Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 864: Cat and mouse games

"Hello, this is an invitation from my host to Mr. Chen."

It should be, always coming back, there is only a doorway between the strong premonition and reality. The next morning, when Chen Gang took someone down to start the car to prepare to leave and leave here, Carroll's skinny butler, An invitation was sent to Chen Hao.

Please eat.

It ’s still so formal.

There is nothing to hide. In the invitation, there is also a sentence: "I sincerely ask Mr. Chen how to be an anchor."


There is not much information, but it reveals a feeling that makes Chen Hao feel palpitated. Why would a person who suddenly invites himself for such a reason suddenly have a chance to have nothing to do with the anchor industry?

Inviter, Carol Joseph.


Two minutes later, someone sent another invitation, the same invitation to dinner, the same time and the same place, invited Xiaodi and Chen Hao, claiming to be fans of two people.

Inviter, Murray Seedorf.


After tens of minutes, the vague information about these two people was fed back to Chen Hao, which is really his social network connections. The information that can be found in a short time is really limited.

Two big men, it should be said that in the category of the world as a blueprint, the names of these two people are a name.

Ordinary people, Zhang Sanli Si, John George Jack, there are countless such names and such people all over the world. If you put forward their names, others just think they are personal names. Can you remember to say two more.

But when you mention the names of Yao Ming, Kobe, Jordan, Phelps, Washington, etc., a clear three-dimensional image will appear in your mind. No matter how many people still call this name, most people's cognition These names are a specific symbol, meaning only one person.

Carroll Joseph, the first successor to the big consortium, the news that Chen Hao got was vague information about the consortium, but it is certain that the money they can control may not be as good as those of Forbes, they can The wealth under control must be the most powerful group of people in the world. Such a "big man", ask yourself how to become a anchor, this is no longer a joke, the topic is frightening.

Murray Seedorf, from Italy, his nationality, which represents his identity, needless to say, what is the most famous of that country. On the bright side, the person in charge of the investment funds behind the eight major film companies, in other words, he led a sum of money, investing in many film and television dramas in Hollywood and Europe.

Without more than 80% of the equipment B that is in control of the situation is silly ×, Chen Hao changed his clothes and appeared alone in the restaurant downstairs. Kang Yan and Chen Gang both stayed with Xiaodi. At the same time, he also showed that With an attitude, I have no intention of being an enemy, but I have no intention of bowing my head.

"Mr. Chen, please still allow me to call you MOUSE like all fans." Carroll's sunny smile, warm attitude, and the attitude of Qi Chunfeng came up with open arms in a very warm attitude, Come to welcome Chen Hao.

Beside him, Murray was sitting with the old god, without moving, but did not show how offensive he was, sitting, trimming his nails silently.

"Please sit down."

After taking a seat, Carroll chose a Chinese restaurant, and the wine was also Maotai, and the table was also a round table. There were four seats, not southeast and northwest, two of which were relatively close. At the table, you can whisper to each other at a distance that is not heard by others, and on these two chairs, there is already a Murray.

Chen Hao didn't say anything. He took a seat. Since it's here, the soldiers came to cover up the water.

"Why didn't your beautiful female companion come, I still want to have fun with her, uh, hug wine." The last four words, Morrison, spoke in Chinese.

Carroll smiled all the time. You couldn't see a little shame in his face and eyes, and you didn't mean to put a banquet at the gate. Murray's sentence was directly a provocative discourse of the fuse.

Chen Hao pointed to the empty chair: "Not suitable. My woman, when you don't want to show your face, you don't need to come out for entertainment."

Carroll and Murray both laughed. They liked the feeling. They always overwhelmed people when they met and they would eat the living conditions of others. It would make them feel boring and less happy about cats and mice. After mixing the world for so many years, I won't even come up and say, I want your woman, you can get out, otherwise I won't let you mix here.

It is very shallow for them to move directly. Once they want to move, it is a hit. Otherwise, they will only laugh. Either a low-key point, when you want a high-key, you will have a complete grasp of the hands-on, the arrogant and arrogant boss, my second child, that is already synonymous with stupidity in this era.

At this point, Murray didn't say a word. He would sit there without eating or drinking, and slowly and very carefully trimmed his nails.

Next came Carroll's stage. He really acted like a fan. He also talked to Chen Hao about the clown, and talked about some of the roles he played in the country. The taste of appreciation was not fake. He drank two cups. Alcohol, after a few bites, the prelude to this dinner is a thing of the past. Chen Hao, you said that I answered, not against my heart, whether he was out of control, he didn't have time to care.

