Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1271: Relentless snow disaster

Xiao Di filmed a night show in China. On a sunny day, he did n’t know where he went crazy. His mobile phone had no signal at all. Chen Hao had eaten and sat in the sand. He flipped through the circle of friends and looked at his parents ’pictures. Very satisfied smile.

Being a child allows parents to enjoy retirement at an age when they are tough, and allows them to start the happy life mode of old age without any worries. Looking at the smiley faces in the photos of friends is nothing more than work. The results must be satisfying.

My father posted a new dynamic video: "I am going to Xiangjiang tomorrow, I am going to play in depth, the car will find a place to save it, and I will go camping for the last time tonight and eat well."

In the video, the four and a half old men who have been out for more than half a year have already mastered the true meaning of outdoor life. They are not short of money and time. They must be enjoying it. Other people will take a few days to complete the Sichuan-Tibet line. In this section, they stopped and stopped. They went all over the RV base in this area from northwest to southwest to the southernmost part of Huaxia. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Boiled the oil, set up a temporary stove, stewed a big fish, cooked several dishes, followed by a few friends in the circle. Four people also opened a bottle of white wine. After eating and drinking, they also hit the car. Two circles of Mahjong.

Look at the time Chen Hao did not call his parents in the late night time zone. He was about to find a game to play for a while. Qiu Yu came in, expressing a state of misbehavior in which I overwhelmed the boss. .

Many people are not new to this complex emotional state. You have done something that may not have been approved by others but is definitely a great success. This kind of self-assertion is full of gratitude.

Chen Hao looked up at him, and his eyes signaled that he could go on.

Qiu Yu made a swallowing gesture, and because of the excitement, he also licked the corner of his mouth subconsciously: "The midfielder of the bowl of the level, called to invite you to participate in the midfielder of this year's bowling game, alone." When it comes to a person, Qiu Yu still has a finger, and the excitement in his emotions can't be suppressed. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

The level bowl competition is definitely the undisputed top spot in the North American market. It is a national entertainment event with the widest audience coverage. In the North American TV ratings, no one is deserved. Ways to shake its status, even if Oscar and Grammy combined, the ratings are far worse than the day of the level bowl game.

The midfield performance has become the most popular stage performance in the world with Hollywood as the world's entertainment center in recent years. If the number of people has to be calculated, it needs to be compared with the Chinese Spring Festival Gala.

American football may not be understood by audiences in Europe and Asia outside the United States, but this does not prevent them from loving and paying attention to the midfield show.

Only the top singers that are truly recognized all over the world can go to the performance stage of the Senior Bowl alone to complete those ten-minute performances. Choosing you this year also means that throughout the last year you were recognized as the most popular, most accomplished and influential singer. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Chen Hao heard this news at a glance, and for a year, he did not perform frequent music work, but just agreed to the red dot, added red dots to promote the red dot, released a single a month, before He has the confidence to speak like Red Dot, but not by fame. It is the long-term benefits that Red Dot brings to a real point. How much money a song makes, how much money a few songs make in a few months, how much money these songs can make in the future, Otherwise, just a few words on a phone call can completely hold the red dot shareholders and senior management?

But this is just a song. He did not participate in any award selection, did not perform a concert, did not have any related activities, how is the most influential singer last year?

Qiu Yu understood his thoughts at that moment, and explained with a smile: "Boss, the influence of a song, we have already surpassed the achievements of many singers in all their works, one song a month. Who dares to say that you are not the most influential singer of last year. Moreover, the last time we should be alone, arrange Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift, they will follow you ... "& 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Chen Hao gave Qiu Yu a glance, Qiu Yu shrugged and said nothing. Since the time of the cooperation, the relationship between the three people is pretty good. Whoever has some things will hold each other.

"Have you agreed?" Chen Hao asked this question, first asking Qiu Yu, and then he felt like a roller coaster. After experiencing sudden ups and downs, he was shocked to think that he had done wrong, and then thought He didn't do anything wrong. The boss was scaring himself, patting his chest, and exhaling. He was really scared at that moment.

