Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1273: Not in the water

In 2008, the snow disaster was very big, and it was not as scary as this year. Yangcheng was slightly affected. Except for some areas in the southernmost part, almost the whole of China was within the scope of the blizzard.

The area south of the Yellow River was most affected. You seem to have more snow in the northeast, but the people in the northeast have no response to the snow at this time, and there is heating support. Coal reserves in the entire large area are also sufficient. As long as basic heating can be ensured, it is not a problem for the Northeast as long as it is not closed by heavy snow. Rural households have already stocked enough firewood for heating. In rural areas, even if the snow is closed, it does not really affect the door. To everyone's life.

Every family has grain storage, and there are stored Chinese cabbage and potatoes in the warehouse of the cellar. They are warmly burned, even if the electricity is not available, there is no electricity, and some people are using groundwater. The outside roads are okay. We don't go out. If there are some prestigious grass-roots cadres in the villages and towns, and everyone clears out the snow on the road in front of their homes, it will not be a great pressure.

All this will not work in the south. The living environment makes them helpless in such a disaster. The crops are damaged by the disaster, the electricity is damaged, the houses are collapsed, and the traffic is blocked.

The state began to transport various materials non-stop with railway trains, and materials from charity disaster relief assistance were also delivered to the disaster areas in various ways.

Every day, the relevant departments are urging everyone to try not to drive out and try to avoid secondary traffic jams. If the road is not blocked because of heavy snow, then everyone should not cause artificial traffic jams. The country and individuals will also use road traffic for transportation. Way to deliver relief materials to the affected areas.

Called by the Huaxia Film and Television Promotion Association, many big stars in China urged in unison that the charity charity for the snow disaster will be held in a gym in Yangcheng. The court gave great support to this charity charity. China has evolved into an official charity fundraiser for disaster relief.

There is also a large-scale party for charity fundraising for disaster relief, which is held in Yanjing. It is a very official party. A large number of corporate donations will appear at that party. Compared with that party, it is nothing compared to that party. Large enterprises donate one million or tens of millions. This is basically the spontaneous and human relationship and certain self-promotions. Most of them are personal names. For example, Chen Hao and some bosses arrived in private names. On-site, in addition to corporate donations, individuals will also donate.

These stars in the China Film and Television Promotion Association all have their own personal relationships. Moreover, any company or individual with a public image must participate in this kind of thing. Coming here can be regarded as a kind of human feeling, and they are all so happy.

It ’s really all about making donations. People do n’t do it for fame and fortune. His Majesty does n’t have a company, he does n’t do business, and he does n’t need self-promotion. This kind of person is just equivalent to donating one hundred and eighty thousand. Great, worthy of being titled a good man.

Chen Hao didn't put his mind on the charity performance. He would donate in the name of himself and Xiaodi, and could donate separately, but as a couple who has already obtained a certificate, at this time, he really wants to do whatever he wants, so many people in that circle. Many of the star couples are still good friends, and they will be unable to get off the stage directly by their behavior.

On the stage, the artists around us have communicated. A group of people who are familiar with each other will have a communication on the donation. They are not afraid of anything else. I am afraid that the black powder will be sprayed with rhythm on the Internet. How much money is donated at what level. Everyone has a tacit understanding. Many artists are waiting for others to donate at the scene, and then donate by themselves after checking.

To tell the truth, celebrity artists do not lack the heart for charity, but sometimes they are abducted by morality, which is very uncomfortable. There are difficulties for the disaster victims in the country. I want to donate 200,000 in my heart, but the rhythm will be brought up. It ’s not that you ca n’t afford to donate 300,000, do n’t feel comfortable, kidnapping charity, whoever you tell me how to feel uncomfortable, no one can tell, after all, if you say, someone will wear a hat for you Why, as a celebrity income is so high, now there is something to ask you to donate some money, you crooked, this rhythm comes together, crazy fans and then scolded, the impact will be even more.

So even if you are uncomfortable, you wo n’t say a word if you are suffocated. Even a person who has always been known as a cannon, such as a small steel cannon, will be silent about this kind of thing, and will never say one more word. This kind of thing is just like the celebrity righteousness. If you deviate a little, you may be blocked by the people.

After knowing the minds of others, Chen Hao set himself and Xiaodi a not too high donation number-10 million Chinese currency.

