Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1250: 1st person

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Several seniors heard this and laughed a lot. Even with a smiling smile, Comrade Huang with poisonous tongues can hardly hide the evil appearance brought by his face: "None of us actually want to admit that we don't have the appeal and influence you have Just waiting for your sentence, there is a block-gun-eye-left thing, we are there, and when it is not your turn to rush forward. "

Everyone is deeply convinced that what is needed is a person with sufficient influence to initiate this call, and the rest is faced with difficulties and troubles. Their age and experience do not lack the courage to rush forward.

It's not for others. I've been in this circle for a whole lifetime. Through various interviews, including Jackie Chan and Andy Lau have experienced the dark age of the entertainment industry. They also unabashedly said those things. Hardship, in fact, is secretive resentment. Why can't you really fight against these bad things to this day?

If it is some irresponsible seniors, anyway, their qualifications are all mixed up, I would not be bullied, and how others can do with me. It must be said that many people who can sit here have a lot of lofty ambitions to open up a new world for future generations.

Drinking, the atmosphere of chat is getting better and better. When everyone's resistance to resistance is hooked up, the momentum of chat also rises. So many people talk about all kinds of troubles they have encountered. It is strange. There are all of them, and it's fair to say that everyone is so surprised. Huang Qiusheng, who is also a poisonous tongue, mentioned a topic that really offends the insiders after everyone raised a glass of wine.

"We ca n’t just agree with the outside world, we must also have an agreed charter internally. Do n’t let our peers dismantle their own desks, make arbitrary prices, and play big names at the event. These behaviors are actually more hateful than external intrusions on us. Establish the correct concept for the media to the audience, otherwise the statement that a movie was paid tens of millions of dollars and was called out of the sky, we have no explanation. "

What he said most deeply was Sun Ye at the scene. After her biography of Zhen Yue, she was revealed that her personal pay was tens of millions. In fact, there are actually tens of millions. But how many episodes do you have to watch and share hundreds of thousands of episodes of TV series? Fame and influence are considered very high, but they are definitely not astronomical.

The media has directed reports. The audience was led to feel that the production costs of a play were all paid to the actors. Sun Yi has not yet explained. Your TV series costs hundreds of thousands. In the hearts of ordinary people, this is no doubt the sky-high price.

Your episode of a TV series is more than 40 minutes long. Ordinary people's cognition is at best. You can take two days. You can earn a year's salary for ordinary people in two days.

Some time ago, Deng Chao posted photos of his wife and children doing homework at home on Weibo. You wo n’t delve into the deep inside. In order to shoot a drama, a good actor, especially such a big For a long drama, prepare for a small period of half a year. The shooting cycle is from half a year to one year. I get salary deductions and brokerage company brokers. The star income is not as high as people think. Later endorsements and some expensive live events.

Huang Qiusheng mentioned those acts that maliciously raised various prices and increased various treatments.

When the old tactics filmed Jinling, Bell, who was also a Hollywood cafe, was paid when they came, and they came with a translator and assistant. There was no strange request on the set, what to live in Hotels, cars, on-site staff, etc., no one asked, they obeyed the director's instructions to shoot.

The old tongue of the poisonous tongue hurts people. It is absolutely not a little bit affectionate, and it doesn't matter whether there is anyone on the scene seated at the right seat, it doesn't matter that. You are like Jackie Chan in and out of the crowd. They are people of their own team. At best, they eat lunch with the crew. In many cases, it is normal for the crew to treat guests infrequently.

If you want to set a record, then you can spend your own money. There is a lot of requirements for what I want to do before I enter the group. What kind of accommodation do I want? I must be a nanny car or RV, and I must ask for the type of meals every day.

"I'm too lazy to say that I'm too curious to see these people, I really want to pump them." Xiao Gang Cannon is also a dare to say that these people have reached the qualifications, drink some wine, and everyone is sitting Together, it ’s even more guilty to talk, and not afraid to spread it out. It ’s better to let the guys listen, and you also converge, do n’t stretch out your hands and call me for this, I want that, actually you What you want is not how the entire circle is, what you want is nothing more than what you want, and it has nothing to do with fairness and justice.

