Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1344: strength

The stadium under the night does not have the hustle and bustle brought by the bustling city, and some are just the fear caused by a special sound by accident. You do n’t know whether it is the sound of a bullet firing or what.

In the entire city of Y, there is very little entertainment at night. Except for a few neglected areas, you can hardly see people walking around at random at night.

The stadium has entered a different kind of quiet. In view of the special nature of this concert, it will not choose to start after entering the dark, which means that the gorgeous lights will not become the theme here, so all the staff one day in advance After entering the commissioning, I went into the tent to rest at night, and will carry out the final commissioning tomorrow morning.

In this era, it seems that getting up early and getting up early has become a past vocabulary. The team of Chen Hao's concert is now very popular in China. There are a lot of singers in Asia who invited them to do concerts. Will also be invited by some European and American big coffee.

The fame has risen, the income has also increased, and the amateur life has also been enriched. This time, some people feel that they have acted and have not come over. It is a situation where we are a cooperative relationship and I want to fly alone. Yes Brother Tian and Chen Hao didn't say anything. We are still partners when we come. We still give a lot of money. You help the team with a red dot. We do n’t want to come together. It's getting better and better. At least such a peaceful breakup is also thinking of each other.

As for the resentment that belongs to Tiange, it is after I wait to see you, to see what you can mix. Good horses do n’t eat turn grass. Do n’t die when you do n’t want to turn around. I wo n’t give back when I get there. Your chance.

In fact, including Chen Hao, his heart was uncomfortable, and Tian Ge made a complaint once, which was never a rude act on his body.

"Without Haozi, how can they be? It is Haozi who passed on the details of every detail and must not be compromised. He really feels like he is a wrist, and he who can leave for small profits is absolutely unable to Hao Zi's attitude should be maintained. "

For those who stayed, Tian Brother and Chen Hao did not appease them on the spot, but in a customary time period, after a period of time, after several projects, to improve income and benefits for everyone, Chen Hao does not have a few games a year, in the name of the company Lease or concerts of some new singers in the company, they are doing, even if it is an ordinary staff, plus business travel subsidies can earn 200,000 to 300,000 a year, and will get the company and Mr. Chen's red envelope, technical personnel and supervisors, etc., needless to say, don't talk too easily about one year's work.

Every year, the income is not low, and they can go out and move around. They all have a good childhood and have a good mentality. Facing the danger this time, I came under pressure when I came here, and I felt that I had to support the company and Mr. Chen at this time, and came at a risk. I found out that it is no longer a war zone, it is on the edge of the city. With so much security, tanks can be seen escorting in the distance outside the street, and it feels like there is no danger at all.

Boring at night, getting together for a drink can be considered brave, or go to the tent to turn on the lights and play cards to pass the boring time. When you are not there, you will be afraid. When you are really in this environment, you are actually not so afraid.

Chen Hao didn't go out all night. He didn't want to get in trouble, but he wasn't afraid of trouble. He just wanted to finish the work that he was supposed to do safely. He was still thinking about the end of the concert to turn around and feel the unique local customs. And scenery, watching this posture, it is estimated that the first time after the end of their concert, they will be escorted into the plane to leave here.

This night, Kang Yan and Chen Gang did not sleep. With their two energies, forty-eight hours of blindness can guarantee 100% concentration. It will end before dark, and they are ashamed in their own words. Yong, one mistake is enough.

Chen Hao actually didn't sleep very well. He only slept for four hours by using the exercises that Chen Gang taught him. Fortunately, there is such a magical thing as games. If you like to play games, it It has a great effect on decompression and relaxation, and even the passage of time will become invisible in front of it.

As soon as the game was played, someone was online. In less than five minutes, all the loss friends went online. Everyone came up and asked him how he felt here.

Looking at the time, it is seven o'clock in the afternoon of Huaxia. Even though they seem to be at work, they have absolute autonomy to log in to the game freely. It ’s not just them. The reason this game and this server are attracting a lot of traffic is that everyone is waiting for Chen Hao to appear. This is the first time he has caught him playing a game. The people who said he was a childcare provider shut up before. Although this is not one of the billionaires, if he talks about charging games to play games, he is definitely a leader among them. Look at the gold with President Wang, Hai Yu, Tong Zhonghai, Tang Feng, and Tian Ge. One is fiercer than the other, Tang Feng's first top-up exceeded eight figures.

