Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 905: Powerful stays still

Until the evening, fans did not disperse. Various reports from the media spread through the fastest carrier such as the Internet. In the crazy discussion, Haomen fans first showed a very violent defense and counterattack trend. Later, as time went on, at night, it became more and more silent. It was not dying, it was not impossible. It was the fan ’s official website that released a few messages. First, it was the preparation of a play. A group of photos was shown to everyone. ; Then there is a discussion post, so that fans can comprehensively comment on what kind of role and script to play.

Let yourself be stormy outside, our own little life can live well.

Millions of people are showing crazy activity in the official website community. Outside, your news media reports. If you think you can hit our boss, you can continue. We have no energy and are too lazy to talk to you. We have our own things to do.

In one day, the activity of more than four million real-name certified fan members directly let all media to turn their eyes to this. It seems that all the big celebrities have tens of millions of fans, but they can really be willing to help you. How much is there to devote time and energy, be willing to trust you, and support your fans unconditionally?

Millions of **** fans are still the most common data calculation. If Chen Hao starred in a new film, whether it is RMB or US dollars to buy tickets, at least millions of fans will support it. The album will also have millions of fans buying power, which is enough.

This is the inside story. With such a background, Chen Hao dare to ignore the insinuation and catch the wind of various news outside, and shoot in the crew with peace of mind.

The enthusiasm of the fans continued, and Chen Hao contacted the top of the producer to open a filming of the drama to the fans and the media.

The real state of the shooting at that time was completely presented. How to shoot the scene without a single cut, live broadcast to fans all over the world, and use the content captured on the monitor to spread the original ecology. It is very important, Chen Hao's performance at the time was more important. If it was a wonderful scene, his performance would be good enough. After all, it was released for publicity. If it was a movie that took a few hours to shoot, N machines would not be successful. The curiosity of the audience will be worn away.

Chen Hao changed his clothes, and made him afraid of a few photos, uploaded them to the Internet for appreciation, and then used Lele as a channel to broadcast this part of the drama to audiences around the world. Interested people go to download a Lele software.

The scene chosen was that Michael was burned off a tattoo area behind his back. After he could not find a complicated road map, he was detained again.

There are two levels in this, one is his own efforts with memory, and then the self-harm with madness, in order to achieve the purpose of being mentally troubled into the psychiatric area.

In the eyes of those who do not know the story before and after, these two levels are passed on in the same line. One's one-man show has always been the most difficult. In a claustrophobic space, not only must the cameraman find the level of angle, but if it is as long as possible, The lens also tests the actor's ability to match the lens. You must be clear about which angle the shooting picture looks good. During the shooting process, make full use of the shadow of the light to match your performance and make the performance more tension.

In view of Chen Hao's strength, this part of the film was concentrated on shooting and divided into several shots for shooting. At the beginning, Sun Honglei also planned to play at any time if he needed to, and made a sound on the side, calling Michael.

At the beginning, Chen Hao entered the best state. First, he was irritable, and then an emotion that should hardly appear on Michael-manic helplessness. When the episode airs, let everyone feel this. It was a huge disaster, and Michael was powerless.

In fact, a real genius is not how powerful you are in planning, but how to adjust in a constrained environment with frequent accidents, correct those accidents, and get the whole plan back on track.

Michael is doing something similar here, tearing off his clothes, laying on the ground according to his memory, and getting back those lost maps, but he ca n’t do it. If he can do it, he wo n’t have to tattoo him. Recording this information, in the mania, he hit the wall with his fist.

Eyes, expressions, movements, and the sense of urgency created by the combination of light and environment. Although more than 10 million viewers watched, they did n’t know the specific plot of “Prison Break”, and they did n’t know what this paragraph actually showed, but they could learn from his performance. In the middle, I felt nervous and breathing unconsciously, and dared not look away, for fear of missing a wonderful performance.

A shot was taken, not only the audience, the director and the cast members on the scene were all hooked. The level of the best supporting actor in Oscar is really not covered. When the fists hit the wall in anger, it was really shirtless and frightened. To everyone, MOUSE, aren't you really, really want to do this?

