Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1159: The total box office of Movie History 9

Chen Hao scratched his head: "Can I count it as an axe?"

Deng Chao leaned back and made a look to listen to his ears in the chair: "Do you know what would happen to the program team if you say this when the machine is not withdrawn?" Didn't wait for everyone to guess, He himself gave the answer directly: "The show crew will be willing to put a check in front of you again, let's say, Mr. Chen, as long as you say this check is regarded as an additional reward."

With the opportunity to record, Chen Hao's words may become hot search headlines.

The atmosphere is also very good. Chen Hao was willing to say a few more words and make more mistakes. The reason was that his father Chen Yuanping instilled in him when he was very young. Now he is not afraid to say something wrong, but he is too lazy to argue with others about what is right and wrong. After so many years, he knows that right and wrong are just what one thinks in his heart. It is a very immoral thing for you to change other people's thoughts.

"Continuous innovation in technology will make shooting more and more technical. I do n’t like it. I still like more real things, and if I want to use real things to impress others, I have to show better pictures with higher difficulty. In the future, a science fiction blockbuster may only require actors to put a film on their bodies to virtualize your people in a 3D stereoscopic way. You do n’t need to go to the movies to make a movie. The movie, it ’s more like the anime we watched from childhood to a more realistic film. "

"Today in the film and television industry, polarization seems to be something that everyone is pursuing. Either the technology is constantly updated to present more exaggerated and exciting visual enjoyment, or the film is used to present more true stories. In the future, it seems that it is impossible to match the voice. The dubbing will gradually become a past tense. There will be good technology to filter the impurities of the live radio. Even I feel that in the future, in addition to the big scene switch, the movie will continue the script. Shooting is no longer a one-by-one jump shot, but the complete emotional transmission of the actor, a crying scene is not as beautiful as you cry, what are your plots and the emotions of the characters here. I showed them all in the crying scene. Everyone is an actor. I believe that everyone can also control the shooting one by one, and adjust the mood before shooting. But if these things need to be done by actors, The crew has erased it. The actor doesn't care about anything. It just enters the character again and again, according to the character's life and the development of the story. I feel better ...... "

Chen Hao seems to be a bit off-topic, but you can turn your head back and think about it. The two or three minutes of "Into the Master" are all about makeup, even the TV series thinks this is a waste of time. In this movie, however, Didn't make any audience think that it was a time-delaying behavior. In the three minutes, we all took it very seriously. The real changes, from Chen Hao ’s facial expressions and movements to Xu Jinglei ’s makeup, one emotion was shot three at a time. Minutes, everyone ’s praised Xu Jinglei ’s acting exploded. This is a fact. But can you dare to say that there is no relationship between shooting techniques?

From the "Into the Master" chat to the movie, tonight, the six were truly a big analysis of the industry they were engaged in. Without outsiders, without a lens, what they said can also be counted as wine talk. It is not important to be right or wrong. It was everyone who shared their own experiences and ideas with each other. There was no so-called politeness, and all these crown saccharification words were completely thrown away, so to speak generously, including to Xiaodi, Teacher Chen was very sincere and sincere. Said that there was no concept of her performance in the past. Like all beautiful boys and girls, the circle needs such a bright and beautiful, this is part of an inevitable ecological chain, purely acting theory, the setting of idol drama is specifically for What they have prepared, besides that, if they don't make good progress, they can't control even the most ordinary romance dramas.

This is not a trivial matter. Teacher Chen also said frankly that Xiaodi's progress in the past few years has been very obvious. Starting from "Charlotte's Trouble", she has played a role as the goddess of the school flower. "Little Age" is already a model of this kind of play.

Chat about Deng Chao ’s favorite comedy, talk about Sun Ye ’s more successful era drama, talk about Chen Hao ’s works along the way, and then six people chat happily, put on clothes to Chen Hao and Xiao Di ’s courtyard, in the yard, in the partition Under the moonlight on the top of the glass, and brewing tea, Deng Chao also deliberately made a few candlesticks, saying with a smile that it was called Bingzhu Yeye Tan.

In life, there are occasionally three or five friends who know how to talk, and get together to talk about the last one, which is a very bright node in at least one month of busy work and life.

The shooting of the show also gave the six people a feeling of staying tonight. For the rest of the time, enjoy the two-person world. The eleven-day journey ends here. When they finally leave, no matter whether there is a lens I really feel reluctant to shoot and have already lived out of feelings. If this is not a supporting product of the leisure villa, Chen Hao intends to spend money to buy this house, even if he never stays in the future, occasionally come here and turn around, I thought of living here for 11 days and 10 nights.

