Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1225: Where did Hao Zi go?

The North American box office is all the way up.

The South American box office was all the rage.

European box office results are impressive.

Africa's box office is also a rare news selling point.

In Asia, it was all the rage. In the era of small meat, occasionally tough guys became popular and their lethality was unparalleled. The "Descendants of the Sun" that year made the image of handsome soldiers all over Asia. Today's "Limited Time Rescue" "Let the image of the home man rise again. The Chinese viewers who watched the film in Xiangjiang and Baodao did not show off the coolness of the film on the Internet, and can blend the cool and the home man. Many people They admit that this is also played by Chen Hao, changing the individual, the whole picture is very harmonious, and I feel that this film lacks some bright points of character.

Big name, big wrist, is also a highlight.

"Limited Time Rescue" has a very good anti-piracy version. It is also Chen Hao. His powerful movements have also made the picture sharp. There are some gun versions in the Chinese mainland that are not clear enough. It will be very unpleasant to see this version. Comfortable, I felt that the film was not as good as I thought. When it was online, it was "decrypted" by some netizens watching movies.

"Brother, you watched it on your mobile phone. You still watch piracy at any age, you ca n’t lose it. You ca n’t go to the movie theater to see this movie. You definitely do n’t have that feeling. You ca n’t feel that every one of Hao Zi is about to break through the screen. Curtain action. "

The film is not 3D, but Chen Hao deliberately punched out some movements along the edge of the camera, or a precise elbow shot, stopped in front of the camera.

After the post-editing, some of these pictures look particularly handsome. Take a look at the movie and take a flick. It's as if you want to punch out of the screen, making you unconsciously flash back backwards. Compared to 3D, relying on technology The immersive sensation of the effect, Chen Hao is more textured. If you sit there and watch a movie, you feel that what you see is different from what you saw before. The texture has increased. But just feel good looking and enjoyable, even if you block Chen Hao's face, just look at his body movements, you will feel extra cool.

A movie that can make people happy and relaxed can be called a good movie. It doesn't have to be a highly artistic and very rich work. As long as simple video art can be liked by the audience, it is a good movie. It's worth having a good box office, and it's worth being praised by everyone.

This kind of word-of-mouth accumulation, when the film was released in Huaxia, came directly to a blowout box office, two days on the weekend of release, the box office reached 300 million, and in the bad time period of the beginning of the school season on Tuesday and Tuesday, you can still have a few Tens of millions of box office, all the way to lock the box office champions, all the way are scrambled to report.

One of the media has the most alternative. They found a topic that directly made their media the hottest media right now. They were on the hot search list, and the media traffic also increased significantly.

"Is it time for the new season of" Where has Haozi gone "?

"We all know that Mr. Chen has a habit. It seems that when the media is following him the most enthusiastically, he always shows us a good show that disappears. When is the time when the media is following him the most crazy? When the new movie was released. Now that our Mr. Chen has no news, it is time for us fans to perform a wave of real technology, find him, and see who will find him first. "

If there are propositions, **** fans of netizens are enthusiastically participating. They are looking for Chen Hao in various ways. If they do n’t find it, they do n’t find it. It does n’t prevent those who are busy making comments on the Internet. They may not even know Chen Hao. Where to post it, just guess, just have fun and lively.

"The boss must have gone out to travel again. Donkey friends from all over the country, look for it, and you will definitely gain something."

"The boss must be traveling abroad. With his temper, the gods of all walks of life, please go to some relatively remote scenic spots to find him, and he will definitely be found."

"He must be returning to his hometown in the Northeast. Brothers in Meicheng, haven't seen the boss, don't disturb the lives of everyone, let's investigate outside, we are waiting for your good news."

"In Yanjing, let's find Xiao Di's schedule. Will the two enjoy the world of two at home again?"

What is hilarious?

A large number of people come together to focus on one thing, and that is liveliness.

Chen Hao didn't know he was working at work. The outside world would find him happy, and even a lot of media participated in it. "Where did Hao Zi go?" This program does not cost much, at home and abroad. On, even went to hot search.

