Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 856: Good actor

This episode is cruel and real.

Everyone's reaction to Liu Feng has a self-understanding situation in mind, how to act, and to what extent?

But when Chen Hao really played, it still shocked everyone.

Listen to the thunder in a silent place.

Liu Feng, who was silent, sat there, maintaining the attitude he should have before, with his hands slightly folded on his knees, facing the person who asked him, he wanted to be silent, hope to be fair, even to him He hoped that he would be punished, but he confessed that he did n’t think there was anything wrong, and maybe that hug, he was also relieved. At this moment, he is no longer a living Lei Feng and sacred in everyone ’s eyes. An inviolable saint, he is an ordinary person, and he is just an ordinary person.

New York.

I do not have!

In the version in Chen Hao's mind, this scene exploded when Liu Feng was here. First, he yelled at me, and then shouted that I was not as hooligan as you thought. rogue.

There is a very detailed description in it, but that is, when Chen Hao saw the script against "Fanghua" in his mind, even if Liu Feng's hand really climbed up, it was by no means an obscene-blasphemy idea in the movie Among them, it was just a hug. Perhaps during the hug, there was an accidental touch, and Lin Tintin's affairs were not big, and it was just because she did not want to bear the crime of corrupting others. Such a pure person in everyone's eyes would want to look at himself like that. Why do others see that they are their fault and they have done nothing.

You can know from the person inquiring about Liu Feng ’s status that guidance will make Lin Dingding who wants to explain thoroughly and pick himself out, and say a lot of words that are not biased but also not factual, and this greatly stimulates To Liu Feng.

In Chen Hao ’s understanding, I did n’t say this. He just went from sitting to standing. It was an anger that I wanted to say something for myself. My behavior was wrong, but my thinking was not what you wanted. So dirty, at such a moment of confession, although the influence of extravagant voices opened the door at the bottom of Liu Feng's heart, it was only open. He really felt very sacred to say goodbye, even if it was wrong. Sacred, this sacred should not be desecrated by the perception of others.

"I do not have."

Standing up, his voice was loud, but not an angry expression. He just stood up, and then looked at the person who was asking him in the opposite direction.

This kind of inquiries is all about one party's loftiness. What one party needs to do is to bow their heads and admit their mistakes. Suddenly, a few people who asked him saw bright in Liu Feng's eyes. That was an unreasonable attitude, which offended them It is not possible to ask for the brightness of the purpose. This kind of person may or may not. He does not admit his mistake, that is, to confront us. Such elements must be suppressed and punished.

Liu Feng, who never does anything to others, grabs the collar of the other person and pushes it away fiercely. Chen Hao's interpretation is a bit awkward. He hasn't done similar things. He fell to the ground with his arms, he didn't yell out, but with a little disdain in his cold voice.

I did it, but my thoughts are sacred, and the pursuit of love is the power of everyone. If you ask me wrong, I confess. But you are so tarnished-stained-my personality, I ca n’t recognize that compared to the mistakes I have made, your current thinking is really a hooligan.

"You guys, tm is a hooligan!"

In the case of being pressed down, people spit out these words with an unusually calm voice, gritting their teeth coldly. What did the listeners feel? The observers at the scene felt a kind of ruin, a kind of original. a feeling of.

Lin Dingding felt that the image of a living Lei Feng was disillusioned.

Liu Feng felt that part of his worldview was destroyed, and he felt that his motivation had suddenly disappeared. After this, after leaving the Cultural Regiment, there was only reminiscence.

The interpretation is completely different from everyone's thinking. At the beginning, the small steel cannon was a little surprised and felt a little inappropriate. As an audience, he felt a kind of impact. Such an interpretation seemed to be better than what was given in the script. Liu Feng's setting is more impactful, and the feeling of the whole plot is also different.

Liu Feng, shouldn't be the one who was completely distressed by the audience. After all, he embraced Lin Dingding. This is an unquestionable mistake. It is okay not to be present in private. It is an error to be present, and it is reasonable to make a mistake and accept punishment. If you take off the coat of ‘Live Thunder’, it ’s normal for an ordinary soldier to be punished if you do these things. Why do you feel a little bit aggrieved and painful when you come to him?

Is it because he always does good?

Is it because he is a pacesetter in learning Lei Feng?

Is it because he has given others the opportunity to study?

