Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1263: Goodbye(

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Since being exposed about anonymous charitable donations, Chen Hao no longer intentionally hides his actions.

The purpose of anonymity is to be as charitable as you can. When this behavior is known to everyone, it is a little deliberate to pretend to be anonymous.

Is it what some people say that in order to gain a good reputation, Chen Hao doesn't want to explain and there is nothing to explain. Things are done slowly. Every once in a while, some people summarize his charity. These data also let Those who refused to attend some of the so-called charity dinners shut up.

After learning that his annual charitable donations have reached a very high level, no matter what level of charitable fundraising behavior, he will be invited to him in various forms or the era of happy gatherings. You Mr. Chen is a big family. Our fundraising is Hope to get your support.

Not to mention that time is not allowed, even if time permits, Chen Hao will not go at all. Some fundraising has not yet reached the standard line in his heart. It is not that people are not worthy of being fundraised, but that he can reach the needs. Donors or projects must be far more valuable and meaningful.

There are some large-scale public fundraising events, such as those held in circles, which brought a large group of artists to the scene. He can also make Xiaodi appear if he can't go by himself. It is not meaningless to do this kind of charity, but the star promotion is added. Afterwards, he was somewhat resisted, but I can understand that the effect of such a charity dinner must be far better than some private fundraising, media propaganda, and facing the camera. Someone who ca n’t stand his face will always donate some.

He is indifferent to face and face, and feels necessary. Even if no one is there, he will let the company's people make large donations on behalf of himself and Xiaodi. Sometimes this is the case of fame. If you do n’t come to us, we will at least criticize it. If you donate a small amount, it will be more than just criticism. All kinds of voices will come out. When the netizen is brought up to the rhythm, he will even speak directly. Chen Hao also understands it. This can be regarded as some of the 'restrictions' that he must undergo in his career. Therefore, every time he makes a similar donation, he will be the first echelon of donations.

Nowadays, few people take this kind of thing to hack him again. On the contrary, as a fan of Haomen, he will organize some publicly available materials every time and make a small video or graphic explanation for everyone. Whether you know our boss or not, we must show you how much charity our boss has done in a year. He is not as focused on donating Hope Primary School as Gu Tianle, and he will do all kinds of scattered things every year. Different donations, it seems that the amount of individual donations is not so terrible. The accumulated number is enough to make all the world's richest people ashamed.

Several hours were spent on the plane, and more than 10 million were completely spent. When he returned to the Galaxy headquarters to rest, the jet lag was over. The corresponding actions have been started on the Huaxia side. The materials have been purchased. The personnel of the security company directly Fly to the manufacturer's local area for loading and delivery to the demand place as fast as possible.

The Red Dot company is not worse than the real profit from the South Korean slaughter. To name the more important Red Dot, directly in the name of the company and the crew, Chen Hao's personal image was made and a donation was made to African refugee children. , And thus received an official news report from non-entertainment media.

In this way, all the preparations and publicity work for the early filming of "Biography of Heroes of the Galaxy" were all completed. At the same time, the box office of North American Division of "Entry Division" was almost settled, with 410 million yuan. The screen has been removed from the movie. Only a few hundred screens remain, and the box office that can be generated is also limited, and it is no longer counted in the total box office.

In Asia, the "Into the Division" is still popular, and the popularity of "Busan" in several Asian countries has not affected the box office of the former. Like the Chinese version of "Into the Division", the US version has been converted into dozens of Chinese currency. Billion box office amount, the scenery is still unlimited.

Everything is not bad, Dongfeng. "Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy" was officially launched at the headquarters of the Galaxy under the watch of all people. After the precipitation of several movies, Chen Hao's film startup this time can be described as the focus of the world. All commercial films can get the world's fourth-largest box office performance. He started to make a science fiction commercial blockbuster. What will happen?

Wait and see, everyone is looking forward to what kind of history this film will create. Will it continue to create history madly, or will it flow at a mediocre normal level, or will it encounter a waterloo in its career?

What will happen to Red Dot? There is only one chance to invest so much in order to fly into the sky, that is, Chen Hao's "Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy" can reach the blockbuster series of movie standards at one stroke.


For commercial blockbusters all over the world, who dares to follow the script page by page?

There is no one, that makes people feel that being a director is very amateur, maybe not even amateur, is not worthy of directing a movie.

With Chen Hao, everything is impossible.

