Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1283: Have his example

When the big gear of Huaxia turned, everything became organized.

Faced with the disaster at the beginning, someone needs to push the gear to turn up. When the entire big machine is running, the individual's power will be minimal, and the invasion and destructive power of the snow disaster will no longer have the previous terror.

Chen Hao is not an indispensable person, but his existence does set an example for everyone. He uses his actions to tell all the people who do not believe. We are not making a show, we are really trying to do something.

Not only is it setting an example for the entertainers, it is also setting an example for the young people who do n’t have much strength. I hope these young volunteers can really stick to it and truly appreciate the greatness of the volunteers, not for the stars. The stars When you leave, you lose your motivation to continue.

This time, Xiaodi, like all the entertainers of the era, is a good friend of the same company personnel. From the top brother to the newcomer who has just joined the company, this is the main force of star volunteers this time. No one wants to always It is to be used as a foil for others, and also for better results. For example, a popular artist at the level of Simei cannot appear in gangs on any occasion. It is very simple to stand alone against them. A series of things At the end of the itinerary, if you are returning to your hometown and not in a few big cities, the end of the final itinerary will be near their hometown.

Every day is very fulfilling. Chen Hao arrives at the Nuanxin Station or some seriously affected areas almost every morning. He used to do what he could to do what he could. Now he does n’t need to do anything. Others arrive. Staying there for a few hours was his greatest contribution.

At noon, I will eat with all the staff and volunteers at the station. After lunch, I will go to the next station. At the next station, I will have dinner with everyone. After dinner, we will hurry and go to the city where the next warm heart station is located. The rest of the hotels will be able to reach the Nuanxin Post Station outside the city as early as the next morning.

Occasionally, traffic jams cannot be said to be depressed, nor can they be said to be purely for experiencing life, but only part of every day life. In addition to those tall meanings, the most important reason for him to do so is that he didn't want to hate the things he hated at that time, and showed it to himself today.

In those years as an audience, the earthquakes, snow disasters, including the Olympic Games that began in the past few years, he all came to see them as audiences. At that time, he was still upset in the village.

First, there was the earthquake disaster. Why did everyone focus on reporting when they were born? Everyone focused their attention there. Why there is not much news about the reconstruction after the disaster. Those stars do n’t seem to have anything to do with this after donating and participating in fund-raising shows. No one mentioned it at all; before and when the Olympic Games were held, it was called a lively, national sports meeting, and the people of the country organized the event together, but after that? It cost a lot of money to get a lot of auxiliary venues, why no one cares about it, why some facilities are no longer managed.

Don't become the kind of person who used to put a lot of question marks in his head, so Chen Hao has been working hard to do more, to maximize the time in his life and work, to do more.

When he really walked on the road, he only saw something that he would not see tomorrow. In such a season when the Spring Festival arrives, it is obvious that traffic accidents on the highway are more frequent, especially on high highways that are always closed from time to time. After the national and provincial highways became the main routes, fortunately, congestion also reduced the lethality of traffic accidents, and the degree of the car was not enough. Most of them were collisions, at most it was damage to the car and did not cause much damage to people.

The big stars are reported daily in the warm heart station, but the big stars violently led people to 'throw cars' on the highway, but it was the biggest news of the year before, and even became a topic that all news media rushed to discuss, including Similar to all kinds of chat and talk shows, they also opened a special program. On the Internet, there are even more tricks. Various forums, including discussion areas and comment areas of major websites, are all affected by this incident. The bombing, the comment areas of the public consultations of various star microblogs were also bombed by this incident, and various types of interviews were freshly released. Those who were thrown away from the car hid one by one, no matter how the media wanted to interview. They couldn't hide, they feared that they would be sprayed to death by people from Huaxia as soon as they came out.

The cause of the incident is actually very simple, and many people in life have encountered it on the highway. There was an accident ahead of time, some people were injured, and some roads were blocked. Generally, high-speed highways are one-way and two-lane roads plus an emergency lane. At this time, ambulances need to quickly pass the emergency lanes on the highway to reach the designated location. The injured were treated urgently and taken away to the nearest hospital.

Some people, for the time being, whether they do n’t understand the traffic laws or have moral issues, will always make themselves the one who breaks the rules in an absolutely fair environment. Everyone is waiting in line or passing slowly. People will drive into the emergency lane without stopping, some will be inserted into the front of the car in some places to complete the stop, and some will directly pass here to the congested road.

