Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1368: Sadness nominated at the same time

? Pop songs, in the final analysis, the focus is on the two words pop.

What format, what rhythm, what art, what beautiful lyrics, in the end, can't beat the power of the popular word.

Even if the saliva songs that everyone disdains are popular, as long as they are accepted by the public, as long as they become word-of-mouth red songs, then there is an inevitable value for others.

Chen Hao took out two pairs of love songs in tandem, the styles are completely different, "Acacia in the Storm" has a strong flavor in it, "Know Your Lover" is very catchy, and in comparison, I have to say good to these people I definitely think that the former is better, but they also admit that the latter will become a popular song in the next few years or even ten years, when they go to KTV to sing songs, it must be hot When you play a song, everyone is relaxed on KTV. Most of the time, there are a lot of men and women. The love song duet will definitely sing, and the simpler it is, the more it will be liked by the general public.

Someone likes it, it has its value, the value of fame and fortune created.

Today's Xiaodi has no way to learn songs, everyone took advantage of the rise and chatted together, there was wine, there were common topics. Now no matter what the atmosphere is, it is meaningless to Xiao Di. She only pays attention to the people around her. She was not accompanied by the Nobel Prize before. When she completed the Yanjing Personal Exhibition Hall, she returned from the United States. Anyone can see it. What really matters to others.

The next day, Chen Hao and Xiaodi recorded for a day, recording both songs. Don't look at Xiaodi's not very good skills, and his voice is not very characteristic, but it is stable and may be placed in the recording studio. Not too conspicuous, but if you go to sing live, there will be extra points.

Some pseudo-singers had 95 points in the studio and 59 points on the scene.

Xiao Di is at the level of 70 to 80. She is also at this level when she is on the scene. She is not a full-time singer. At some events or evening scenes, she can have this level, which is actually better than many so-called professional singers. However, all of this became less important to her. Even when shooting the posters with the two songs, the photographer felt that there was no need to arrange movements. They were just looking at each other when they were together. Eyes are enough to take a set of very good photos. In this set of photos, no one will pay attention to what beautiful clothes they are wearing, even ordinary jeans and couple T-shirts will not damage the quality of the photos. .

Couples, if they can find a strong feeling of love in the long and dull long-term relationship after being in love, then they will no longer show the fanaticism of dog food, but will make people envious first. The blandness of blessings is true.

From Xiangjiang Airport, the two people who appeared appeared sticking together. Xiao Di held Chen Hao's arm and faced the shouts of fans around him. His masks and sunglasses were removed, and he greeted everyone with happiness.

In the lens of the media, in the eyes of the audience, real happiness can not be presented by disguise, someone along the way is shouting: "Hao Zi you and Xiao Di are really happy."

When they heard such shouts, they did not shy away. At the entrance of the security check, the two stopped. In front of everyone, the kind of intimacy that had completely ignored the sight of others did not scream. sound.

Xiaodi's smile is bright. Although many media have captured the relatively not so beautiful momentary expressions, they will subconsciously remove these pictures, leaving only those pictures of bright smiles. Happiness can often be transmitted to each other, disguised or true. The smile will not be hidden. How many people have worried that the relationship between the two of them will not last. Occasionally, there will be some gossip media spreading news about their broken relationship. They will never respond, as long as they have confidence in the other party. Those rumors are just a joke. As for those who believe in gossip news, you will see us someday.

While the two were still on the plane, "Acacia in the Wind" and "Love In Love" were officially released under the name of Xiaodi. From Penguin Music to various music websites, including Lele Music, gave the biggest recommendations. There is no so-called exclusive, and there is no option to pay for downloading these two songs. It is a gift that the two give back to the fans. Unfortunately, there is no MV, only a large group of two photos with the song.

Now Little Di does n’t need to do any publicity in advance. She does n’t care about her identity as a King of Heaven to get some resources. She can spend more time with him. She does n’t need to do anything for publicity. What kind of good situation has come out on the road to music, and now it is very good, nothing better than this.

Once the two songs went online, they instantly appeared on the top of the list of new songs of Chinese music. There was no suspense at all. The first collaboration between the couple and the song was given to Xiaodi by Chen Hao. Love song duet, one Cantonese and one Mandarin. If such a thing happened before and after Valentine's Day, the effect would be better than it is now. It is estimated that young couples across the country are going crazy and all boys are frowning.