"I don't need to say anything about it for the time being. After confirming with that, let it go first." Chen Hao also likes the feeling of a level bowl. This time, when I am alone, my heart is also eager to try. Maybe more people will watch the Spring Festival Gala. However, the midfield performance of the level bowl was alone, and the stage for more than ten minutes was completely its own. There were also tens of thousands of spectators at the scene to interact with themselves to produce a better live effect, compared to the Spring Festival Evening. The performance of the sporadic audience at the scene is absolutely different. As a singer performer, it is easier to get excited on the stage. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Unspoken is unspoken, but Chen Hao uses the noon break to prepare a few songs he has prepared, how to perform on the scene, what kind of atmosphere should be used to drive the audience, what kind of performance style should be, What kind of design is needed for clothing and styling?

Lying on the bed with eyes closed, this is the time of meditation in noon every day. Today, my brain is full of these. The more I want to get excited, the brain does not relax at all. After a long time, the body is unwilling to maintain a posture and toss it over and over. I think, after each thought comes out, a wave of excitement will come out, and finally I get up and write down everything that comes to my mind.

I don't like being a singer who repeatedly sings a few songs, but I am very willing to put myself in the atmosphere of live performance. He doesn't like to go to some evening parties or platter shows, and repeatedly sings a few songs. He likes concerts. The songs are still those, but he can sing in various styles on the scene, and can also be appropriately adapted, more importantly. The thing is that the atmosphere at the scene will definitely promote you to have a more crazy performance, and generate an interactive atmosphere on and off the stage, instead of a sentence to you guys? Sing together! This incomparably dry has resulted in countless awkward interactions. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

In the next few days, Chen Hao prepared in secret. The work on the bright side was still focused on the script. During the break, in his own live broadcast room, he tried to arrange and arrange choreography. How does it apply to the level bowl? Performance.

After staying in the United States for a long time, Chen Hao built a live broadcast room for himself here. According to his own Meicheng style, the size and layout are suitable for the display of many talents during his live broadcast. Now that the conditions are good, the entire live broadcast The room can fully meet the standards of a top-level recording studio, and all the equipment is also the best. The sound quality produced can be transmitted with less loss, and it also makes the fans in the live broadcast room more enjoyable.

In the next few days, the news of snow disaster continued, from the troubles caused by snowfall, gradually evolved into snow disasters, all parts of China have been affected by snow disasters to varying degrees, which has greatly affected the lives of ordinary people.

The impact of the snow disaster on the city is still smaller. Outside the city, the impact on the transportation line is very large. The annual wave of migrant workers returning to the countryside is about to begin. Once a large number of migrant workers enter the city, they will start the mode of returning home for the New Year. The impact will be very intuitive. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

The snow disaster has also affected quite a lot of vegetation crops and fruit trees in the south. It is an established fact that large-scale production reductions are being made. It is now possible to save as much as you can, and a little loss is a little loss.

Water and fire are ruthless, that is to destroy everything in an instant and make you desperate instantly, but after the despair is a new hope that must be restarted in the face of life.

The impact of the snow disaster is a little bit of penetration, slowly affecting your life, some affected people let you slowly enter a state of despair ~ ~ you do not know when this is the end.

Some houses have collapsed, some have been frostbite, transportation has become the biggest problem, and the city has corresponding measures to deal with. Once you leave the city, the impact of the snow disaster is getting worse day by day. Up and down to deal with the snowstorm together.

"Hao Zi, come back once, we are doing charity activities in the name of the China Film and Television Promotion Association." Old Zeng called and was usually responsible for the specific work of the association. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"You can use this name, but I hope to do it for charity, not just to raise money. I will book the ticket back immediately. I will go directly to the magic city. The ability to deal with snow disasters in the south is poor. A lot. Public facilities do not have the ability to cope with the cold. Even if there is heavy snow in the north, every family can survive on their own, and they are accustomed to traffic difficulties. I am worried that the snow will never stop. People in the south of the Yangtze River have no experience in dealing with it ... ... "

Chen Hao was talking, he had already started to make specific arrangements. He had a different attitude towards this kind of thing than others. He always wanted to expand the influence of the China Film and Television Promotion Association. This is no problem, but we can do more than just It is just to raise funds with the appeal of stars. We should also do more supervision and transparency with the well-known image of stars. We do n’t know the profession and do not blindly direct, but we can stand there and use our eyes to drive the lens of the media. Filmed to form the role of transparent supervision. In front of the camera, no one dared to go to work and cut corners or even be lazy, which will surely make the disaster relief action the fastest and best for everyone affected.

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