Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1298: 1 second 2 seconds 3 seconds

A beautiful ending and stable sound curve paused the cheering and shouting at the scene, quietly waiting for how long this perfect ending can be stabilized in one breath.

Four dancers came to the stage, two on the left and the other, holding the sides of his jacket and the sides of his pants respectively. With the end of the epilogue, a burst of music sounded, and the sound of the lights and music perfectly matched the Chen in the center of the stage. Hao is presented in the eyes of the audience as the center of the audience. The large screen is transmitted according to the picture of the host computer. A close-up close-up, four people are pulled away from each other, the white suit is torn apart, and a piece of cotton is black. T-shirts, a pair of smooth leather pants, both are the kind of personal feeling, homeopathy Chen Hao made short short hair more chaotic, the wild side detonated the audience, pay attention to men's sexuality in the West, there are There will be more shocking effects than women.

After Chen Hao's figure was displayed in this way, not only were the women screaming at the scene, but also a lot of men sent out the kind of irresistible screams. In such a country, there are many male fans asking Chen Hao. With fantasies beyond the bounds, today he can be regarded as satisfying audiences all over the world, showing his good figure, showing his sexuality with leather pants and t-shirts, and dancing with full of masculinity. Blend with beauty in such a way. The shoes were thrown out directly, and this wild gesture was carried to the barefoot.

Back on the guitar, interact with the band on the stage with the wildest rock fan, show the state you want to shout and express vividly, solo for a period of tens of seconds, Chen Hao will not only play at a standard level Show, and also show his stage appeal and expressiveness, adapt his songs into a rock version, and show on such a stage, people who know it can see that he really entered a live performance-desire -Looking at a complete burst of state, into a state where I thoroughly play, without shouting you guys to sing along with everyone, but just play by myself, relying on the strong on-site infection, let Everyone followed his rhythm.

Holding the guitar while playing and singing, from time to time I also ran up to perform a kneeling dive dance on the stage, and occasionally made a difficult movement, the scene was completely driven by him, not only the rhythm and atmosphere, everyone throughout the half The negative emotion brought by disappointment, under the transition of his three states, found the kind of excitement I had to cheer for the team I like on the scene.

People in the sports arena are more likely to be driven by the atmosphere. Chen Hao is driven from negative to positive, and everyone is willing to give him more support.

A lens was aimed at Gao Xiaosong. When he saw the logo of a well-known online media in China, he thought of a joke with Chen Hao and did not stop his body because the camera came. The whole body was already dancing with the rhythm of the scene. Do n’t say if you ’re dancing, do n’t say if you have a sense of rhythm, as long as you move, you can dance well at this scene, no one cares about it, if you are motionless, it ’s a real alien. Make yourself incompatible.

There are quite a few Chinese media looking for familiar stars on the scene. How are Chinese artists taking a lot of photos or shots? The whole scene is only the media and security. They must remain indifferent and force themselves not to be staged. Attracted by Chen Hao, the remaining staff, including various departments, are following the rhythm to move their bodies.

In the locker room, the TV didn't turn off, the sound turned off, the coaches rearranged the tactics of the second half, and the athletes became emotional, and most of them had adrenaline secretion. Most athletes are like this. It takes a little emotional stimulation to be able to play abnormally. The more intense the game, the more so. It is normal to play abnormally, and it is not very normal to play, or it is not dull to play. Well, either, both parties will play well and completely go crazy and present a visual feast for sports.

Now the players of the two teams are dull all the way through the boring game in the first half. According to the normal procedure, they should be dull all the way. Each other is to catch the opponent's mistakes to win. Driven by the singing voice, when the coach turned on the TV, everyone was sitting there in a heavy mood. A hero plus photos of the two teams on the live big screen evoked a strong desire for victory in their hearts. I want to win, not only to win, but also to let my opponents completely surrender, and let them lose out.

The mood came, and the coach found that he did n’t need to arrange tactics. There is no specific tactics in the competition for the championship. He would rather excite all the players than their dull passive defense, let alone what kind of competition there is. Absolutely calm, the game of rugby requires a state of excitement to ignite each other, the collision of muscles and muscles, the perfect fusion of wisdom and strength, and emotion is the best fuel for the two.

