Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 774: Front and back of a coin

When the sunny day came, Chen Hao was doing modeling.

After several rounds of negotiations and experiments on the makeup of the clown, the current version was finally determined. In order to make the feeling stronger after application, a thin layer of scar was affixed to the original skin, which is the scar on both sides of the clown's mouth. This time when you put on makeup, it will look more real.

The crew is purely for the makeup of the clown, that is, spending a lot of money to do this reality. The performance is on the one hand, and the external hardware conditions are on the other. Since you want to make the character of the clown a classic, no details will go. Negligence and waste.

The arrival of the sunny day made Chen Hao temporarily stop trying clothes and returned to the room. After returning to the room, Chen Hao tried to wash off the makeup on his face, but Sunny jumped directly from behind to his body, biting his ear, He murmured softly in the mirror: "No, I like this feeling."

In the face of a powerful man full of madness, then give her what she wants. In a clown state, Chen Hao and Tang Qing entangled frantically for several hours. Although she was traveling in Europe, she didn't say anything. My heart's worries were expressed in action. When I found out that the man was not in trouble, I felt relieved. After getting the news that Xiaodi had flew from the country, she let Chen Hao change a room, and then she fell asleep at ease. Then she quietly left to continue her European travel and travel live broadcast.

Xiao Di came here to pay more attention and the media followed, but now such exposure is no longer a problem for her, and her relationship with Chen Hao has already been disclosed to the media, naturally she didn't care about being photographed.

After all, being a thief is so deceptive, fortunately, Xiao Di puts all his body and mind in his state, and does n’t think much about his strange behaviors. He also spoils and accompanies him, cares for him, and accompanies him. Eat, accompany him to read books, accompany him to watch the script, and hugged him to sleep in the evening with great care, until he was sure that he had no problems, and then he really returned to Huaxia.

She left, and Chen Hao stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the hotel. The unknown was a little bit sour, took out her mobile phone, and sent a WeChat to Sunny and Xiaodi respectively: "What can I do?"

Ho De Ho, I can have women like you.

Xiaodi's reply was quick. This was also the first time she used a very intimate vocabulary: "husband, come on!" Followed by a more muscular expression. It can be seen that she is still worried about Chen Hao's status. As an actor, she naturally understands that the role sometimes affects the performer for a lifetime, and the impact of this life is often negative. She does not want Chen Hao to A character is too aggressive, and even his mind is affected.

It was a few hours after the sunny day, and only a few words were returned, but it was full of a huge amount of information.

"Big! Long! Long!"

In the face of this message, Chen Hao only rolled his eyes. When it comes to sturdyness, he really feels that sunny weather in all aspects meets the ultimate meaning presented by the words sturdy. It seems that nothing is wrong, her idea is Like ordinary women, they always have their own unique insights and ideas, and even different from ordinary people.

The company of two closest people made Chen Hao's mood much better. When facing the world view of the clown, he was able to stand outside to watch and taste the feeling that such a character can present.

It wasn't until he began to re-examine Batman that he really understood the clown.

The front and back of a coin are both Batman and the Joker.

The Ombudsman justice is just a coin that is still spinning. After it stops, it will be front or back. No one knows, precisely, this is also the competition between Batman and the Joker. The general direction is a city. Order, small direction is a change of belief. The city's messenger of justice is both the belief of the city. Until the last two ships made no choice, Batman won in one direction, but the messenger of justice has been blackened. At the end of the whole film, you can't say that the clown lost.

If you understand the clown alone, you ca n’t be considered to understand this role. Chen Hao, who has found a breakthrough, started to study Batman madly, understand the superhero ’s concept of justice, and from him to find those slightly fuzzy feelings on the clown. The whole character is completely three-dimensional.

Chen Hao's dedication to the role infects everyone in the crew, and also has the interest of the outside media. He began to try to report more on this drama. Starting from the literary drama, he has been waiting for a clown to appear.

In China, the summer season began to be promoted. What stood out in advance was the highly anticipated "War Wolf 3". Compared to other films competing for the summer season, it chose a season without competitors. A period before the summer season arrived During the gap period, it will be released at this time with a stance of word of mouth in the future.

Chen Hao recorded a video for the crew. I did not return to the premiere. His filming in "Batman: The Dark Knight" officially started filming.