Rewards and punishments often cannot offset each other. Liu Feng's setting as a good person is not perfect. From the perspective of modern people, the pursuit of love is his most sacred power. He did it because of the times. Can only leave sadly.

The small steel cannon looks deep and knows Chen Hao deeply. He knows the subtext that he performed in this way, which is to connect the subsequent plots and give everyone a true image of Liu Feng. Liu Feng stayed behind the temple in the war and waited for support. The eyes that sat by the car were reminiscent of the green beauty of the past, and remembering the years of the former Cultural Regiment.


A soldier of the arts and crafts corps, when he reached the front line, he also mentioned that he was a Deputy Company level. He did n’t watch the movie alone to see the future value between the two. This Liu Feng is a blessing because of the disaster, but also caught up with the war. As a small team commander, this proves that in the eyes of superiors, Liu Feng is trustworthy. After the war was over, considering Liu Feng's age, the future will be sadly retired than being a repairman in the Cultural Regiment. , Much better.

In this scene, after Xiao Gang Cannon figured it out, he stood up to applaud Chen Hao for the first time, and he was afraid that others would not understand. Frankly, Chen Hao gave Liu Feng the real flesh and blood, and also gave it to contemporary audiences to watch this. The perspective of this movie no longer feels that many places are vague and full of unrealism.

All in all, Liu Feng was not so miserable until he left the army. His original intention has not changed. He is still the "live Lei Feng". He will still be the change in the future era. The fighting hero is one-armed and will not necessarily leave the army. It is not introduced in the film. Who knows if our Liu Leifeng is not I feel that I cannot contribute to the army 100%, and I feel that I may be burdensome to take the initiative to leave.

Being bullied for small businesses, isn't that the normal form of society? What we watch is the perspective of the movie. It is the perception of the protagonist. As a character in the play, Hao Shuwen tells the place where Liu Feng was bullied and she can't stand it. He is a disabled soldier. This soldier is more powerful than the disabled word; he is fighting. Hero, he almost threw his life on the battlefield and defended the country's peace. What qualifications do you have to bully him?

Regarding Liu Feng's original intention, this has been shown in many places. During the war drama in a few minutes, Liu Feng twice departed from the commander's role in the battlefield with brain disability. The first was to get first aid for injured comrades. One is desperate to rescue the comrades in the deep swamp. Both actions are not the commander's action, and both cause greater losses. If you take it out, this is the Liu Feng, even if that is sent The logging company, even on the battlefield, Liu Feng still has his heart in mind.

Chen Hao's Liu Fengyi took it out. The charm of this role is to first tell all actors that I am the male number one, but my film role is not completely dominant, but I am the male number one. Limited film roles cannot become The fact that I'm the No. 1 man is the most focused focus of the whole show. Maybe you think that most of the audience I played can't see it, they will not delve into some things. Too many levels will make the audience incomprehensible.

I just want to ask you, after someone guides you, do you understand?

Step back 10,000 steps ~ ~ Even if you do n’t understand, Liu Feng I played, just look at the picture, what do you think? Does this drama have all the desired effects?

The answer is yes.

And this is exactly where Chen Hao is the most powerful. No matter what angle you look at, no matter what audience you look at, you will applaud and feel that he performed well.

Is this an acting performance?

After watching Chen Hao's Liu Feng, everyone was silent, and then in a day, the concentrated filming of Liu Feng's dramas, such as moving clouds, if the people who did the drama slightly mistakes affect the progress, everyone has a feeling, except In addition to the group show, Liu Feng's drama, Chen Hao can be finished in one day, you can't find any flaws when you watch.

In the evening, when everyone was looking forward to the drama, first, Liu Feng heard Deng Lijun's song from Lin Dingding. All of a sudden, his heart was as overwhelming as the flood. The emotions that can be suppressed in weekdays seemed to find a person who broke out of the atrium The path, and being alone, has become the lighting equipment on this path.

Xiao Di has always kept herself in the car from the afternoon, and did not eat dinner. She wants to finish the scene and eat again. This is also the most complicated scene in the role of Lin Tintin. Any precautions, many things will be displayed directly. She has a little confidence before seeing Chen Hao's performance. She has been hit too much this day, and she also knows how much progress has been made by this man in Charlotte troubles. .

"Am I just a good actor?" Chen Hao asked Xiaodi.

"of course."

"Are you a good actor?"


"You too, so I'm looking forward to playing with your opponents at night."


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