Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 802: Take-off booster

Sitting in the car, watching the hustle and bustle not far from the window.

The Golden Horse Awards are still the same as the Golden Horse Awards. If you are not in it, you will not know that there will be special treatment arrangements before you set foot on the red carpet.

A more traditional set of European black suits. With today ’s Chen Hao, he does n’t need to make a difference in his dress. He enjoys the treatment of the moment. People have ambitions and they want to look down on all beings. The dark side of my heart, who doesn't want to be superior?

It ’s not just the Golden Horse Awards. It ’s a similar arrangement for most awards and even occasions. The big coffees arranged have been satisfied inside, and those who have n’t been arranged are also concealed, and they ca n’t tell from the status of the scene. I just feel that the big coffee should have some privileges, but I don't know that he is invisible as being being overlooked.

The door was opened, and the shouting shouting of the mountains and tsunami rushed into Chen Hao's ears. He did not deliberately hang a smiley face, and completely followed his true thoughts in his heart. He enjoyed it, and his face hung naturally. A contented smile, in the eyes of the media and on-site fans, is a personal charm that feels like a spring breeze.

The leather shoes under the feet are made by hand, and are specially designed according to Chen Hao ’s feet and the thickness of the socks he is wearing to ensure that every foot out is the most comfortable feeling that his feet can feel. On the red carpet, people got out of the car door, straightened the waist, and he was the star that shined most.

"Haozi, I love you!"

"Haozi, so handsome!"

Every artist who has a good agency has special training in similar aspects. What kind of behavior should you attend? On the occasion, the company will also provide a special makeup artist, according to the temperature and humidity of the site where you participate. And the surrounding environment, to make some makeup adjustments for you, the most important thing is not how stunning the makeup looks and how good-looking you are, but to ensure that there is no greasy face and reduced facial state.

Since PS photos have been taken, on a lot of occasions, artists have paid attention not to how many extra points, but to try not to reduce points. The appearance of an ugly picture is likely to obliterate the beautiful pictures you have operated for a long time. Image.

Chen Hao is not oily skin, his skin condition is good, and he has no acne. This also makes him attend similar live events. The makeup artist does not need to worry, he can also face any situation very comfortably. I remember my overall state.

The length of the steps on the red carpet and the frequency of the steps are all trained. Chen Hao did not need to deliberately slow down to increase his appearance rate on the red carpet. When others are on the red carpet, the Golden Horse Awards will let the guests behind , One minute behind the normal speed of appearance, give the media ample time to take pictures, and give fans ample time to scream.

He didn't take Di Lierba with him. To the surprise of many people, he set his own time on the red carpet very much. Many media reporters have not been excited yet, so they must put themselves in the best position. In the state of hi, hurry up and capture Chen Hao. If you miss it, your own media reports about the Golden Horse Awards will lose more serious points.

Last year, he was a newcomer and a favorite of the best supporting actors.

This year, his identity is completely different. His film has been nominated for best film. He is still nominated for best director. He is the best actor and the best supporting actor. He is comparable to an actor. Zhou Xingchi, the king of comedy, has also nominated the best film and best director for the best actor at the same time. Other big coffees are not so multi-tasking. He is even better today than the king of comedy. He also nominated a best supporting actor. What is not promising is whether he can win more awards. Many people even think that he nominated so many is a deliberate promotion of his gimmick.

Of course, no one denies the fact that the role of the clown must be swept out in the actor awards. Several domestically recognized film master-level performance masters have once recognized the role of the clown. Chen Hao gave it This character can see everything with the absolute soul from the clean-haired alternative clown on the stage of Victoria's Secret.

It is not the script that gives the clown the absolute soul, but Chen Hao's performance, which makes this role a historical classic. Even in the Dark Knight, Chen Hao uses the shape of the Victoria's Secret Stage, and a classic villain with a world-renowned appearance will appear. Roles.

Unfortunately, the role of the clown will not participate in the competition of the Huaxia Awards. What everyone can do is to give Chen Hao more applause at the scene, so that he will become the protagonist of the scene before the award is given. This year, Chen Hao paid tribute to many wonderful characters.

At the red carpet scene, Chen Hao simply accepted an interview. He didn't like similar interviews on similar occasions. It was a little deliberate. Sometimes the moderator's skills were not enough, and he felt the red carpet that he gave when he came over. Suddenly the problem was destroyed.

