Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 838: ‘Apology’

Open the drawer, which contains cigarettes and daily necessities, such as cotton swab nail clippers.

On the side of the small coffee table, not only the water cups, but also facial tissues and wet wipes, are also easily accessible.

Open the refrigerator door, from fruit to drinks, to some foods that taste better after refrigerated, and fill the entire refrigerator in a regular arrangement. In the frozen layer, there is not only ice cream, but also ice cubes.

In a wine cabinet and a storage cabinet next to the refrigerator, there are wine, wine glasses and smoke, boxed dried fruits and a lot of plastic packaged foods. Pumping water heaters are more convenient for brewing tea, and open the storage below At the door, a bucket of freshly opened mineral water was placed.

It ’s the same in the room. Some of your clothes are put in the cabinet. The socks and shorts are hot and washed with water. They are then dried and neatly placed in the closet. All the supplies in the bath room are also new. , And all washed in the past to allow the new product to undergo a hot and high temperature disinfection-disinfection-process.

Every detail can feel the deep affection of motherly love. Chen Hao experienced it with all his heart, put on comfortable indoor cotton slippers, and put on clean and neat clothes for live broadcast. Before starting the live broadcast, he sat in a chair. I tasted the fruit plate sent by my mother carefully. He ate at least one bite of every fruit, and each piece was the best part of the fruit.

If in the past Chen Hao was to have a rich material life for his family, to live without material worries for the rest of his life, and to find a career he liked to enjoy work.

Today, he feels that his thinking has changed a bit, and one more thing must be added-at every moment, to enjoy the enjoyment of life. The preparation of his mother is materially secondary. A strong feeling of licking calves is also an essential part of a person's enjoyable life.

Life is so beautiful.

Chen Hao started the live broadcast with such a mental outlook. There are now nearly 10,000 people squatting in the five five live broadcast rooms. At night, he often broadcasts live broadcasts. At most, 100,000 people listen to songs and hang up in the live broadcast room. , Waiting for Chen Hao to appear. This situation also appeared on Lele News at the time. Chen Hao ’s popularity and fan appeal was one aspect. More and more intelligent mobile phones also provided more convenient conditions for people to hang in the live broadcast room without delaying them. , But just run one more program while the phone is running.

After Chen Hao's video greeted someone, within five minutes, the number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded 3 million, which was faster than the previous one. The opening song is still the one that everyone is familiar with. The rhythm is faster, and the sense of rhythm is stronger, which allows people to enter the emotions faster, and he can also get excited faster.

At the beginning of the live broadcast, some people were brushing gifts. When they just received the task to complete one hundred million yuan a year in the live broadcast business, Chen Hao also specially collected data and gave himself a dead order to increase the number and duration of live broadcasts. , If the number cannot be guaranteed, increase the duration.

After this live broadcast, he found that this is not necessary. Each live broadcast is counted by the high frequency of live broadcasts. Each live broadcast also has hundreds of thousands of income. If there is no live broadcast after 10 days and 8 days, then The revenue of starting a live broadcast will be millions. Coupled with endorsements as Lele anchors and some offline activities that promise a lot of income as long as they promise, the new mainline tasks have a bottom in mind, and the value in the task progress bar in the mind is steadily increasing.

Now when I broadcast live, I really want to perform talents-the desire is very strong, the performance time is not as much as imagined, a live broadcast is calculated in two to three hours, he performs four or five talents, the visitors in the broadcast room and The fans will be more satisfied. The overall time is within 30 minutes. In the rest of the time, everyone is more willing to chat with him, more willing to watch him chat with others than Mai, and occasionally connect with some celebrity friends. There are some other people who are curious about his recent situation. The live broadcast time includes himself and he will feel short and not feel empty. Do n’t look at the reporter getting an exclusive interview when he returns in the afternoon, it will be valid for a few hours. If Chen Hao does not open a live broadcast, that can be extended to more than ten hours. Otherwise, when the live broadcast, many reporters want to ask questions, he will answer to the site visitors during the live broadcast.

At the scene of millions of people, the public screen of typing is not visible at all, and the only thing he can do is weigh the rich and ordinary fans. Contribute the top three of the list every day, and he can ask a total of three questions. If the list is a real acquaintance like Zhong Zhonghai, he does not want to ask, so postpone it. He also draws three people among the visitors in the room every day. Chen Hao answered a question.

"I was interviewed this afternoon. It's a sweet time. You say, what are Xiaodi's classmates doing at this time?"

