Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1316: Spread of word of mouth

In the early morning of the next day, entertainment news from around the world could not escape the fierce spectacle after the release of "Heroes of the Galaxy". Various countries and regions are counting the box office destined to create miracle figures, and the red dots of other places are first. Don't look at it. The two most important data-the North American box office and the China mainland box office, the first-hand data were sent to the top desk of Red Dot's company at the first time.

On this day, when collecting news reports from around the world, it was very tense and full of expectations from the top to the bottom. From the morning, it was basically full. The North American side and the Huaxia side have put the adjustment schedule on the agenda for discussion. .

Before the box office data came out, the film review data scoring websites of various channels, the wonderful film reviews issued by the film critic audiences, and the media interviews and comments from various people were released, and were discussed and evaluated by film audiences around the world.

Rotten tomatoes score 99%, imdb scores 9 ...

The comprehensive score temporarily reached a terrifying 90 points, and according to the current coverage of word of mouth, and the wind direction indicators brought by various film reviews, this data will rise.

In several data of Huaxia, it is also the first time that there are no large numbers of sailors and black fans to deliberately score low. A popular movie in the past has always been deliberately hit on some popular ratings websites of Huaxia. Out of the low scores, lower the overall score.

This time there is no such data, even if there are two or three sporadic kittens that can't have too much influence on big data, what kind of watercress and time, the score of "Biography of Heroes of the Galaxy" is even a little bit in everyone's eyes. The false height, when it went online, it rushed to more than 95. We believe that this data is definitely going to fall. There is no doubt about it.

Compared with several previous works of praise from Chen Hao, the number of participants this time exceeded only half of the overall ratings of those films on the first day. It can be seen in the eyes of ordinary people that similar commercial movies are more capable of They are interested.

It ’s true. Film is an art. There is no doubt about it, but there is a large number of viewers who just want to enjoy a movie watching time after dinner. The more exciting the better, the better the sound of the picture can bring enjoyment. How much esoteric truth is there in your movie, and how many moments of sorrow and affection, I will not be interested at all.

"Biography of Heroes of the Galaxy" satisfies the general movie-watching psychology of film audiences around the world. This film has deep excavations. It is more in line with everyone's tastes. It needs special effects in big scenes, creativity and creativity, and film shooting. There is something new and innovative. It requires stars and celebrities, and acting skills. The most important thing is that the story of commercial special effects has been criticized for being simple. In this film, Chen Hao Miao's brilliant treatment is also in place. In the details, the audience inadvertently has an extended natural experience of the story, instead of forcibly confining some connotative paragraphs to the audience.

For a whole day, it was released in the morning of Friday in Huaxia. Compared with North America, there is still no time period. There is no place here. Many office workers and students grab tickets on the Internet in advance. They can grab after 10 o'clock or even in the early morning. They all felt very satisfied with the tickets. Some courses have loosely arranged universities. This group of college students has already won the tickets for the premiere early. The movie reviews and word of mouth formed by the circle of friends after they came out have the fastest delivery speed.

Today, if you do n’t talk about this movie, you will feel that you are very low. Today ’s fashion is this movie. It ’s like this when the Olympics come, and this is all about football. Can't say a few words, I am embarrassed to move forward.

The media keeps track of the hot ore released in this movie. The most important time periods are various shows starting at 5 or 6 pm. In different time zones, the media will go to the movie theaters in the major cities during this time to film the scene. Happening.

The waiting area is full of people. When you check the ticket, you are queuing up for admission. When you go to the ticket gate, it is normal to have no ticket. If you really have a ticket, it is a ghost.

Some media leaders have a strategic vision. We do n’t go to big cities. We go to small cities. In North America, we go to some small city movie theaters. What kind of scene will it look like? In Huaxia, take a look at county-level cities or small counties. Today, the coverage of movie theaters has already enabled such levels of county-level cities to have at least one movie theater.

Seeing that it can be overcrowded is the real movie fire. When you observe some people who obviously don't go into the cinema to watch movies on weekdays, it proves that the influence of this film has been reached.

Generally speaking, word-of-mouth masterpieces are fermented for a week or two, and only after they get a very crazy box office, can they attract some people who do not watch movies into the movie. This word of mouth coverage was completed on the first day of the movie, and some people have already begun to predict the box office of the movie.

