Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1363: Unparalleled reputation

In the concert hall in Stockholm, the crowd sitting on the stage today has a very prominent presence.

Not because he's handsome, not because he's young, not because he's tall and tall, but because he's dressed today, he's not on the same channel as the people around him, and he's sitting on the stage of the concert hall.

The inline-raised cloth shoes, Rui Xixiang's Chinese Tang suit, once Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize for Literature, it was really discussed on the Internet for a while, what should he wear when receiving the award, and finally choose a tuxedo dress, too A helplessness.

Not everyone is qualified to be capricious, nor is anyone qualified to change. At the beginning, some netizens were disappointed, but they could understand that such a concert hall, the complete Western stage is not the place to be capricious.

Today's Chen Hao is dressed in such a dress, representing a red Chinese Tang suit, which has attracted everyone ’s attention since he got off the car. First, he was surprised, then he was surprised, and finally he was the same. Understanding.

It ’s not that Chen Hao is thick and thin, but that he wants to show his attitude and deserve the respect of the Nobel Prize. I gave it in Oslo. I received the award in the most western way and gave it to everyone in the most western way. need.

In Stockholm, I will appear in the most oriental way, and I will receive this award as a Chinese person.

He sat on the stage, where there are members of the Swedish royal family, there are many big names who are among the best in various fields, but he sits calmly, at the youngest age, and probably the most handsome image among the winners, Sitting there, waiting for his glory.

At this moment, there is a live broadcast.

Members of the Swedish royal family also acknowledged that this time the Nobel Prize award ceremony and the subsequent dinner could be broadcast live in more than 100 countries around the world. Thanks to Chen Hao, this is an indisputable fact, and there is no need to avoid it. This topic, on the contrary, seems to be a small family.

Before and after various activities, the introduction of the Nobel Prize and the introduction of the winners are higher-end than the previous years, so that more people can understand the Nobel Prize and make it more attractive. Many people are interested in it and know what such a very high-end academic award means. After watching this year, I will continue to pay attention to it next year and I will continue to pay attention to it in the future.

For Chen Hao ’s special today, he had communicated in advance. He definitely disagreed at the beginning, and it was his insistence that allowed the matter to settle. It is no longer an unstoppable fact that China ’s strong standing on the world ’s highest stage is no longer unstoppable. His exemplary status in the entertainment industry and some fields is also sufficient to make his external image to a certain extent represent China's self-righteousness.

At this moment, all the people who are watching the live broadcast in Huaxia are boiling. In the past few years, there have been some frictions, including the Golden Horse Awards. Some things have also happened in neighboring countries and some countries. Hao has never completely avoided these matters when interviewed by any media at any time. He should never be less tough, not afraid to offend people, and not afraid to say something wrong.

During this time, some people said something about the Nobel Prize. The topic was a bit far away, and the hats they wanted to buckle were all about Huaxia. Someone specifically told Chen Hao. Since those people There are some taboos, so let's not directly point out, and don't respond recently.

He didn't say anything, but attending the Nobel Prize in a Tang suit today is the best response.

My attitude has never been changed in the slightest, and it will never change. Now my personal influence is so great, and even a slight discount is not allowed in this regard.

During the live broadcast, the Chinese viewers ignited the crazy screen swipe mode, which ignited the entire Chinese network and everyone ’s WeChat circle of friends. Everyone was reposting crazy—Chen Ha hit Tang costume to attend the Nobel Prize awarding ceremony.

I do n’t need to say anything else. At this time, the country hopes that everyone will continue to talk about how handsome Chen Hao is, and I do n’t really want to let this matter rise to a high level. At first, they were Chen Hao ’s behavior. He was 100% supportive, but he didn't expect his influence to be so great, and now he had some meaning that he couldn't suppress.

Fortunately, there is not much red tape in this award ceremony. It is formal and solemn. When the King of Sweden handed the winning certificate, medal and cheque to Chen Hao, at that moment, the time seemed to be still. There were several seats on the scene. Aimed at the two, countless flashes lighted at that moment, and the click sound of the camera sounded, if they were not prepared, or if they were facing sideways, this moment was enough to make the flash blind.

Chen Hao, holding a certificate medal and a check, was facing the crowd applauding below, facing so many seats on the scene, facing the hundreds of millions of audiences who might be watching around the world, standing in the middle of the stage, after welcoming his own moment Thanks so much for bowing.


