Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1319: Focus on the world

With her achievements and status in Hollywood for many years, she is still extremely excited. It can be seen what kind of future achievement this film brings to the main actors.

Not only the actors, but also the heads of the various departments of the cast have also become xiangxiang. Next year ’s Oscar major technology awards will frequently see the heroes behind the “Biography of Galaxy Heroes”.

The end of a first weekend is enough to make any unknown little person a hot star in the entertainment industry. "Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy" is like a star-making machine, which quickly made a few little supporting actors famous.

In other films, you need enough drama to be able to win one or two newcomers. In this movie, everything becomes different. The details of this play allow each character to have instant popularity, as long as you act Well, there will be enough soil here to make you a hot star.

Various media interviews on various stages, various TV shows, various topic layouts.

Before the release, there was no large-scale publicity event. Instead, it was because the movie was too hot after it was released. It was no longer publicity but actors from all walks of life. The subsequent announcement arrangements made the various reactions after it became popular. Another form of publicity.

As the absolute leader of this movie, Chen Hao can no longer avoid playing games at this time. Besides, the game server where he is now is overcrowded. Everyone is watching everyone's every move. Others come out to participate in the event to participate in the announcement. He Playing games in games is indeed unjustifiable.

From New York to Los Angeles, the West Coast is still richer in entertainment atmosphere. Los Angeles is also the real entertainment capital of the world. Any event can attract hundreds of well-known media.

The red dot is now full of confidence. All the voices of doubt within the company have been converted into praise. Any action, without any obstacles, is all people who actively come forward and want to get some credit for promotion and raise.

Today, people inside the entire Red Dot company know that for a newly established company, a strategic project will be the best ladder for all company employees. Previously, everyone felt that this project meant walking on a wire rope. Wait and see. There are many people, and now there is no risk at all. I also know that it is difficult to get up at this time, and I have tried my best to show it. In case of luck, I will be smoothed out by the big brothers.

This time there were no activities, and it just ran casually. More than 200 media around the world gathered at the event site in Los Angeles. It's hard to believe that this was a movie event. The performers on the stage turned out to be the secret model of the secret, not yet One or two, with a dozen or so, formed a small sho stiffly. The clothing worn was a clothing brand. I just heard about such a stage show and then discussed cooperation. In a short time, it was millions. Cooperation, the Red Dot company only needs to give part of the hard work to these big models who come to the show, and the rest can be comfortably put into their pockets.

The movie is on fire, and money is everywhere, as Yin Tianyang said at the beginning, as long as the movie is on fire, all investment is worthwhile, all worry is superfluous, and everything is now confirming what he said at the beginning, one has At the helm of strategic vision, once a project is targeted, the successful results it can form are far better than some seemingly smooth investment projects.

The media now don't care how much money Red Dot earns, they don't care about how much money the short-term cooperation promotes that clothing brand. What they care about is the gimmicks when the secret secret models come.

Little Plum has always used Victoria's secret as his back garden all these years.

The short cooperation between Chen Hao and Wei Mi also spread a lot of scandals.

So many hot bodies in the eyes of the media are -sex-sense-synonymous models, and there are many inhuman secrets between the two actor, each one excavated can be heated a few times before today day.

When Chen Hao came to the backstage, the little Li Ziren was already there. There is no embarrassment in the Western circle that the king does not see the king. The top circle is only so large that no one can see no one. I really want to live in that heart. It ’s good if you do n’t come, at least you can come and laugh hello and greet Qian Chen's past.

With long legs and thin waists, many models are seeking to become thinner than domestic models. They pay more attention to the s-curve of the body. In front of such a group of people, when you are surrounded, bursts of aromas shroud them. At the same time, there are a pair of eyes full of longing, the kind of look that can't wait to swallow Chen Hao, and let the little plum on the side shook his head with a bitter smile and secretly admired himself. It was the envy of others this time.

Chen Hao turned his eyes, beckoned the little plums, and said to the big models: "Then you have to get along well with our commander-in-chief. A women's combat corps appears behind him, but his killer, when will it be assigned to me? The captain of the detachment, but he makes sense. "

After speaking, people wanted to run outside before everyone could figure it out. As a result, they were surrounded again without going out in two steps. Looking at the face that had already seen everything, Chen Hao scratched his head and showed an awkward smile. : "It takes time, but a commander-evil-fun-taste-mechanical warrior team full of long commanders filled with certain commanders is not a bad idea. First of all, it ’s hard to shoot me, you have to at least The problem of being able to endure hardships and insufficient acting skills is to solve the problem of mechanical warrior's facial paralysis. If you are not face paralyzed and want to film my drama, the suffering is not physical. "

Little Li Zi did not expect that Chen Hao could think of a good idea for shooting in a flash of thought, and thought that the picture was very enjoyable. A group of long legs, wearing combat clothing with a little less cloth, and all the robots could explain why not Wearing protective clothing and the like, those long legs are very exciting to think about appearing in the movie. At that time, casually cutting out a ten-second trailer will be enough to attract a large number of male audiences to enter the cinema.

