Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 894: profession

The dinner was not good, and Chen Hao did not eat with Sun Honglei. He ate a fitness meal, corn, chicken-breast-meat, poached broccoli, and a few other vegetables. The meat without salt can only be put in a little black. To increase the taste of pepper, he has to eat a lot, but imagine how cruel dinner will be. After eating, I will eat some kiwi. Think about pantothenic acid in my mouth.

Chen Hao insisted on painting the upper body at one time, with similar advanced paints, to avoid the obstacles that he may encounter when shooting, and don't have to worry about the 'tattoo' to spend and wear the help. Painting for more than three hours, the pressure is not considered Too big, when necessary, use a special makeup remover similar to that used by girls and do a rubbing bath, all the pigments will be rubbed off without any damage to the body. Sun Honglei went to dinner in the middle, and he sat there and ate a little steak.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Chen Hao completed this special tattoo, and shaved his head. He did not shave too short. He still kept a bit of the state of high-intellect businessmen. Take a look at the time and go to the hotel gym to see Sun Honglei who is practicing strength.

His training purpose is not to lose weight, but to add muscle. The short-term effect is to make the body firmer and look stronger in clothes. Therefore, the daily training is not calculated by the number of times, but to squeeze the ultimate strength as much as possible. Go practice.

Professional fitness coaches follow coaching training every day. When they enter the gym, they hear that the coach constantly uses Chinese with a little accent and gives Sun Honglei a slogan. Domestic coaches and foreign coaches are no different in this regard, they will use the limit. The approach that will come: "One more, one more, the last one, work harder, okay, is there still no energy, can we have another one, and another one to complete this group ..."

Sun Honglei is not a person who pays great attention to his body. Many of his plays can see some fat in his body. This systematic training has made him suffer, and it is not how good his perseverance that can persist. It is really the quality of being a professional actor, let him tell himself that if you want to play this role, you can only suffer. This feeling made him think of enrolling in the Academy of Drama at that time. At that time, he lost weight crazy and created a miracle of his own in the shortest time. Today, he is no longer young and continues his miracle.

At home, he still feels that he is not too young, so he does n’t have to fight so hard. When he went abroad, he found that western male stars are only starting at 50 years old, mature in the right year, and they can become film and television dramas by the age of 70. Male number one, which filled him with motivation again.

"Ah !!!!!!" In the expression of embarrassment and painful screams, the training shirt was soaked, and Sun Honglei was still insisting, every action was trying to achieve results. The personal trainer hired at a high price must ensure that he could The effect appeared in the shortest time, not only accompanied by training, but also accompanied by meals. To some extent, Sun Honglei was forced to go for a fitness meal. As long as the lines came out, it didn't matter if he was a little fatter in the later period.

Chen Hao chose not to practice tonight, but just ran and jogged aside. He didn't want to stimulate Sun Honglei who was working hard.

At 8.30, today's training is over. Basically, it's not recommended to exercise after 9 o'clock. At that time, if you practice again, the effect will be very poor.

Sun Honglei, who was soaked, took a full rest for twenty minutes. During this period, he drank a professional muscle-building protein powder. For quick success, he must give up some quality. First, he must be in shape, walk slowly, slowly sweat, and not tired. Mind talked to Chen Hao again, greeted him back to the room to take a shower, and then rested.


After having breakfast early the next morning, Chen Hao and Sun Honglei arrived by car at the prison where they were filmed. Today, they will officially start filming here.

The filming of "Jailbreak" this time is slightly different from the past. American TV shows are produced one by one. This time, because Chen Hao was invited, the investment has reached a certain amount. The content of the previous episodes should go as conventional as possible. Filming, focusing on the things inside the prison, and then filming the film outside the prison, very good filming, Michael ’s robbery in prison, the room he planned, Lincoln Bruce ’s past, Lincoln ’s son ’s film, these can be interspersed, Although it is an eight-hour working time, people cannot be forced to work overtime, but two groups can be prepared so that it can meet the shooting of the episode to a certain extent.

Coming up is a big group play.

There is a benefit to filming in the United States. Any actor appearing in the camera must be an actor registered with the actor's union, and must be an actor who has signed a contract with the crew. Their specialty is one aspect, and there will be more. Time to match the crew shooting, even if the low price is signed for 30 days at a time, there are only a few days in the middle, he will stay with the crew, he will cooperate anytime, anywhere during work hours.

The filming of group shows is relatively well controlled, and there will be no stupid pictures of group shows that have no performance skills and go to the bottom.

Michael is in prison.