Chen Hao had a big skewer. The coaches of the two teams later asked the assistant to turn on the sound of the TV. Instead of speaking some words that everyone ca n’t actually listen to, let them conceive some emotions. The dullness in the first half was because both sides were too If you want to win, you will be able to execute your tactical intentions well. There are no flaws and no offensive attacks. What the coach can do is to keep everyone disciplined in the first half of the tactics, and then add a little aggressiveness when appropriate. Undoubtedly, the cultivation of emotions will complement this, and whether it will affect the quality of defense is no longer a major consideration. Rugby, which advocates the aesthetics of power, does not rely on defense to win the championship.

Attack, attack, attack again!

Let every cell move.

After Chen Hao's enthusiastic singing and dancing, the coaches of the two teams accidentally said to the excited players: "Focus on the execution of tactical coordination, seize the opportunity and then attack, do not give each other a chance."

In the end, despite knowing the enthusiasm of the spectators to attack, the coach still announced the most utilitarian answer to his teammates-even if you are very excited, you must be clear that only if you defend first can you attack and only if you do n’t give it Opportunities are opportunities for the other party.

Chen Hao never considered the team ’s behavior. He was just fortunate that the song "hero" arranged by him was in response to the situation. It is estimated that a large wave of fans will be in the circle. The fans of the two teams did not like themselves. This time It is expected to change their views on themselves.

The hot dance made him sweat. For weather reasons, in terms of clothing design, he was just moving and wearing a t-shirt. Now from moving to quiet, he needs to add clothes or he will catch a gray fur coat. He wore it on him, and while he was waiting for the live intro music, he fastened the buttons, and the whole person's shape changed completely. It seemed that he had only added a piece of clothing, but the upper body could guide the position under the knee. After covering all the buttons, the coat became the center of the lens in the lens. Facing the sweat, Chen Hao wiped his hands on his face, and his fingers turned his hair back, and the sweat between his forehead and hair acted as After a temporary hair spray, the coldness brought about by the cold wind cannot be avoided. Even if there is a hat, it is not suitable to wear. This last song requires a unique mood.

The simplest changes form the three most unique shapes. Chen Hao gasped slightly and turned in four directions with a smile to greet the audience at the scene. The scene is now completely burst, cheers and shouts will sing music The sounds of the songs are affected to a certain degree. Even if Chen Hao sings, he can't hear anything. Seventeen minutes have passed, and thirteen minutes have passed. According to this time schedule, he definitely can't finish the last song.

The staff are ready. The scene will be cleaned up and the stage disassembled immediately after the performance. The security personnel will guide all the audience who enter the infield, and restore the scene to the game state as quickly as possible, so that the two teams can normally Play in the second half.

If it was during his concert, Chen Hao didn't even think about it. He just raised his hands and pressed it, or put a finger in front of his mouth, and the fans at the scene could restore the scene to the quietest speed as quickly as possible. Give him the best environment for him to talk or perform.

At the Super Bowl, there are many fans who are both sports fans and fans. ~ Like a team does not delay yourself as a fan of Chen Hao, but after all, the real host here is two teams, Chen Hao I'm not sure if people who are not their fans at the scene will be touched by their performances, and they are willing to follow their own pace at such a moment.

The performance is so good that the whole scene is crazy for you. It is not a good thing.

Chen Hao first made a decision to delay time by bowing. When he bowed up, the prelude to the music has actually come to sing, but the sound at this scene can never be sung, like Michael Jackson ’s Super Bowl performance. When the song was being sung, he could hardly hear him singing. A lot of people sang along, and some people were still shouting in excitement. The mood on the scene was undoubtedly the most hilarious in the midfield. But the time of the last song believes that for Michael Jackson, the uncontrollable scene effect is definitely not what he wants.

I made a decision in my heart, and always gave myself a chance to challenge myself. Others ca n’t do it, and I do n’t have to do it.

Chen Hao raised his hand and put a finger on his lips, which means everyone knows whether everyone is willing to give him this face.

The noisy sound at the scene remains, one second, two seconds, three seconds ...

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