Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 826: Make a bet

A young lady is living a happy and comfortable life that no ordinary person can imagine. If her identity is exposed, Haomen brothers and sisters will be thousands, and she will have a hard time going out after that. Do n’t play, it will definitely be blasted into Slag.

Haihai stretched out his fingers and nodded in Chen Hao's forehead, his mouth was slick, the meaning was obvious, count your boy to pass the barrier: "You said, I'll wait for you at night."

The latter sentence, true or false, true or false, Haihai doesn't mind what happened to such a man he admires and has a good impression on, whether it is the senses or the body, Chen Hao is full of temptation- Confused, but they are friends with each other. Sometimes if the purpose is too strong, the relationship that affects friends is not good. Let it be. Nothing happens, nothing happens.

After the joke, Chen Hao introduced these people to Xiao Gang Cannon. As a public figure mingled in Yanjing, Xiao Gang Can also contacted many similar people. He generally stayed away from such young people and put them in a dozen. Twenty years ago, maybe his waist would bend, and he would have a relationship with these people to pave the way for his own development in the future. Today, when he is sixty years old, many things are belittle, and his own realm is there. Now, I do n’t want to be evil to people like Jing Tianlin, but I do n’t want to have too much contact with you. Do I, a 60-year-old person, bow to my knees in front of you 20-30 year olds?

Jing Tianlin, a group of people who can play together, are not the kind of arrogant and arrogant. They will behave very low-key with people who are not familiar or do not know them. This is the current wealthy and wealthy people in China. The "official" approach of the second generation, no one will intentionally go outside to show how rich and powerful they are, and they will not proactively cause trouble. Even now they encounter some random small troubles and will choose to give in After leaving the scene, I want to find my place or revenge. That's too easy. Maybe it's just a few phone calls. Everyone knows it at the scene. That's what a person with a mentally ill will do.

In the era of low-profile kings, no one is stupid enough to destroy his own good life.

When they came to Jingtianlin, they used to be said to be embarrassing. Now they are like a fish, and the most interesting and best are these people. The big guys come together, not only in private. Occasions, sometimes in some semi-public occasions, some big guys also mentioned that the young people are capable of doing business.

There are praises, and that Tianlin Lin is more firm in his own choices, and it is more gentle and drizzle outside. When you see him, he is smiling and smiling, and someone said a little black fat man in front of him. He is not angry, and the verbal battle has already passed that age.

In the face of "Fanghua w crew and small steel cannons, this group of people behaved very peacefully, and the etiquette was not lost, so that the beautiful companions who accompanied them came to look at each other, and what made them feel incredible was that Chen Hao was in this group. Status among people.

They are also people who have seen and experienced similar scenes in the past. They have also seen pictures of stars greeted with smiles on the stage. When they came, they also wanted to see if Chen Hao had met. Regarding what these people should look like, he never imagined that he could be in a state of equality with these people.

"We are also very interested. Let's talk together, Caier, you take them to rest first, and by the way set the place for dinner at night, we will call you when we are done here." Jing Tianlin is this group of people At the core, he spoke and everyone did.

At first I just wanted to pull Chen Hao together, and learned that they were still discussing "Fanghua w script, they are very interested, but it is no longer the original, just a business, now it is also treated as a career Nowadays, I have n’t had much contact with this profession in my weekdays, but now I ’m not a layman at all.

He took away all the female companions found around him, and the rest were his family. If he calculated it, these people were the investors of the movie, but not in his own name, but a group of people. Combined with a well-known company, and then the money was concentrated to invest. This company is completely transparent. Although it is a type of leather bag company, the money is actually sold out. The company has no other business. It is simply investing in film and television, which is more accurate. In other words, this company is dedicated to investing in the works of Chen Hao. Everyone is in the business and wants to play again. Then you go out alone to invest in other film and television dramas or whatever.

The entire film and television industry can't stop this group of people from entering the market. Fortunately, the foundation and the people are transparent. Whoever doesn't want to make some money that can withstand the scrutiny, you are all transparent and there is no existence. Some excessive actions, relatively speaking, compared to the previous few years to find out those rich landlords investing in upstarts, the entry of such people is still relatively law-abiding, at least at the beginning of the news of a certain restaurant, now all It is your love, I hope everyone is a friend, not the kind you used to have to accompany me for a dinner.

The script discussion here is confidential, and Jing Tianlin's behavior made Chen Hao not embarrassed. In front of this small group of people, the exposure of the script content is not a problem. It is limited to the script content that a small number of people know. Obviously they It's not outside.

