Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 828: Unarmed, invincible

Chen Hao, who had long been mentally prepared, did not have much emotional fluctuations about what Zhong Zhonghai said. Anyone or a project or even the industry's enthusiasm will suffer from all kinds of huge pressures and troubles from the outside world.

It ’s possible to face it all the way until today. Chen Hao feels very fortunate. He is a small citizen, so he does n’t understand these things, but many people around him understand it. He told him more than once He himself also had a deep understanding.

It is mediocrity without being jealous.

In the industry, he knows that the older generations got rid of some restraints after years of suffering, and some are still restrained to this day; the new generation, don't look at their appearance, and some do not become the boss themselves The company must be controlled by the company, and the owner must also take care of all aspects of the relationship. Many times they are involuntary, but they are still big stars on the table. The fans do n’t know, and the audience does n’t know. .

In the eyes of many fans and audiences, what they see is a big star, that is, the scenery is infinite. Chen Hao is the same as everyone else, and he cannot see the ease with which he is beyond the bounds of this circle today.

After achieving the national treasure level artist level, you are facing belated troubles, and you can hear a bit of embarrassment in Jing Tianlin's tone, and each other assumes their own duties. As a result, Chen Hao has not troubled him. Locally, something went wrong on his side, so that Chen Hao might encounter some trouble.

When you arrive at the hotel villa, each is a small courtyard room. One of the largest two-story villa courtyards is where everyone gathers. The consumption of living here is really in the eyes of people like Tang Feng's Zhonghai Haihai. Not the map here is spacious and quiet, there are better places to choose from for higher consumption.

"Jing, drink some wine at night." Chen Hao offered to drink. Jing Tianlin took a sip first, then smiled, and pointed to him: "You, you, it's too far-fetched. People like you really made it. Good buddies are hard, but being a good friend will be very comfortable. Well, drink tonight. I let them prepare. There are exactly two bottles of good wine. "

In this case, he can say that Chen Hao can't really listen. What a good buddy, that is simply impossible. Being a good friend with each other before the interest alliance has not collapsed is already the best that each other can achieve. Now, maybe after ten or twenty years, everyone slowly began to choose to reduce the mutual relationship between their interests and become more friendly to each other. Maybe they may become truly good buddies. It has to be said that the next ten years In the past 20 years, Jing Tianlin's father, who was only fifty years old, would not go higher.

Chen Hao, who has been drinking top-grade wine for years, has been able to drink a little different feelings. I ca n’t tell the specifics. The good ones can still make a difference.

There were few people present, and the rest were either to gather together, or to carry their female companions to enjoy the night life, and there were a few in the living room inside, playing Depu. The rest who drank under candlelight in the courtyard, Jing Tianlin, Fang Caier, Huang Zhonghai, Tang Feng, Haihai and Chen Hao, raised the first glass of wine, Jing Tianlin shook his respect to Chen Hao: "Haozi, you Think too much. "

After understanding, Chen Hao responded, "Brother, I'm just an ordinary person."

Detective Haihai squeezed his arm and felt the muscle: "That's it, ordinary people, show me the power of your man, don't try to blind me, take out your true strength."

Haihai made a break. In fact, it was enough. There was no heart knot between the two of them. Chen Hao knew what Jing Tianlin needed to avoid. Jing Tianlin knew that Chen Hao didn't want to live against his mind. This enough.

They have been filmed more than once, and there are many traditional martial arts people saying that Chen Hao is a master. It is no secret that he insists on training every day. After everyone has become accustomed to his all-round talents, his personal body The talents of different qualities are not so difficult to accept, not to mention the fact that the camera has taken more than one shot of his high-intensity training every day. This alone, the so-called simple talents do not make sense. They are trying hard.

The performance was resisted by Chen Hao, but in private, sitting with friends, the atmosphere was good, the wine was drinking, the sea breeze was blowing, the candlelight in the courtyard was matched with the lights, and the 'mermaid' added the color of the whole night in the pool. He did not mind Show it.

Did not move, sitting on the chair, picked up the steel spoon on the table, held it in your hand, slowly exerted force, first bent, and then, like a bun, twisted together the spoon, the ball The bar group finally threw it gently on the table.

There are no spoons on the table, only an irregular steel sphere. This is not a magic show, nor is it some small preparations made in advance by the showmanship. The spoon is a real spoon, made of steel, just like that. Got a group?

"Put another smart person around, there will be no traps for you to jump in and wait for me to come to the rescue." Jing Tianlin gave a thumbs up to Chen Hao, and he was really good.

