Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 943: No wasted 2 hours


In the VIP auditorium, the lights were on, and Xiao Di stood up and looked at everyone. Everyone's attention was also focused on her. As a guest, of course, they must have a comment on the host after a feast. The praise in person is Perfunctory is not really important. As a friend, some help to promote is sure.

What really attracted some ordinary friends in the circle. Han Han's experience was the best portrayal. He went to some movies in a low-key manner, and some gave a long-form evaluation. Some were captured at the scene. The interview was just ordinary and simple. Evaluation: "This movie is good."

Everyone knows that the latter is really a faceless perfunctory, and the former is a publicity aid after being really attracted by the movie.

At the end of the premiere of "Smith and wife", Xiao Di didn't have to pull everyone to have supper together to complete the necessary process of Chinese hospitality. Chen Hao was absent, and she was not suitable to be called by the host as a host. It was late, and everyone went home.

The feedback did not come until the next day.

As the only new-generation Chinese actor who opened the international market as a leading actor, various film and television media, professional magazines, film critics, celebrities in the entertainment industry, and enthusiastic audiences all gave exceptional attention.

After reading, the evaluation is steadily higher.

This is a movie in which you are not able to find a huge loophole. The last drama of the script was performed in a wonderful way, not the weakness but the highlight of the film.

There are some relatively harsh film critics. The overall evaluation of the film is this: "This is not a film that can give people a lot of surprises. It is a normal commercial film. It has found a good core selling point, and the script and actors have interpreted it well. The combination of action drama and family is a good highlight, and it is worth following up. The most commendable part of the entire film is not this highlight, but you did not find any obvious loopholes throughout the process. A completely above the horizontal line. The commercial family action movie can bring some good reviews to the film. The three stars are worth going into the movie theater to watch and don't feel like a two-hour movie. "

Some of the comments on the opposite side are the same as the harsh film reviews that everyone is familiar with. You do n’t mention the good places, and you do n’t go for the bad ones. You find the mediocre places, a mediocre bridge. They can be scolded for nothing.

Supporters are naturally full of praise on the screen. All movies are the same routine. Some movies are powerful themselves. Slowly they will rely on more supporters to direct the direction of public opinion to their own advantage. Some Relying on various public opinion crisis public relations or online marines to win praise, the movie thing, rely on publicity before the release, rely on word of mouth after the release, comprehensive strength and cast.

In North America, after the premiere, some film reviews have started to appear on the corresponding social networking sites and media. The film is generally highly rated. In this regard, the domestic market atmosphere is not as mature as others and can be objectively evaluated. The quality of movies is not as good as the number of people. This is a process that development must go through. With the current market in China, it will take less than five years to fully catch up with North American standards.

Good word-of-mouth, explosive action pictures, thumbs-up acting, and the core story that shines in front of the eyes. Many people give this film a high evaluation of a fusion of Eastern and Western style movies. The core is a typical Hollywood action movie. , But in the action and the use of some lenses, some shooting styles, they have the shadow of Xiangjiang movies.

Li An, Wu Yusen, Zhou Runfa, Jackie Chan, and Jet Li, the people who have the most international fame and highest achievements in the world, also watched the premiere in different places. Wu Yusen and Zhou Runfa who watched in Xiangjiang were in different places. The cinema was chased by the media, and the two were generously interviewed.

Wu Yusen: "I was very moved after watching it. This is a simple but powerful movie. It uses the most common perspective. In our time, we have completed the counterattack of this perspective. I think if we use Chinese films For comparison, "Heroes of the Year" took a different taste from the most ordinary perspective of the year. "

Zhou Runfa: "I'm an actor. From an actor's point of view, the two young people, Chen Hao and Stewart, are really amazing. They are young enough to have such acting skills. It's amazing. I noticed all the action scenes. The camera is passing quickly, everyone may pay attention to the overall picture, but here, the expressions of each of them are not slack, and the characters are always there. I think I will want to watch this video again. Very It's addictive, and it's exciting. "

When it came, Zhou Runfa added one more sentence, which fully reflects his humorous mentality now: "When I want to go home, first look at the kitchen to see if there is anything hidden. I think my wife will also Take a look at our tool room. "

This is a joke, but it became the hottest topic of word-of-mouth after the release of "Smith and Mrs.", and it became a hot search topic and phenomenon. Of course, people with a little brain will not think it is true, everyone is Think of this as a kind of reconciliation between husbands and wives. For a long time, many husbands and wives will feel that their lives are as plain as water, and quite a few husbands will choose to be indifferent or even part ways because they have no so-called enthusiasm.

