Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 822: Real me

Facing the overcrowded environment in front of him, Chen Hao has remained indifferent, and the concert has been able to manage. One of the things such as speaking depends on the guts of the scene, and the other is his own hard power. He has both. So I always felt very relaxed. I just came on stage and didn't forget to make a joke.

"I originally prepared a chair for me. I know that once I speak, I have no concept of time. I didn't dare. I think I'm still standing, or I'm afraid of being bombarded. Don't laugh, I can see it, I'm in school The schoolgirl who helped me fill out the form when I was sitting here, I was a student and got a little bit of grade at best, but I didn't add the word 'weiwei', the grade was really a little bit. "

The audience gave us an understanding of laughter. At the beginning, we listened to Shu Tan, a group of arrogant sons. If you want to satisfy their feelings, you can't go higher or lower, and can't be jerky. You can go to Peking University Tsinghua to give a speech. I will tolerate you because of politeness. At the film school, it ’s your personality. You do n’t take out the dry goods here. Because there are school leaders on the scene, you wo n’t be bombarded. possible.

"Everyone knows, I am a anchor, and chatting is my strength, so the school leader asked me to talk to you. I will not talk about my experience. Everyone can see it on the Internet, and I do n’t When talking about something that is too big, let's talk briefly about the performances I understand, combined with these plays I have filmed, talk about my own changes ... "

Actually, there is nothing virtual. Oscar's acting ability allows Chen Hao to have the capital to perform performances with a group of professional art candidates who learn to perform. The low-key opening is to use the method of suppression first and then increase. I want Let you get far-expected results in an environment without high expectations.

From the beginning of "Erlong Lake Hao Ge", to "Why Sheng Xiao Mu", and then slowly came into contact with the movie, writing and directing, from supporting role to protagonist, and most often talked about the role of the clown, This is also the most interesting for everyone on the scene. I have been to the Golden Award, the Golden Rooster Award, including the film director of Cannes. There is no Oscar-level actor, but there may be, but that The color of the skin is destined that when everyone faces them, they feel the most in the heart. They don't want to identify with it in reality. They will feel that their historical mission has not been achieved. Why are there no Chinese people on the Oscars? Li An is a Chinese , Chinese American, same ancestors, but in the United States is recognized as a family member in that country, and how to stand as an outsider.

Jackie Chan, Jet Li, and Chow Yun-Fat all followed in the footsteps of Bruce Lee that year, but the real influence is still a bit worse. Don't look at Jackie Chan's Oscar's Lifetime Achievement Award. To be honest, the award is a kind of selection Testimonials, in the real Oscar, it has not entered the truly recognized sequence, at least as an actor, he has not yet.

An hour passed quickly. Chen Hao promised to answer some questions at the scene when he promised to speak. This is also the conventional style. As a colleague, as a junior who will enter the circle in the future, he will face success. Seniors, there must be many, many questions to ask.

"Hello, brother, I am a freshman this year. I want to know, will the new drama" Fanghua "be cast in your alma mater? We all know that you have selected the anchor from Lele to enter the crew."

Sharpness must be encountered in university lectures. If their problems are not sharp and they are arranged in advance, it is really boring.

Chen Hao stood for more than an hour. At the end of the lecture, a student moved into a chair. He sat for less than three minutes. When the student host arranged by the school selected the students to ask questions, he stood up again and re- Standing behind the table on the stage and answering questions to everyone, he didn't know anything else, but just knew that if he was sitting on the stage himself, he hoped that the people on the stage could give himself equal respect. At this moment, in this big In the auditorium, there were many people standing along the edge of the wall, and there were no seats for them.

"The cast of" Fanghua "is no longer with me. As we all know, Jiang Shuying and Zhou Dongyu signed a contract to celebrate the era, and we need to send a gift. This movie is. For the supporting role, I recommend the Lele anchor. At the time I I have never considered saying that the crew should consider the students of the film academy. I have never been worried about the future prospects of those present, but my anchor friends who have fought together in front of the computer have few opportunities. "

"I know that until now, everyone ’s views on the industry of anchors have not changed. I have seen people from all walks of life to be anchors, and only students of art colleges and universities have rare talents. I know what everyone thinks and feel like being anchors. There is such a slight drop, we want to be a star in the future, how can we run as a anchor. I think you can change some views now, the overall atmosphere on Lele is getting better and better, I also see a lot I applied for an account above to prepare to be a video anchor. To be honest, when the official top of Lele informed me of this news, my eyesight was wet. When I was admitted to the Film Academy, I was inferior and I would I feel like everyone is resisting in my eyes. "

"Compared to the envious eyes of everyone on my artist's career achievements, I want to see my eyes more calmly."

