Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1169: precipitation

The tomatoes are red.

The cucumber is green.

The eggplant is purple.

From the room serving as a warehouse, Chen Hao took out a bamboo basket and picked the vegetables that can be picked today in this small vegetable garden.

The action is very light and slow, and the vegetables with the morning dew are soaked with water.

When Chen Yuanping and Qiao Xinmei arrived, they barely lived for half a month, and they would feel that this life is no different from home. Such vegetable gardens are in Lianquan Village, no, and are available to every household in rural areas in the Northeast. You can grow a la carte for almost a year without having to buy vegetables, and you can eat it yourself.

Qiao Xinmei: "Nobody is too far away, and I still ran here to live such a life."

The answer is, Chen Hao.

There is no outside hustle and bustle here. He didn't want to have a birthday in his hometown. He didn't mean to conceal his whereabouts. At least in the circle of friends, he didn't conceal it deliberately. Returning to the past, Xu Fan's role in "Party A and Party B" was the point of voicing.

I felt that I should have settled. I got so much from the system in the past. I specifically found a time to take a good rest and made a summary of everything in the past.

Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, I cultivated myself every day and felt very comfortable. I took a small bamboo basket and left the yard. I followed the steps at the foot of the mountain all the way up. After a hundred steps, it was the gate of the temple. , Walked along the Kushiro road on one side to the backyard, and encountered several small Sami all the way, each of them familiar with each other in their own way to salute.

"Master Hui, this is a vegetable that has just been picked." In response to the Amitabha Buddha slightly bowed, Chen Hao passed the bamboo basket in his hand to a monk in his thirties.

"The donor invited to dinner at Zhaitang. This morning's tofu is freshly ground and very tender."

"Thank you Master Hui."

On the first day he came here, Chen Hao fell in love with the fast-food in this not-so-famous temple. It was simple but presented in the freshest way, although light but satisfying the taste buds. Although he doesn't lack the capital to add incense money every day, he still likes to make things easy, which will make him feel more pure.

Stir-fried tofu, a dish of pickles, and porridge buns.

The taste of Zhaifan unique to this temple is much better than some large temples. Chen Hao eats all the monks in the temple. He eats breakfast and most lunches here every day, and dinner is at his own. Eat something else in the room.

He is not fasting in the bath, but he really feels delicious. He picks up fresh vegetables and eats them. He eats in such a truly tranquil environment, and his mood affects the taste. What he appreciates most here is that he is not pretentious. .

There are modern appliances, there is a big TV. Every night, monks will gather to watch TV, and they will find ways to make a profit. They will also go down the mountain and give some guidance to the guests who are willing to spend money here. There is also a mobile phone in the temple. However, the most comfortable thing here is that in the temple, all monks live purely. After a while, Chen Hao can observe that there is no behavior that makes people hate.

After eating Zhaifan, Chen Hao went to the side hall next to the front hall, found a place near the door, took a futon dish, sat down, closed his eyes, smelled the scent of the forest mixed with the smell of mountains and forests, and listened to the monks making early Recitation of lesson.

When he first arrived, he followed the Bugu team to practice, and after a long time, he gradually fell in love with the feeling in the temple. He did not practice the Dharma and did not discuss the meaning with anyone, just sitting here, Don't bother others and don't want to be disturbed, sit quietly, time is of little value to him at this moment.

With his eyes closed, no one knows what he is thinking. He sits very stable. When the sunlight gradually covers the part of the side hall from the projection of the main hall, the morning lessons of the monks are over, and many monks will subconsciously glance at Chen Hao who is sitting there. For a long time, I know that this donor is not a believer in Buddhism, but this does not delay the monks' recognition of him. Sincerity is the most important. Chen Shizhu is a person who can really calm himself down, otherwise he will exceed two a day. Hours of meditation have never been seen among ordinary people, especially very young ordinary people.

It feels very, very comfortable to let yourself go, to leave your mind blank, to think about nothing, and your body to have enough memory to maintain a sitting posture. There is nothing to feel blank. It is not blank when you feel it. Until you open your eyes, a very comfortable feeling will emerge from the inside of the body, and you will feel refreshed. This is really comfortable.

Take a deep breath, and then slowly spit it out. You have to say that this is a stale breath. It is simple to just breathe out. Stand up and slump a few times. Chen Hao slowly left the temple and walked along the mountain road. Going down, you will meet tourists down the mountain, everyone just nodded and smiled as a greeting.

