Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 871: 《MYLOVE》

A smell of stench had just dissipated, and Kang Yan made a move in advance. He pushed Chen Hao with one hand, making his body grin a few steps forward, and at the same time, Kang Yan's legs were raised, and one came. This version of the side kick volley, at this time, the staff is almost parallel to Chen Hao, if the contents of his toolbox gets Chen Hao's body, it will be very lively, so Kang Yan's first choice is to kick sideways. Kick into the passageway and keep things in the toolbox away from Chen Hao.

People were kicked out six or seven meters. In anxiety, Kang Yan could not control the power. He was afraid that the smell of that stench was contaminating Chen Hao.

The man fell out, and in the small toolbox, a lot of mess in Huang Tangzi was spilled on his own body. Kang Yan's foot made his body curled up on the ground in pain, and the stench quickly spread away. The security around them ran over for the first time, and any accident was not something they could bear.

Kang Yan didn't stop for half a step, guarding Chen Hao to quickly enter the passage below the stage. Things here have their own on-site security to handle. Grammy's sponsorship also gave Chen Hao an explanation. Such a big thing, in At this time, if Chen Hao was splashed with Huang Tangzi, how could he perform on stage? Even if Grammy has a delayed live broadcast, how can this huge gap be added, if Chen Hao simply cleans and enters the stage, even if he can't see anything in the lens, his body will smell, and performing on the stage unless not with all The guests interacted, and no artist would choose to perform on stage at that time.

Shame is Chen Hao and Grammy.

Qiu Yu was startled, and looking at everything around him, he looked with suspicion, for fear of another person carrying a puddle full of dirty things like water polo.

Chen Hao glanced at the head of the organizer ’s security guard who came to apologize. His eyes were cold and he did n’t say anything. He was ready to go to the elevator platform, and his performance was about to enter the countdown. It ’s better to say nothing at this time. When people deal with it, he can guess that this is what Murray arranged to disgusted himself, but there is no evidence that it must have been done by others.

Time is up, the scene is lively, and the lights at the scene enter into a performance state. Chen Hao slowly rises from the lifting platform. Otherwise, the actor is the best pretender. At this moment, Chen Hao's face is filled with a bright smile. There is a special band to sing with him.

No one has heard of a strange prelude, and the expectations are rising. Is myiuse going to come up with a new song today?




"I '."


A "mylyivew", Chen Hao took it out in the opening performance of Grammy. Facing his colleagues in the field, he used a voice without any flaws to control this difficult song. When a harmony is needed, his voice Is also absolutely dominant, there is no place to work hard.

Singing and singing, he also stepped off the stage, and sang on another round platform, through the channel, the song can interact with the guests, the new song has impact, the stranger only announced the disappearance after the chorus, the classic The songs have one thing in common, no matter how difficult it is, no matter how difficult the style is, they can resonate with the audience when they sing, and they can have at least one section that allows the audience to follow a clear chorus.

On the Grammy's awards stage, there is still an opening show, and the risk of singing new songs is known from no one to try for so many years, and no singer is willing to try. This opening session requires on-site interaction and on-site feeling. I really want to make everyone on the scene very embarrassing to cooperate, and the effect of the shooting is not good. For so many years, the best choice is the popular songs and old classic songs, to pay tribute to these things. Not only the audience and guests buy the bill, The audience in front of the TV also bought it.

Chen Hao's boldness today won him more praise, standing on the stage, singing confidently, using the singer to drive guests and the audience to interact, tall and straight legs, live-circle-pink, this There are hundreds of thousands of fans around the world. After watching the live video afterwards, more people will like him. How many singers in the mv are handsome and nice, and the beautiful picture and lighting around them make this person much. I felt mythical. When I arrived at the scene, I also saw the wrinkles on my face. The bad skin was also shown in the camera. The flaws in the sound were not covered in the live performance. At the last live performance, no How many followers I got, I lost the fan-none-count.

The applause at the scene was the best feedback to Chen Hao. The lights went out. He stepped down and the host stepped onto the stage. He first imitated and sang two sentences. He also teased that the song was considered last year or this year. Yes, I think Grammy should make a restriction, guys who produce a song a year, don't come, or cancel the best song of the year and change to the best album of the year.

American humor is full of strong irony. Even the president is laughed at by others. If there is an on-site effect, whether the offense is offended or not is too sarcastic. Basically, people will not consider it. Category.