Early in the morning, I took photos of Michael's tattoos. They were all ready-made. It was announced in ten minutes. Chen Hao was also at the beginning of the episode and gave everyone a very good visual stimulation. Because of the tattoo The effect is very good, it can completely be fake, Chen Hao's figure has the capital to show, so at the end of the tattoo scene arranged at the beginning of the script, when Michael was wearing clothes, he showed the entire back to the audience, and the tattoo artist ’s Praise is a picture of the front of the body, which shows the charm of the whole pattern and a visual view of the good figure, but also can't see what is in front, which is also what Michael said to me in front of Lincoln Bringing the architectural blueprint to my body left a suspense, and when I showed it there, the picture felt stronger.

Since imprisonment, the group performances have started to perform. There are nearly a hundred group performances, some have lines, some have a positive face, and some are repeated. For example, most people have their backs when they are in jail. Present to the camera, put on your clothes, and in prison you can also play some passers-by such as passers-by.

I met Barrick, a very prison guard, and Sucre, his fellow prisoner. The whole shooting was very smooth.

Free enough and spacious shooting environment. The crew will do whatever they want. No one will make trouble. Although there are fans of Chen Hao outside, all the actors and crew members are in this prison.

The entire play can be followed by supporting actors and a considerable number of actor. Their profession really shines. With the script, the director only needs to tell me what I want in this play. Everyone can act professionally. After Michael was imprisoned, he shot the opposite side from the perspective of his prison. One, two, and three levels of jail. Everyone is doing their own thing. No one is standing or sitting rigidly. They all put themselves into their current identity.

The script is meticulous. The director only needs to follow the shooting order and arrange the shooting step by step. Regarding Michael ’s robbery, throwing away everything prepared in the jailbreak room, and the images being tried, according to the director Sanford, the filming can be concentrated.

At this time, no one would say that there is a period of use of the shooting location. It is required to finish the filming within one month. When Chen Hao came, some small means seemed ridiculous. People who should laugh always laugh, and people who do not laugh also I wo n’t mention it again. It ’s meaningless. After all, small tricks and tricks are not on the stage. Once Chen Hao enters the role state, he has no time to manage such things.

Some of the non-actor actors in the play have been filmed a lot before. As long as the content of the first three or four episodes is not in the prison, the filming is basically finished. Any crew knows the reason for focusing on the schedule for the protagonist. Shoot the protagonist in the middle, and finally shoot the supporting role and make up.

Chen Hao also analyzed and considered some questionable places in the script. He didn't want a TV show with high IQ, but in the end he would be criticized as not close to reality. In the first episode, I went into the infirmary to get along with the doctor alone, and set the heroine Sara as a strong and opinionated female doctor. She has her own theory of prisoners. Some prisoners who she thinks have no aggressive behavior will demand a strong guard. Look through the glass window outside the door, instead of standing beside them.

For example, in the first episode of the bridge about Sucre and his girlfriend's "Happy House", how to explain it unreasonably and cover up possible loopholes was proposed by Chen Hao as the male number one for the crew to solve, and it would not increase the drama, that would It seemed verbose and could not help but explain. Otherwise, the man No. 1 would not be able to complete the play using fake couples.

After Chen Hao first got the script, when a professional team of lawyers discussed whether there was a loophole in the contract ~ ~, he signed a confidentiality agreement with one of the lawyers, allowing him to watch the script and promise to keep it confidential, and then In the script, Chen Hao, an American law that Chinese people do not understand, analyzes where it is reasonable and where it is unreasonable. If it is not reasonable, can you find a reasonable explanation, for example, the prisoner can answer the phone at will, as long as there is One state law allows it, and it can be done in this TV show.

I found some of them that were too dramatic and lost their professional accuracy. Chen Hao marked all the requirements and asked the crew to solve them. This is also one of the conditions for his final signing. It seems a bit harsh and unreasonable, but it is a real professional actor for his own sake. The future and the efforts of the entire episode.

In the first episode, there are not many dramas in prison, and all kinds of backgrounds and stories must be interspersed, so it is only one day, except for the drama of Michael talking with the prison director twice and the drama of female doctor Sara. Almost all the filming in the prison has been completed. Several main characters have all appeared on stage. Chen Hao also took the lead with John, who controls the factory to arrange the work, and was also severely beaten.

The shooting went smoothly and everyone's mood was very high. After that, everyone can go ahead and enjoy the cold beer.

As the number one male, Chen Hao also showed the accomplishment of a professional actor through this play, and won the respect of everyone by using his acting skills first.

"I want to replace the props with real ones, not made with bubbles. And you, come, you can't do your best, but you have to hit them, otherwise the effect will be fake."

Michael was knocked down by John's men, and he was severely pumped. There is a close-up and a telephoto prison guard perspective. Chen Hao did not bring a stand-in. Everyone knows that the actor acting as a thug faced such a request. What should I do?

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