Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 908: Under that lamp is home

The ceremony was strongly demanded by Xiong Wazi and others. Master did n’t have time to return to his hometown. Every day, everyone flew in the north and south. Many times, they would be the base of the company in the time of the happy gathering in Yanjing.

Now Master is the shareholder of the Gathering Times. Everyone is a family. Chen Hao also thinks that everyone is still broadcasting live in Meicheng, which restricts their development too much. It is also beneficial to their own development to a big city like Yanjing.

But even in Yanjing, it is difficult to find a time to meet. Today, the "Tanglong Saga of the Tang Dynasty" celebration feast, all these formal disciples and grandchildren have reached the magic capital, at this moment, to be a formal teacher etiquette.

Chen Hao refused them to bow down and worship: "You can worship tea, you can bow down, just bow."

Xiong Wazi only accepted two apprentices, both of which are similar in style to her. She can also properly tilt her resources to her apprentices, and can really teach them to go online. Little girls are crazy when they broadcast live The ancient spirit is very strange. In reality, it seems to be very quiet. Perhaps you see that Chen Hao is a little nervous, and the sense of distance brought to them by the master is still strong.

From an internet celebrity anchor to an Oscar for best supporting actor and a Super Bowl midfield performer, Grammy's best pop singer of the year and Golden Horse award-winning film actress. The distance between the former and the latter is equivalent to spanning the entire entertainment circle.

"Hi Master, this is Wenwen."

"Hi Master, this is Jiamei."

Toast tea.

They should have given tea to Xiong Wazi, and there were not so many rules on the Internet. Everyone thinks that the entire family of Haomen should give everyone a long tea, except Chen Hao, who is not qualified to represent Haomen.

"Live live and learn from your master."

Chen Hao was notified by Ker and Lao Cai. The two of them hung a recommendation master and a testimony master, and gave him a stand-up, Chen Hao had to let Qiu Yu and When Chen Gang took the celebration party, he chose gifts. It was a gift he gave to his elders and a younger one, and it was also a testimony of your entrance into our school.

Two small jewellery gift boxes, which contained a finished small gold medal, weighed a dozen grams and were worth thousands of pieces.

"Thank you, Master."

Most of Mengqi and Xiaoyuyu's apprentices have seen it, and have broadcasted it together in Meicheng. Now they can basically stand alone, and there are some who leave midway, and want to forcibly cancel the contract. This means that a lawsuit is to be taken, that is, to recover the Lele account, communicate with the official and directly cancel the registration, and then allow them to re-register with their personal ID.

Chen Hao did not forcibly refuse the behavior of the two. After all, they were their apprentices. He just made a suggestion: "The person who wants to leave cannot stay. After all, he has followed you, and everything else can be regarded as helping you. The live broadcast made money. Now that it has failed the resources and cultivation you brought to him, but let's be more generous and let's go. There is no need to multiply the liquidated damages or recover the account. Haomen, to pay some normal costs of breach of contract, we will get together and break up. "

Following Master's suggestion, Monmond received some praise from the outside world, and because of this reputation, he received some better apprentices again. This time, bring it to Master.

One by one came over to Niu Chen to give a ninety-degree deep bow, not only tea, but also drinks and water. Chen Hao didn't really drink it. One came over and took a sip, so it meant to follow a process.

Everyone got a gold medal worth thousands of pieces. The gift is not light, but the more important thing is the mind. Today, Chen Hao, he will not accept the disciples or leave the disciples to let the disciples We can stand on our own. It's okay. Whoever has the energy to engage in this matter, and if something goes wrong, he will eventually come to him, and it's not good to say it.

He didn't say a word, and believed in his four apprentices, just as they trusted in themselves and did not disappoint each other. To this day, they still use each other as loved ones, and the image of Chen Hao is already among the four. Deeply imprinted in my heart, unbreakable.

Everyone here today is an apprentice who has been tested for a period of time, and has been recognized to a considerable degree in public and private. Yu Gong, officially signed the contract, the contract is notarized. The specific terms in it are not overlord clauses. The apprentices also have very good guarantees, and even this contract is not mindful of being disclosed; privately, bringing Master a recognition and entering Haomen is equivalent to their approval of their apprentices.

Although Meng Mengqi's dance team is a mentor and apprentice, not everyone is eligible to become a member of Haomen.

When it comes to the Sixth Voice, there are really anchors of various Daxian levels. You can't say that people are crooked. I can only say that people who dare to broadcast live outdoors are extremely outgoing and have a shameless spirit. , Not cheeky, do you want to be an outdoor anchor?

