Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 392: My temper is not good

Had to get rid of it, Chen Hao thought of such a thing, and knew that his journey was bound to have a similar scene. He had already made psychological preparations and told everyone more than once during the live broadcast. I hope all Brothers and sisters can understand that everyone's enthusiasm is good, but if it really goes on like this, it is likely that this journey will not go on.

Based on Chen Gang's experience and level, he went around a circle, no longer went west, turned to the national road to the south, and then went around a small town and got on the highway at dozens of kilometers.

Chen Hao refreshed his Lele real-time information in the car: "Thank you XX enthusiastic friends, I have received the enthusiasm you sent, please do not follow it, it is too dangerous and inappropriate, there are too many teams, specific I will be dispelled when I am here. I will bring more good scenery to everyone after the journey. You just need to sit at home and blow on the air conditioner. I will show you the great mountains and rivers of the motherland. "

How to explain it will inevitably lead to some incomprehension. There is also a black powder with rhythm. It is clear that the enthusiasts of Huaze's disciples and ancestors are cheering. There is still a wave of remarks on the Internet. It is vilified to discredit Chen Hao. He responded in words, instead of tearing them apart, but after a day of driving all the way, at dusk, he found a very beautiful riverside, and opened a live broadcast directly telling everyone that he would camp here at night.

As soon as the live broadcast started, I did n’t get anything else, what tents, what dinner, Chen Hao and Chen Gang, in the live broadcast room, showed a real wave of kung fu to you, alone performance and confrontation, can not show up in the air. Mighty, right on the scene, find some branches that are thick enough to show the palm knife and whip leg. With the physical filling, the picture comes out.

Chen Gang was also facing a big tree, playing against the back of the mountain. After the sound of gurgling, the big tree shook, and the leaves and dew on the tree brought some bugs.

Chen Hao fisted, elbowed, and arm blocked in front of the big tree. The sound was truly transmitted to the ears of all the tourists. Looking at it made people frown. It hurt him, didn't it? The fist collided with Dashu, Haozi, don't you hurt?

Chen Hao looked at the 666 flying across the screen and chuckled: "I'm actually not very good-tempered. I have heard many people on the way looking for me, come on, I'm waiting for you. Harmonious society, I will also give you a good class. It does n’t matter if you do n’t come to see me. The circle is so big. Whenever I meet, I ’m just an ordinary vulgar person. Whoever provoked me, I wo n’t pretend to be intentional. Forget it, huh. "

After speaking, Chen Hao would not say anything again. Two people, Chen Gang, were next to the big tree just now. First of all, he was a walker. He showed his jumping ability and strong physical fitness, one left and one right. Hanging on the trunk of the two main branches, with the calf and thigh sandwiched, hanging upside down, doing sit-ups in the air, not fast, but very stable, one, two, three ...

If it ’s just ten or eight, it ’s not a real talent. The 400,000 people in the live broadcast room are not watching a fitness expert performance. The two did not say a group of twenty or ten, and they practiced intermittently, and they remained the same. The rhythm is doing it all at once.

"Two hundred and ninety-eight, two hundred and ninety-nine, three hundred!"

Three hundred were achieved, and the two stopped. The whole live room has entered a very crazy atmosphere. Many people are giving gifts to Chen Hao. This is the real technology and talent.

Really amazing.

The two were wearing T-shirts, soaked in sweat, and the muscle lines on their bodies were clearly visible. Chen Gang was the strong muscular man. The difference between him and the bodybuilder was that his muscles were not used for viewing, but for actual combat. Looking at Mr. Bodybuilding's standards, it was a little worse, but even this was enough to be shocking-gorgeous. On the side of Chen Hao, the short sleeves of the T-shirt were brought to the shoulders, and Chen Gang raised his chin at one side. The two were beside the river and started to stand up, first with their hands and then with one hand.

Chen Erkamai was the host on the spot: "It's time to perform a wave of real technology, brothers, how is it, wonderful?"

It is also used to say that the public screen of the live broadcast room is always in a state of rapid scrolling. At the same time, all the people in the live broadcast are watching the popularity of Wang Wang, who is in the highest position, and secretly sighs. If you admit it, you must admit it, even if you recommend it to the entire platform of the big picture, you will not be able to achieve such popularity. Seeing that it has exceeded 500,000.

Following the sweat of the two people's bodies, after one hundred hands kept changing hands, the rest of the live broadcast room was just shocked. This is the evening. If at night, there are people who are watching the live broadcast in bed. Women, when you see the current state of these two men, there are few who ca n’t respond to the body. Real tough guys are at all times the mainstream popular type of men in the society. They look like sweaty, tickling Sweat, although across the Internet, can clearly feel the strong tough guy mixed with the smell of sweat. If his arm is holding you at this moment, any girl will feel a feeling called security.

