Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1199: A force that cannot be ignored

"The" Jedi "was released in China, showing weakness to Chen Hao."

"Meghan Fox has completely become a block of insulators, and she will lose more if she gives up" Gump of Forrest Gump. "

"The quality of the film is average, and Universal has shown Chen Hao a white flag."

"Universal offers 20 million + box office share, sincerely invite Chen Hao to join the new film plan!"

"The" Jedi "entered Huaxia in a way that was spurned by thousands of people, with the intention of showing Chen Hao good!"

"The box office on the first day was bleak, and" Jedi "is expected to be released in China for less than a week!"

A series of news reports undoubtedly stood in the perspective of the winner and followed Chen Hao to review this once-popular film, which would allow Megan Fox to abandon the choice of "Forrest Gump" At the time, even if it was criticized, everyone still felt that she had a certain confidence that the book was not bad and the income was not bad. As a result, she has become a global renunciation and will ignore your existence directly. After giving you enough film, follow The contract fulfilled its obligations, and after the filming, things have nothing to do with you. Presenting Chen Hao ’s behavior like this is undoubtedly putting Megan Fox on the fire and roasting. She can only do it behind closed doors. It's useless to let yourself be temporarily out of sight of the public, and then to scold the world for shamelessness. The reality is so cruel and won't give you any chance to control the right to speak.

Chen Hao made the company's people stare, and the answer passed into his ears within a day, and passively became someone else's pawn. The taste was very uncomfortable.

Haomen's fans shouted to resist in the movie that nobody was interested in. Now the whole world is showing a good white flag, which surprised the fans of Haomen and was extremely excited. There is a sense of pride that I am proud of idols, and I swear to curse Never watch a movie. With the idea of ​​wanting to see it, everyone has given up. We should be more generous, and let's talk about what the film looks like. We don't watch anything else, it's good to see that woman's face of.

The movie ticket that can't be sold, under the change of the mentality of the news and Haomen fans, has ushered in a small peak of ticket sales. In this situation, Chen Hao can only shake his head and smile, he can't call everyone to not watch. Some things ca n’t be done clearly, but they have done better, and there is no irreconcilable contradiction with Global.

"Call Universal and ask for all kinds of aftercare protection, and then the box office share is raised to 7%."

Used as a tool for resurrection, it is natural to recover the one that belongs to him. Universal responded quickly, with a box office share of 6% and a 20 million tablet fee. All relevant conditions shall prevail here. The other party had only one request to announce the news immediately. Lowered his posture and lost a certain reputation, all that was needed was to bind Chen Hao to his own work and make a complete overturn at a time.

There is no need to be justified. The big movie companies also need good product operation. A movie is a product. Use Chen Hao's fame to make this movie profitable. The contribution of China's movie market With a certain publicity effect, it doesn't matter how much the stigma is in the international market. The box office can converge back. Anyway, it must be Meghan Fox, not Universal. This super large dartboard was shot with countless 'arrows'. It was also a gift given to Chen Hao by Universal.

Chen Hao learned that "Jedi" entered Huaxia. After the box office was split, he didn't take much money, so he agreed to the other party's request. Perhaps the audience would spend about thirty movie tickets. At Huaxia, this is just like he can't control the curiosity of the audience to go to the movies, there is no argument that the audience lost 30 to 40 yuan to watch a junk movie.

After watching a movie, I returned to the state of shooting early and late, giving the cast good benefits, and let everyone work eight or nine hours a day. If you go over, you will pay high overtime costs. Chen Hao himself It's still crazy to shoot. Although the actors in the crew have newcomers every season, basically the actors are friends. After bringing some newcomers, they are afraid to be disobedient.

After several seasons of "Lost" were filmed, everyone's tacit understanding became more and more sufficient, and the shooting became more and more handy. Sometimes episodes of this kind of theme require everyone to work together. If a scene can be shot at once, it is not only the actor's In the state, the whole process is not easy to appear wearing pictures. The most important thing is that it is at least several times lower in terms of cost. Think about it. Just record the degree of dirty and sweaty clothes during the shooting of the actor, each time the actor re-makeup and The state of dress before the restoration was a big expense. Now one scene is filmed in one day. In addition to being tired, it is necessary to have a good time, and the effect of the film is very satisfactory.


The lunch break on the set, the weather is getting warmer, and there is plenty of sunshine at noon. In the large scene, I am crawling around for a morning. At this time, I lie in a deck chair, take off my shoes, wash my feet, change my socks, and bask in the sun. Very comfortable.