Those who questioned the possibility of encountering Waterloo now shut up. Now this film is not thinking about whether it will fail, what kind of success should be considered.

Major newspapers, major entertainment media, major entertainment news programs are all racing to report. I have also said before that the investment in this film is too large, which may cause excessive investment burdens and make it difficult to make money even if the box office is crazy. At that time, Red Dot took out a lot of money from the surrounding areas, and now it's the film's turn to officially release. It seems that this problem no longer exists.

Well-known Hollywood film critic Jacques Allen posted a film review: "After the premiere, I grabbed another ticket, and after two views, I was willing to start writing this film review. Admittedly, this is a very, very Although the outstanding science fiction movies are not comparable in content to the crazy sci-fi brains of mouse contemporaneous novel "Three Body", compared with the sci-fi movies of our previous impressions, there have been many improvements in details. These improvements seem to be small. A closer look reveals that it is not that mouse does not have the ability to add more elements. It is because he understands the audience ’s psychology, and allows the audience to watch the movie in the most familiar way of watching. It subtly increases their acceptance of more fresh details. . "

"The different environmental characteristics of different planets, different fighting methods of different races, and these things that have been slowly formatted by previous movies have made many audiences also form a fixed thinking of watching movies. Mouse used his means to surprise us and tell us to change. It doesn't have to be such a big change, the details are fine. At least I watched this movie, and the content of "Three Body" came up in my mind. I have updated my knowledge of the possible alien technology and no longer These are the pictures that were fixed many years ago. I think this is the real place for this film. The rest is about technology and acting. I do n’t think it needs to be broken down. There are many people The film critics have been very successful in showing these things to everyone. "

The reviews of various netizens on the Huaxia network are mostly describing the details of the movie. To an article by the Huaxia Film Network, there are similarities and differences between this and Jacques Allen's film reviews. They all open up another perspective for the audience. , Let them have more angles to watch the movie and analyze the content in the movie.

"Reasonable. This is something many audiences are tangling with, whether there is magic, whether there are aliens, whether there are vampires, whether there are superheroes. When these issues are no longer tangled, the audience began to question There are unique requirements for whether the detail planning in the movie is reasonable. "Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy" is such a movie. It is reasonable in details and can even be classified into the professional category. All weapons and equipment, all large strategic equipment, It can be said that Chen Hao is an enthusiast. He used movies to show some unrelated content. According to the various equipment derived from the current development of science and technology weapons and technological equipment on our planet, I believe that many netizens have already Seeing this, I always felt that it was unreasonable here and unreasonable when watching a movie. Why is the wall suddenly broken, even if you are a robot, the feeling of being broken is not right. Anyone with a good eye can see that the wall is fake. Including the impact injuries on the body. "

"I believe that some viewers are already stupid ~ ~ Do you still need to tangle with such problems? Everyone knows it is fake. We just watch a movie, but we have not thought about it and have to study it. Yes, most of them This is the idea of ​​people. This is the way of shooting for decades. Everyone is used to it, but this movie is different. We tried to do an experiment. When there is enough force to break the wall, the way the wall is damaged. It did n’t happen overnight. It has a time-lapse gradient. Everyone has seen it in the movie. Seeing that scene, it is a very common picture used in many movies. Do you find it very enjoyable? This is how this film works. The most successful place on the technical level, many people think it is not much new, why do you feel so enjoyable when you look at it yourself? "

"The answer may require each audience to go to the second and third brushes to give their own answers. Which picture do you really think looks good?"

Analysis, analysis, spoilers to a certain degree, deep digging plots, and opening up future plots ...

To be honest, some of the extended plots Chen Hao felt ashamed when they saw them. The power of the masses is infinite. They thought of many ideas that they found very interesting. The details of future scripts do not need to use their brains. Let the staff first Collecting these brain holes about future plots of netizens, they can evolve many interesting stories.

The rest, whether it is to analyze the technical methods of filming or to dig deep into the relationship between characters, is equivalent to the promotion of this movie. There are many data controls, but I like to see ratings and many film reviews on the Internet. Before choosing whether to watch this movie. All these media news and film reviews will deeply dig out a large number of audiences to the cinema to contribute to the box office. At the same time, this movie will be slowly elevated to the seat of God. .

There are no natural god-made films, only word-of-mouth movies carried to the seat of the gods.

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