Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1335: Don't sleep anymore

Although the opening ceremony at night is lively, for many actors on the scene, the mind is actually not here. The "Three Body" will make some adjustments. More characters in the novel will reflect more skin-colored characters, which also makes a lot of important Characters have become the target of everyone's pursuit, and they are all considering whether they can become the main actors of new works.

"Three Body" is different from "Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy". There are many important characters in it, and they are even divided according to the movie. Sometimes the protagonist of this film may not have a few scenes in the next one, and the characters in the plot, There is a lot of room for play.

Chen Hao ’s icy and cruel black department has been globally recognized in "Enrollment Division". Two versions of the same story, but in different cultural backgrounds, he has shot two kinds of admission division divisions, each of them It's so classic.

"Three Body" is completely cruel and brain-brained version of sci-fi theme. The pen is very fierce. In all film and television dramas, Cheng Xin, the heroine's standard, was trampled by him in the novel. People say she is not good, but everyone who reads novels says that such a woman is our most common Virgin B who is good at doing bad things.

There are similar roles in world movies and TV series. Actress or female No.2, especially in the subject of war. Here the heroine is going to the front line, or enter the area where the kidnappers are concentrated to rescue, the heroine or reporter or nurse. Doctors and the like, obviously do n’t have that strength, but shouting various slogans that you ca n’t refute, ah, I ’m not afraid of death, I want to go in to save people, I have to go in, what can I do?


In reality, if there is such a pussy, just slap it straight away. In a film and television drama, because of such a plot that is not powerful enough to take face value, it often has to kill a lot of people and look disgusting.

Many people say that the coldness of Chen Hao in "Three Body" is not prejudiced against women. He is extremely cruel and cold to many people and many things. The end of each role is called a cruel, how many girls look at it After finishing the novel, they all wrote to him with tears and grievances, leaving him a message, hoping that he would be happier in the future and not write such a cruel novel.

No matter how cruel the novel is, purely in terms of artistic creation, many people have been studying "Three Body" for a long time. How to shoot that kind of sci-fi sense of sci-fi drama is Chen Hao's thing. They study every character. Interesting roles Many people have communicated in private. If you were to act, what would you do?

After the strategic cooperation meeting in the afternoon, the news spread quickly in a small area, and the project was finally launched. Next, there was only competition for roles. The remaining partners will give everyone the best quality conditions. At the same time that these big brothers passed on the news, they were also accompanied by a message in the name of Chen Hao—the crew had money, but they would not uncontrollably issue high film pay, Chen Hao ’s The film pay is locked at 20 million US dollars, and he will add up multiple identities to get a share ratio, so your smartest way is to use 20 million as a reference to measure your own value, and then based on the role of the role, think how much Caption quote.

Everyone is not stupid, they all understand that this is to tell everyone directly, whoever has a high quotation will be out of the game, unless you have a reason to make Chen Hao indispensable to you, that way, 20 million is not far from you.

Take a look at how much Galactic Heroes has earned. The box office alone has made red dots crazy. Counting all the costs of the Galaxy headquarters invested in the previous period, he doubled his profit. This is the box office alone. The rest Various money-making projects have just begun.

Guessing, guessing, no one cares about money at this time. Everyone pays like zero rewards, and they are willing to pay for their own money. After this movie is lost, they can easily and casually make money. Loose it back.

Li Qin and Quan Zhixian endorsed a cosmetics that is very hot in Asia. Both of them have been paid twice as much. The agents of their brokerage company are currently busy and beat their heads. There are too many jobs and too many trips to go each day. Arrangement, if not everyone likes to learn Chen Hao's style, will not take some jobs that will affect their own image, give up some opportunities to make money, guessing that one by one will be busy.


The start-up ceremony is of course a lot of attention. The media in the field has a feeling that the lens is not enough. Sometimes the first-line cafes do n’t have time to take pictures. .

There is no presumptuous wine culture at the dinner at night. Everyone has a mind and is thinking about the "Three Body" thing. It is not like "The Heroes of the Galaxy". There is a novel Zhuyu ahead. Everyone has a track to follow. No Worrying about how Chen Hao shoots, I have started to study each role, which one I can fight for, how much confidence I have, and whether I can fully fit my role, so with Chen Hao's temperament, it may not require much external effort You only need a self-recommended performance to get the character.