In the past few seasons, the actors of the happy era have gradually entered the episode. Xiao Di played a villain role in this season, which is quite a test of acting skills. It can be said that Chen Hao specially designed a role for her. Get everyone's approval.

She also learned from Chen Hao. After eating lunch, she took a bath and soaked her feet. There was no wind and warm sunlight. She covered a blanket to let her body bathe in the sun, and passed the warmth of the sun through the blanket. Can be damaged by UV rays.

Looking up, there are people like this around. Some are resting with their eyes closed, some are playing with mobile phones, some are watching the script, and there is rare peace around them. Occasionally I can hear the fourth phase of the "Lost City" The sound of a very large project in the playground was accompanied by some tourists screaming.

Chen Hao walked back from the outside. Before he finished filming the filming in the morning, he had time to take a bath and talk about his feet. He took off the shoes under his feet and took a breath. The wet feeling was really uncomfortable.

"How was the conversation with people around the world?" Huang Bo put his phone down and asked curiously.

A question that shouldn't be asked, there is no pressure on the person asking it.

A question that shouldn't be answered, and the person who answered it was stress-free.

"A lonely heroic movie has a tight rhythm and is not very innovative. It will not be bad when it is done. It is mainly my action show."

Huang Bo showed a look that I knew. Chen Hao was taking advantage of the gap between filming his own movie and going there to make money. Compared with commercial activities, making movies to make him feel at ease. At least the quality of the movie was something he could do. To the supervision and the protection of self-expression, action movies, he also likes to shoot, dare to shout that all action movies are personally in the battle. In the negotiations just now, privately gave tens of thousands of non-remuneration and extra high personal insurance. Huanqiu didn't care to take out another 10 million yuan. The publicity of this gimmick would benefit the film several times over this value.

"I'm talking about a play here, or use our association, so I feel at ease." Huang Bo remembered something and greeted Chen Hao.

Huaxia Film and Television Promotion Association.

Chen Hao nodded: "The power of Chinese filmmakers cannot be ignored."

Huang Bo agrees: "Yes, I looked at the internal notice of the association a few days ago. The external books you choose are all very good books and roles, but the pay is not paid much attention by everyone."

Uncle Ge slumped, rolled over, and lay sideways at a distance, opened his eyes to join the chat: "No so-called membership system, no restrictions for everyone, this is what The most powerful place, I went to the North Film Factory a few days ago. Few people stayed there, and the group heads were much less. Our China Film and Television Promotion Association will always provide a network for everyone. Platform? "

In fact, when Chen Hao returned, the rest of the artist ’s attention was on him. The 20 million US dollar remuneration plus 6% of the global box office share is easy to say. It ’s easy to say. Less than $ 20 million.

Everyone is of course interested in Universal's new work, but this chat seems to be a passing thing about it. Everyone's interest is related to the China Film and Television Promotion Association, which is slowly developing and starting to emerge.

"Yes, there will never be a threshold. Otherwise, it will lose its significance and value. Above, assisting you in docking with foreign jobs will only draw the most basic commissions, even if it reaches the end. A little commission can not support the operation of the entire film and television promotion association. At present, this can only be done, with the main purpose of helping others ~ ~ How big it has been, I haven't thought about it, maybe someone thinks for us I do n’t have that big ambition or so much energy. Even the standardization industry ca n’t do it in three or five years. At present, it is to give more people some opportunities to publish more projects on the Internet. Everyone is free to choose. Give the choosers a little more choice. When it comes to giving artists an opportunity to work abroad, you can do it yourself, which is a stepping stone. "

The real words can make people feel sincere. People around them nodded secretly. The Huaxia Film and Television Promotion Association made it during the time of Xiangjiang. To this day, there is no trace of deviation. I did a very practical thing, gave more young actors the opportunity to group performance, and gave you a way to choose. Whether or not you can get up depends on your own ability.

What skill?

Acting skills, appearance, the courage to really pay for a good performance.

Wet ground, wet environment, in order to create a better shooting effect, "Lost" this season is in a very harsh environment, although there is no ultra-low temperature on site, but the bad feeling from time to time is real, in the wet Beat in the mud, use a stand-in?

It's no problem to use a stand-in, just change the shooting angle. Many big coffees used to be like this in some plays.

At the shooting site of "Lost", it is not really dangerous, such as horse racing or aerial work. There is no substitute. For the sake of everyone's body, we have installed a heating system on the ground under the wet mud. It is only dirty and smashed. The pain will not fall from the root cause. For such a movie, do you need to shoot only your back from an angle? Or do you have to disassemble and shoot for each lens?

The star at the scene, a dozen large group of dramas, even if you have that cheeky, do you think your position will be higher than Chen Hao?

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