is a good leader, this situation may be reversed. Song Kui confesses that he is not enough in this regard. Perhaps this is the biggest shortcoming of a family man.

Does Kou Zhong have it? Kou Zhong also has, but he may have a path of luck and fighting spirit to open a blood path. However, he encountered a truly powerful and peerless king Li Shimin. In the book, Li Shimin is not necessarily a hero, but if he is All monarchs who dominate the world have the same qualities.

When it's time to be cruel, you can hit anyone.

Song Que couldn't do it, so he didn't become the one who rushed out of Lingnan. He held the knife in the hands of Kou Zhong, and he was sitting behind the town himself. Even if all of my generals were taken out, he was defeated. The Lingnan I am in will be your rear.

What should Song Que, a very talented guy, look like?

The characters in Huang Yi's pens are more important and have a temperamental temperament. They don't focus on embellishment in appearance. The crew has asked Chen Hao for opinions. He has sent three drafts of the character design. Every once in a while, there will be A change ~ ~ There are eclectic short hair played by sunny day, many styles do not need to follow history completely, only the historical character crew will be more rigorous.

At the beginning, two horns flew white hair, and an area was white hair, mixed with black hair. Many movies and TV series have used this design, and it seems that the old man is full of flavor.

The second version of Chen Hao abandoned this idea, including the appearance of his body has become a lot of low-key.

By the third edition, Song Que's hairstyle was completely black, and she was dressed up unconventionally, and her hair was unconventionally. If you look closely, you will find that between these black hairs, there are one or two gray hairs.

The sky knife in his hand is no longer a gorgeous prop. One version is simpler than the other. The knife in Song Que's hand is the sky knife, even if it is a large ring knife in his hand. It is also the unparalleled sky knife in the world.

The color of the clothes was cyan, and Chen Hao completely forgot the image of the sky knife in the novel. He wanted the image of the sky knife in his mind. A little something was added under the clothes to slightly support the whole figure. The blue shirt was long. Outside of the gown, wearing a black and yellow Chinese dress, the beautiful pattern has a very unique look and feel. In that turbulent time, it doesn't matter that the golden yellow is surpassing. As his identity, anyone who sees his costume will not feel that he is surpassing.

Hair bundles, neatly combed, and a few wrinkles dotted around the corners of Chen Hao's eyes and brows add a touch of vigor to this bundle of hair that doesn't seem to fully show his handsome side.

The whole makeup look did not show the domineering side of the sword. When Chen Hao turned around and gave birth for half a minute, he turned around and walked to his chair and sat down.

This set of actions, smashing clothes, walking, the whole person did not frown and stare at each other, the facial expression did not change much, the eyes and actions will belong to the momentum of the sky knife, fully presented.

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