This time, even the entertainers of the era of gathering can't sit still, Qianer and Jiang Meiyan know that they are far worse in all aspects, but they just sent a congratulatory message. I hope I can learn one or two with it, and the supporting role is good. Go to the international market. turn.

Jiang Shuying, Zhou Dongyu, and Gulin Nazha couldn't sit still. I was embarrassed to pass Xiao Di directly, so I took her to drink tea, carefully mixed fruit flower tea, and a lotion-based soup. Snacks and dried fruits reverberate in a melodious music environment. At this time, Mao has recommended himself, but it is even more important.

"You said, how much information and calls will he receive tonight?" Jiang Shuying opened a bag of marshmallow and distributed it to everyone.

Several food encounters happened together, and it was so easy to pretend to eat it. I usually didn't dare to eat it. This time, I was desperately enjoying it.

Xiaodi's phone rang, and when she turned it on, she showed a little regret and showed it to the three people around her.

"Ye Wenjie's role does not consider female artists after 1980. Several of you should eat and play. The following roles have not been considered yet. Don't let it go if you have a suitable supporting role."

After 1980, they will not even consider it, let alone after 90. In fact, a few of them have guessed. Ye Wenjie's role is more suitable for actors of that level in the Mesozoic Shuangbing Sidan era.

This message that Chen Hao replied is still a reassurance. His family must be given priority. No matter how many of you look at me, I joined the happy age. It ca n’t be regarded as giving away charcoal in the snow. Now there are more opportunities for the company ’s projects. First come to our own family.

Gulina limped. "He also told us that we can't support his role now."

Jiang Shuying was very unconvinced compared to a boxing posture: "Then, guess who?"

Xiaodi laughed: "In fact, there are only a few people. He was deliberately released, so let those competitions, otherwise you look at the female artist he has worked with, and I will definitely not be idle today, and it will be related to everyone. It ’s all good. He always has the simplest reason to reject everyone, and then let the actor who can perform in the state he wants, start preparing in advance, and I guarantee that he will not announce the candidate for at least half a month. . "

That ’s just a few suitable ones, no matter how old they are, it ’s not good enough, there are some fame and acting skills that are not enough, and the actors in Xiangjiang Baodao ca n’t perform the status of Chinese women in that era, and the rest are Not much, Zhang Ziyi, Li Bingbing, Zhao Wei, Xu Jinglei ...

A few of them are relatively comfortable, just like Chen Hao said, his family will not lose their roles and opportunities. The others are just scratching their heads, just Ye Wenjie. This evening, Chen Hao ’s WeChat is I kept showing 99+ messages without reading. I answered the phone without knowing how many of them. All the artists I worked with had almost opened the phone.

Yang Mi, Tang Yan, baby, Sun Yan, Zhao Liying are all old friends, and they are not polite to call directly. Whether they can or not, they don't want to be unable to fall asleep tonight, and get the answer first.

People in the circle like Jing Tian, ​​Liu Yifei, and Huang Shengyi have also come to ask through various channels ~ ~ Chen Hao has had little contact with them in these years. He has never had an unfavorable relationship with him in the past. They all hit the wall. The so-called success is also Xiao He and Xiao He. Today, these people have not even cooperated with Chen Hao. This time, the "Three Body" is really too many people in China. They all found the Yanjing level. People like Tian Ge, Tong Zhonghai, and Tang Feng were all trivial. If it weren't for the group of Jing Tianlin, even the elders at home were lifted out. Yan Jing will have more than a dozen phone calls to Chen Hao. By then, you do n’t have to think about it. Mars must have been hit by the earth and the scene broke out. Chen Hao offends people. Those people have lost face. Things come.

Many people were awakened by the phone in their sleep. When Chen Hao was at night, people from all walks of life in Huaxia began to communicate with each other early in the morning. It was Han Sanye at the Galaxy headquarters. As soon as the news of the official establishment of "Three Body" came out, there were more than a dozen people who found him, all of whom are important characters in the novel. Those who can call him must have at least two men, two women, two men and three women. Three and the like made him very helpless.

It's not just him, such as Huayi's King Wang, Xiao Wang, and even Xiao Gang Cannon. The telephones are answered one after another. The film and television industry leaders from the island of Xiangjiang have to be busy this evening. It ’s difficult to take an early break. Chen Hao has seen the time is almost up. The very wayward mobile phone is turned off. He goes directly to the tea room to take Dill and go back to sleep. How many people have insomnia on the other side of the ocean and how many people The land of Huaxia is running around.

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