Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1172: I'm back

One o'clock.

In the past, similar training sessions would always wake up the soldiers in their sleeping state.

This training camp also conducted several emergency gatherings late at night. With the in-depth training process, the number of emergency gatherings is getting less and less. The destruction is not the purpose, and it is the real purpose to keep everyone alert at all times.

Suddenly it was changed to this time period, and it wasn't the state where a person fell asleep late at night, and the whistle of the emergency assembly sounded.

In such a team, it is not difficult to see everyone dressed neatly in two minutes, but when the rock in charge of the practice saw the figure standing in front of the door not far away, it was startled. His state at this moment was clearly illuminated and neatly dressed.

In the surveillance command room, the black front and the gray wolf looked at the contents of the monitor and were surprised.

Can not be scary, such a brilliant star, can enter the camp for more than ten hours, do not affect others, do not show their existence, and then silently ask themselves by the standards in this camp Thinking of the many situations that may occur after he came, I did not expect a similar situation to appear, and it looked very scary.

Next, Chen Hao ’s move exceeded their expectations again. He all got up, thinking that he would follow the team to urgently stretch the five kilometers of mountain weights. As a result, after seeing the team set off, he turned back and returned to the room. After a few minutes the light goes out.

Go to sleep again!

It was really unexpected.

There was a hint of fun in Hei Feng's eyes. This big star was really interesting. It seems that his observation on this day seems to be a bit of a little timid.

The next morning, a training session was held. At ten o'clock, the team was assembled. There were 123 men and 13 women soldiers.

Chen Hao was also officially invited to appear in front of the queue. Heifeng first introduced: "I believe you saw it yesterday. Yes, in order to better let you and even us feel the top level of close combat, we specially invited to After Mr. Chen Hao is our assessment officer for the martial arts subjects, what I want to say next is confidential, please do n’t rumor to strictly follow the confidentiality rules after hearing it. "


Hei Feng's words made everyone at the scene froze, and immediately looked at Chen Hao with a very interested look.

"I have watched the video of Mr. Chen ’s fight with the world ’s masters, and I will open the viewing rights of these videos to you later. Here I just want to tell you that Mr. Chen ’s fighting ability is not used in your fist and embroidered leg performances. Previous media Expose the news of Mr. Chen's shooting of the homage to the idol feature film. I am here to tell you that those are true, including the cast-iron wooden stakes. "

Is it all true? These people can't believe it, can people kick the cast iron with clear marks? Just one foot?

Chen Hao greeted everyone with a smile, not deliberately serious but serious, and nodded toward his own rock, come on, I do n’t have any personal grudges with you, but I just use it for those who doubt me This is the easiest way to solve it. Come to me. Others have confirmed that you don't believe it. Then come by yourself. This is the best way.

The rock strode forward, saluting him.

Ten seconds later, the rock fell into the mud. He tried to stand up for a while but failed to do so. The abdomen was painful. Looking at Chen Hao's eyes was full of thriller, he felt that he was looking When it comes to things beyond the scope of understanding, I feel that this is very unscientific and cannot be explained.

When you drop ten times, you can keep up with the speed and explosiveness. The skills will not have much value. Close-up combat always requires physical contact. Unless you punch or kick, the other party will be overwhelmed by you before they react. Once there is physical contact, Chen Hao is basically in an invincible state. The gap between any strong man and him can be described as infinite. Rock feels that he has the strongest body and strength and walks wide open. The way that Daheyi moves to control the enemy, this style meets Chen Hao, and is completely spiked.

With a punch, Chen Hao raised his hand to block it, and the shock force made him stunned. Then Chen Hao lifted a kick on his stomach and received a lot of strength. As a result, he covered his abdomen and used it. After ten seconds of relief from the pain, I stood up, the dissatisfaction in my eyes faded, and I was a little unwilling to take care, or I would not be defeated.

"Let's go together and feel it, Mr. Chen put away a quarter more than he was just now." Hei Feng said, a few minutes ago, this is a word that angers everyone, but there is no such thing at the moment. As a result, as an instructor, Rock has already established enough prestige among the trainees. Everyone knows his strength. He went up and was knocked down. Others did not have the confidence to talk to Chen Hao for two moves.

More than a hundred people hit one, and no one would think about this picture, and thought that it was absolutely impossible. You are no longer strong, you can put down one of your three fists and two feet, and let down ten of your strength. Personally let you down, you should breathe quickly and feel your throat smoke, this is more than a hundred people ...


No more.

Just on the spot, a little snow floated in the sky to help cheer. Over a period of more than ten minutes, more than a hundred people were knocked down, although some stood up and ran up without a face. This wheel battle was enough to shame.

