Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1241: The most beautiful show

In a professional studio, several groups of lighting engineers used several sets of equipment to simulate the scenes of the Golden Eagle Festival. At the same time, there were several machines to shoot Xiaodi's state at various angles.

The proportion of the figure wearing the clothes as a whole is proportional to the stage and the lens.

The fineness of the makeup on the face, will there be oil on the skin under the scene temperature and environment.

One by one will show the effects of poses, multi-angle shooting, culling and rest.

Whether the effects of each accessory need to be modified.

Dozens of people served her alone, the purpose was just to make her image as the golden eagle goddess as perfect as possible. This luxurious scene made everyone on the scene secretly whisper. This is the real goddess. Look at the others.

When Chen Hao came out in Tiange's office, he learned that Xiaodi had settled here and followed closely. He watched as the stylist and makeup artist were still adjusting the makeup on her face. The privately-made clothing designer was working on the evening dress. Fine-tune the details after finally wearing her.

From wearing to taking off, Xiaodi was also frustrated enough. At the moment, a loose woolen trousers, a large button-down sweater coat, the hairstyle can not be moved, and it will be worn again after adjustment.

After seeing the makeup artist trying out more than 20 combinations with base makeup alone, Xiaodi felt that he was tired and had no qualification to complain.

Ten years of work, one minute on the stage. This sentence is also completely applicable to her and even many stars. It is not easy for all audiences to call the goddess even shouting beautiful.

Cooperate hard, drink a little warm water when you are thirsty, and drink a little milk when you are hungry. According to the stylist, if you do n’t keep your fitness shape, it ’s not the treatment now, you may need to diet, then highlight Some women's places of light also need to do some assistance, the shape of the hardened and hard-held, where there is a good shape after their own exercise.

The stylist and costumer told Xiao Di that those artificial shapes that are as “perfect” as possible, a lot of cold sweat came out. Before, she felt that she was a star. Now she knows Huaxia when she hears the world-class “artificial shapes”. These red carpet parties are nothing more than pediatrics, and they secretly rejoice that they have always been exercising and shaping, so that today's self is less affected by those sins.

A set of golden eagle goddess dresses and a set of on-site dresses have been kept secret from the outside world. In the past, this kind of thing must be promoted and added to their own enthusiasm. It attracted more attention during the Golden Eagle Festival that day. .

This time the Golden Eagle goddess Xiaodi, no news about this was leaked, only the people in her team knew that for this Golden Eagle Festival, as many as millions were spent on her, and a considerable part of it was I ca n’t invite you to spend money. The top stylist team can pay you, but you can let people serve you alone for more than half a month. Will you be accompanied during the Golden Eagle Day?

The arrival of Chen Hao warmed up the scene. When he hung the jade pendant on Xiao Di's neck, the stylist recognized the jade that was auctioned in the United States just over a month ago and was surprised. It is said that this piece of jade was given to a private collection by a big man. At the time, the price of more than eight million yuan was said to have doubled in less than a week. Later, it was rumored that even if it was doubled, it could not be bought. Because collectors like it so much, they don't plan to sell it directly.

Worth ten million.

These four words immediately made everyone on the scene immune to the fact that Xiao Di's participation in a Golden Eagle award cost millions. It was not a surprise, and it was normal.

It was a piece of jade whose appearance material would be ignored. After wearing it, Xiaodi felt its magic. He had been a little irritable for the styling from morning to night and calmed down.

The effect of calming qi and condensing is not unusual, but it is really amazing to be able to feel the effect immediately. Xiaodi looked at her husband and showed the happiest smile, regardless of many people nearby, also Regardless of the color state of the lipstick carefully painted by the stylist, he offered a kiss to take the initiative to show this well-loved happiness.

"Mr. Chen, this is your dress. It was specially designed to match Miss Reba's dress. Do you have any requirements?"

Chen Hao ’s body proportion data has detailed data from the private custom handmade clothing division. He does it well without having to show up. Chen Hao glanced: "No, I am going to be a green leaf this time. "

I don't know who was on the scene either. He passed on this sentence. In a short time, the fans of the two formed a strong escort, and a 'clear screen' action came directly on the most free and crazy network of public opinion. It ’s so full, it ’s a bit overwhelming, so that those people who do n’t like Xiaodi and even plan to sing the contradiction will be quiet all of a sudden. Do you still need to think about it? You need to think about it. To scold yourself for a meal, what kind of strong mentality can it take?

