Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1333: That man is already on the throne

Brother is a careful man.

Chen Hao didn't care that he was established by some people. Even if someone asked him, he was outspoken. I was like that.

Mario and the characters he played were completely wiped out directly in the entire Galaxy headquarters. The rest included some characters who had already received the box lunch. They also had their own image design and character design. Many people have already seen it. , Red Dot and Mr. Chen Hao Chen this is very ambitious.

Even small characters are set in this way in detail, with detailed background information. This is done for one purpose.

Soon, when the chronicle data on the background of the entire "Heroes of the Galaxy Heroes" in the large exhibition hall was presented in front of everyone, this purpose became clear.

Making games is still a very large game, obviously in European and American style, not the kind of game in which the core of the story is not the same as the one in China. It is a game that was made immediately after a Chinese film and television drama or novel became popular. This is a very common thing. Someone in the country has long been eager to play a game for "Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy." From page games to mobile games to end games, the red dot and the era of joyful gatherings have directly rejected them. That super-large game.

In Europe and the United States, playing games is a very serious matter. Whether it is a large-scale end-game or something, you need to have core content that truly belongs to you. Even big stories like Diablo and Warcraft ca n’t keep up with the early stage. The details are enough to make them stand in the game industry for more than a decade.

Seeing today's Galaxy Headquarters, the people on the scene know that either they are strategically cooperating with Red Dot, or you are trying to find ways to bring enough funds into Red Dot for strategic financing. The one-on-one one-for-one deal is a go. The red dot is not likely to give such an opportunity. I have all the resources. Why should I let you come in to make a quick money and cooperate, then the long-term cooperation of the big strategy. We used to share risks and enjoy success together before the risk. Now that the risk is small, you can only take a small share of the big investment. The world's most lacking is a low-risk money-making project.

The Galaxy Headquarters has a large number of security and service personnel in the area where this celebration is opened. Security is responsible for the order and security of each area. The service personnel are responsible for meeting everyone's needs while driving six to ten seats. Two-seater sightseeing cars shorten the distance from one area to another.

It can be regarded as China's half-court home. People in the Chinese circle and the media have come here more often. There are also many people from various film and television companies who come to learn from them. They have been in contact before. I hope to take pictures. As a lost city, Chen Hao gave all China The only condition for the crew to open the door is to pass the preliminary review by the China Film and Television Promotion Association. This review is not an obstacle. It just uses an organization recognized by the majority to conduct a preliminary review of the crew ’s work. There is only one standard, and you are not abusive. Follow the trend, don't get the works out of the first look are the five-mao special effects, the first look is the work without any technical content.

If it is a half-court for the Chinese insiders, then for the entertainers of the era, they are even half-owners. Many of their friends in this circle come here through their relationship. I have been invited here to have an invited channel, all are good-faced, no one wants to come here alone is just a busy passerby, nor are they willing to be left out in the cold and left unattended, half of them The host is a friend, and was led here to visit and chat.

Li Yifeng and Zhang Ruoyi came this time with Zhou Dongyu. At their level of popularity, their own company arranged them, but after arriving at the scene, acquaintances were always more comfortable to lead, and they could also reach some people closer. To say that Xiao Li is actually very uncomfortable, he also cooperated with Chen Hao. At that time, he and Wu Yifan were both the value and the traffic in the movie. Chen Hao played a rough man at the time. As a result, "Old Cannon" was finally completed. It ’s not that the director did not star in the small steel cannon. The video that everyone can watch today is Chen Hao as the dull boy. The award for best supporting actor has been a lot, and I ca n’t remember. Not from that time, he was out of control.

Think about it, there are also "Wolf Warrior 2", and "Certificate of Appreciation", three consecutive supporting roles, each one wonderful, and then in Hollywood, a clown has achieved the highest state that the supporting role can reach.

A few years have passed, and I haven't got rid of the constraints of small fresh meat. I have gone up the age, but the role I can play is still in a very narrow range. The student Feng of Xiao Li's family was very depressed. The cooperation at that time I didn't contact afterwards. I saw you after a few years. It was not enough. I also needed someone to build a bridge so that I would not become a passerby.

In this scene, being a passerby is not shameful, but it is also a good opportunity. However, facing the center of the scene, the little tangle in my heart can't be dissipated.

