Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 151: Overlord Xiang Yu

The relative atmosphere between the anchors is not so tense, everyone is a semi-employed and semi-cooperative relationship, and Tian Ge is not whose boss. The money of these anchors is not completely held by the company. With the official power The larger the number of guilds, the more and more anchors can choose from. Everyone can benefit both, and both hurt, and they all understand this principle, so even if the company meets offline, it doesn't exist. This is the mode of thinking that I work for you.

Talk about the year, talk about the plan for next year, talk about the future development of Lele, talk about the direction of the company. It is not like a meeting. It is more like a symposium. Everyone speaks freely. The guild development is smooth throughout the year. The results were not bad. I will go to Modu to receive the award soon, and the anchors are in a good mood.

Key point, talking about the offline activities supported by the future guild to all anchors, Tian Ge focused on Chen Hao.

"The current weakness of our guild is offline. At this point, we have a better banner, that is, Hao Zi, got the top ten golden songs in the Chinese chart, and the three original songs have very good offline results. Before I came Take a look, and, it is already the hottest MC Mai Qu, and everyone must have seen Hao Zi's live performance. This time at the annual ceremony, he will perform on stage as the best newcomer and representative of our guild. "

Tian Ge ’s words directly made some people ’s faces unsightly. Anan even lowered her head slightly, and her face was also very unsightly. Yesterday ’s things were done, and Tian Ge came back that night. Although he maintained You Anan is the old man who beat me all over the world, but he does n’t see some things, or he does n’t deal with them.

"Next year, we will have two sessions of offline talent training for anchors, combining your online talents with actual performances. Next year, Lele will also add more offline activities and Opportunities for performances, past concerts, will expand to at least the level of fan meetings for real stars, so your talent will be the key. The official cancellation of infrared video is for this purpose. "

"I feel that I have passed the level of talent and can not be used to participate. The guild will also provide some performance opportunities for fans. I hope everyone can perform well. Next year, not only is the most important year for the guild of our age, but also the whole A year of Lele striding forward, I just got news that Lele has reached cooperation intentions not only with cable TV, but also with the broadcasting system. In the future, Lele will be a national entertainment, and TV stations can order Lele Live Studio programs. There will be a lot of local radio stations, which will be dedicated to the broadcasting of Lele anchor talents in some time periods. I think what this means is clear to you all, so I won't say much. "

The meeting is not the purpose of everyone to gather in Yanjing. To gather together, relax, and connect with each other is the original intention of Tian Brother. Now the biggest part of this original intention is destroyed by Chen Hao and Guo Kai. He is uncomfortable. Chen Hao The strength of Guo Kai was even more uncomfortable. Guo Hao was the first to stir up the incident at Yanjing Chen Hao. As a result, Guo Kai got another job last night. Today, he also helped to gang with the company, and in the balance of Tian Ge ’s heart, Began to gradually incline, he may not even realize that there is another kind of thinking, which is slowly being derived in his heart.

The Ado and the arrogant unparalleled overlord Xiang Yu, no matter which one, will prefer the latter, even if the latter contains dangerous factors in his body, it is a double-edged sword, and it is better than looking at a sharp-edged sword A sword without a mouth is much better.

You beat Guo Kai, you also hit Anan. You are the director of the guild. You should take the guild anchors for dinner. It is no problem to be close to the anchors, but you should not take a stand, no matter what your preferences are. And we must maintain justice.

How much, there is a little bit of interest, so that the evening dinner, the atmosphere is not too good.

Chen Hao kept a low profile and didn't say much, how the guild arranged how to do it, along the way, that is, whispered with Qianer and Jiang Meiyan, Xiao Bin's girlfriend came, and Gao Hongbo was busy. The executives of the guild, it was not easy to enter the meeting room at the beginning, and they could no longer be asked to do more.

If it weren't for the last few rounds of small-scale orgasms, Tian Ge didn't plan to have activities after eating at night. Drinking changed his mood and made him decide to continue singing K, a group of more than 20 people, There are anchor executives. So many people are not happy or not. They all gather together to play. Brothers sing and applaud collectively. When others sing, they all play their own, huge senior private rooms, enough. It still looks very spacious to accommodate so many people. There is no communication between Chen Hao and Guo Kai, and it is completely invisible.

来 "Come, Haozi, give us one."

Brother Tian really likes Chen Hao very much. Just yesterday, if he is not the OW of the Guild, from the standpoint of Chen Hao, he also thinks that he is too good guys, big masters, should take care of things.

I was a dry anchor. At this time, I wouldn't let it be like some uncles. When I got to KTV, others would let him sing and then waved their hands and thought of rejection.

