Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1267: The coolest styling design

Emma Watson, who was supposed to be a sad person, appeared in some public places during this period, and did not find any emotional changes in her. A visit to the Galaxy Headquarters some time ago did not show her, and there were some small-scale media It was reported that she had completely had a suspicion with Chen Hao, and like Will Smith at the time, there would be no intersection.

As a result, she came, not only came, but also stayed here for two days.

When she came out, the media's interest in her was even higher than that of Silsa Ronan. Everyone rushed forward and wanted to conduct an in-depth interview with her. They all wanted to gossip about her relationship with Chen Hao. In this case, was the company's behavior whitewashed, or whether all previous media speculations were wrong? Media reporters hope that there is at least a progress that has been made so that the news can be followed up.

"I'm here to discuss the role with Mr. Chen, and I'll be in the group in about half a month."

Up, Emma Watson exposed an anecdote, which directly made the media reporters on the scene shake their spirits and felt that they would get big news today.

It turns out that it is not old and dead, why does it suddenly change from a series of heroines to a heroine, which has no explanation?

"Can you reveal your character this time?"

"Well, it can only be said that it is a very interesting character. He is always so talented and always surprises everyone. I am looking forward to seeing this character in the film."

All the media present were aware of Emma Watson's heartfelt respect for Chen Hao. If Chen Hao was a swinger, everyone would immediately think of what happened to the two, but so For many years, there are only some rumors and some small-ambiguous, and no media has ever filmed any evidence that proves that he has had deep contact and communication with a certain actress, so at this moment the media reporter Did not think about that.

They didn't want it. Emma Watson thought about it. There was a past. Although it was not a real sword, it was also a contact beyond the line, which caused her to have some unrealistic ideas, but this idea was only dare to put In her heart, she knew what the background of the Red Dot Company was, and she also saw Chen Hao and Yin Tianyang sitting and laughing together. She had seen Emma Watson who is who Yin Tianyang was, and still remembered that she was almost in the first place. After that place to accompany a big man, it took a lot of help to find a lot of help.

Don't ask too much, you will get a lot.

This is the 'truth' summed up by Emma Watson after being quiet and honest for a while and suddenly receiving an invitation to the "Heroes of the Galaxy" audition, and it is the 'truth' that she believes most in her career after this. "Truth" has given her a lot in the future, and she has become more and more aware of the benefits of being quiet, not crying, not making trouble, and not revealing stuffing. If he needs it, then meet his needs. He doesn't need to live his own life. Just don't have unrealistic thoughts, don't do stupid behavior, then what he should give you, you will not leave after eating.

"Can you talk to us about the current state inside? Is the shooting going smoothly? How is the shooting progress?" A reporter noticed that Emma Watson was in a good mood, and immediately asked a very general question, hoping she could give some more inside information. Message.

"The shooting was very smooth. I can't wait. Maybe it won't take me more than half a month to get into the group." Emma Watson nodded in a good mood, signaled that her interview was here, and it was time to go.

Although the media at the scene have regrets, they will not be disappointed. There is no need to worry about the interview here. You have to think about all kinds of questions. It does n’t matter if one artist comes out, wait for the next one, even if ten artists can Get a chance to ask questions, and you can get answers to all the questions you think.

There are too many artists coming and going here, and some media have even moved the idea of ​​sneaking in from the construction aisle. It would be great if the scene was filmed.

There was more than one media reporter with this idea. Only one acted. It was not that others did not have the courage to try. It was a miserable end. After being arrested, he was sent back to his magazine and then fired.


"Special Operations Single Poster!"

Although I can interview artists on a daily basis, the artists themselves are more compliant, there is no spoiler, and the media is very uncomfortable. It took less than half a month for the filming to take place. This is what the outside world needs for news. Big, there really isn't any news about "Xie Xun". I guess it will be scolded on the Internet again.

On an afternoon that was about to end the day, the Red Dot company issued an internal notice to everyone in the interview area.

Following the fighters played by the actor Chen Hao as the commander of the special operations unit, the single poster is officially open to the public. We do n’t engage in any mystery beyond the film. Do n’t you want to know? Let me show you, the evaluation that I will get at the end must be the evaluation of the entire play, and it has nothing to do with anything that can be used for hype.

Quan Zhixian's vest was stained with blood, holding his gun and hurting his leg.