At the subsequent dinner, after Chen Hao took the stage to make the opening statement in the purest London accent, the award speech was still concise and solemn. Finally, it ended with the Chinese language: "Thank you, thank you for your love for me, I will keep it up."

In the past, he always made some donations. This time, some people felt that he would donate bonus checks for two awards. He didn't do it, as long as the person who was not stupid would not do it, even after ten and a half days. Month, you can find individual donors to donate more or less. At this time, donate. How can you make past winners and future winners feel embarrassed and let them be at home. They are destined to hate you very much. Donate for sure. You ca n’t donate it, but not everyone has Chen Hao so rich; if you do n’t donate, you are destined to be rhythmed by some caring people, saying that you do n’t have fraternity, and Mr. Chen has donated. Or something.

For all these trivial matters, Yaner and Jiuer will conduct a comprehensive analysis behind the scenes, and will also pass through Tiange and others. It is also an act of avoiding suspicion. Today's Chen Hao is standing in this position, speaking words and deeds, and sometimes doing something willful, but at a particular point, he must not take the wrong step. Too many people are waiting for him to make a mistake. Yet.

He didn't care too much if he could make a mistake. He didn't mind the people around him making suggestions for himself. He could also act according to everyone's way, but one thing was his bottom line. Do n’t play with me. You did n’t remind me. Then I Yes, all you need to do is help me to deal with the problem, not to analyze right and wrong with me. Being able to have such a mentality, so many twists and turns did not have much impact on him. What he saw on the Internet was that the waves of praise had been fully formed. Huaxia fans and netizens had been completely conquered. Already.

What I want is this kind of person. This is the youth leader we need. He can bring us more than just worth emulating, but also the personal charm that we thoroughly convince. Some people have reiterated the old story of a stupid new director at the Golden Horse Awards, which is a one-sided comment: "If Mr. Chen was there that day, that stupid lady would never dare to say that she would dare to speak, Mr. Chen dares to throw her face. Gong Li will maintain the gentleman education that one should deserve. Mr. Chen is not a child parent. He has to be on the scene. It will definitely be another day on the day. Afterwards, the banquet will be held in the Mainland and by Xiangjiang actors. Not attending at all? As soon as the stupid lady began to speak, the entire award ceremony could not proceed directly at the scene, and Mr. Chen was in ... "

The next is various brain supplements. Everyone is thinking about various results. The matter has been two or three years old, and it is only a chat after tea. Everyone is watching Chen Hao so angry that they thought it was very unpleasant. Picture, why did Mr. Chen not participate in the Golden Horse Awards that year, if he went, what would the scene be like?

For a while, Chen Hao was wearing Tang cloth shoes to attend the Nobel Prize awarding ceremony, which suddenly pushed his personal reputation far beyond the scope of the entertainment industry. It seems that he has already secured his position as a Chinese young leader, let alone say The entertainment industry is not the entertainment industry. We recognize him as the one we young people think can be spiritual leaders. What he does is worth learning and emulating.

The first part of "Three Body" and "Biography of Heroes of the Galaxy" includes a fine music album that Chen Hao has released before, including peripheral products of many of his movie works. In short, all those who are still selling about him The products have ushered in a new round of sales, and the posture is even more crazy than when they were first sold.

Publishers work overtime and print ~ ~ The production factories attached to the Red Dot and the Happy Age all work overtime to produce. The albums of music companies and paid downloads on the Internet make people feel like a star. What a terrible thing to be a gold mine.

Featured album of Chen Hao's songs (Chinese and English).

Red Dot and Huanju Times cooperate to develop Chen Hao's economic value. In other words, it is necessary to use him to make money. This is understandable. A large number of fans around the world are waiting to be fed. The first selected album is well-produced. At first, some people said that it was The act of ringing money, after a few years, the people who bought the album have no regrets, let alone listen to this album, it is that you put it at home, a friend or something, people will think you are quite For taste, it makes sense to put one or two pieces of art in your home.

I have been looking forward to it, and I hope that Chen Hao will release the album. After paying for downloading on the Internet, everyone feels a little less interesting, and thinks that using a USB flash drive or a mobile phone to connect to the speaker device, the sound quality is a little poor. Meaning, as for the difference, I do n’t know where the difference is. In the end, it can only be attributed to the actual product. Whether it is psychological or real effect, release it quickly!

Online booking, total global bookings, over 30 million photos in just three days ...

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