In a movie, there is no emotional card, no tears, no stimulation to every point of everyone's life, but just to play their own plot, some of the settings, but on the contrary, everyone's inner weakness.

Just like Zhou Runfa said, between husband and wife, deliberately made mysterious, although they have also explored some secrets that should not be explored, but more, everyone is still willing to look for their lives with a joke. Have some fun and take this opportunity to discover ways to make life more fun.

The wife went to see her husband's storeroom or study. Actually, she had a chance to get to know her husband up close, what he likes, and what books he likes to read.

The husband went to the kitchen to take a look, cooked a dinner with his wife, and found the sweetness when he was the subject during the cooking together.


Relatively good word of mouth and near-perfect publicity made "Smith and Mrs." box office popular after the release. On the first day of the weekend, the North American box office was 60 million. This was the case when the number of screens did not match the box office value. The number of screens opened the next day is more.

On the first day of Huaxia, the box office was 200 million yuan. At this time, all the theaters quickly adjusted the movie output. No one would have trouble with the money. I have to say that I will show my own movie or I will show this art film. That ’s There is something wrong with my brain, and the output of 20% has suddenly increased. If it was n’t because the above was too large, it would cause a bad influence on the introduction of the film. It is estimated that it will directly break through 50%. This once again proves that Chen Hao ’s box office appeal and quality of works Guarantee.

The outside was in full swing, and the movie was a success at first sight. North America predicted that the box office would be at least 200 million. Can it be as bad as "The Dark Knight"? know. This film claims a 100 million investment, but it does not. The promotion costs have not been used so much. Chen Hao has at least saved a large amount of money for the promotion of the film. In this way, his film pay is tens of millions, which is nothing at all. . In terms of fox, this film did not intend to make money in North America through the box office. Less loss is a win. What is needed is the box office in Asia. This is also the effect of boldly using Chen Hao.

On a deserted island, Chen Hao's life is still leisurely. He has fully adapted to the rhythm here, and works at sunrise and sunset. He knows that his fishing net was deliberately destroyed by the show crew, increasing his survival difficulty. When it comes to it, there are more than ten hours a day just for life. He has his footprint everywhere within one or two kilometers ~ ~ Fish and sea food are no longer the main thing on his table. food.

Some small traps have begun to be harvested one after another. For some birds and some small animals, he will not have the so-called flood of love, but he still does not mind occasionally showing a little kindness when he ensures sufficient food.

A lot of time, constantly repairing and improving his own camp, everything is just to make himself more comfortable. If this is a construction game, then Chen Hao has now passed the initial stage of barren resources and started to enter To step by step living conditions.

Every day I take a bath in the sea, I clean up and clean up every day, and when the weather is good, people will take out the quilt sleeping bag and moisture-proof pad to dry out. After this picture is played out, viewers around the world will have to roll their eyes. Get up and give him a woman at this time, then he can live here.

He wasn't too worried about the movie's blockbuster. He had that confidence. When he left here, the news he got was good news. Since there is no outside information for the time being, he will push the boat smoothly, don't listen to anything outside the window, and live a small life with one heart. Daily exercise will be changed to manual labor, so that the exercise of the body will become a physical labor to build a home. Stones are felled every day, and some ground and surrounding environment cleaning is done every day. You now see his camp. If you only use the lens to shoot the camp, you will feel that this camp is built in a good suburb and will be settled in the beginning. When the screen is called up, it looks completely different.

He was so happy to have a small life here, he completely left outside things behind, but did not expect that there is a way to transmit information, not to mention the program group, that is, leaving him alone in a real nobody. Area, the same information will be passed to.

"Congratulations to the anchor for completing the main task ..."

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