Road traffic regulations strictly prohibit ordinary vehicles from driving in emergency lanes and deduct six points and a fine of 200 yuan. If it is mandatory to use this road during traffic control, the penalties will be more severe. It seems that such penalties are still due to the probability of catching The problem ca n’t scare those people. This is what happened to Chen Hao. It happened that it did n’t snow for two days in a row. Some sections of the highway opened, and everyone crowded on the highway. Traffic accidents caused congestion, and some vehicles shamelessly entered emergency lanes, blocking the road from ambulances.

Flashing lights, whistling for the sound that represents every minute to fight to save lives, but was firmly blocked and motionless. Due to the snow disaster, there were few big cars. Seeing this situation, the cars on the two normal lanes Began to move slowly, trying to stop three cars in two lanes, and let those cars entering the emergency lane quickly vacate the emergency lane.

The traffic police came. At this time, neither the command nor the fines could speed up the ambulance's passage. There was a long line blocked in the front, and there were two cars with a wider volume, such as a bus or a van. Want to make way for those illegal cars in the emergency lane.

The traffic police confirmed through the walkie-talkie that at present the injured person must not run up with bumps. The bumps are likely to directly cause the injured person's injury to become serious.

All high-level drivers and passengers at this time look at the owners of the vehicles occupying the emergency lanes, all with a look of hostility and scorn and a bit of hatred. If there is no serious injury in front of them, it is just the traffic police to punish them. They will look at them with a happy and resentful look. They should punish you severely. Laws and rules must not be touched. Why do you ignore them and have money? Or luck? Still you can ignore the rules above.

Some people are really in a hurry, it ’s not easy to drive below, and it ’s difficult to drive high, but the traffic jams, and they just want to walk the emergency lane with luck and hurry to the toll gate or pass this congested road.

I never thought of such a big thing. Now there are five injured people, three minor injuries and two serious injuries. Even if the opposite side can be treated, the distance from the next exit here is tens of kilometers, which is impossible. .


There was a Subaru, which started the car and hit the guardrail on the edge. The car behind it barely managed to reach the road. There was also a part of the car that could not be squeezed in. The middle-aged man driving Subaru was a family of three. Apologetic guilt and embarrassment, the wife has already accused the husband's behavior, but it has already been driven up, some words are too late, the child is naive, when he feels that people around him are hostile to his family At that time, a very naive word made his father make an amazing move. Drive directly and hit the guardrail to let the car rush out high. The height of this section is plain, next to the kind of drains and roadbeds. Regardless of the car, use this method to make up for your mistakes.

"Police officer, I am willing to accept punishment, and I am willing to compensate for a broken railing!"

Someone applauded him. This is the true man of pure men. Some people do n’t have the courage. They just feel that even if I do it alone, I still ca n’t let the front clear. Then I need to repair the car and pay for the fence. Towing a truck like this is a waste of time and money.

"Life is greater than heaven!"

Seeing the behavior of this middle-aged man ~ ~ The driver who was somewhat jealous on the normal road in front of him also tried to move the car as much as possible to make the road more open for the drivers of the emergency lane to drive in and come in. Still unable to change all this, there are still cars stuck in the road, despite their continuous rush forward, still failed to open a real green channel for the ambulance.

"I learned from the elder brother who just paid for the damage to the guardrail, the money for car repairs, and the money for the trailer. I'll come out!" Chen Hao knew what the owners of these vehicles were hesitating, knowing it was their fault, but at this time It is meaningless to discuss who is right and who is wrong. It is important to save people first. He stepped forward and promised all the derived costs beyond the normal punishment.

"It's Chen Hao!"

"It's a big star."

"The big stars all said he had come out of the money, and you hurry up."

"Will it open? No, I'll drive it for you."

On the road at this time were all drivers and passengers of congested vehicles. The appearance of a public figure like Chen Hao said that the promise of export was guaranteed.

Some drivers grit their teeth, lower their heads to avoid the eyes of others, and feel distressed about their cars and money. Shouldn't they pay for their mistakes? Now that someone has paid for it, how can I feel the hotness on my face, no matter what, leave the road first.

It was another car that broke through the guardrail, and the whole atmosphere rose. At this moment, the slogan of life is greater than heaven, and many drivers and passengers ran up to communicate.

This is not a gossip. When there is no money, Chen Hao dare not say how great he is, but now he has that condition. Even if one person pays them a car at the original price, they hope that the ambulance can arrive one minute earlier and save one. life.

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