Thumbs up at Chen Hao, and Little Plum is not stupid. He did not give him the opportunity to shift the subject to himself. Of course, the fragrance in the flowers is tangy, but he must have the appetite to bear the pressure brought by these people. You Mr. Chen is now recognized as the ideal man in the minds of women, and I leave it to you.

Before coming, Little Plum thought that there must be-fragrant-brilliant-incomparable among all the flowers. Really came to realize that it is definitely not something that ordinary people can enjoy. One-on-one contact is okay. I really stand with so many people and be strong. The men facing them can only be the target of captivity, one by one, so it's a big deal to jump on to see you? Now it is against a group, you have no chance to fight back.

Some media were allowed to come in to shoot the background, and the camera directly recorded Chen Hao's "happiness" surrounded by a large model. In the camera, he showed the audience in the world a state of random picking. As long as he thinks, these people present are willing to pick them anytime, anywhere.

Change to someone else, and change to other occasions, this kind of picture is enough to be regarded as explosive news, enough lively for a few days. On Chen Hao, on this occasion today, this is just a condiment, and the taste can still be taken seriously. If you eat the jujube or the ingredients of the main course, you can remember it.

Today, there are more than 20 celebrity artists in Hollywood alone, and there are more than 20 Asian artists who are familiar with this show. The media has too much material to shoot and there are too many topics. It ’s never been such a happy moment for some media. Those sports journalists who went to the Olympics or the European Cup of the World Cup will have similar enjoyment. There is news everywhere. Anyone who comes across is a sports from various countries. Stars are worth interviewing in two sentences.

After all, Oscar and Grammy are still limited. Many media can only look at it from a distance. They don't get the opportunity to interview them at close range.

Today, all the media are completely satisfied. You do n’t need to worry about a star surrounded by too many people. You ca n’t get in, you do n’t need to worry. One by one. The red dot is worthy of the atmosphere of a large company. The activities must be full of scenes and time. Every actor in the play is told before you come. You must be prepared to stay at the scene for three or four hours. Do n’t worry about being too tired. You will be seated. Link.

At the scene, there are seven or eight areas dedicated to taking pictures. All of them are the ones with a beautiful background after looking in advance, and the scene lighting is also debugged in advance. In these areas, the media photographed them. Artists do not need to worry about the ugly photos created by light and shadow.

In addition, Nuoda's banquet hall site has a relatively western-style buffet structure. It has a spacious interview area and will not affect each other. There is a sufficient distance between each group of sofas, and some are single. Some sofas are suit sofas suitable for several people to interview together. They are completely selected according to the artist's own preferences.

Artists like Mario, Amir Khan, and Jeon Ji Hyun do n’t need to worry about being left unattended ~ ~ Red dot has already made arrangements in advance, not only the media in the country where the actor is located will be allowed more There are two media, and some media will be arranged to say hello and fill the vacancies on the scene, so that every artist interviewed will be a little more lively.

When you feel that the media around you is lacking or no one is interviewing, do n’t worry about your embarrassment. You ’ve arranged everything on the spot. The interviews and activities that took place nearly an hour in the front are scattered. If you notice that There is less media around me, so I can eat something. There is also a large area on the scene. It is a combination sofa surrounded by a large circle. It can not sit crowded if you can sit a dozen or twenty people. You do n’t need to worry about being left out, everyone is lively as soon as you chat. All the media at the scene were told that this area can be filmed on the periphery, but interviews are not allowed, that is, interruptions are not allowed. If you want to To interview an artist, you can contact his assistant, and you go to the area next to the interview.

The online media is the fastest spreading news. From the beginning of the event, the news interviews on the Internet appeared at the fastest speed, with a delay of only three minutes from the scene, which is equivalent to the efficiency of live broadcasting.

Today, there is no need to add a prefix to the entertainment industry. There are no major international events happening around the world. This event really focused the world's attention. To read this site, please use the latest domain name

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