More and more people enter this server, which also breaks the curse of the "dead zone" of various games soon. There are more and more resident players in this game. Many people just get numbers and do not practice at all. The level is just waiting for the news of Chen Hao. He will not broadcast live without the proper environment and time, but if he is on the road or taking an international flight, he will sometimes play games to see him more.

At 1 p.m. this time, there was a lot of people surfing the Internet. Soon the game ’s public screen was full of texts chanting Chen Hao. The enthusiasm once caused the entire game ’s public screen to be swiped wildly, leaving him no way to go Playing the game, facing the enthusiasm of the fans, facing the registration system and the entry port of the entire game crashing, he can only send a message with the gold props, so that the whole server can see: "Go to the live room Come on, chat. "

Five five live broadcast rooms, now Huaxia viewers are also used to the five five live broadcast rooms to open the international channel live broadcast mode, many college students and high school students junior high school students, because of Chen Hao's sake, because he likes to want to talk to him more Close up, I do n’t need to watch the subtitles when I want to watch his international version live broadcast, and I work hard to learn English, so that his name is mentioned in many educational news, and some The students in the big cities who are well-off, the conditions for them to watch a concert or purchase a peripheral product of Chen Hao are to give their parents satisfactory scores and results in an exam.

"Hello everyone, let ’s chat today. You also saw that it is not qualified to perform for everyone. Chatting heaven, we will have the final rehearsal in a while. The audience in Huaxia is happy. It is time to return home from work. Time to see the concert. "

It ’s really just chatting. It ’s just that the atmosphere of today ’s chat is different. From the second he started the live broadcast, the public screen of the gift has never stopped. The gift can only be displayed in three rows at the same time. Well, if it ’s too much, it will be directly covered and not displayed. The one with the highest total value will be displayed in the front, so soon, click on the 66 diamond ring perfumes or the like, that is more than a thousand dollars in less than a second, 唰 唰 唰Began flying crazy.

Lele also recently produced a special high-value special effect gift, one of which cost about 1,000 yuan. If the name cannot be displayed on the public screen of the gift, the special effect gift was started. Chen Hao turned off the special effect in order to broadcast the effect. Gift special effects, this gift is only brushed out just to quickly brush their own contribution list.

From the anchor to the artist agency account in reality, to the local tyrants, to the enthusiastic people, to the people who want to be famous all at once in this live broadcast, one after another, so many artists are online I came in with a real-name authentication account, and I wanted to spend some gifts. As a result, they completely underestimated the ability to absorb money in this live broadcast room.

If you spend tens of thousands of dollars, one thing you can expect is that your account can appear on the public gift screen, not to mention whether Chen Hao can see you swiping gifts, and visitors at the scene can see you swiping gifts. Already.

In less than ten minutes, the first page of the Gift Contribution List is more than 200,000, and this number is constantly increasing. If you dare to stop, your position on the first page contribution list will be replaced by others every minute. .

The number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded 20 million.

On the Lele headquarters, the seniors held a video conference and looked at the data created by Chen Hao. They were dazzled one by one. This was too scary. It can completely scare people alive. A live broadcast can be watched at the same time. The number of incoming data from overseas docking exceeded 10 million, and this value is still increasing.

No wonder everyone is crazy about gift gifts ~ ~ Lipstick gifts, 66 diamond ring gifts, 66 perfume gifts, 66 necklace gifts, except for gifts that cost close to 20 yuan each. , Other gifts have no chance to show up.

Many small anchors, when you see a 1314 lollipop, thank you very much. The value is only 130 yuan, which is already a very good gift income. Today I am lying under five five live broadcast rooms. There are not ten thousand or eight thousand of the anchors. The small anchors have to YY and imagine that the person sitting in front of the video is themselves. If they are themselves, there will be no regrets in this live broadcast.

How much time did he earn now?

I have to envy this contribution list. Seeing the contribution list is definitely the rhythm of blind eyes. Then look at the number of people on the live studio. Even if you erase the two zeros, there is not much on the current Lele Individuals can achieve such popularity.

Is this the strength of a superstar?

As long as you show your face here, it means that more than 20 million people have seen you. The effect of this promotion is no less than that of the advertisement on the court.

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