Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1212: Exercise heart strength

The relationship with Chen Hao didn't get along well, which means that if there is a second part of this play, the probability that your character will continue to be the heroine is almost zero.

Recently, the feeling of filming these days is very formulaic. Emma Watson's agent thought she didn't cooperate with Chen Hao to shoot the helicopter to pull up the flying scene. In the heart, I also thought that the famous Mr. Chen was somewhat fault-seeking and learned about this. After that, he was so angry that he really suspected that Emma Watson had a problem in her head.

You knock on the door of Chen Hao. It ’s nothing. It ’s good to be successful. It ’s okay to be rejected. Men are always tolerant of women. Being a woman has certain privileges and is rejected by the two of you. There will also be some changes in feelings. When there is physical contact during filming, some strange feeling changes will inevitably occur. When these times are not right, these strange feelings will undergo qualitative changes. It may be better than knocking on the door and entering. , The effect is even better.

But you have chosen the most stupid behavior. It also makes you feel your resentment, and you show it intentionally in the filming.

The broker can't wait to poke the other person's head with his fingers, to see if it's empty inside.

Making the idiot to the extreme is undoubtedly the current behavior.

Looking for various opportunities to ease the relationship, in the end, Emma Watson also knew the seriousness of the matter and began to try to ease the relationship. As a result, the filming progressed to Chen Hao's large-scale action scene, even if she was the heroine. The rhythm is also fast. She barely keeps up with the rhythm every day and has no chance to speak. Now she does not dare to question at all, insists on holding her teeth, hoping that her role in this play will not be affected.

Hollywood artists, it is no exaggeration to devote half a year to a year for a character. Sometimes, for the character's body needs, to gain weight for half a year or lose weight for half a year and shape it for half a year. This is commonplace, read the script, understand Role, deep into the role, many Hollywood film actors do have to be more professional, but this does not include those popular actors in popular commercial films. For nearly a decade, the highest paid Hollywood films are series The heroines and heroines of commercial films are very young actors. They have become popular before they can figure out the doorway. When they can control their income, they will not become popular.

Chen Hao can understand the situation of Emma Watson, but is too lazy to care about other people's affairs. After spending more than a month, his drama was a success, and a gorgeous turn left the crew, and he never had any interaction with him, nor did he. Give it room to relax.

He is gone, there are some make-ups in the play, and there are late stages, but on the Universal side, the heroine has been judged to see you back and stand aside, and the second one has another identity. The modification of the script is far more offensive than the entire series of movies The absolute core of the price is much less.

Here, Chen Hao left the film crew to kill a young man. The next day Columbia Pictures held a press conference. When Chen Hao appeared at the scene, the news coordinates of global entertainment were placed on the press conference in a short time.

Columbia Pictures announced that the US version of "Into the Division" will officially start filming, Chen Hao will continue to play the role of the leading actor, and the much-watched female No. 1 will be played by the goddess Angelina Jolie in the hearts of many people, This also instantly raised the cast level of the entire play to the top configuration of Hollywood, and wanted to reproduce the glory of the Chinese version of "Into the Master" and won success in both word of mouth and box office.

After the press conference was also over, the eyes of global entertainment were instantly removed from "Limited Rescue". Before that, there was Chen Hao. Everyone paid more attention to this drama, and there will be corresponding reports every day. When he left, everyone calmly found that there didn't seem to be anything worth paying attention to in the play. After directly turning his attention, he found that nothing was missed at all.

In the lineup of the American version of "Into the Division", the two main characters have already attracted worldwide attention. Columbia Pictures also said that all characters will definitely surprise everyone, and will definitely make everyone feel that the film has not yet Sincerely, once the filming is started, they are confident that every play they have adapted will bring you different feelings.

In an interview at the press conference, Chen Hao admitted that he had seen the new script and was very satisfied with it. He would be implicitly released. He was surprised at the adaptation of the script. For the actor he played, he was familiar and unfamiliar. It will be very enjoyable, and he is looking forward to playing such a role again.

The Red Dot company has a relationship with Columbia Pictures and gave the latter face. The news of the company's establishment was shifted back for a period of time. The red dot will not turn on until the popularity of "Into the Division" has decreased. journey of.

