Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1349: Pinpoint the sky here

At Huanju Times, there is a team dedicated to serving Chen Hao.

From finance to lawyers, from work assistants to office secretaries, opposite the company's Chen Hao's office, there has always been a large office belonging to this team.

Before, Chen Hao had hoped that this team would settle the salary bonus by themselves and not take the company's account. Tiange persuaded him that there would always be a lack of protection for private services. Let them join the company and you give them alone. Some bonuses are just fine. The staff who specialize in serving you, you send a red envelope or the like, others will say nothing.

When the time of happy gathering is not very big, sometimes finance and lawyers will be allowed to work part-time for some companies. Later, they are gradually allowed to serve Chen Hao full-time. The company's treatment is the same as that of employees in other departments, but the working atmosphere and intensity are required. It is much less stressful than other departments and will get some red envelopes from the boss every year, so these people live the most nourishing.

Others are envious of Gui En, but they have nothing to say. Who tells others that they followed Mr. Chen the earliest? Even if they are not the company veterans, then they are also the ones who ca n’t move easily. Look at Director Gao, but now The director of the artiste department used to be only in charge of the contracted online artiste. Look at the present, it is the director of the artiste department with greater power than the general vice president in the entire company.

Who is Director Gao?

That was the man who dug out Mr. Chen himself. If it was that year, Mr. Chen could be regarded as a gift brought by Director Gao to join the era of reunion.

The value of this gift does not need to be said. It is not only the company that knows it. It is estimated that the world is now envying the era of reunion. From an unknown name to a world-renowned industry, the two parties have always cooperated sincerely. I still do n’t understand Chen Hao's shares. Later, everyone did n’t understand that Chen Hao was so popular that he had no independent portal to the world.

Is it really love?

This answer gives people a completely unrealistic feeling. How can it be that the world is full of benefits, who would be willing to easily share the benefits that can be held in their hands to others? Especially after the outside world rumored that Chen Hao had a strong background, he even felt that it was a wrong choice to stay in the age of reunion.

Facts will wipe out all rumors, Chen Hao and Tiange and Huanhui era will use facts to make all the doubts slowly disappear.

Never before, in the age of joyful gatherings, things related to Chen Hao will always come first.

This may be regarded as the common understanding of the group of people in the old happy era, but after a few rounds of financing, some newcomers have a weaker understanding of this. The volume of the Happy Age is getting larger and larger, and the company has more and more resources. There are nearly a hundred entertainers alone. In addition to the popular potential new star is the very good old drama bones, most of the film and television dramas will have their presence. After the company has the money to invest in more works, they have more and more shows.

The company is big, recruiting and buying is sure, the number of deputies is increasing, the division of management is becoming more and more detailed, and the company's shareholder component is becoming more and more complicated.

Gao Hongbo originally followed Zhou Dongyu to talk about the female No. 1 of a movie. It was a movie cooperating with a company on Baodao. The vice president of the other company responsible for the project was in Yanjing. It was normal for him to be a director of the artist department for a meal and a chat. of.

When I returned to the company in the afternoon, I heard the secretary tell Mario.

This time, Gao Hongbo was really shocked. What happened at the beginning has not completely disappeared, and some media will come up and talk about it. He knows Chen Hao too much. Perhaps he once compromised as the anchor. The year will not let people break through their own bottom line.

Does that mean Tian Ge?

Gao Hongbo rejected this idea as soon as possible. Facing the vice president who was looking for him, he clearly stated his position without hesitation, and directly issued an order for expulsion without hearing what the other party said. You know, despite Gao Hongbo's power, at the level, he is a senior vice president, and he is only a director of a department, which is half a grade.

But he still made this decision without hesitation, and there was no hesitation in his tone, nor was he polite.

"Director Gao, are you crazy? I know you have a good relationship with Mr. Chen, and I know that Mario and his company are not doing well, and they are wrong. I also want to slap them both, but now the company Are private grievances aside for the company's behavior? They have very favorable conditions. They are not only willing to apologize publicly, but also apologize in person. They will also give our company a great sincere apology. Are these not enough? To eliminate Mr. Chen's anger? We are not children anymore. Playing with a child's temper is not something a mature person should do ... "

Gao Hongbo has no intention to move, and his expression has not changed at all. The vice president Gong Yufeng, overseas returnees, and young talents, the key is his cousin who is dating his girlfriend. Enough wealth, and quite talented. After coming to the company, several drastic reforms have also begun to bear fruit, and now they have also gained a foothold and have been recognized by everyone. They have also been recognized by Tiange. Many people have speculated that when the company really goes public That day, this may be enough to become a representative of the company's senior management on some levels.

