Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 937: Indifferent 1 day

"When we are resting, we always play games together, either watch a movie together or listen to music while cooking together."

"Both of us are amateurs in the technique of mixing. They are just a hobby. I like the mix of colors. It feels good."

"Take a look at our refrigerator."

The Chen Hao family, like Xiao Di's, has a large freezer with double doors and a special fresh-keeping cabinet. In addition, in the cabinet, there will be a dry cabinet in which some food that can be stored for a long time.

All of them were eaten. As soon as they were introduced to food, Xiaodi immediately came to the spirit, and the whole person's mental state became different. Chen Hao also came out at the right time to accompany her, show the two people's view of food together, and make a lunch for the members of the show.

An axe, a folding saw, a mountain knife, a set of flint fire equipment, a fishing net and some repaired netting, a dagger, an outdoor pot with a spoon, a pair of chopsticks, a set of raincoats, a A large package of mosquito repellent, a large capacity insulated kettle.

Ten survival equipment, as star members, are specially audited for the camera, so that the audience can see, the rest of the tent, moisture-proof tent cloth, sleeping bags, quilts and some clothing, not counting, are all TV shows. There is still a certain guarantee in terms of clothing, and it will be delivered near your entry point in the form of materials. How to use these additional equipment is your thing.

Chen Hao left the house in a very relaxed state, and kissed goodbye with Xiaodi. After the camera was closed, his equipment was handed over to Chen Gang. After more than a dozen hours of flight, he rolled around several modes of transport. All other members took In line with his rhythm, enter a jungle island in the perennial rainy season.

The environment is specially searched. After investigating in advance, there are not so many things that can pose a threat to human beings. Some of the things that are easy to prevent are either not here, or some of them are cleaned up. Destroy the original state here, but it will not really throw all the dangers to the participants. Of course, during your participation, these problems will gradually emerge, and time will erase all traces of man-made, except here There is really no such thing, otherwise it will slowly appear in everyone's life.

After the program team solicited Chen Hao's opinions, he asked for the time and task urgently, so just come directly.

What the program team is most afraid of is that MOUSE is not worthy of the name. His wild survival live broadcast is mainly based on the assistant next to him. What he has done is just adapt. Now he is not filming. What is a person in this environment? It looks like no one knows it. If it is a soft-legged shrimp, then the show group will have a huge oolong. Five million is not a white flower. It proves that the true and false value of MOUSE is worth this. The truth is good or bad, there is really no way to say, only to know what happened.

It's a mule or a horse.

Is it true? The first three days of going in the hardest will verify everything.

Both "Smith and Wife" and "Prison Break" are promoting "Lone Living Alone" in the opposite direction. The popularity of this show is skyrocketing, and a quiz has been launched on the Internet.

"Will it work?"

In the end, Chen Hao can do it. This show cost so much money that it is not possible to falsify. In order to verify that the show is authentic, the show team is also willing to accept supervision from various media. The entire program production process is comprehensive except the confidential part. The media is open, and what you see is a real survival game with some danger.

Feeling that I ca n’t do it, I quit early, and I'm not afraid of shame. Losing my life is the real loss.

Every contestant must sign a contract, and many of the terms are protecting the program group, provided that you think all this is fake, you have to be tough to try something dangerous, it really happened Dangerous, I'm sorry, the responsibility is your own. Now there are more than ten media supervision, and the pictures recorded by the entire program's countless shots. If you dare to make such a show, you are not afraid to fight against some people.

In the era of happy gathering, I did n’t know much about it until I really contacted it. It was easy to threaten Chen Hao, and I did n’t talk about it. I just thought about it, and I could n’t get a Chen Hao for how much money. Instead, Chen Hao insisted. He was optimistic: "I will try. At the moment when I can't do it, I will not put myself in danger for the sake of face."

When entering the island, God is not beautiful.

As soon as I found the camp and water source on the island, I began to go down. There is no trace of road in this rain forest. It is almost impossible to see a place that echoes the word "flat". It is a few hundred meters away. It is normal to walk for tens of minutes.

