Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1314: enjoy

In a large theater in Yanjing, Huang Jiazhu and the baby husband and wife entered the scene after the lights in the projection room were dimmed. The two assistants had already left these four seats in advance one by one, and bought the tickets in advance. It is the edge position of the top last row.

Maybe it was extraordinarily wonderful at the beginning of the movie, maybe it was very dark in the auditorium, or maybe both of them wore hats, and they did n’t recognize them until they sat down. .

The two sat down and watched generously, and the people around them didn't bother them, just a few young people took their mobile phones to shoot them. Although it was very blurry, it was enough to let the small videos shot on the Lele short video website. Get the headlines.

There are always some powerful people who will send out some votes on the Internet. Tonight all members of the audience are called to pay close attention to them. Maybe which big star is sitting next to you to watch a movie. Tonight is the biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy At the premiere, there will be many big stars going to the cinema.

The result is small videos and photos of various roads. I really found a lot of stars, but everyone knows that at least respects the privacy of others, and they endure when watching movies, and do not disturb others.

In the last picture of the end of the film, Chen Hao's blood color led the team to leave the battlefield. Zhang Yishan next to him was covered with injuries: "Captain, should we go home?"

"Yes, go home. Back to Earth."

Looking up, in the perspective covered by blood color, a graceful figure exists in the air.

A silvery white dress with a long shawl and charming smile.

Baby, in the series of movies, her role is the goddess in Chen Hao's heart, a girlfriend who has always lived on the earth, and her story will be officially launched in the second part.

In such a picture in his mind, Chen Hao did not take a photo casually, but when he returned, he took the photographer, found the baby, specially selected the clothing, and set the basic shape for her character. Sweet goddess image, with a little bit of feeling next door.

After makeup, if it ’s not the overall feeling of destruction such as a grin, the baby ’s photo can really feel like a girl coming out of the comics. At first, the running man and Fan Bingbing were posing as Athena at the same time. To be honest, she felt more like a comic book In the feeling.

With the lights on, Mr. Huang whispered to his wife with a smile: "Goddess, do you want to answer questions from the media for a while?"

"Ah! Baby, Xiaoming!"

With the lights on, people who have long recognized them around can't help it, holding mobile phones to record small videos, and their behavior has also made more people see the two stars.

"Baby, would you put on your makeup without a mask?"

After hearing that, he took off the mask he was going to put on, and greeted everyone with a smile: "Be careful about the steps."

Stars are no longer mysterious. It ’s normal to see stars in the airports of first-tier cities. At best, everyone is taking photos and recording a small video. Basically, they are not likely to block people ’s roads. Artists have a good mood. It ’s normal to say hello to passersby, and there are some fans who are waiting for it. It ’s no longer a stressful thing to simply chat. It ’s nothing to take a close contact with the elevator.

As the assistant slowly moved forward, the two also slowly walked down the ladder.

baby: "Does the movie look good?"

"Good-looking! Sister baby, is your role in the second episode?"

baby: "Yeah."

"Brother Xiaoming, don't be jealous, we are just looking forward to the cooperation between sister baby and the boss."

Huang Jiazhu laughed: "I'm also looking forward to it, I've seen them play, and it's very enjoyable."

Out of the screening room, the media crowded up instantly, and their interviews were more targeted, and the two stopped.

"After watching the premiere, what did you think? We all heard that the ending is baby is out. It is the girlfriend of the character in Mr. Chen's play. We are looking forward to the second part."

Baby glanced at her husband nearby, something must be said, otherwise it will definitely be brought to various rhythms. If Chen Hao's character in private is recognized by many people, it is estimated that there are family actresses in the circle who will cooperate with him. Pressure, let alone say, the vinegar jar must be overthrown, and even more suspicion is normal.

"Yeah, the second part is even more exciting. Let me tell you a little bit in advance. The two of them also have great rivals."

The first interest came from the media, and it was obvious that it would be a great success, and the spoiler for the second one came out. Two people who have never cooperated, will they cooperate again this time? Huang Jiaozhu and Chen Hao also have rival play?

"I think we should send a message to Mr. Chen to congratulate him." Huang Jiaozhu shook the mobile phone in his hand. Since the last incident, he also let go of that pride in his heart, calling the three words Mr. Chen also No more stress.