The applause in the audience, maybe the words are not brilliant, or the whole state is not impassioned, but the true feeling from the voice and the eyes deeply infected the people present. Indeed, Chen Hao said that it was a considerable part of them. Psychological portrayal, don't look at Chen Hao who was admitted to the Film Academy as a popular little fresh meat school. There are many people who disdain him for his bones. Just now Chen Hao talked about resistance, which is a very euphemistic word. The real thing is Disdain, I think the identity of the anchor is too LO, even if it is vulgar, you ca n’t see anything other than showing off your wealth. What luxury car did you buy, which brand did you buy, and what did you smoke? What smoke? Then go on the Internet to the netizens ...

People who are prejudiced against the profession of anchor will say a lot of reasons for disregarding it. True and false are not important. There is a fair perception in the market. This is the reform of Lele. Attitude.

"Hello, Haozi, we are all looking forward to your Hollywood trip. Can you tell us all, how do you plan for your future?"

"Someone told me that the deepest feeling of seeing these future stars at the School of Drama and Film of the Film Academy is the confidence that comes out of their bones. I was doubtful in the past, and now I believe it. Before I came, I prepared something. I prejudged the questions that might be asked, and as a result, I admit that I underestimated everyone's pride and confidence. "Chen Hao took out a folded A4 paper from his pocket and did not unfold it. Come to the site to understand the laughter.

To understand people, many things need not be confessed.

If you are not proud, you can ask all the questions you want. How did you succeed and do you have any secrets about acting? Do you have any points for us in screenwriting? What does the future show industry look like before we enter?

Questions such as these are more routine, and even students from some institutions of higher learning will sometimes ask such questions. Only this, even for some seniors who have not really received the drama, there is also in my bones my self-confidence that is at least superior in appearance. Externally, I do n’t have much worry about future life. It is not necessary to ask others how to plan my future, just do it yourself.

"My future, like all of you, I want to play well, work hard to play every role, and try not to accept some roles against my will, what will happen in the end? I think anyone will dream of standing at the highest place Mountain peaks, solo the scenery above. The merits of this statement are confusing, in a nutshell, seriously play every role you play, and sing every song you sing.

There was thunderous applause at the scene. To be honest, the grounding spirit ~ ~ will naturally get the support of the students on the scene. Some of them have begun to mix in the circle and have played some roles, more or less. I don't have a little understanding of the current performing arts circle. It is because of this little understanding that I really feel that what Chen Hao is saying is true and not false.

"Hello, Haozi, I like the clown you play. It has been said on the Internet and in various shows that you have paid for playing this role. I think there are many people on the scene who are just as curious as me and want to hear you say One said, about the experience of playing the role. "

Here comes the profession. The clown is used as a textbook for acting in the film school to analyze and appreciate the discussion. The future professional actors in the acting department will analyze this role from their most professional perspective. There are still undiscoverable fields. I feel that the person who can perform this role is definitely a god.

This is a must-answer question and the favorite question of the respondent. As a former glory, anyone who mentions it will feel proud and proud.

But at this moment, what everyone saw on Chen Hao's face was not pride and pride, what he saw was an unknown soreness and pain. He frowned slightly, and seemed to feel unsuitable for such occasions. With more inner changes, even if Chen Hao had been prepared, it was difficult to hide the emotional leakage. Finally, he smiled bitterly and sighed without concealing, saying, "In fact, I never thought that this role would play such a role. At the point, I know that many people outside are saying that I became a clown by entering the role, and I have been seeing the psychologist adjustment after shooting. I do n’t want to explain, but facing you today, I think it is necessary to explain I believe you can understand that I am not selling melon in Pharaoh. I did not enter the role, and I was not so painful that I needed a psychologist to treat me. I went to see the psychologist just because I thought too much ... "

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