This group of people were also unpretentious. The hot drinks and cold drinks delivered by the drink shop, and a few more ashtrays were placed on the table. They also sat down and sat there, quite involved.

Wu Zhonghai laughed: "Don't you think we don't understand anything, you've entered the performance of the famous w into the textbook course of the acting department, and" The performance in Batman: The Dark Knight w has become all the art college performances We have all gone to the courses for the research topics of the department. You do n’t know, we are also learning to be a director on an amateur basis, maybe we will make a movie in the future. "

Chen Hao gave a thumbs up to a few people, and he saw it seriously from the eyes of these people, proving that Zhong Zhonghai was not false. In fact, even if they did not understand it, no one could stop to listen to the script discussion and play the ticket. You have to play together.

There are printed scripts, which are sealed in the safe in the house. Since this group of people are going to participate in the script modification discussion, it is inevitable that they must see the script first. Maybe these guys didn't come to invite themselves to dinner. The idea is to satisfy curiosity, because the outside world because of Chen Hao because of the four beautiful things, this drama is vivid, people who can get in close contact, will inevitably find ways to satisfy curiosity.

It can be seen that they really have a certain foundation. At least the basic state of the script can be seen. This is very important. The script is not, does not have such a strong reading experience, if you do not know anything, you will I feel that the scene after scene is very boring. Time, weather, characters, scenes, happening stories, and simplified scripts will not have beautiful words to describe characters and scenes, including dialogues. At this time, what should the actor say, how to organize the language of speaking, and whether it has obvious personal characteristics, this can be marked, or detailed live editing and live performance can be performed later. The choice of the actor can also Language plays a different role. For example, Zhang Jiayi, you ca n’t set a standard for him to walk. Otherwise, you simply do n’t choose Zhang Jiayi as an actor in your play. His walking state, once At the moment of popularity, countless people scrambled to imitate, the purpose is funny, in fact, you really want to notice him in the film and television drama Way of the road, likely to believe that the picture is not good sense, his gait, indescribably ugly.

Being able to sit here for more than an hour, Chen Hao and Xiao Gang Cannon were also willing to enter the state to talk about something, and even willing to share with them.

Chen Hao thought of a point, and the more I thought about it, the more appropriate it seemed that they would enrich it.

"Daoer, there are so many good helpers here. If we do n’t use the above, it would be a waste of resources. Let them go home and learn from the elders. I think they will provide us with some richer materials. Speaking of which, I would like to discuss with you one thing, that is, about Xiao Suizi, Lin Dingding, and Hao Shuwen's personal drama, can we enrich it a little, I Knowing what you mean, a movie ca n’t carry too much information, and also know that you have weakened the role of Liu Feng ’s role in order to enrich the arts troupe ~ I think, can I use a simpler way to give Enrich the characters. "

The small steel cannons are very supportive of the previous proposal. The fathers of these people are all the tide of that era. Their perspective on that era is different. They do n’t ask for much information, even if only one or two points can enrich the film. Zhonglai is worth trying.

Lang Zhonghai Tang Feng and others are very interested, Jing Tianlin also felt his chin thoughtfully. He may be the most powerful of all the people in the army compound. He is not only in the compound. There are also aspects of life that ordinary people cannot reach.

Chen Hao's proposal silenced Xiao Gang Cannon. The four female characters in the story have their own stories, and they also have conflicts with each other. In this version of the script, you can see that it is limited in space and dilutes. In view of some individual-to-individual conflicts, the point of contradiction is placed on collective-to-individuals. Even if He Xiaoping is filmed, it is not a single person but a group of people.

Xiao Gangpao thought for a while and said, "I think about it for a maximum of five minutes. I have to finish it. I can't give it anymore. At most it's a continuation of the established role or a few words from others. Think about it. So let ’s make a harmless little bet, and someone else thinks, then add his name to the screenwriter. Whoever you and I do it will be the first in the screenwriter. ”

Chen Hao nodded, feeling feasible: "Okay."

Screenwriter ranking, in "Fanghua w" is not only the name position on the film, but also involves the screenwriter's share of the box office of the movie. After getting it, who is in front, the money is proportionally divided, Chen Haohe The small steel cannon didn't care about the money, it was nothing more than a gimmick worthy of being used as a bargaining table on the wine table. It also meant giving each other a little motivation.

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