Then, while Lao Zeng and others were preparing for this charity show, he contacted the country from abroad, from the snowmelting agent to the edible salt, and he bought it in large quantities. Dispelled that worry in the minds of ordinary people.

He talked to Jing Tianlin about his idea of ​​the Spring Festival coming in advance, and wanted to purchase snowmelting agents in large quantities and try to handle snowmelt on the main traffic roads as much as possible. If there are some places that can be short for a day or two Without snow, we cleared some major arterial highway sections. Even if we just let everyone run for a day, the traffic can be greatly eased.

Chen Hao also thought of a strange idea. He didn't know if it was feasible. Didn't he say that a railway was damaged by blizzard? So is it possible for us to sprinkle snowmelt on the train in proportion, is it possible to alleviate the probability of the railway being blocked by snow to some extent?

He is not afraid of being ugly, and knows that he is just an ordinary person. Some wild ideas may be naive and have no possibility of concrete implementation, but he just wants to do more things himself, not how compassionate he is. He has this ability now If you see something that can touch you, you will naturally need to put in more effort.

When the monthly income of Yanjing was very low, there would be some crowdfunding information in the circle of friends of the small anchor Chen Hao. It is true that someone needs everyone's help. He looks pitiful. He couldn't say that he couldn't take out thirty or fifty to donate it, but he was very difficult at that time, and thirty or fifty could be used as food for two or three days. At that time, he didn't have two or three days. Meal is a power consciousness in helping others' lives.

Now that he has enough money and rich income, he encounters such a catastrophe. Looking at the various miserable pictures in the news report, and seeing the disaster data that makes people feel palpitated, he is willing to take a little more to do it. Charity, willing to do more in his capacity.

"I am a public figure, and some of my actions may affect many people, so I will set a good example."

He arrived in Changsha, rented a few big cars in Changsha, bought quite a few mineral water, instant noodles, sausages, and plastic-skinned Hulk eggs. These foods are not scarce in the big cities, and he bought more than a dozen high-efficiency burners. The kettle was delivered to the train station after the purchase. He first communicated with the train station. He personally funded the water and electricity consumption of the train station, and then found volunteers in his fans and some local volunteer teams and asked them for help. In the designated area of ​​the railway station, a free set meal is provided for all passengers who hold a ticket waiting to leave or temporarily stay.

A bottle of mineral water, a bowl of instant noodles, a sausage, and a yolk egg. The hot water on the spot will help you to soak, and you can get it again and again. These volunteers also set aside free tables to help everyone make noodles.

A railway station is a waste of money for all affected areas in the south.

The supplies of several large cars will be a sloppy bucket for the number of passengers transported by this railway station in the coming days and tens of days.

A bowl of instant noodles is not a good food, but it is not a waste of money for every traveler here. At the beginning of the Spring Festival, there are a lot of people who say they have this wealth, not because they have a bad heart, they can only say that they are bad. In Chen Hao ’s mind, breaking such a monopoly is something he is happy to do ~ ~ Throwing hundreds of thousands of materials into a Changsha railway station may be a slack job, but at least I did something really No mess, no mess to cause trouble to the relevant departments, I did not show up, just to send some food, may cause some congestion, but where is the train station at this time is not crowded? ?

This is the feeling that Chen Hao wants. I do something honest, and then use my influence to get more people involved in the disaster relief operations.

The most direct influence is the fans from Haomen. All the young people who work in this city locally or at school. Most of the loved ones in their homes are not affected by the disaster and most of them are in Chen Hao. Under the call, join the volunteer organizations in various places. These new forces are willing to follow the deployment of volunteers. Disaster relief organizations in all places welcome with both hands, one more person and one strength. Do n’t make a fool of yourself. Hoe.

Chen Hao's car was blocked on the road when he went to Ba. He continuously bought more than 100,000 barrels of instant noodles in Changsha. Until subsequent departments and some charitable people continued to form donations, he withdrew to the next city. A bowl of noodles is nothing. What is passed is not a small amount of money for eating. It is to tell everyone who is worried about their homes being affected by disasters and not being able to return in time. You all have people here. It ’s even more impossible for the countries in the affected areas to ignore them. Wait patiently. If you are more willing to believe in the country ’s disaster relief capabilities, then please do n’t rush to move long distances during this time. At present, roads, railways and even air routes are being affected ...

Please try your best to leave the passages to the people who really need them, and the transportation of disaster relief equipment and materials.

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