It's only today that he is doomed.

If he didn't make that call to Qiuyu, it would be slow.

Now, even if Mr. Chen didn't take this matter to heart, he would not be able to continue in this company. Tian Ge will never allow him to be a person who can only survive if he has achieved a little success.

In Mr. Chen, it was Tiange who made himself.

Here at Brother Tian, ​​it is Mr. Chen who has achieved the era of reunion. The most important thing is that Chen Xiancheng has the brotherhood of one thing that Brother Tian always wanted but never got.

In the age of happy gatherings, you can discuss with Tiange whether a certain plan is correct or not, but don't try to provoke Mr. Chen's position in this company, don't think about it.

Because, you won't have the opportunity to do it at all. I think you have already made a big taboo.

Seeing Gao Hongbo's expressionless face, Gong Yufeng felt that he was playing the ox against the cow. The old company of the company's Caotai team must be completely cleaned up. This is a large company that is going to be listed. It is not Shuibo Liangshan. , The world has long been eliminated by the historical torrent ...

Gong Yufeng is not stupid, he knows what the existence of Chen Hao means, but he, as a returnee elite, has found a chance to flex his muscles in the era of reunion, and has already begun to show results. He has fantasized about his future several times. For Chen Hao, he did n’t mean to offend the other party, but just talked about it. At the beginning, when the brokerage company behind Mario contacted, Gong Yufeng was also an attitude, give me a roll, you dare to discredit Mr. Chen, that is Our enemy.

Privately rested and gifted him so that he didn't take too much notice of it. It was the low posture and strategic cooperation conditions put forward by the other party that made him enthusiastic. Rather than cooperation, it was better that the other party cut out the piece of cake on himself. At least half of them were sent to the era of reunion as a gift of thanksgiving. They wanted to meet with Mr. Chen and made it clear that there would be a big gift for Mr. Chen.

This made Gong Yufeng's heart moved, and he also had a clear conscience. I was for the public, and I didn't hide any selfishness. The private gift was not a buy-in, but only a knock on the door to give them a chance to speak. The point is The strategic cooperation plan they came up with, he is confident that after the start of this cooperation, the actual influence of the company will be increased, and even after the operation is appropriate, the company's market value will increase significantly before it goes public. .

He didn't think he had any excesses, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with the call.

In the face of Gao Hongbo's behavior, he really couldn't understand. Do you think the company is the Juyi Hall of Shuibo Liangshan? Let's not talk about business and feelings here, let your brain be sick. Such a grass-roots team is by no means the structure of a large international company.

After a break, Gao Hongbo picked up his cell phone and dialed Tian Ge's phone while he was abroad. He hesitated for a moment, wouldn't he? If he died like this, he sent himself to the guillotine?

He made a phone call to Qiuyu, and learned that when Mr. Chen returned home, he and the two people were in the world. This is also a small rule that everyone agreed to. When Mr. Chen was at Yanjing's house, there was nothing to interrupt. He had a rare break and was very distressed by him. It was not so urgent and he would wait to report when he started working.

"I'll get rid of people."

Gao Hongbo made this call with such a meaning. He never dared to make the decision easily. This time, like Gao Hongbo, I felt that this was not a good idea or normal work. A cockroach appeared in the office, and it was not necessary to report whether the boss wanted it. Just clean and just clean up the house.

Gong Yufeng was in the office with a bit of desperate gritting teeth. He was quite sure what he heard on the phone.

"You're fired, you can pack up and roll!"

Clenching your fists is really a fight that can't help you. What are you as a company and is it a willful place? Meng Fantian, Meng Fantian, I still think that you are a visionary boss, and it turned out to be just a sister-in-law.

"General Palace, General Palace ..."

The secretary urgently forgot to follow the rules and directly entered the door, making Gong Yufeng's unsightly face even more ugly.

"Is the sky falling? Do you understand the rules!"

Sensational ~ ~ No, sorry, President Gong! For the first time, the secretary saw that the palace like a gentle and gentleman always looked so embarrassed. He stood there subconsciously, bowed his head, and didn't know whether it was grievance or something in his eyes.

"Say, what's wrong?"

"Gao, Director Gao asked the security guards to kick the guests out of the company."

"What!" If it was a few minutes ago, the Gongyu Summit was a rage that raised the tone, but now he heard the news, only irony in his eyes, and the one who replaced the anger was lost.

Did more than a year's effort end in nothing?

Happy Times!

Meng Fantian!

Chen Hao!

You are arrogant and ruthless, but I am a lamb that can be slaughtered by anyone?

Set a small goal, such as 1 second Remember:

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