The media wants to interview artists and audiences. After all, the influence of this film is too great. The success will be unimaginable. The fastest news is to report the audience's intuitive response. Is very important.

"Is this movie good-looking?"

"That is to say, I want to buy tomorrow's tickets and come to see it again." The young audience who was interviewed was extremely excited. It was completely inexhaustible, and immediately after the interview, they took their mobile phones to buy tickets.

"How about this movie?" The media asked a retired couple in their fifties who actually had a good maintenance in their sixties and could watch the premiere early in the morning, which is worth interviewing.

"It's very nice. It's not like some movies are just accumulating various special effects. Why don't you and the two of us get up this morning to watch them? When they go home, they will tell them to grab the tickets and let them hurry up to arrange time to watch at night.

Yanjing, Modu, Jinmen, Yangcheng, Xiangjiang, Beitai ...

Every city needs to be "captured" at the airport tomorrow. Today, it can be seen in various movie theaters. Chen Hao is really the first commercial movie to battle the world, or a series of movies that are going to be big in the future. It also set up two types of earth forces such as the Imperial Federation, which is equivalent to bringing mainstream Western actors to one side and setting up a camp for Eastern actors that will not be resisted.

Today, there are a large number of Asian actors appearing. South Korea, island countries, Thailand, Singapore, India and other countries all participated in the world premiere on a large scale, and they are also very attractive to the public.

For commercial productions, various special effects have been shown in the trailer. Chen Hao, the best director of Oscar, personally takes the helm, and the pictures presented by various new shooting methods are also presented in the trailer.

There are many big stars in the East and West, as well as local stars who are familiar with them. Although it is a supporting role, you must know that this is a big production with a billion dollars investment. Every country will have a large number of artists who want to go on the international stage. This opportunity is definitely rare in Asia. If you look at the artists who have already become famous, they are willing to be a newcomer to film, you will know how rare this opportunity is.

There are many media in various countries staying in interviews at major movie theaters. At present, no negative comments can be heard at all during interviews. Even ambiguous conclusions are seldom. Such conclusions are rare. Almost everyone gives a high opinion of this movie. Very high score, let ’s talk about the artistic value of the movie and nothing else. It ’s just that you, as an audience, walk into the cinema and watch a 110-minute movie. What do you think?

Are these two hours here a treat?

It is enough to really evaluate this film. I believe that all the audience in the world want the true evaluation given by the viewers.

The same scene is found in all cinemas on the other side of the ocean. Many media are waiting at the cinemas in the bustling neighborhoods of the big city, where they interview the audience who watched the premiere and the occasional star artists.

After all, this movie has been promoted in various ways for a long time, too many expectations have piled up on the premiere day, no matter what kind of psychology is waiting for people, it will finally unveil the mystery The veil of ~ ~ In the end what kind of movie Chen Hao wants to present to audiences all over the world, the progress that no one wants to watch falls behind, and the first screening is the standard, otherwise You will find that when the premiere is over, unless you sleep, everything around you is talking about the movie, and you will immediately feel like you are a strange person.

The main creators of the entire film are not all concentrated in Los Angeles, and they are deliberately scattered to major cities. They need to be interviewed more by the media after they are discovered. It wo n’t be unrecognized after the movie is gone, that does n’t mean that your disguise is good, it only shows that you are not enough red, and no one recognizes you.

In this movie screening room in New York, from the moment the lights turned on at the end of the film, there was endless applause. Chen Hao quickly stood up and stood in front of the screen again, thanking everyone for bowing.

For several years, when he made an art film at a high box office, everyone has been looking forward to what he would look like if he was going to make a commercial film. "Smith and Smith" cannot be regarded as his work, but only The works he starred in, the "Legend of the Galactic Heroes", were born, which filled this gap. What kind of achievements will be, maybe it can not be finally counted today, but the word of mouth derived from the audience ’s experience , To a large extent, the final data will be presented to the world in a 'guessed and calculated' way.

In this screening hall, they are all professional, watching movies and calculating box office, word of mouth, and influence. It can be said that the comprehensive opinions of these people are both the world's mainstream word of mouth and achievements. Their applause, and the expressions they enjoyed after watching the movie, are basically the same as the actual data of Xinxin Pill in Chen Hao. They ate for more than ten hours.

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