After the opening song, Chen Hao sang a new song "Reappearing Yesterday" at the request of everyone. This song was not pulled down from the weekly chart until last week. This year, it seems that it will directly control the hegemony. Meaning of Grammy's Best Song of the Year.

After singing, I just chatted a few words, Chen Hao threw out a huge selling point of the live broadcast. I want to connect with Dilireba during the live broadcast. Is it a phone call, a WeChat video, or a microphone in the live broadcast room?

The public screen typing and scrolling speed in the live room is faster, and more people participate in it. The speed of gift-grooming is also fast. Lele is a high-value gift-giver at a time. When the gifts are piled up in the live room, there are only two rows to display the gift. You can have the most realistic picture. After Chen Hao said this sentence, the slap of 1314 can no longer be seen. It must be the beer of 1314 or the chocolate of 520 and the diamond ring of 66 to be among the rolling gifts. See your presence.

Chen Hao took out his mobile phone, dialed the phone, and started the hands-free mode. All the visitors in the live broadcast shouted not to tell the other party that the live broadcast was in progress. What we want to see is the most realistic status of the two of you on the phone, otherwise it will be boring.

If you are a professional anchor and your peers call and talk about themselves, then the first reaction will be to guess whether the other party is interacting with yourself during the live broadcast and pay more attention when talking. What should not be said does not say that Some anchors will also deliberately set up language traps because of this, and set some fun content for themselves and Lianmai, so that the entire live broadcast content becomes more colorful.


"have you slept?"

Everyone ’s expecting the title has n’t appeared. Ordinary people look at the stars. If they see more of their bright side, they want to see their ordinary people. Why are the live star shows so popular in the past two years, everyone is watching your star life. Status.

"No, just returned from the set, have you arrived home?"

"It's all done."

"Are your grandparents and your uncles and aunts in good health?"

"Okay, they mentioned you just now. My mom wants to call you. I'm afraid to call you if you're busy."

"I want my aunt to cook the meals." With a touch of coquettish tone, compared with the dull and cute image you see on TV, this little change of tone has quite an ecstasy effect.

"Then you come, but we have no rooms ..."

"Ah, you are broadcasting live, hate it."

Xiaodi directly interrupted Chen Hao's words. He would never say so when he called.

"Haha, I don't want to remind you again. I'm afraid you will come up with some words in a while, and it will be lively at that time. I am now close to 6 million people in the live broadcast room, and we will ensure that the front page will be us tomorrow."

"Husband, I miss you!"

Directly the entire live broadcast room exploded, directly Chen Hao was stunned on the spot, and the direct five five live broadcast public screens became the venue for copying this sentence. With deliberate tone of ecstasy and deliberate utterance of ecstasy, the image of Xiao Di, who has gradually become concrete in the eyes of the public, suddenly came out like this, and just hearing it was enough to make people completely adrenaline fast. Secretion ~ ~ Qi and blood rush to the top of the head, there is an urge to do something.

After saying this, Xiao Di laughed and leaned back and forth on the phone. After hanging up the phone, he opened the number into five live broadcast rooms and used his mobile phone to connect with Chen Hao to the live video. When the video was connected, what he saw was Xiao Di covered her mouth with a smile that couldn't be masked, because the irresistible smile also made her face ruddy.

"Smelly girl, you're done, see how I can clean up you." Chen Hao said it intentionally and fiercely, and Xiao Di and everyone in the live studio on the opposite side did not have the slightest fear, Xiao Di was also the owner of this live studio. The appearance of the spur led everyone to get up to speed and let everyone slam and criticize the real master.

"You guys have to help me. He always bullies people. I said I missed you. He also said he was going to pack me up. You help me to judge. What should I do?"

The similar rhythm of the live broadcast room is always the easiest to be brought up. Even the most **** fans of Chen Hao know that it is noisy and are willing to follow Xiao Di. The rhythm of the entire live broadcast room has become two subtitle rotations. Swipe the screen.

"Leave him, I'm waiting for you."

"Hao Zi apologizes. We want to see a sincere apology."

For a moment, the entire Haomen became a fan of Dilireba. The live broadcast is a lively thing. There are topics and things that everyone is interested in. It ’s not important whether the content is really nutritious. The high-stress and high-pressure social living environment completely relaxes when it is relaxed, even if it is such a very low IQ entertainment, just enjoy it and be comfortable.

"Let's wash it, I will apologize to her, and I will use the most sincere method, but it is not suitable for you to watch, so we will do it in private if the live broadcast is closed. If you have to know the result, I will return tomorrow. Yanjing ... "

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