Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1359: Not crazy, not live

? A variety of literary dramas, like Liang Chaowei caught in a magic barrier.

The movie actress with unparalleled acting skills has to perform a wonderful performance in a seemingly calm environment in a drama that is not a big group of dramas. This has been staying at the Galaxy headquarters for more than half a year, from the first After the end of a film, he left himself here for the rest of the time, except for a very small amount of time.

Find inspiration in each scene.

Touch the actors here to find inspiration.

Find someone to play with.

When a person is facing the mirror and asks the stylist and make-up artist to help, he will show himself in two ways, switching between the normal state and the modeling state in the play.

Liang Chaowei, who is in a mad state, will feel that if his character is unsuccessful, it can only be a problem with the script and character settings, and it is not the responsibility of the actor.

Chen Hao sometimes went to him for a drink at night, and then the two were as if they were mentally ill. They found a few machines and people, shot at them, shot the two of them constantly switching performances, and then took To watch his performances from various angles, Liang Chaowei said that he would not allow Chen Hao to take money, or the crew to take money. Instead, he hired these people at his own expense. In the end, Chen Hao let him take the money several times before using the crew. Taking over the matter in name, as the chief helmman, he never looked at such an actor who desperately required too much income, and then went out of his pocket to temper the role.

For many people, following Chen Hao is an opportunity, even if they pay for themselves, they are willing to come, but there is absolutely no truth here, especially for domestic actors, I will give you a fair pay, In the second part, there is no person who has arrogant self-esteem. I agree with your increase in film pay, but don't overdo it. I will not treat everyone after the movie is sold.

There is such a negative teaching material as Mario. No one will touch Chen Hao's mold in this respect. After the first large-scale box office is settled back, the big red envelope is enough to satisfy everyone.

Let's not even talk about Liang Chaowei's idiots. Maybe if you see him occasionally, you will think of Ouyang Feng in "East to the West". Such a Wang Jiawei work can't be taken out, and Liu Zhenwei was temporarily asked to replace one. The New Year's Eve, the stars are the selling point, and the family fun is the theme. Although the story does not have many highlights, Liang Chaowei's Ouyang Feng and Liang Jiahui's Duan Ye are the classic images that remain.

This is the gap between good actors. The North beg played by Zhang Xueyou is actually the heaviest in the play. The character settings are also quite heavy. He performs well, but it is just a little bit worse. After 20 or even 30 years, Think about it. Among the actors at that time, Liang Chaowei and Liang Jiahui have the best acting skills to this day.

Everyone ’s success is not without reason. Even if the darling film actor of the Golden Horse Awards is so hard-working, other young actors have no slackness. For this drama, many people have eliminated many jobs, and many of them made money. Almost all of the actors in the special operations team arrived at the Galaxy Headquarters early to start running and co-operating with the shooting.

Chen Hao has such a little pride in his heart. No matter what is deep in your heart, at least when the second film was started, everyone didn't have emotional fluctuations. Without saying that the first film was successful, the second film had many requirements. .

On the set, everyone is the same as before, everything is just to better perform their roles, especially when everyone sees Xiao Di who is working hard, there is nothing to say.

The King of Heaven is still like this, who is still eligible for half-slack?

When Baby first came, he often returned to take care of the child from time to time, and he and Huang Zhizhu changed to take care of the children. Later, he simply let the family bring the child here. Later, even Huang Zhizhu also gave up some other work.

"Don't look at the small role, the chance is only one time." This is not only the baby's cognition, many people know it, and Huang Jiaozhu himself also knows it. After he comes, he will follow the role of the role to play with everyone, in the state that he has been the protagonist. At first, I was really a bit uncomfortable. I also saw Liang Chaowei and Xiao Di, and my heart was completely unwilling to completely dissipate.

Xiaodi will also play in the second part of the role. She is a half-orc female warrior trapped in the Colosseum. She is an orc-warrior in the colonial galaxy under the rule of Star Trek. In view of being a half-orc, she is in the beast. Inside the clan are also cannon fodder and the lowest level characters. Xiaodi and Gulinaza are both fighters inside. They will describe the enemy ’s civilization with the character of the enemy ’s bottom. Chen Hao assembled a large number of teams for research in terms of modeling and fighting methods. Since they are aliens, People, we have to find out what everyone can accept and be impressed. The most important thing is to be different from the Earth people during the battle. At the same time, the characteristics of the semi-orc, accepting the rule of interstellar guests and higher civilizations are gradually assimilated. The similar physical structure of the Earth people forms a third state of confrontation. After shooting, it gives the audience more different visual feelings.