Entering the venue, the staff had already arranged for it. Qiu Yu, who had stepped in first, followed, and transferred to a lounge at the end of the corridor outside the side door of the venue. The air-conditioning temperature inside was adjusted, and a long wall was placed on one side. In the case of the table, fruits, drinks, snacks, and cakes are placed on the table in a self-service manner, especially in the preparation of drinks, which are complete and can meet the tastes of artists from all over the country.

Here, either the bosses of various companies in the circle or industry leaders, or some old actors who are not experienced on the red carpet, they will appear at the awards ceremony, but do not want to enter the scene prematurely to disturb young people. World, put a lounge here, chat and drink tea, not only let them feel the respect of respect, but also be able to temporarily divide Vanity Fair here.

Chen Hao, who was included in the big coffee class, came in the scene so early that it was obviously inappropriate for him to stay in the hall of the awards ceremony. In addition, since last year, many people know that this young person's relationship network is very hard. Bian also met with some big guys. When he enters this lounge, he won't appear marginalized, not to mention that the big guys in these circles are now eager to rush to get familiar with him again. A movie is A big cake, eat together in the age of joy. Although you have the power to make others greedy, but often the cake can be made larger in a certain sense. We do n’t rob your share. We only eat the bigger part. In return, we will unite together in the future. After all, a project that Chen Hao can do is limited. The era of your happy gathering is now considered a big company. So many artists cannot always build cars behind closed doors, right?

Brother Tian has come to Baodao this time. He has already arrived in the lounge. Chen Hao just came in and made his favorite mascot. There is no need to talk about specific things. He can have the freedom in the industry today. He It is already 100% satisfied. Occasionally, sitting on a mascot can be regarded as a sense of existence. It is a type of entertainment that is not like but not annoying.

Basically everyone saw his first sentence as a congratulation, everyone had their own gossip in all aspects. This congratulations would not be wrong no matter what. Anyway, Chen Hao will also get the golden horse award this time. When it comes to the award for best supporting actor, Jiang Wuyang and ZERO's double insurance, even if there is the biggest accident, the award for the best supporting actor will fall to Zeng Zhiwei, which can be regarded as an alternative three insurance. "The supporting actor" won the best supporting actor, and won Jiang Wuyang in "Certificate of Appreciation", which is a popular art film this year. As a leading actor in "Ignorance", do you also have the opportunity to win the "cast" What about the double insurance in The Name?

This is the end. Some people are willing to guess that Chen Hao has won the most. Most people are willing to guess what they can do. Few people think that Chen Hao will lose everything this year. The new generation of such a versatile artist is the promotion force of the entire industry. Although the actor award is personal, it ’s really difficult to distinguish them from each other ~ ~ The judges believe that they will favor the future, even if there is only a small inner tendency, it may have an impact on the final result .

I drank a cup of tea, talked a few words, and looked at the time. When Qiuyu saw Chen Hao ’s movement, he immediately understood what he was going to do, took a look, and then came in and whispered in Chen Hao ’s ears. In other words, he stood up and took a sorry gesture toward the people present, everyone understands and nodded at him.

Outside, there are already many stars gathering, and some people in this lounge are also due to go out.

This year, three films participated in the performance and were short-listed. It is also a newly-launched active machine of the men's group. In Huahua, weaved a certain network of relationships. We must know that variety shows are the best platform to meet acquaintances. This year, Chen Hao stood again at the Golden Horse Awards and looked up. Familiar figures can be found everywhere, far and near.



The familiar people waved or nodded to say hello. After coming in, I didn't feel any good. Just talk a few words and the time is up. Watching the changes in the lighting and staff at the scene, everyone started to find under the guidance of the assistant. Go to your own seat.

I didn't need to say anything to meet with Andy Lau and Jet Li, and we spent several months together. We got along well with each other. When we met, the two big brothers gently hammered their shoulders and grinned with a stink. It was actually enough.

As for competition ...

At these two levels, competition is already a benign ecological chain, and it wo n’t stick to it. It ’s good to feel comfortable. Do n’t look at Jet Li's current breakthrough. As the big brother, the desire in my heart is normal, but not stubborn. Lose one's mindset.

He himself also had a hunch that the waves of the Yangtze River pushed the waves forward. It is likely that the Golden Horse Awards this year will be a booster for Chen Hao to take off!

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