The official is Le Kaihuai. In a day, Hao Zi shut up those who were criticized and played with various talents. The content of this live broadcast is definitely an alternative for Lele.

Regarding the anchor and live content that can have a positive impact on the entire Lele, the official is to support as much as possible, including some relatively open and easy policies.

Chen Hao and Chen Gang took off their shoes, raised a pile of fire, there was no flammable matter around the remote river, there was no pressure on safety issues, the legs were rolled up, holding a towel, wearing sandals into the river, and giving Everyone lived in a temporary bath while wearing clothes. They were sweaty, strong and unafraid of the coldness of the river. They were poured directly from the pot with a basin, and the picture was more vivid. Not wearing clothes is more clear-cut. This is the temptation and confusion of men. It is not weaker than the various models posing by the big models at the beach. The groups targeted by the two sides are different.

Put on fresh beach pants, put on a very loose T-shirt, Chen Hao took out a leg of lamb bought on the road and grilled it, and live broadcast travel, many things can not be perfunctory, you can deal with, What the tourists in the live studio want to see is what they want to do but it is difficult to do. If they are ascetic along the way, some people are willing to watch it, but more people still do n’t like the feeling, they like to conquer all the way.

Conquering nature, conquering difficulties and obstacles, conquering tiredness, conquering physical and mental fatigue, conquering all kinds of difficulties along the way. The conquest of the anchor is in the eyes of tourists, just as they have also gone this way and conquered such difficult obstacles. This sense of substitution is very strong, and it is precisely because of this sense of introduction that they allow outdoor broadcasting. And become a pillar of webcasting.

Watching Chen Hao ’s outdoor live broadcast one day, Lele ’s outdoor live broadcast scolded: "Mad, are you as for? Buddy, you are already a great god-level anchor, you have so much talent, you It ’s already so radiant, and you go to the outdoors to share a drink. Would you like to leave us something to eat? Many of the big brothers who like to watch outdoor live broadcasts, we have all seen them, but we all lie to you today. It ’s a live broadcast room, how can you live like this? "

There is also a small number of anchors who are thinking about another thing. I heard that Hao Zi accepted his apprenticeship and accepted Xiong Wazi. Then, did we have a chance? He just gave us a little popularity and we all ate. Is there any way to worship him as a teacher?

It ’s only 12% of them to learn from you online, and the rest are all about fame and popularity. There is nothing wrong with it. Whoever wants to borrow money from you is a teacher.

There are big brothers in the live broadcast, and the guild has something to do with the happy age. These anchors are active. At this time, many anchors without masters are playing, and those anchors who do not get the desired effect after visiting the teacher grab their hearts. .

When this incident was still operating in private, Chen Hao gave the entire network new anchor a dawn-level Kangzhuang Avenue, and after eating live roasted lamb leg, interspersed the live broadcast and opened the roof tent ~ ~ Chen Hao dumped more than 400,000 people in his live room to Xiong Wazi.

"Brothers, come to my apprentice's live broadcast to support a wave. Her live broadcast is very interesting. Everyone used to play. The second son will also interact with her in her live broadcast. Everyone goes. I and Gangzi clean up here and go to the tent. After lying down there, I also used her mobile phone to go to her live studio ... "

After Chen Hao shouted for the dumper, Xiong Wazi started broadcasting, and the popularity was 250,000 in an instant. When Chen Hao entered her live broadcast room more than 20 minutes later, although the popularity fell to 80,000, but It is also a popularity that Xiong Wazi has not had for at least a year.

For this popularity, Xiong Wazi didn't dare to think about anything. She just desperately showed her best condition. She didn't think of it, not because she wouldn't live like that before, because she always thought too much, always tangled. Always dissatisfied, always feel that the whole world is sorry for itself.

Today ’s live broadcast, after the sudden popularity of six figures, she did not dare to think about those things. She was also an old anchor who had been mixing for many years. She was also nervous. This tension caused her to forget a lot of things, all by instinct. Live.

The instinctual display of Xiong Wazi has returned to the past. Many of her old fans in the live broadcast and the old tourists on Lele have a feeling of dreaming back to three years ago. At that time, Xiong Wazi was the pinnacle. Pushing her to become a 'mother', she has the cohesiveness and ability to swipe thousands of **** fans in the live broadcast room, which can ensure that she is the picture of a real top anchor when participating in any event.

Haozi's big disciple is strong enough, and the live broadcast is very interesting-this is a common perception of tourists who don't know Xiong Wazi.

Xiong Wazi finally found her old feeling. She found a good master-this is the psychological feeling of many Xiong Wazi old fans and old Lele tourists.

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