The rain also makes the wet ground even more muddy. Too far away, you need to carry the heavy tents, quilts and other heavy objects over by yourself. The show team attaches these things to you and is only responsible for transporting you to the island Up, at best it will help you get to a place slightly away from the sea.

Chen Hao did not go very far. A circle of 120 to 30 meters in diameter was circled along a place not far from the sea. The center position was the shelter camp of his choice, 50 to 60 meters on one side. The edge of the radius is a stream.

Wet, ubiquitous humidity, makes you feel very irritable, it doesn't feel so obvious when it rains, the rain stops, this irritability is like a mountain breeze passing by. It was a drizzle and the wind suddenly The wind becomes tough, and then stepping on those wet grounds under your feet is very strong to human patience.

On the first day of landing on the island, I already have a unique fear and irritability about the unknown, and a helpless feeling about camping at night, which will make you more irritable, and then go to see the feces of some large animals. Force is infinite.

Before going to the island, everyone chose to eat a big meal, and would rather eat more. For the first day, everyone's thoughts were 'do not eat to carry over'. The first day was mainly to find a campsite. In the future, there will be a lot of time for you to find food. Of course, someone will ask whether the toilet paper is ready? The program team is prepared in this regard. It is never possible to record into the lens anyway. Everyone's machine is under their own control. Who would have nothing to do with the state of going to the toilet to the camera.

Chen Hao found a place and took out the axe and folding saw. His equipment is the most prepared. The difference in quality of the same thing is almost invisible, but the price is a geometric multiple. The quality of Chen Hao's equipment is comparable to that of military products. In this respect, he actually has some advantages over many participating players.

Deforestation is an act of abandonment, but here, in a semi-isolated primitive island, no one will question Chen Hao's behavior in cutting trees is wrong, everyone depends on how he survived.

Since participating in the show, Chen Hao has no intention of slowly relying on perseverance, and relying on some basic means to survive like everyone else, and he never thought that he would really stay here. If "Wild Living Alone" is a show, then his arrival is a show of enthusiasm. He doesn't care to show his excessive strength. The image I want to present to the world is the powerful Super MAN.

With a heavy axe, the weight of a thing reaches ten kilograms. Using it requires super physical strength, but it can also bring more convenience to Chen Hao.

The thigh-thick tree swelled, and swung left and right to cut out some areas. The camera was set aside, recorded this picture faithfully, and then held the folding saw, and then saw some distances left and right, and then it was very childish. Come to a voice: "The tree is down!"

Pick up the big axe, use the axe's blunt head once, use it as a hammer, and smash into trees that have no much connection.

The trees with thick thighs are not too big. Chen Hao also showed everyone a strong man in a timely manner and cut five trees in a row ...

On the third day Chen Hao entered the island, the program was announced. After collecting everyone's video content ~ ~ A dozen people in the post-production team doubled, worked overtime, and will be in 24 hours The program was produced and broadcasted on the evening of the third day. At around noon on the third day, for the countries that purchased the copyright of the program, the produced program was transmitted in advance, and they were given half a day to post the subtitles. Occasionally Some countries have different censorship systems. During this half-day, some pictures that cannot be broadcast can be processed with some mosaics or simply deleted.

A little-known program in the world, because of the appearance of Chen Hao alone, immediately attracted the attention of more than 30 countries and the introduction of the program. Once this model is concerned, it also attracts many people, there are quite a few The people came because of Chen Hao, but after watching the show, the state of living alone, challenging the natural atmosphere, attracted many people to become fans of the show directly.

The program group has requirements for each participant, and how many minutes of video recording time each day need to reach.

After Chen Hao entered, the camera was open all the way, and he cut five trees. When he saw the five trees twice to about three meters, he directly picked up the wood, checked it, and made some surface breaks. Noon He is all busy.

When he put the first piece of wood on the sides of a dry pit that was similar to a ditch, many TV watchers suddenly understood what he was going to do?

Facts have proved that their guess was correct. Chen Hao put four pieces of wood side by side. The two wires used to repair the fishing net were tied together by him and acted as a rope. Three stages of bundling.

In this way, on a low-lying land more than two meters between the mountains and forests, Chen Hao built a wooden bridge with a width of nearly 80 cm ...

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