A new company appears in the industry. The audience will not have much interest or interest. The tricks that make them interesting are the red dots. Chen Hao's new song has been prepared for a long time. A single, a single, is enough to make the world ’s audiences who like to watch entertainment news and pay attention to events in the entertainment industry know that there is a powerful Red Dot company that has included all of Chen Hao ’s overseas business in his pocket.

The news that Chen Hao is a shareholder is far less shocking than Chen Hao's agent being taken by a company. Even people who do n’t know it will think of it for the first time. I ’m going. Which is the best company. When Chen Hao's agent made an appointment, it was tantamount to holding a golden egg in his arms, and everyone would first stare at the company with envious eyes.

The US version entered the first stop of the propaganda division and chose Huaxia. The promotion method chosen by Chen Hao for herself and Angelina Jolie is very simple. Abandoning all related activities. It ’s not a sacrifice. It ’s just a program. Do the publicity of the new movie and focus everyone's attention completely on one point.

Running man.

A variety show that is very popular in Asia. For the first time, it has entered the world's attention. Before that, there were videos of running men on foreign websites. It was to meet the requirements of Haomen overseas fans and let them see idols. I have participated in variety shows before, but the overall awareness and scope of publicity are not as large as expected.

Until Chen Hao and Angelina Jolie made a pre-promotion on behalf of "Enrollment Division", directly claiming that the promotion after the film was shot, they would also choose to have a Huaxia stop, at which time they can also run men or have other sufficient influence This shows that the show of running men has one of the most comprehensive opportunities to connect with the world.

Why choose a running man? Is it because running men is the hottest variety show in China?

Of course not. The only reason to choose a running man is Chen Hao. For which program he designates, Columbia will arrange personnel to contact with which program and be profitable. Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV and running man show groups are willing and willing to spend as much money as they like. Hao Zi is our own family. I have nothing to say. I can talk about everything at home. Angelina Jolie. I have n’t invited a big coffee show of this level from beginning to end, which is the most popular song. Zhongji, but out of Asia, who knows who he is, put it a few years later, and several people still know who he is.

There was a special period of time. After the recording was finished, it would definitely be released in two phases, let alone Angelina Jolie, and Chen Hao had not seen it for a long time. The audience missed it.

The program team arranged this period of running men in Meicheng, the hometown of Chen Hao, which has been selected as a national sanitary and civilized city. The initial choice of the program team was definitely to please Chen Hao, but when he came to this city to inspect, The livability of the city has deeply attracted the staff of the show team. As a small city, several staff members reported that this is the cleanest and most comfortable city they have ever seen. If they let them settle here, they will be very Happy to make such a choice.

Chen Hao flew back to Huaxia with Angelina Jolie in the United States, and booked a direct flight ticket to the magic city. After the magic city got off the plane, he went closer to the location selected by the show group, but he did not expect to choose himself. Hometown, in addition to the game session that will be filmed in Meicheng, has also selected the final name-breaking link at the Wanda Resort in Changbai Mountain ~ ~ On the occasion of spring and summer, the resort is not There are not many people in Tianchi. In winter, there will be very many people who open the ski resort. In summer, the whole venue can be closed for the use of the program group, and everyone can take a rest after the shooting. Potentially important reasons, as everyone knows, sponsorships, running men spent a lot of money to invite big coffees, and of course they have to sell this money to ‘promotion’ in the show.

One after another surprising news came out, and many fans of Haomen began to describe this kind of news reporting in one sentence: "Boss has started to exercise our heart strength again."

Modu Airport first showed the whole world what the overall quality of Chinese fans is. More than 500 fans, wearing neat T-shirts, holding up Haomen's promotional banners and poster lights, with the quietest overall quality, did not start cheering until Chen Hao and Angelina Jolie came out, in The 500-strong team is at the forefront, with a welcome crowd specially prepared for Angelina Jolie, including her fans and Haomen fans.

Fans of Haomen will always love Wuya and Wu, as long as they are actors who cooperate with the boss, we will treat them as their own family. As long as you don't learn Will Smith, we will always support you.

Both of them were ready to make a direct connection at Modu Airport. For these fans, they made a special turn to meet the needs of fans and the media before returning to the airport and taking a direct flight to Fengtian, where There is a more grand ceremony waiting for them. To say that fans at the magic city have met Angelina Jolie. The surprise that fans in Fengtian prepared for Chen Hao really let the whole People in the world have seen what is the cutest person and what is the most **** fan. They can give up their star-chasing behavior for the image of idols. That scene was praised by people a few years later.

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