Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1194: Stop him


"Gump of Forrest Gump" has achieved the highest level of a movie winning a prize at this year's Oscars, and some of the most-watched awards have been collected.

Best Film, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Original Script, Best Photography, Best Original Soundtrack, Best Sound Effects Editing.

Silsa Ronan was very excited, and she came forward to hug Chen Hao and embraced him. The first person to thank him after taking office was also him.

Meryl Streep won't be cheering for the best supporting actress, but also very happy, if it is not the main body of the story, who is the best actress is not necessarily. From another perspective, as an actor, every extra award for an actor is a worthy book in his career.

Chen Hao's best actor is undoubted. If there are a thousand people voting, he can get almost all the votes. Occasionally, the unexpected votes are not on him. It is not because of his acting skills and the role he presents this time. It must be Off-site factors.

In The True Story of A-Gump, the protagonist is A-Gump. Throughout the entire play, he is more than the sum of all the remaining actors. Now that the film has been fermented for a year, everyone is gradually limiting the role of A-Gump to the style played by Chen Hao. At first, no one felt that this role was suitable for him. When the movie was first released, he felt incredible when he saw it. A character with a low energy will immediately have a flash of memory in his mind.

Facts have proved that his strength will change people's established cognition. Today, there are countless great directors and countless good actors in the world. No one wants to remake this movie, and no one will think about it. What if I come to play A-Gump?

This is the great movie, a movie that will not be remakes, and a role that will not be surpassed. Both Shawshank's Redemption and Forrest Gump have similar historical status. The scene at the subway entrance of Marilyn Monroe decades ago, although not a great movie, made a great moment; the clown This character has no instantaneous greatness or great movie background, but the character itself has achieved the villain's transcendence of the classic image.

Clown, Andy, Forrest.

Any actor who has such a character in his life is enough to enter the world's film history. He is not yet thirty years old and already owns three. If he takes a remake of "Into the Master", he will be based on his temper. The adaptation of the script must be approved by him, otherwise he will not accept the film, once it is filmed, it must be a character that is hard to forget and enjoyable.

Too many people looked at Chen Hao on the stage secretly enviously, even he has already met the template of everyone's inner fantasy success, countless young people around the world are proud of him as his idol, and there are even more Many middle-aged people gradually became interested in him and fell in love with his performances. They began to be affected by his personality charm. He did not say that he was a fan, but was following his news in real time.

The awards season is over.

Oscar ended.

A dazzling star that has been rising is constantly emitting light, proclaiming its existence to everyone in the sky, so that more people can see themselves.

Chen Hao, who woke up early the next morning, glanced at the trophy placed on the table with a smile on his mouth. Success can always make people rejoice. No amount of trophies can wipe this happiness out of his heart. .

After taking a bath and ordering a hearty breakfast, Qiuyu pushed in the dining car instead of the waiter, first poured a cup of hot milk for the boss, and has been with the boss for a long time. He has a clear dietary taste and likes to drink. Hot milk, milk and goat milk are all right. Sometimes you have to drink two meals a day. The amount of one liter is the average.

Can eat, drink and digest, and the body is giving back to Chen Hao with the most real feelings, telling him: "The potential efficacy of Jiandan Dan in your body has not been fully developed yet, continue to work hard."

Qiuyu watched him mumble and drank a cup of milk, and poured him another cup. After he got his eyes, he said: "The outside is now spreading, all are telling whether you take the film" Into the Master " The news of the US version, some people said that if the filming will start immediately this year and it will be released this year, and you accept the filming, then the Oscar next year will become very boring. Many companies that have ambitions to compete for awards in new dramas are waiting. The news. "After saying that, he didn't hold back his smile, and showed a proud smile. This is our boss. People can scare others even before they move.

Chen Hao ate a piece of beef: "It's an exaggeration, it's all a rumor that the outside world can't fault it. It's just that there are so many movies produced in Hollywood every year, most of them are commercial movies, even for award-winning movies. Because I do n’t do it or postpone it. Different stories have different focuses, and part of it is the actress who carried the beam. In the end, the sporadic film that may be affected by me is only one year away. A drop in the sea of ​​new Hollywood movies is completely worthless. People from outside will also believe, can you still believe? "

Qiu Yu shrugged with a strange expression. You are so unpopular as a boss. Isn't it impossible for me to make a successful shoot?