Both of them just joined the group and grinned when they came. They did n’t feel bitter, but they felt like they were late. Liang Zhaowei was like an insurmountable mountain pestle. Everyone who felt that they were working hard gave up this. 'belief'.

If you do n’t work hard enough, it will become a new cognition of belief.

Baby came first than Xiaodi and Nazha, and worked very hard, but they couldn't let go a little. At the same time, they felt that there was not much room for their role to play. It was good to be a goddess. It was Chen Hao, the special captain on the earth. The goddess, all over the body can think of advantages, seems to be a perfect woman.

How much room does the perfect woman have?

This answer was not found until she saw the efforts of Di and Naza.

Living at the lowest level of the Colosseum, in order to fight alive, the battle sequence is also set to fight for alive, but also to fight for a life that can be voluntary.

Not dirty, there will be enough food, you can take a bath to keep yourself clean, you can have clean clothes to wear, is this the life of the bottom soldier? Obviously not.

Chen Hao ’s setting of these two roles completely exceeds everyone ’s understanding of similar role settings. In the previous settings, such roles were dirty and covered with wounds and blood, and they could not let them anything. Yield is born to fight.

His setting is not so. In his cognition, the semi-orcs should not be like this. They should not have the same thinking mode as humans, nor can we give them such a role with our three-view thinking mode. Make a limitation, that is still a pseudo-sci-fi theme. From morality to thinking mode, it does not leave the category of human beings on earth. What kind of alien science-fiction is.

This is like the fact that in the "Three Bodies", the earth people were finally trapped in Australia. They will feel that the three bodies are cruel and allow us to survive in an environment where we cannot be self-sufficient. Even the basic material needs cannot be produced and met by ourselves. Food is not enough.

Tomoko ’s mode of thinking is really a non-Earth human model: "Did you consider the feelings of poultry when you earthen humans in captivity? Although Australia is not enough for you to survive, the survival of the fittest, as long as your number is reduced to a certain level, then here is enough for you Survival, when you slaughtered livestock to satisfy appetite, have you ever thought about their feelings, in our eyes, how are you human beings on earth different from them? "

Therefore, the semi-orcs also have some groups that can meet the strong existence aesthetically. They will be useful to meet some special requirements and they do not think they are a way to gain more resources than fighting for life and death. We must know the underlying beasts. A battle of life and death may only be exchanged for a few days of food.

Little Di and Naza in the Colosseum are not dirty, nor do they think that some things are unacceptable in the thinking mode, and they can get more resources without death, would n’t it be better, So they can take a bath, stay clean, and have new clothes. What they cannot accept is that they no longer have the ability to fight, and it is always the goal to temper themselves to become more powerful, even if they are sometimes struck by some high-level or powerful living entities. Take them away and enjoy their bodies. After the end, they will still choose to return here. They will not seek to become a pet. Those higher life entities are too lazy to be generous. With a little reward, you can taste the freshness and keep what you do. The wild ones are attractive and really become meowing pets, but they are boring.

Just to explain to them the thinking mode of playing the role, Chen Hao spent several days, it was even more difficult for them to accept, it can only be a little bit.

A little progress every day ~ ~ Both of them need to pay a few times more effort. What is the look of a half-orc to see humans? What is the look of "Guest"? What is the look of the enemy on the battlefield?

Including walking, including fighting methods, all are independent systems. In the design process, many people spent a lot of brain cells to design. Now they need to put all these people's efforts on themselves and pay the same level of effort and hard work. To complete the familiarity and integration of the characters.

Every morning, it ’s all action training arranged by the action director. In Chen Hao ’s crew, no one will teach you hand-to-hand when shooting. You will take a shot and shoot for you. The actions that normal people can do in his crew It must be done in one go, and the auxiliary equipment and auxiliary shooting methods will be used if it is not possible.

The truth of every detail and the excellence of every detail are the secrets of success.

Baby came to visit the class the next day after they arrived, and saw that the two men not only wore very few clothes, but also appeared in a half-orc fighting posture in front of the people around them. That look was not a goddess-level beauty What the actor can accept is more straightforward than the liberating nature of attending the school performance class. The baby who has n’t learned it in a professional college is completely stupid. The first reaction is to ask myself, let me, can I?

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