"One for everyone."

"The gentle curve of the ups and downs along the river."

"The Northland and Jiangnan of the Central Plains that love Ma Ma."

"Facing the passionate companionship of Ice Blade Snow Sword."

"Treasure the golden Chinese year that heaven gave me."

"Being a man with one heart and one gallbladder, why be a man is afraid of danger, and his pride will not change year after year."

"Being a man has bitterness and sweetness, good and evil are separated on both sides, both for the dream of tomorrow."

看 "Look at the iron hoofs walking all over the rivers and mountains."

"I stand on the tip of the wind and hold the sun and the moon and spin."

"May the fireworks be peaceful and happy in the world."

"I really want to live another five hundred years."

In the past, Chen Hao rarely sang this kind of songs except for imitations. Most of the live studios were to cater to most tourists. Popular songs and very characteristic songs were the mainstream.

When you are offline, in such a noisy environment where everyone is drinking and playing games, you have to sing a pop song that has no grandeur. You can only sing it, and few people listen to it, especially the tender love song. Unless your personality charm is placed there, like Heaven Brother, then no matter what he sings, everyone will pay attention to it.

After a magnificent song, Chen Hao opened his throat and didn't pay much attention. When this song was performed by him, the audience's attention was attracted by him.

Standing in the private room for singing, facing all the people on the side, Chen Hao showed not an ordinary anchor, but a singer with many years of rich stage experience.

Chen Hao once told Tian brother that he would not perform on the spot. Today is also an exception. He asked Gao Hongbo to record for himself, a recording that can reach a maximum of five minutes. This is also a few days ago he gave It was found when the second son recorded the video. In the past, he did not like to record the passage. Now he finds that the recording and the live broadcast are an effect that will not affect the bonus of his perfect anchor system. On such occasions, he does not need to go no longer. Excuse me, as long as someone records a paragraph for themselves, this occasion is not suitable for live broadcast, that is disrespect for Tian Ge, there are not so many taboos, many people at the scene record paragraphs, as long as they do not film God can do it.

Today ’s exception also has some prominent meanings. Since Tiange praised me, I will show you the corresponding strength to let you find the gap.

Many people think that singing well on KTV, and many people think that the loud voice is noise, but at this moment, no one will think that Chen Hao's singer is noise, and the extreme treble performed by the smoke is more than the original The vicissitudes of singing are a bit more unique and exhilarating, so that every pronunciation, you think he will break the sound, and then destroy this perfect singing, but every sound is challenging the limit of your cognition, you think The next second he broke the sound, this is already the limit, the next second, he showed you a limit state, subverting your perception.

Every big long note, Chen Hao showed the most stable and high-pitched singing voices. The anchors who stood on the stand of Guo Kai were listening attentively and had to admire secretly in their hearts. Every successful anchor was not a fluke. Yes, why can Hao Zi rise in just a few months, is it simply the hype that he hit the house with a hook machine? There are so many imitations in the back ~ ~ There are a few more fires, don't they all take video clips, and finally sink in the tens of millions of clip videos updated by Quanlele every day?

"I really want to live another 500 years ..."

High up, low down, low and steady, each sound is spotlessly spotless, will not cause people to have the last sentence to listen to indifferent thoughts, will continue the state of concentration and enjoy the beauty of music until this long note After being performed by Chen Hao, it was not until the accompaniment of the entire song was over, that they were willing to wake up, applaud, and shout for such a wonderful performance.

Generally people who like to sing are Mai Ba, Chen Hao didn't. After singing a song, he gave the microphone to others. He no longer sang. After being called by Tian Ge, he also showed that a young man should have The elder brother said toast, then toast, toast three, then toast.

The amount of alcohol was released, and three glasses of wine were blocked for Jiang Meiyan on the way, which made a lot of coquettish all over the field. The drink was too much, and everyone's mood was also released. The anchors who stood on the field did not have any grudges with Chen Hao. It ’s time to drink and drink. There is an elder brother. No one wants to make the elder brother unhappy, that is, Guo Kai, who has never had any intersection with Chen Hao. The two have done at least this night, each other ’s eyes are not in each other ’s eyes, completely ignored. The existence of the other party is not because of themselves to destroy the better and better atmosphere of the party.

Chen Hao, no live broadcast, those who waited for him to give an account of yesterday, did not wait.

Guo Kai, also did not broadcast live. Yesterday's crowd of rhythmic people, there is no organizer, the number is much smaller.

After drinking, they returned to the hotel, and the two of them started the live broadcast at the same time ...

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