Mr. Chen is already a fan of **** fans, and now your old man has made this one again, so how can we be boyfriends? We are afraid of comparing goods.

At the end of the street, once again, the most popular pop song rang out in a collective rhythm. Even the square dance came up with a slow eight-beat design, and "Acacia in the Wind" and "Love in Love" were designed into it. One day, even Chen Yuanping and Qiao Xinmei sang a song called "Love" in the speaker equipment at home. Chen Xue specially recorded a video and sent it to my brother. This plane just arrived at the Galaxy headquarters. This time, Chen Yu who came over took Kang Yan to sing together. If she did n’t really want to always endure the pain of separation, she is very unwilling to always go out with her younger brother. That ’s how you bear the dog food. Sorry, before in Xiangjiang, she entered the airport security check by herself. From entering the airport to the first-class lounge, she always gathered a lot of people beside her younger brother. When she arrived at the first-class lounge, even the airport staff Can't help but take a photo with their mobile phones. At this time, they don't mind being punished a little.

Originally, it was only a three-day, four-day trip. Chen Hao returned to Yanjing and returned to his hometown. He went to Xiangjiang. The toss is ten days. In the United States, he has entered the countdown to Christmas. Chen Hao looked He walked for the past few days with a big wave of his hands and took a holiday for ten days. Everyone had a good Christmas. After the holiday, he would enter into high-intensity shooting, and it was also the second filming of most large group dramas and war plays.

He has no concept of Christmas. It is only good for Xiao Di to have him around now, and he doesn't care much about other things. During this time, he still inspected some scenes of the technology atmosphere of "Three Body" in the Galaxy headquarters.

The first main body of "Three Body" was shot in Huaxia, but there will be a large number of high-tech scenes in the later plots, as well as some in-game scenes. The technical conditions in the United States are more mature. In order to make the "Three Body" truly international, in Chen Hao's mind, there is really no need to use Chinese movies to impact the international stage. It is the road of true maturity that everyone can integrate into one as long as we can keep our belongings. Things are just fine, we are not bad, even if we put them in the big platter of nationalization, we will not become the foil.

His concept is fully reflected in the "Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy". The two major camps of the Federation and the Empire, the great collision between eastern and western actors and culture, when the first one succeeded and the second concept of cooperation between the two parties came out. Many foreign audiences have realized the value of Liang Chaowei's role, and they have guessed that there must be a heavy drama behind his role. Domestic audiences need not say that it is only possible for the great film actor to play a small role. .

Christine's Empire Gene Warrior entered the Special Operations Brigade, and it was also a fusion and collision.

At the high-level where Xiao Lizi is located, fusion and collision are the magical powers of the Eight Immortals. If you can make it happen, you can rely on IQ and strategic planning.

In the special warfare group where Chen Hao is located, fusion and collision are at the tip of Mai Mang. Everyone can be the back of each other when fighting, but their thinking, behaviors and concepts are different ~ ~ There will be various collisions .

The personal charm of the two main characters should not only be manifested on the battlefield, but also displayed in these plays.

After Chen Hao gave everyone a holiday, the original seaside vacation plan planned by Little Lizi was cancelled. After returning home to get together with his family, he still studied the role in the room most of the day. With the development of the plot, the pressure is increasing, the role The difficulty is increasing day by day, and there is almost no excessive drama. Each drama is the main character in the drama. Sincerely, every expression, every line, and even every action is not random. This makes Xiaoli feel that he is not When making a commercial blockbuster, even if it is a literary film that you have shot yourself, the intensity of the character is not so great.

After that, he didn't think of himself, but Chen Hao who was as much acting as himself. He was not only a literary play, but also a large number of action plays. He was also the planner and executive of the entire play. On "Three Body", I heard that his work is a work break or a break, and he does not work during the break. If this is the case, is the gap between us really so large? Or is there no way to really compare talent?

Thinking of this, Li Zi understood the feeling of Will Smith at the beginning, and cooperated with this guy, even if you nominated the best actor in Oscar, even if you are a big hit, you have no confidence in your heart.

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