"I hope to have more contact with MOUSE. Some time ago I went skiing in Europe and met a Huaxia girl. She is also a video anchor of your Huaxia. I think I am in love with her, but she seems to have nothing to do with me. Idea, I know MOUSE you and her are good friends, I hope you can help me and tell me about her, I will set off for Huaxia tomorrow, so I took the liberty to stop your schedule today, please forgive me I, forgive the rudeness for the man you love. "

Carroll very gentleman stood up and bowed slightly to apologize. Then he took out his mobile phone and found out a photo saved in it, and signaled to Chen Hao to take a look.

There was no change in his expression, but his hands shrank involuntarily. Although the person in the photo was wearing a ski suit, he was too familiar with him. Was Carroll in front of him intentional? He knows my relationship with Sunny, otherwise why would I ask myself?

Yes, the people in the photo are sunny.

She didn't forget her free and enjoyable life during the filming of "The Great Tang Shuanglong Biography". Traveling abroad to play is something she does every year. She goes skiing in Northern Europe, and enjoys the whole snow mountain. She never imagined that she Will intersect with a man in front of himself who is completely opaque to him.

"If I were friends with her, do you think I should speak now?"

Carroll spread his hands, and you looked right, with the same smile, but leaned forward slightly: "If so, what do I want to know?"

The door of the box opened, and the two professional professional bodyguards hired by the regular channels of the most professional security company were following behind the dry butler and came in with a little respect, no need to say, nothing to say.

Chen Hao smiled and stood up: "I think this meal is over and I should go."

Carroll stood up and gave her a gift: "Thank you for coming, I think we will meet again."

Morey trimmed his nails and lowered his head. When Chen Hao walked to the door, he said in a leisurely way: "Do n’t you think it ’s very dramatic, you can rest assured that the future will be even more dramatic. You are pretty good. Now you ’re in The position in my heart is almost the same as the beautiful Miss Di. I am looking forward to the day when the three of us will ... "

After a pause, I dragged another Chinese phrase: "Frank and honest, oh, no, it's Chi-cheng-xiang-see!" The first time I looked up, the first time I looked at Chen Hao, and the first time I showed hot eyes. Wild.


Chen Hao almost cocked his **** directly to him. He still underestimated the taste of these guys. Compared with what he thought, this style of painting was even more stingy. Nima, this guy was so cold that he could not eat. He didn't dare to have any pictures of brain filling in his mind, he was afraid he couldn't help himself.

The people in time, the place, the people, and the head of the snake have not yet torn their skins, and they can't even take the initiative to tear the last skin. Warning, they are just the two security guards. They are telling themselves in this way, here ~ www. ~ They can do a lot, and you are just a piece of meat on the cutting board that will be slaughtered by us anytime, anywhere.

Outside the door, Qiuyu was waiting for himself, and didn't return to the room. The car was already waiting downstairs. When he came, there were three cars, and when he went back, he had two people missing.

"Maple leaves are red" Tang Feng Tang Dao called: "Hao Zi, what's the matter with Murray and Carroll?"

Chen Hao: "It seems Brother Feng knows them."

"I've met with Murray a few times. Our family has business there, and the industries under their name also have factories in my hometown. Mutual benefit. I haven't seen Carroll. I only know that Murray-eat- People also spit out bones, that Carroll, cannibalism-don't spit out bones. "

Chen Hao smiled: "Then I think, I will have a hard time here."

Tang Feng groaned for a while: "That guy, even if I make a phone call, it will not help. Instead, it will stimulate him and have a counter-effect. If it is not easy to get it, then go back to the country. In the future, do not matter, hide first."

Chen Hao glanced at Xiao Di next to him: "I always have to face it, I can't avoid it, brother, don't worry, I will handle it myself."

Tang Feng paused for another ten seconds: "Then take care of yourself. There is a classmate and an uncle who has a good relationship with me."

"Thank you Brother Feng."

Along the way, he waited, but he didn't wait for anything. He arrived in LA smoothly. Facing the calm, Chen Hao felt uncomfortable. The only news he received was that it was half an hour ago to reunite the times. The Foreign Affairs Liaison Department received a phone call from a well-known producer in Paramount, investing 150 million sci-fi blockbusters "Battle of the Sky", the female second role, officially issued to Direzhba The invitation, not an audition, is an invitation issued directly, with a basic contract attached, inviting the company to send professionals to approach it.

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