With his insistence, everyone in this scene was frightened. Tens of millions of Lele viewers also saw facial nerve twitches. This is a recording of the entire scene. Hao Zi asked himself not to do any protection and special effects. The sound of the fist slamming against the wall was so real that many girls closed their eyes unconsciously, and their faces were all distressed.

"Haha, it's okay, and I need special effects to make up for me." Along with the card of this play, Chen Hao's expression changed to normal, and he showed everyone his fists at the camera: "Come, the camera should Give it to the wall to see if it has been broken by me. "

The lens turned to the wall. The wall made of the hardest material is indeed a closed small room. The lens can feel its hardness in the past. Chen Hao just pulled it away, otherwise it can really stay on it. Traces of being smashed by heavy objects for a long time.

The remaining scene is to open the door directly. The camera shows Michael, who has no response, is in a state of mental illness. Traces on the wall are painted by special staff with plasma. His fists are also put on makeup, sitting inside, all the time. With his eyes closed, when the sound of opening the door outside sounded, Chen Hao opened his eyes fiercely. The camera captured his expression the next second.

The empty eyes instantly covered the expressionless faces. The focus of everyone's attention was not on him, not his expression, and all his attention was attracted by his eyes.

Thoroughly empty, without any reaction at all, but it gives you a sense of vertigo being dragged into it, as if that hollow is connected to another space, dragging your soul into it, many viewers are dodging subconsciously Feeling the danger, a man with such eyes is a dangerous person, and it would be very dangerous to get closer to him.

After the first bit of subconscious fear, it was inexplicable distress. Most of them were fans of Haomen. Even if they were not star-chasing fans, they liked Chen Hao's drama very much. In this scene, they felt that Haozi must have suffered a lot when shooting. Such a drama has buried a thorn deep in their hearts. When it is officially broadcast, this thorn will stab you in your body, forcing you to go to the drama and truly understand "Jailbreak" What kind of story is told in the end, and Chen Hao will bring you a special movie tour.


The director shouted a card, but there was no movement at the scene for a long time. Everyone felt the shock when they saw the clown. Today, he witnessed MOUSE's powerful acting skills at the scene. He also proved the original inconclusive discussion with the facts.

In the end, it was Chen Hao who made the clown.

It seems that there is no need to argue, the fact is better than eloquence. The fact is here. A few seconds after the director shouted the card, the main lens was closed, the auxiliary lens was not closed, and the hollow eyes slowly recovered. The moving eyes belonging to MOUSE are back again, and he smiled slightly, just as many of them described, just like a flower on the snow suddenly blooming in winter, a ray of warm sun broke through the shackles of winter and shined on the ground Bring a touch of spiritual warmth ~ ~ Goodbye, everyone will not broadcast tonight. "

After saying goodbye to the online audience, there were more than 300 viewers watching the live broadcast outside the scene. Chen Hao also came out to wave goodbye to everyone, without changing the costumes on his body, anyway, such a prison uniform crew prepared dozens of sets He didn't need protection, he just got in the car and left. After arriving at the hotel room, he took it off and threw it away.


A live broadcast brought Chen Hao the craziest fan support, no need to tear up B with him, Haomen fans only need to stay active on their own acres, and the whole world cannot ignore it. They exist.

The media also temporarily died down. In addition to individual small media that needed to stand on the opposite side to brush their sense of presence, everyone was able to report relatively fairly. Until the end of the filming, Morrisdorf did not appear. The "Smith and Smith" crew There were no problems there, and the shooting of the second half was very smooth. During the first 20 days of April, Chen Hao was completely immersed in his creation. He has been filmed as the male number one, and the rest are all other supporting roles. Currently, ten episodes have been produced. In the not-so-good American drama schedule, it is ranked on Monday evening prime time. After considering the market demand and the quality of the good filming, I finally decided to shorten the episode and stretch the content of the episode to fifty minutes. The suspense point of the entire drama is one by one, and the length of the episode is increased. The ending node is not very difficult.

The script of the twenty-two episode is too long, and it was broadcasted at the end of the season. It immediately entered the summer period of the movie. Once the episode fails to achieve the expected effect, it will be bound to be given by various blockbusters in the summer period. Indiscriminately bombarded with no bones left.

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