"The actual combat." Hai Hai's interests are always extreme. Her eyes are bright and her whole body is extremely excited. When she joins this group, she proves that Jing Tianlin is not alone, she can come in and have money. We all make money together, but if we can get together and have the same ideas, we can use this to stand in the same circle.

"Unarmed, invincible!"

In fact, he meant to say that cold weapons are invincible. I do n’t think it ’s too shocking and appropriate to show high-profile strength, but also keep enough hole cards to avoid being seen by everyone at once.

The words are not big, Chen Gang may not have a sufficient voice, but Kang Yan has a voice. He eats more, sees more in this world, and encounters opponents better than him. To the talented opponents, but talented to Chen Hao, can already ignore experience and skills to some extent.

Top-level standards, combined with superb physical fitness, even when encountering invincible opponents with experienced skills, they can rely on absolute strength, absolute speed, and other physical conditions for crushing. The real master showdown, but there is no fight between the two sides said that the strokes are fatal and crippled. In Chen Hao, it is also necessary to subvert a cognition that there is no physical contact between the two sides. As long as you have it, do n’t fight directly. It is undoubtedly a tofu hitting a stick. You and him are not a level at all. The strength of the body is not a little bit. Even if you have a great ability, it is useless. You feel that you can easily resist the move. The result is one. Touching it, you broke your arm directly. What else do you play?

The title of invincibility was given by Kang Yan. Now for some practical training, he and Chen Gang need to wear an armor and have offensive weapons in order to play with Chen Hao. Each time, they are both fighting. One, the end result is that the weapon is either scrapped or ineffective.

The title of "Invincible" is a bit weak, but he is right to say so. If it was Chen Gang and Kang Yan who gave the seal, it should be an invincible cold weapon. Unless you have a real weapon that cuts iron and mud, otherwise You won't cause much damage to his body if you hold a weapon.

When danger is coming, his own musculoskeletal strength density is much higher than that of ordinary people. At the moment when danger is coming, muscles can be tightened instantly. Chen Gang once joked that if Hao Zi's body continues to be so anti- heavenly As you grow, you will be able to defend the bullets that have been fired at a medium distance from minor injuries in some parts of your body.

Chen Hao's high profile this time is also to pass some information to Jing Tianlin and this crowd. We are partners and we are friends. Although it seems that you can get off the boat at any time and you can turn your face and don't recognize anyone, but ten million Don't go too far, if one day pushes me to a certain degree, I will end up with a fish.

There is no need for nonsense to communicate between smart people. The continuation of this topic is not between men. On Haihai, she did not drink less today. She was drunk and admired the power of the strong, facing Chen Hao. She did not conceal her own emotional changes, and always asked East and West on this issue, everyone nearby could see that if Chen Hao was a little more proactive, she could be a pro-Fangze tonight.

Chen Hao never considers himself a proper gentleman ~ ~ nor denies that Haihai is a very charming mature woman. That familiar feeling has a very strong appeal to any man. In the past, You can enjoy it if you pounce on it. He will not resist, but now that there are sunny days and Xiaodi, he can be more awake when looking at other women.

"Sister, I put the water on the bedside table, and you can drink when you wake up. The clothes changed for you. I almost couldn't bear it." Chen Hao gently covered the quilt on Haihai's body, got up, walked out, and left. Turn off the lights when you are in the room.

Under the moonlight transmitted through the gaps in the curtains, Haihai on the bed opened her eyes, not pretending to be drunk, but suddenly there was a little shyness when she was young, so she decided to use drunkenness to cover up the emotional state that she longed for something. .

She was also very sure that Hao Zi was almost unable to hold back. When she took off her clothes, the hand was not completely honest, touched, and pinched, and finally held back and became a gentleman, which is what everyone often says Bird-beast-no-like, why?

Haihai propped herself up and sat down. The quilt fell down in front of her. The first half of the camp was completely lost. Only the bottom half had a little final obstacle. She was very confident in her graceful posture, as long as she was a man. Can't resist.

After drinking drool, for more than a minute, she found a reason for Chen Hao to leave. I believe that this is the only reason.

"Friend, friend as pure as possible."

Maybe they do n’t care about each other, and they are still friends tomorrow, but that ’s not pure, is n’t it like everyone ’s relationship now? Rely on interests.

"Oh, stinky boy, it's pretty cute." Haihai drank all the glass of water, and retracted into the quilt. Well, depending on your performance tonight, at least I will work hard and strive for us to be truly pure friends. Friends who can still live and die without interest.

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