I have sufficient funds, I have a cast who is willing to open for me alone, and I have large physical scenes for shooting. Why can't I let the actors perform in the most comfortable and progressive mode? It is true that good actors have the ability to deal with the content of any scene, but in order to allow each actor to perform better, since we have the hardware conditions, why not go through it step by step?

The director Chen Hao may be the easiest director in the eyes of many people. He just took out the large-scale battle war scenes for unified shooting, and the rest were all shot according to the plot, even if it was a small scale showing Chen Hao's role. The battle scale of a hundred people does not matter what resources are consumed. According to the script, one page at a time, it will fully display the rich and willful-the term is perfectly displayed.

His every move, every crew's every move, and without deliberately blocking the news, the media will know for the first time that there is almost nothing going on. All the media competes on the speed of the news channel, to see who can get the fastest speed The accurate news will be released as soon as it is available, grabbing audiences who follow him and the movie worldwide.

The news he took according to the script page by page, suddenly made the media who got the news feel that it was explosive news, all of them were looking for the best pen and big book in their own media. I did not expect that this crew has just started, Chen Mr. did not make a super large-scale start-up ceremony, but gave us such an explosion news.

The behavior of the media fully confirms one thing. When you are popular enough, when your popularity is high enough, you really want to fart, and entertainment media all over the world will shake it and report crazy. Why? Let it go, why do you put it, is there any purpose after putting it?

Chen Hao didn't explain, buddy, what I said was one page at a time, but I did n’t really do it step by step, one page at a time, one screen at a time, and the script was interspersed with the little plums and my own role. How could I shoot a little plum again? Going to take a photo of yourself is definitely the way to shoot Xiao Lizi ’s movie all the way. It can only be said that for the cultivation of emotions, the movie where Xiao Lizi first met with his character will be filmed for a while and wait until his role is promoted. At that stage, the two went to shoot together. With the acting emperor ’s acting skills, the emotional development of the characters was step by step. Chen Hao himself was very clear as an actor. The effect may or may not be there, but once there is, even if it is only a little bit very The small effects can make the performance of the movie director level reach another new level, which will make the movie-watching audience's shooting awesome.

Spending a lot of money and delaying the artist's schedule, everything is paid only for a little effect that may occur with a certain probability. This is Chen Hao's most powerful magic weapon in filming-not a magic weapon from the system, but A magic weapon that he realized by himself.

If one day I am not much better than others ...

If one day someone is as outstanding as me ...

So how can I stay ahead? This magic weapon is the ultimate magic weapon. It will be the little advantage that one of the two athletes wins one of their heads when they sprint in the line to win. This advantage is the difference between the first and second places. .

On the second day of filming, when the outside world was still talking about his page-by-page shooting, the crew's shooting also encountered problems, and the shooting began to be hindered, which made the crew feel a little overcast. ~ No one dares to talk more, for fear that the director who has been silent will get angry.

The crew is from Huaxia, and almost all of the action directors are from Xiangjiang. Now I ’m experiencing problems shooting action dramas. According to some people ’s cognition, I encountered problems when starting up and making the shooting not smooth. This is very unlucky. Both the director and the old-school director are very taboo about this kind of thing, thinking that it will affect the filming of the whole drama. It must be anger, and no one wants to touch the mold.

Some people at the scene were silent first, and the atmosphere soon affected everyone. There were more than 200 people at Nuoda's scene. The atmosphere was getting more and more depressed. Chen Hao didn't say a word, silently watching the material just shot. It was just frowning that everyone wasn't afraid, even if they didn't have any expressions, so that people around them felt the problem this time.

Gradually, even these actors from the Hollywood Actors 'Union realized the seriousness of the problem. Despite the various guarantees of the Actors' Union, as an actor, no one wanted to offend Chen Hao, and finally had the opportunity to be with him When filming, everyone wants to make a good impression.

Chen Hao is completely immersed in his own world. He has no energy to care about the feelings of the people next to him. Looking at the pictures that have been taken, he must paint another picture in response to the situation. The real scene ca n’t really achieve the effect of a sci-fi alien planet. It also needs some special effects to be added, and he has to pass the shot material in his mind. This has not yet added special effects. He has noticed that something is wrong. Specific problems I do n’t know where it appears, but it ’s not pleasing to the eye, not what I want.

PS: There are still a few people who remember the Jinpai martial arts that accompanied us in our youth. I still remember it, master, goodbye!

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