That's Spielberg, and Cameron Anthony, the old master's director, and Wu Yusen. They chatted with Chen Hao. Before, there were several Oscar filmmakers. In this picture, Xiao Li used to be I've seen it in my dreams, and I imagined that I stood in the position of Chen Hao, became the most appreciated actor of all directors, and became a world-class movie star.

"Ah!" He sighed secretly, and the little tangle of Xiao Li also dissipated without any resistance in front of reality. There was nothing to tangle, and the height of his fantasy in the dream was not as high as the current one.

I just want to become a world-class movie star. Now Chen Hao, but the big man in the world entertainment industry, the resources in his hand are not inferior to those super big men. Now, in front of this "Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy", a supporting role in a special task force, it is a hot opportunity to break the head.

Abroad, Jeong Ji Hyun has become a sister of the Korean film industry. According to legend, her company has been trying to find resources for her, hoping to get no box lunch.

See, I dare not think about fighting for the show. The first thing I can think of is that the role played by me is not alive.

Domestically, Li Qin and Zhang Yishan are young. During this time, many scripts found them. Li Qin, the heroine of the TV series, has not yet been qualified as an actor, and has become the second female candidate in the domestic production. There is a script for them.

The gap between the front and back of a movie is enough to make everyone envious.

Look at the number of actors who have come this time in China, those who have a good relationship with Chen Hao in "The Lost", this time they have come, each of them can look forward to the new role of the second part, even if the company operates Can you compete with so many friends in his circle?

Zhang Ruoxuan is better than Xiao Li, and he can be regarded as a little younger brother. He has a higher vision and looks at Chen Hao, who is being pulled away by the director of Xiao Gang Cannon, to several film and television company bosses, saying softly, "Dong Yu, yours Is there a second part of the film? "

In fact, he has a closer relationship with Chen Hao. He has taken less photos together and lived in the show together. The relationship is also good, but as a young man, he is also a man. At that time, he still had some pride and relationship. Yes, I do n’t want to lose to you. I ’m crying. I have n’t competed in the past two years. However, the good relationship has been a lot indifferent in the long-term unconnectedness. I didn't plan to stick it with my cheeks, even if I put down my pride, I still hope that there can be a relatively less awkward step to go down.

Looking back, the man was above the throne!

Zhou Dongyu pouted: "I don't know, but Naza has the second part of the play, and plays with the little girl with Xiaodi. He should notify two or three months in advance, let us prepare in advance, but sometimes it will Add roles temporarily ... "

Xiao Li and Xiao Zhang are envious. Artists who entered in the early stage of the happy age never need to worry about their own roles. They all have very good roles in Lost, and they all have good performances. Playing such a big "Galaxy" "Hero Biography", no need to worry, just need to wait patiently, there must be a character that Chen Hao thinks is very suitable for you.

"Okay, Daoer, can I not do what you said? Listen to you, listen to you, HELLO, the savior is here, you two have to help tonight's wine party, Dao Feng and Uncle Ge study You want to pour me ... "

In fact, sincerely calculating, Chen Hao's six points is his master's familiarity, and the four points is his true state. Come here and carry Xiao Li and Xiao Zhang's shoulders ~ ~ signaled to drink together at night to deal with Huayi brothers guys.

To the extent that he is not hypocritical, he can understand the current state of mind of those partners who were once shoulder-to-shoulder or not as good as himself, especially those who are similar in age, and will have similar performance when they are replaced by themselves. This is also a circle. It is said that one of the main reasons for his better relationship with co-actresses.

At this time, his posture was revealed a little, and it was irrelevant to his false intentions. He was willing to take this step, and many friends had multiple paths.

For Xiao Li and Xiao Zhang, such a step is undoubtedly the most perfect. For the remaining opportunities and the like, it really depends on how the company operates. It is not Mr. Chen who is a very good friend around him. He will care more about the role. Duan Yihong, Li Youbin, and Zhang Guoqiang participated in the show after returning to China. They all admitted that they were not familiar with Chen Hao except for the trials arranged by the company. Li Youbin's role was named by Chen Hao himself.

Now that there are steps, the little tangle in their hearts is long gone, and there is too much difference between high and low, and there is no one who is not convinced by young people. Mr. Chen called out in his heart and passed the psychological barrier. Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. They ask themselves to reserve a lot, but at this moment, they have deepened their determination and motivation to reserve more, just one day they will have a chance in front of them.

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