This group of people is obviously inferior to Xiong Wazi and Monmond's apprentices in private inspections, but the Sixth Voice also has its own methods. In addition to the company's contract, there are also contracts drafted by these people, which also have legal effects. In terms of money, the company doesn't treat you badly, it doesn't draw a lot of proportion and gives certain resources. The extra guarantee you need to make is not to take the title of Haomen to do things, and everyone, who is resident near the voice six, is managed by him.

"I've watched your live broadcast, it's very interesting, but you must pay attention to the six sons, don't play too much outside. Outdoors are not just playing tricks and cheeky things to do some buzzing things, you can have more group activities , Find a place where mountains and water are washed, live broadcast of collective food outdoors, or take a group bicycle tour of several hundred kilometers to plan a route together. If there is a fan, bring a safe medical logistics support vehicle. "

"Although we are not saints, and we do not have the responsibility and ability to educate others, but we can do ourselves well and bring you some intuitive feelings."

"Cycling, let everyone feel the joy of healthy sports, return to nature together, look at the beautiful scenery, if some difficulties are better during the journey, isn't life going step by step in the process of solving difficulties?"

"When traveling by car, you can also bring professional equipment to take more good scenery, so that more people can see the great mountains and rivers of the motherland. Maybe in this way, you may receive less gifts, or look at the overall personal The income, like the sixth son, you have a higher income, then give a little dedication, and take these gains that do not have much impact on your life, in exchange for memories that you can use in your lifetime, I think this sale is worth doing. "

When Chen Hao was talking, everyone stood in their place, listening quietly without listening, earnestly listening, sincerely they were not sought after, but people like Master / Master / Old Father were busy on weekdays. You ca n’t start business, you can take the time, think about everyone ’s affairs, and carefully plan for everyone ’s future. That is a huge honor that many people outside want to get.

This is the first time that Chen Hao didn't let everyone sit down. The dignity that should be maintained should be there for the first time. He is so serious that Lao Cai and others are afraid to make jokes and listen quietly. Hao Zi, this way, you can follow suit.

"Besides the live broadcast, there is still time to learn more. The live broadcast with singing talent earns some money to invest in learning, and those with performance talent also go to class to learn by themselves. The company can give everyone resources, but with the current whole The development trend of Lele and the development trend of the company have limited resources to bring new people, and the guild must definitely choose the best candidates. In this process, if you learn more, you may be in front of others, and then Enter the company's inspection sequence and get the resources provided by the company. "

"I have said publicly to everyone, including Xiong Wazi, they are all my apprentices. Give offline resources, first, you have to work hard enough to be good enough; second, you have to look at opportunities and matching degrees, it is not suitable for you at all. The company will not recommend it either. The third is the contribution. This is a bit of a market affair. I think everyone can understand that it will not avoid problems that will be touched on. "

"Work hard. Opportunities will only be reserved for those who are prepared. All right, don't stand still, find a place to do it yourself. If the girls don't mind, everyone will smoke a cigarette and drink water for a while, and we will Have some supper in the hotel's restaurant ~ ~ Live room, home, home on the Internet.

Haomen is home, and is the home of all Haomen anchors and fans.

This home, no matter how far away, when Chen Hao turned back, he could see the warm light swaying in the distance. It was the light of the home. It was not bright enough, but always warm.

Many people have said, Hao Zi, you have gone so far now, you really want online resources, and have a good relationship with Lele officials to maintain your own importance. It is enough to run five five live broadcast rooms. You still care, isn't that overkill? It's so good to have that time to rest, wasting time and energy.

Home, where is the word 'waste' involved?


On the Internet, Chen Hao has become the target of some population cuts.

"What are you, what qualifications do you have to criticize, haven't you just succeeded in a film? You also attacked all the directors and screenwriters of TV series. Why do you?"

There are always some people who claim to be guardians. They don't feel that they are trying to gain favor, and they don't realize that the power of one person to search for knowledge is really limited. This small group of people think that Chen Hao has committed anger and has impatience. The guys who want to jump out and get into the sight of everyone, they think they have been dragged by those directors and screenwriters, including some investors, who have been invincible, but ignored A fact.

To be sure, everyone expresses his own opinions, and personally has his own opinions. The audience does not look like fans. He simply supports the idol without distinction. You Chen Hao thinks that the adaptation is not good, and some people think it is very good. What they overlooked is-those who like the original work very much and cannot accept adaptations. Jiucheng is a senior networm. Such people are often bad-tempered and the most powerful people on the Internet.

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