After stepping down, Chen Hao stood for more than ten seconds at the air outlet of the air conditioner. Although he knew this was not good, he still needed to cool down quickly, take off the windbreaker, change a dark blue suit jacket, and talk to his breeches. The boots can still be put together. It is just a change of a coat, and the shape of his entire body has a more obvious change.

I did n’t know what the result was just now. Under the guidance of the staff, I turned to the front, entered my own seat, nodded to the people around me, and sat down quietly to see the award.

Only one award was selected, and Chen Hao became a spectator with peace of mind, admiring the world ’s largest music event, carefully watching and listening carefully, until the arrival of the best song award of the year, when he saw that Swift was in When the awards were presented on stage, I realized that I might be in a position.

For entertainment, it is more and more required to continue this biography, and it will be the Super Bowl performance immediately. The relationship between the two sides is linked to Grammy. Will there be more topics, and will Grammy also get the corresponding attention?

"Best Song of the Year at the **** Grammy Music Awards ..."

"Congratulations, myiuse," Reappeared yesterday! "

It is said that receiving the award is numb, but it is a real thing. But this is a real fact. The company's responsible personnel have received hundreds of music awards on their own in various music awards at home and abroad in the past year.

In fact, you do n’t want to be present. People do n’t want to present it to you. But there ’s no way. I ’m just ignoring you when it ’s not the only one. At most, your fans come here to spray a few words without your award ceremony. There will also be fans of award-winning singers come out to defend us, no matter how noisy you are, we are all news beneficiaries.

Chen Hao has n’t been able for more than a year. The smaller the award ceremony, the less it will be. First, the media will not recognize you, and secondly, the audience will not buy it. You will give it to Hao Zi. We can understand if he does not come. To him, why? Based on the songs of the guests, they can be compared with our Haozi songs. Several songs are destined to become classics. You can get some awards for songs or singers that no one knows after two years. You are not mistaken. .

In the end, it had to be awarded to Chen Hao. Fortunately, the company was very powerful, and every time I went to a relatively important middle-level leader. Although Chen Haoren couldn't go to the scene, he would shoot tens of seconds to one minute of thank you video to the award organizing committee . People give you awards and give them the most basic respect and feedback, which is right.

What about Grammy?

This is the self-confidence of Chen Hao this year. I dare to come up with a new song on Grammy that has never had any public version at all. This is my self-confidence. Next year, this song will not be on Grammy. What about on the stage?

Compared to the low-key on the Golden Globe Awards, at Grammy, Chen Hao ’s status has changed a bit. After taking office, he has an interactive hug with Swift. Both parties do not need to be notified by the organizer. They have each other ’s professionalism and know what. What kind of performance is most suitable at that time, and a little bit of acting does not need to be offended ~ ~ no one has psychological pressure.

"Congratulations, that song just now, it sounds great."

"Thank you."

A simple greeting, Chen Hao stood facing the scene, held the trophy in his hand, and smiled at the camera aimed at him. The smile was very relaxed and cozy, and the laziness was full of sorrow. Whose domineering it is.

"It's nice to be here again."

The applause thundered.

"Or else, I have two songs a year?" Chen Hao turned to the host's rest area and asked a question, which caused the host to laugh, and there was a laugh at the scene. The front of the stalk was connected, and it also showed Chen Hao's sense of belonging to Grammy, I want to come, no matter how hard I try to produce two songs a year, I will cross more obstacles, I will come.

Chen Hao was right: "My biggest wish, I believe is also the biggest wish of all the music-loving colleagues here, that is, every year, can appear here."

Finally, I won a Grammy. Not too much. People have achieved the ultimate in similar programs. It is indeed one of the most popular music awards ceremony in the world. I ca n’t see it in other music awards. And here you will see it in a gathered way.

Although he only won one award, Chen Hao has the highest popularity in the interview area. He crushed all the big coffees and winners who attended the scene. There are too many topics in him that are worth exploring in depth. Some news, even simple tastes, can become hot news.

"Excuse me, myiuse, you have become the first artist to participate in three major stages at the same time in one year. What do you want to share with the audience who like you?"

No. 1 in the nation, the Super Bowl.

Nationally ranked second in the Academy Awards.

Grammy Awards was third in the nation.

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