The first appearance of the clown is a back standing on the street with a mask in his hand. This is a very ordinary appearance. What remains is suspense. Everyone guesses who this guy is, nothing more.

When Chen Hao filmed this scene, he was put on makeup in advance. He hoped that he would not waste energy to remind him that he was a clown because of some auxiliary means, so he put on makeup, closer to the character, and stood beside the street. Slightly hump back, there is a state of looking around, and then put on a mask to make himself a robber.

What is the performance of the whole process of grabbing-robbing-silver-executing? It is the individual's distinctive behavior.

Such as walking, such as the angle of looking at things, such as small limb movements when talking, such as shaking his head and shaking his brain.

These, how to add, how to add, all rely on the actor to understand and use, good actors, the director will not waste much effort in this area to think about how to help you perform well, your actor will take my role beyond the horizontal line It ’s good to show me the standard. Maybe sometimes, your performance will surprise me, and then make some changes to the whole character's settings.

"He has no bullets."

"No, I just need to kill the school bus driver."

When he was pointed at the gun, the clown had a subconscious back movement, which was a conditional reflection as a human attribute. After this movement, he was still a clown with a bamboo in his chest. He consciously took two steps to the side. With the words of the school bus driver, the other party's attention was attracted. When the other party was surprised, the school bus accurate to the second rushed in and directly killed him.

The script is explained here. The reason why it can be accurate to the second is summarized by the school bus group every day after passing here. As for how to achieve the same accuracy, that is a perfect-offense-sin-process that requires no explanation.

The clowns are different from ordinary movies. They started to show one by one. First, they faced their associates. There was almost no nonsense. They shot directly. In the face of the special security officer at the bank, they just took care of themselves. Instead of giving the other party nonsense time and opportunity, taking off the mask in front of the other party to reveal the face of the clown is a rendering method of the film. Chen Hao understands and is willing to cooperate with the director. Here he encourages himself. It takes a few seconds to complete such a perfect case. Someone knows the truth, otherwise I, the mastermind behind the scenes, would not be very unfulfilled.

This scene was shot for three days, all of which were filmed in big scenes. It was a waste of time. Here at Chen Hao, everything came naturally. Understanding of the role of the clown allowed him to easily control such a scene. Including the next break into the black-gang party scene, to ask everyone to cooperate to kill Batman. Including he disguised as a corpse to kill a big brother. Then he broke into the party and arrested the first confrontation between the messenger of justice and Batman.

These subdivisions were arranged by Nolan to allow Chen Hao to perform in one go. It can be said that the most difficult character in this play is the clown. Don't look at him as the male No. 3, but the shooting of the male one and the male two does not need to be so difficult. The performance of the messenger of justice in the final stage was burned half of the face ~ ~ is also very exciting, but at that time the credit of the Hollywood special effects artist, let people focus on that half face instead of This actor has shown how wonderful the performance moved everyone.


At the same time, throughout Asia, the premiere of "Wolf Warrior 3" continued the splendor of the second part. The cold front battle is still sharp, without much surprise and disappointment. The addition of various new weapons and fighting methods has continued to lock the audience's expectations for the film.


The appearance of ZERO started to give everyone a different feeling. At first, there was a feeling that he was incompatible with this film. It was a bit like Captain Liu. He was so handsome at all times. The audience did not understand until a few scenes came out. This is not Chen Hao in the idol drama, but he plays a brutal-gangster with cleanliness, a murky and BT guy. They just paid the reward late, and he will have to catch the other party with great pains. And then killed.

A character that is so cruel to the audience that it is sucking air-conditioning appears in a film with the absolute cold front as the main character. What kind of confrontation will the two sides have, the audience sits one by one, full of expectations, and keep talking in their hearts. "Don't be exciting, don't let us down. I'm waiting to see the peak match between Leng Feng and ZERO. It must be different."

Chen Hao and Wu Jing did not disappoint the audience. After the large-scale war battle footage, the individual combat weapons were put on the stage. The confrontation between ZERO and Leng Feng did not start from boxing to flesh, that was too much like the first one, and It was a fight with various long-range weapons first. What was the reaction of a guy with a clean habit after being splashed with dirt? It was not a comedy, but at the time the audience in the projection room laughed.

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