After getting on the bus, the filming ended, but the journey did not end. At the magic city, Deng Chao and Sun Xun did the best of landlords. The six of them met again in their home. Then they parted ways. Yan Jing, the work is about to resume after a short break. Chen Jianbin's new movie will be filmed soon. Jiang Qinqin will also officially resume the show. As for Chen Hao and Xiao Di, needless to say, the work is full every year. It ’s full, and the agent team has been busy over the past ten days. In response to invitations from all parties, balancing the allocation of various working hours, especially Chen Hao, the invitation of major film festivals makes the company very difficult. The domestic film festival is not good at rejecting. There is no good reason for people to think that you are now ignorant of Chen Hao's domestic film awards. It is even harder to reject foreign film festivals. The smaller international film festivals are good for you. Even Chen Hao's star entertainers are not there, and I still want to invite him, and I will reply to you when I have time. The larger film festival is a show of the actor's international image. If you do n’t participate, it is equivalent to Offend, find a good reason is very important.

Chen Hao came back, including Tian Ge, who was relieved. He never thought that he would be busy with entertainment because of the company's specific affairs. The people who spoke to him one by one would never think he would have it in the past. The day of refusal was a good relationship. Nodding his head to owe a good relationship is definitely a very easy thing. Now he dare not agree to it, and can ask for advice without asking Chen Hao. Secondly, the office was piled with invitations, which was the real reason why he didn't dare to accept.

In the company's office, Chen Hao looked at the data just collected.

"Forrest Gump" North American box office of 490 million US dollars, domestic box office of 3.6 billion Chinese currency, the world's total box office of 1.4 billion US dollars, the global movie box office rankings successfully entered the top ten, created in "Shawshank Redemption" created After a good result in fourth place, it is ninth. Chen Hao also successfully pushed himself to the position of world-class film director and actor with these two films, and he is also the best film producer. Two literary films that can make a big break in commercial blockbusters are miracles.

Once, "Titanic" used the core of a love movie to stand out in the commercial blockbuster. It has accumulated 2.1 billion box offices twice in global releases. At that time, there was no harm without comparison. When Chen Hao's two works came out After that, "Titanic" can be crowned with a love special effect blockbuster. The sinking of the ship, the special effect of the entire process is also one of the key points of the success of this film, unlike Chen Hao's film, in "Shawshank Redemption" There are simply no special effects. The technical special effects in "Forrest Gump" can only be regarded as creating a new way, not the characteristics of commercial blockbusters. Because of this, the achievements created by Chen Hao's two films are so horrifying. .

Looking at the data in his hand and the evaluation of some oversized media, Chen Hao smiled. He succeeded in making anyone happy, leaned back into the package of the chair, and turned the page in his hand.

"Into the Division" is close to the next painting. The North American box office has exceeded 200 million yuan. When it is released, it is estimated that it will be about 230 million to 40 million. A Huaxia production can achieve such a result.

Xiangjiang's box office surpassed 200 million, becoming the historical champion of film box office in the region ~ ~ crushing all Hollywood blockbusters.

The treasure box office has exceeded 300 million, which is also the historical champion of the movie box office in the treasure island area.

The rest of Asia is the craziest. It has provided box offices close to 3 billion Chinese currency. This is still incomplete statistics. The time difference between settlement and exchange between currencies makes this data only vaguely reported, but it is vague. The report is already amazing.

Looking at these data, Chen Hao had to come up with the idea that this year is another bumper harvest year. After the two movies are not counted, the box office alone is how much money do they make?

After thinking about it for a long time, the taxation issues in various countries, as well as the proportion of shares, currency exchange, and various possible tax issues. Although he knew his ultimate share in the two movies, it was really difficult to figure out what he could currently do at the box office. How much money is shared.

With his hands behind his back, Chen Hao left his office, in a separate office with a floor-to-ceiling glass wall across the corridor, a working team dedicated to serving him alone. There are staff members under the Finance Department and the Legal Department who usually run on both sides. When there is work here, they are mainly on this side. There are specialized assistants, specialized clerks, and specialized liaison personnel. A dozen people are in a large office, which continues the style of Chen Hao. The office environment is the best for everyone. In normal times, you can relax slightly. Everyone has to tighten the string while working.

When he came over here, everyone stood up, and the two members of the finance team were conducting various calculations and communications with the lawyers of the Legal Department.

The numbers are too large. At present, the relevant personnel of the entire company are performing intensive calculations. The personnel here need to confirm whether the money that finally reaches the boss is reasonable. The figures that have been settled so far are already very scary.

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