Chen Hao also fulfilled his promise, willing to be a green leaf, accompanied throughout the whole journey, from Yanjing to Changsha, from attending some events to dress rehearsal, as long as you photographed Xiao Di's place, you will definitely be able to photograph him, all media in Before the awards party came, they had only captured some vague prospects, and they had not really captured the image of the Golden Eagle goddess.

Until the start of the award ceremony, Xiao Di appeared in the most stunning way in front of the audience in the country. Even people watching from afar can not help but exclaim. Today, Xiao Di is so beautiful, all the additional effects that can be achieved plus The high quality of the bottom plate was fully demonstrated on this day, and she was even more suffocating in the TV lens.

When she finished the opening scene, the scene shot the reactions of the stars. The camera was looking for Chen Hao's trace but did not find it. Until some time later, when some non-stage effect screams sounded at the scene, the main shot In the first time, the two people who came out holding hands were locked, Xiaodi in a black and elegant evening dress and Chen Hao in a white dress, and compared her who is now elegant with her who was gorgeous before. The time did not exceed two. Ten minutes, but it is completely presented in two styles.

There is no suspense in the voting results. Chen Hao accompanied him to know the results in advance. If the results did not come out, he would accompany them. It is tantamount to overwhelming people. The result is no suspense. Xiaodi is the most crushed. Popular actress, if "Lost" is still in contention, then the award for the most popular actor will become unsurprising.

In China, there is a private consensus, that is, if the award involves voting, you will be awarded directly to Chen Hao, or you will not put him on the candidate list, or even all candidates The total number of votes must not even be able to see the 'tail lights'.

Throughout the awards ceremony, the televised footage was scanned into the stars below. There is no doubt that the most are Chen Hao and Xiao Di. Others were very 'compulsory' supporting actors, making the organizers helpless. Huaxia has never had such a crushing star. His appearance has changed a lot of the conventions in the entertainment industry. Everyone is slowly adapting in the process of discomfort, because in the past few years, many people who are not adapting have been adapting. Attempting to eliminate this alien species, it turned out to have to adapt.

Very contradictory.

Looking at him in the country, I felt that letting him stand so high alone, his inner jealousy could not stand, he was not convinced, and it was very upset.

Watching him rise in popularity abroad, as a member of Huaxia, that is a pride. When is our Chinese artist the most shining on the world stage? Only now.

In the spotlight, Xiaodi held the most popular actress award, stood in front of the microphone, her eyes were full of tenderness: "I just want to thank one person, thank you for supporting me in silence and encouragement."

"I love you, my husband."

The applause thundered and the screams exploded ~ ~ I have seen a male artist explode in love and confession. Today I changed my identity. For the first time in such a high-profile show in public, Xiaodi did not blush But full of happiness and pride.

Chen Hao stood up, and there was only the **** the stage in her eyes. When she came to the stage, she opened her arms and waited for her to come down and throw herself into her arms. This scene was included in the classic moment of the Golden Eagle Festival. Late the entire Golden Eagle Festival became a stage for two people to show affection. The exposed picture in front was accompanied by Chen Hao throughout the whole process. Xiao Di appeared in the image of the perfect Golden Eagle goddess in the middle, and two people in the back showed a crazy show in black and white. Affection.

They did not bother to search the full screen of attention, and at the same time posted the same Weibo message: "We will choose the best day to host our wedding."

This should be the greatest attention of the media, fans, viewers, and even friends in the circle. The fact is the same. The media is reporting wildly, fans are blessing wildly. The audience is expecting all kinds of guesses. The friends in the circle are blessings after reposting. , The relationship is a little bit better, and then make a good noise.

It is not them who are most concerned about this issue.

The announcement of the two people also means that their wedding will be open to the media, and all relatives and friends will be invited to attend, which has generated great commercial value.

From the time they announced this event, compared to the previous scenario where everyone was crazy about investing, his happy birthday welcomed more than a dozen customers early the next morning. Their arrival meant one thing, even if Chen Hao didn't Making a wedding with a strong commercial atmosphere can still make your wedding a commodity with particularly great commercial value.

According to a preliminary estimate, as long as he does not reject everyone without giving face, there will be no cost for his wedding, only the statement of how much money he can make.

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