Chen Hao did not pull back the trend of everyone's chat, and vented and vented quite well. When everyone was chatting, they also aimed to join the China Film and Television Promotion Association, and use this association as a whole to restrict the internal and external. Zeng Zhiwei's words are very reasonable: "We can vent here, and we are not afraid to offend people. The key is that we are not necessarily someone who listens, and those who like to listen are willing to listen. Then everyone is like-minded and we fist into one fist and wave. If you go out, it ’s different and you do n’t want to go against each other. It ’s good if everyone stays away. If one day we make it happen, they will be borrowed, so they will be lucky. ”

In the final analysis, the alliance formed by a group of people is impossible to be completely selfless and selfless. Chen Hao had long thought that he could understand the inner thoughts of the elders to some extent, and he himself had similar thoughts.

Who doesn't want to be the first generation of Kaijiang Tuoru? Who doesn't want to have more say? Who is the leader, although he has to bear the pressure from the outside of the China Film and Television Promotion Association, but he will also represent all the artists in this association to a certain extent.

At these ages, there is still room for improvement in the achievements of their own works. What they want to do is to enhance their personal influence. No one wants to leave their face if they do n’t want to leave the circle. Even if it is over a few years old, you have to give it a little bit of noodles after you come out. Real retirement is to retire to support the temperament of nature, not these few.

Chen Hao is willing to go through this bureau, but he has seen through this bureau. He knows that no matter what kind of small hearts you are playing, the ultimate goal is to want Huaxia movies, to connect Huaxia with the international stage, and to truly for the future of Huaxia movies. Lay a big river.

Chen Hao, who has not reached the age of 30, will be the biggest beneficiary. Everyone can see that in the future at least 20 years or even 30 years, even if he does not have such a talented work now, just just go As a director to be an actor and a shareholder of a movie company, he will be a well-deserved superpower in the industry.

Others are 50 or 60 years old and can still play in this circle for a few years. At most, they still have a bit of noodles and some influence after retirement. Like the fourth brother Xie Xian, they can still easily pave the way for their sons.

How about Chen Hao?

However, he will always be working on the front line. In the name of Mr. Chen, he will only have more and more power, and will not eventually become a kind of ridicule.

When this bureau needed him to talk, he didn't think much about it, there was no need to hide, no need to carry it. Big masters might as well just point it out, I have the intention to do it at about the same time, there is no need to It is not necessary to do it when the calculation of gains and losses is very accurate. Now he has enough power to do whatever he wants.

Liang Chaowei was an unspeakable person. When the chat began to slowly turn into a situation where three or two people gathered together for a single chat, he took a chance and took the wine glass to Chen Hao. The two stood at the window and talked. A few words.

"I think it needs to be a bit more pure."

Chen Hao understood what he meant: "Rest assured, the China Film and Television Promotion Association is always a pure place of communication at any time, and no one has any privilege to do things under this name."

The implication is that no one can make use of the association that is bound to grow. It is a simple folk idle organization ~ ~ what really needs to be done. Everyone feels that this matter is filled with indignation and should be helped, so go together Help, if you rush forward alone, that's your business. Don't bring in the China Film and Television Promotion Association. You are not qualified to represent this association.

"Very good, you can get a movie award or something in the future." Liang Chaowei raised a toast, the meaning is clear, I will join, an organization that can really contribute to Chinese film, I am willing to contribute a copy of myself the power of.

"Is there any interest in playing a villain role that will make people hate it? There will not be many dramas. Each scene is a fine work. Every scene is required to bring the limited drama to the extreme. The appearance is loyal and honest. Big evil, even though every movie must have an exterminate enemy, not every movie will be a new and different supporting role. It may take a character to pass through two or three before it can really reach an important negative role. Position, so I ca n’t give you any schedule protection. Instead, you need to give me on-demand schedule protection. The reward is, as everyone said, I will send some basic rewards this time, and the rest will be in the overall reward. Inside out a proportion, according to the proportion of the role of the role, the proportion will be distributed at that time. "

Chen Hao saw the smile on Liang Chaowei's face and the soft light released from his eyes. He didn't say anything below. He raised the glass and touched the other side, letting a melancholic film emperor play a big evil and climb a little bit from the bottom. He is looking forward to the big villain. To be honest, he also likes this role. After considering several actors, his role is in the empire. He did n’t find a suitable one. He happened to have a clever idea. Why not use this role as a Chinese actor? This character is a Confederate person. When he reaches the empire, he grows step by step with hatred and unwillingness from the bottom.

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