Green water and green mountains, quiet and distant, running in the resort area early in the morning, running along the artificial lake in front of you and a private golf course not far away, I feel particularly refreshed, Yin Tianyang is also a big deal. It is his private resort. Except for his own family, there is no outsider in the entire area. Many screenwriters are considered outsiders, but they are not qualified to connect with electronic products. It is no wonder that the 'Haozi went there' program is hot, but After searching for a week, there was still no news about him.

After running back, I changed into swimming trunks when I entered the room. There is no need to hide anything here. It is a more casual triangle-swim-trousers. More skin and water are in intimate contact. It was a bit cold, and the heating system was not fully effective, and Chen Hao didn't care. He rushed out of it directly and jumped into the water with a very beautiful posture. A fierce man pierced out more than 20 meters and reached the opposite side of the pool.

I got out of the water, shook my head, and let the water droplets on my hair be thrown away. This rush was very enjoyable. I felt that running in the morning mobilized every cell in the body, and swimming made every cell more active. .

Go swimming in a way that consumes energy. After half an hour without interruption, leave the pool for a shower and start a full and full-time job. The most important thing to do is to eat. At breakfast, you will find steak. You ca n’t eat much for dinner like eggs and eggs. Here at Chen Hao, there are two large steaks, six fried eggs, and one liter of hot beef. This picture makes screenwriters yawning to get up for breakfast. Just jīng got up.

"You guys, do n’t stay up late at night, run with me in the morning. Although the script has been finalized and passed today, I still have a request here. I hope you can work with me to see if this situation can be improved. In order to deepen each corner, the drama will not increase, the emphasis on the proportion and the focus of the shooting will not change, that is, in a limited frame, we strive to paint the characters with a clearer character xìng 格 底 sè, let the corners sè It can be better interpreted, and it can make the audience remember ... "

After working together for half a month, the horrors of writers' hearts have been dissipated with Chen Hao's approachability. When they first arrived, they also felt a little coerced, and they were worried that they would encounter more trouble after finishing their work. thing.

After really being with Chen Hao, they believed that this was really a closed creative journey.

Living in high-end resorts, eating and living are the best, and the working environment is very comfortable. Whether you like smoking cigars or drinking, no matter what meals you like to eat, here will satisfy you.

Hearing that he issued a new order, early in life and harsh in work, they did not have any mood swings, Mr. Chen jīng begging for the attitude of jīng, they have met for more than half a month, even the most basic daily The length of the eight-hour work period has been changed. The script that was first obtained was obviously good enough. He still wanted everyone to brainstorm in-depth research, draw on the good suggestions made by everyone, and go from scene to scene. If you think about it, if you feel that it is not prominent enough, then you can calm down and talk about it. How can you make such a plot better or use it instead?

None of the screenwriters are serious, they are all good screenwriters from various countries ~ ~ Good at various styles of works. I got a check of 100,000 yuan before coming. Money is a small matter. Let them on the first day. The reason for the fear was that they saw the weapons on the guards here and knew who this time worked for.

Money is easy to take, work is not easy, and life is lost.

Any of the screenwriters in the "World of Heroes of the Galaxy" show the magnificent worldview, and any screenwriter knows that if it is filmed, it will not be weaker than the Star Wars world framework. Even the emphasis on character display here is more suitable for filming. Good movies, not just computer effects.

What made these screenwriters more moved was that on the third day when Chen Hao was sitting with everyone for the first time, he did not conceal his entire creation. The first one is only a partial story display, and the whole story will be expanded in the future. Many unique things in the script can only be fully developed on the premise of the unprecedented success of the first film. This is also the most essential difference between the script and the script.

The two protagonists, the empire and the alliance, respectively, confront the commanders outside, one is the commander in chief of the high-rise building, and the other is the commander of the small-scale battle DúLì outside the big battlefield. The two seemingly opposing pictures actually constitute the earth together The human society's framework, when it is necessary to unify the outside world, the cheerfulness of the cooperation between the two will be presented in all aspects in the first part of the film.

Looking at the script, it is still a script of this oversized frame. It can be seen without any special effects and is full of blood. The screenwriters present have their own ideals. They are looking forward to a big science fiction movie like Star Wars. What would it be if you could have the best stories and the best characters?

Watching the script is so enthusiastic that by the day when I can really watch a movie, will I be unable to bear the shouts of yelling at the scene?

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