To come here, the first condition is that you have a very good economic foundation. The small courtyard here costs over 1,000 yuan a day. The daily necessities and lifestyles here are costly. You have to clean up this year. Have sufficient economic capital; then you feel that you live higher-end than others, and the spiritual world feels that you are not the same as ordinary people. You look at ordinary people with a glance down and do not consider yourself an ordinary person. It is not open to traffic, and I can live here for a while. It is not unusual to say that eight of the ten are not chasing the stars. The remaining two do not feel how the stars are. They greeted each other when they met. A word of help to keep secrets, will not go out and talk nonsense, not to keep their promises, but to feel that they really want to go out and say something is a kind of blasphemy against themselves.

As soon as he returned to the yard, Chen Hao saw two figures coming from a distance. One was carrying a large rucksack. It was not open to traffic and there was only one dirt road. When the site was originally built, the dirt road may still be open to traffic. After that, a mountain The landslide covered the outer section of dirt road and was never repaired afterwards, forming a very unique enclosed space here. Chen Gang and Kang Yan went outside to get something, which could have been transported by helicopter. Two people Feeling itchy all over the body is a field training.

No traffic, but helicopters. There is a mobile phone signal here. I really want customers here to meet some emergency situations. Helicopters can arrive in 20 minutes and take you to the nearest county hospital.

"Brother, I helped you tell the outside. It may take a few days to train in a dozen kilometers away. You can go once in a while. Anyway, we are not going to be instructors. It is to destroy the self-confident soldiers. "Chen Gang cleaned the fresh fruits from his back with fruits in the yard. It is normal for the price of the fruits to be 20-30 times higher than outside.

Kang Yan took off his coat, only wearing boxers, a large basin of well water, and wiped his body with a towel. He was sour, and when he heard Chen Gang's words, he smiled at the interface: "Gangzi, you and I can't destroy people. Don't say that people will not let us in. Whoever really enters is not necessarily damaging. "

Chen Gang scratched his head and grinned, and he acknowledged that the first sentence he remembered when he was outside was to never try to challenge Huaxia's soldiers and do not try to challenge the Chinese border. Chen Gang is confident that he is stronger than many soldiers. He also has the courage to dare to work hard. When the battle of life and death meets on the narrow road, the numbers that can be defeated will be greatly reduced. In this matter of the Huaxia army soul, they always believe that Helping the guys really go crazy, one by one, they are like fighting chicken blood, they are obviously 70% fighting power, and they can jump directly to about 90.

Chen Hao rolled his eyelids and continued to lie on the chair, enjoying the sun shining through the gap of the grape rack. For three months, he did not complete a system task. The daily task of creating a work independently has been successful until now. The display is complete. It should be the same as before, and it needs more recognition from "Into the Master".

There is no increase in ability, and no lucky turntable has been opened, but Chen Hao clearly feels that his abilities in all aspects are steadily increasing. Whether it is singing or dancing or other abilities, a few months of precipitation, every day Put yourself in a state of thinking, and the intensity of physical training has not decreased. When the mood comes, you can run into the mountains with Chen Gangkangyan to train some ~ ~ The ability of sports masters is to let All of his sports have the level of professional players. Now he feels that he can already enter the level of elite professional players, coupled with his strong physical fitness, he really participates in some international competitions and he can definitely get a certain ranking. of.

'Male divine temperament' and 'mysterious contagiousness' all add charm, not narcissism. During this time, when Chen Hao performed some detailed performances in the mirror, he clearly felt that when he showed the characters with various temperaments, he was more like a fish. One answer he didn't feel embarrassed to say on his own, the charm value has increased again, and now going out for a concert will definitely charm more female fans.

The biggest gains in the past three months are not these. He has not done any work in the past three months. He has participated in some decisions on the development of film and television works on the company side. In the rest of the time, he completely calmed down and let himself Being in the best state of creation, it is not something that is given artificially without using the system. It is completely regarded as a way to kill time and calmness. It is written, written between, a big image of the universe that belongs to his inner imagination space. The scroll began to appear slowly on paper in the form of text. What he wrote was not typed on the computer. It was written by hand in a stroke, including more than ten story background maps and more than 100,000 words. Biographies (Jane), and finally a chronicle of the timeline of the story on the wall, enlarged with bold fonts.

Imperfect, but it has revealed its edge.

The layman of three months did more than that. During the creative process, the brain hole he had thought of split up. He was really distressed for a few days. Chenming rang a bell to let him divide the brain hole into two. Film language best describes this two-headed brain hole, one is a super special effects science fiction film, and the other is a super brain science fiction literary film.

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