Li Qin was artificially artificial. One eye was a mechanical eye, and his facial expression was fierce.

The muscle displays of Zhang Jiahui, Peng Yuyan, Amir Khan, and Duan Yihong are all images of tough men. There is not much difference in style. This is also a problem that Chen Hao gave them after choosing an actor. Among a group of good actors, how do you Can stand out? When positioning you, it is similar. There is not enough drama for you to show. In this case, how do you make the role you play have recognition?

Older Li Youbin, a little waste of Zhang Guoqiang, handsome Gu Tianle and Mario, a little bit of Zhang Yishan, don't look at them have a slightly stronger recognition than others, but in the team, they realized that they have always been the protagonist and In the life of an important supporting actress, I have never cared whether the camera locks on myself, because no matter where I was filming before, there must be a camera facing myself. This time it is really subverted, and you will have a feeling that you are acting. There is no camera at you at all.

It feels like feeling. When the director shouts, he doesn't think about anything. He performs according to the script of his role, and displays the actions designed for him according to the action instructions.

Many of them are shooting for the first time according to the Hollywood model. A one-night script is a one-minute plot, which makes them feel very magical, but this magic is standard in Hollywood.

The footage of a one-minute plot is not one minute. Sometimes, it is necessary to shoot the same scene from several angles. More often, it is taken by several machines. The footage taken by several machines is a few minutes. Post-production When choosing the best picture material to edit.

In the crew of "Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy", it seems that all of a sudden it is back to the feeling that supplies are expensive 20 or 30 years ago. The consumption of each shot is very large. Everyone needs to cherish every opportunity to shoot, basically Group play, you have to make everyone's mistakes again, no one will say anything, but the crew will form a huge pressure field, which will bring you pressure and tell you that you must cherish every shot opportunity.

The red sand fluttered and was rolled up by the strong wind. The big sun on the sky not only dazzled but also brought hotter temperatures. The ground was barren. I didn't see much vegetation. It can be seen that the red covering is red sand, and those naturally produced rocks are not red.

The landing vehicle flew from the air, and the special operations unit landed far away in the Red Rock Mountains. Here, the signal shielding can be used to prevent the landing of the landing vehicle from being detected and achieve the basic purpose of the special operation unit's hiding and landing operations.

In the chariot, a comprehensive analysis of the external environment was carried out, and the hidden dangers were also revealed. Then everyone was equipped with a leather jacket coat for the hidden dangers. In view of the hot external environment, the cold circulation system inside the leather jacket, pants, and shoes was turned on. Generates a trace of coolness in line with the body's tolerance and prevents the body from generating a large amount of sweat due to the heat.

Since it is the age of science and technology, many things we can only think about can be put into the shoot ~ ~ Anyway, it is just a statement. What we want is that our landing operation is more like an alien planet landing operation. The scenery is different from the earth, so our equipment adds some functions for the external environment, which is very simple and common.

Leather jacket is a style that exists for handsomeness. Whether it is open or zippered, it can be paired with pants and shoes to produce a handsome feeling. Many people have said before that the pilot's costume is really handsome. Flying leather jacket With military pants and boots, big sunglasses, that's a handsome cool.

This time we have even removed the normal functions, purely for the handsome and good-looking, the additional features in those movies will not affect the handsomeness brought by the leather jacket.

The electronic functions that sunglasses have, one person does not have to carry heavy equipment after coming down, a gun that can use multi-purpose bullets to produce multiple attack effects, a multi-functional combat dagger, enough, anytime, anywhere Extend, you can extend out anywhere on the body.

Need rope function, cuffs or belts can eject dozens of meters of super strong rope.

Urgent bandaging is needed for urgent medical treatment. There is a full-featured trauma treatment patch similar to a band-aid in your pocket. Whether it is hemostasis or bandaging or simple pharmacological treatment, it has all the functions.

At the beginning of the film, the special warfare unit is on the scene, and a combat task beheaded first.

Decapitation target-Destroy the transit maintenance base of Planet W's frontline combat base, and get the data of Planet W's conventional combat equipment in the maintenance base.

The planet covered by red sandstone is just a colony conquered by Planet W. It is currently used as a transit base for supply, maintenance and rear hospital operations on the earth.

A seemingly mediocre start, the details are king, and surprises everywhere ...

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