Chen Hao drank a cup of hot milk again, declared that breakfast was over, wiped his mouth, and looked at the calendar on his mobile phone: "Xiao Qiu, keep your eyes on. I've been in good condition in recent days, and I won't change places anymore. There are many here. Write a little. Keep your eyes on the time. When the domestic crew arrives at the filming location, we will go back. You communicate well in advance. Although my role is small, I can't mess with the rules of other crews. "

"I remembered."


Going to the floor-to-ceiling window, I saw a huge lazy waist. Chen Hao looked at the city streets outside, and said that occasionally looking out is good for the eyes, which can alleviate eye fatigue. He believed it, but there was no effect when he saw it. No wonder, a pair of eyes that can be an Air Force pilot, and a strong body to support it, there is no such thing as eye fatigue.

In the next few days, there will be a film on the theme of the military theme in the south. The film shows the story of the 1998 flood. The relevant department found him. He also readily agreed. He did not ask the script and the role, and used himself as a guest. Then make a guest appearance, and if you play a supporting role yourself, you will also take the role of supporting role. The country has a call and it is the same subject matter. When he receives the call, he feels the same and has no responsibilities.

Oscar, the stars shine, and more than half of the overwhelming news is concentrated on Chen Hao. He is the most popular artist in the world in recent years and the most popular big star in the world. Everyone understands that after Oscar, he will usher in a round of high-visibility events. The cost of any event is millions of dollars. People who do n’t understand feel that there is money and no place to spend. I do n’t have enough. I really have enough. Why is there no news for Chen Hao after Oscar?

Many media squatted downstairs in the hotel where he lived. They were convinced of the fact that Chen Hao did not leave, and other evidence was nonsense. The assistant next to him would leave the hotel from time to time.

Stop him once.

Media reporters are extremely intelligent. With a look at each other, more than a dozen media outlets knew each other's meaning. They swarmed into the hotel lobby and surrounded Qiu Yu, who had just entered the lobby. He was caught off guard.

"Excuse me, what is MOUSE doing these days? Is he still in this hotel? Many netizens on the Internet are very concerned about this issue, can you tell us about it?"

"Excuse me, has MOUSE left?"

"Excuse me, is there any special reason why MOUSE has been staying in the hotel without leaving home?"

"Excuse me, is he tired? The awards season has been attending various events to promote his image. Now that the awards season is over and Oscar is over, is he giving himself a break?"

There are many different questions to ask, and you can really listen to them and summarize and analyze them. You will find that ~ ~ the actual idea of ​​these questions is one—tell us what Haozi is doing?

Qiu Yu laughed: "Don't worry, this is not a secret, and there is no meaning to hide. The boss is creating new works in the room. These days, the condition is better. Wen Siquan Yong, stopped the trip, he Nothing, thank you for your concern. Please look forward to his new work, he will not let everyone down. "

"Excuse me, what kind of new work ..."

"Excuse me, when will the new work be released ..."

"Excuse me ..."

Qiu Yu smiled and thanked everyone and then crowded out under the **** of security, walked towards the elevator, all reporters immediately raised their microphones, and there was no order, and they shouted eagerly to interview him. The purpose of shouting was One, hope he can hear what he is shouting, and then answer his own question.


Qiu Yu who walked into the elevator shook his head and exhaled. He saw this scene a lot. He had to accompany the boss through the media square with him many times every year, but the protagonist was his number but once. Nor did he, for the first time, be pursued by the media so closely. He now admires his boss more, and can still have such a good mentality, how powerful a person is to have that mentality.

Stop him!

There is no helicopter apron at the top of this hotel and he can't get to the sky.

Blocking Chen Hao, he is now full of news selling points. We have to wait for him. When he leaves, we cannot easily get him in the car. We must ask a few more questions.

In just one day, all these media carrying cameras have become strong and strong, and reporters holding microphones for interviews have been changed to men as much as possible. It is not necessary to stop MOUSE for an interview on the basis of beauty. If possible, then we choose the most primitive way.

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