On the other hand, Chen Hao's face doesn't change his heart and his heart doesn't beat. This makes the eager black forward put away his mind of comparison. When it comes to fighting skills, he feels that he can finish-abuse-the other party, but that is meaningless, You are not crushed until he has no power to fight back, even if you give him a few times, it has no effect, but as long as you are touched by him, you are finished, completely unreasonable play, you must admit that sometimes talent is different禀 With a certain strength, it is really invincible.

The purpose of inviting him is to give a small blow to these soldiers who have gradually adapted to the rhythm of the training camp. The training camp is to continuously practice them, constantly squeeze their limits to improve their strength, and finally train them to the strongest. Bing Wang, the approach of strength in the process will make the soldiers give psychological hints in advance-I am almost close to the ceiling, at this position is the strongest Bing King that can be trained, and the rest depends on actual combat.

Let Chen Hao destroy the self-confidence of everyone, that is, let everyone feel that the ceiling has not yet arrived, and then squeeze it to see if there is room for improvement. If the squeeze is successful, these soldiers will go out of this training camp and their strength will surpass the instructors. .

"Fighting assessment, postponed."

With the announcement of the result by Hei Feng, Chen Hao came here to achieve his goal. The man left in the afternoon and returned to his residence under the temple at night.

After half a month, I went again and brought everyone down.

His task was completed, the squeezing caused by the two devastations, the training effect came out, and it would not make sense to squeeze it anymore. Not everyone is gifted. They can be more cautious about their own estimates and the purpose is achieved. Then, don't come back a few times and it really destroys their self-confidence, then put the cart before the horse.

He wanted to take a group photo with everyone to say goodbye. Heifeng said no, he couldn't let them know that you weren't here, so that when they were training, they would always have the power of spurring behind them-not wanting more than a hundred people to be beaten by one person Come on, continue training if you don't want to.

Chen Hao knows that even if he sends back his autographed photos, he doesn't know which department he mailed to, it's only a matter of goodbye. Goodbye, thank you, the patron saint of the motherland.


"time to go."

A rare snowfall came to Wuyi Mountain. Chen Hao received all the manuscripts on the table in a special suitcase. He stood up and carefully picked up all the materials on the wall and put them in the suitcase.

Sunrise and sunset, under the influence of both here and the barracks, he found himself more and more like a regular life, more and more quiet, life habits are slowly moving towards an elderly, he does not think This is a successful practice for yourself. The true practice of success should be the freedom to switch your own survival mode, rather than being bound to a single format.

After taking a break for more than three months, I didn't deliberately say how long I would take a break, nor did I deliberately say when I would go back. This is the heavy snowfall today, the snowflakes are falling from the air, and the temperature here is actually not that high. Low, the snowflakes melt immediately after falling, unlike the Northeast, which will soon be covered with snow. Only a thin layer of snow marks are seen here for more than ten minutes. ~ ~ Melting makes the entire environment appear wet. greasy.

Xuejing's feelings made him suddenly homesick. As soon as his thoughts came out, he closed the manuscript and began to pack up. He opened the door and shouted, "Lao Kang, Gangzi, pack up and return."

When I came, I had a backpack, and when I left, I added a small suitcase with books and materials. After being completely wrapped with a rainproof cloth, I wore two hemp ropes. Chen Gang was behind him, and his backpack was old. Kang's were put together in a large rucksack, carried by Lao Kang.

The three were totally self-willed. When I thought about going away, I didn't want to stay for a minute. After Chen Gang went to go through the check-out formalities, the three were carrying bags, right in the snow, right here. Leave here on a dark afternoon.

First arrived in the temple, delivered all the vegetables that could be picked in the yard, and said goodbye to all the masters. Don't look at Chen Hao who hasn't had too much communication with anyone, nor is he a fellow in the same field. The practice of the month is in everyone's eyes, and it can be done according to nature. It is also a way to reach the other side.

Sincerely send a parting word, Amitabha.

On wet roads, the heavy snow is falling, the normal people will not go out in such weather, especially the environment here. It is no exaggeration to say that the snow is closing the mountain. The three Chen Hao enjoyed this feeling, more unknown. The experience will make you feel different and refreshing. With this strength, why not fear the harsh natural conditions brought by the heavy snow.

When Chen Hao left the mountain for more than three months to live, the award ceremony of the Golden Horse Awards was about to start. This year's Golden Horse Awards invited Chen Hao several times to no avail. The embarrassment and depression were extremely embarrassing. When it was unveiled, everyone knew who was left in the blank space in the most central position.

"Forrest Gump" and "Enrolled Master" almost won all the awards that can be nominated.

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