Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 947: Played another big one

The answer is not difficult to find.

Strong sense of security, the most solid arms and the warmest home feeling.

Many people have said that when the Smiths had a final showdown, Mr. Smith put down the gun first, and said that he couldn't hold the gun, and immediately circled the fan.

Countless female audiences are dumped by this character at this moment, and they also like Chen Hao, who plays the role.

In this film, Mr. Smith is a powerful man. He is able to complete tasks while talking and laughing. He is a man walking on the edge of darkness. Such a man has a fatal attraction to women and will be like a flame. In general, let the moth keep coming, even if it is eventually burned.

Although this kind of man is fatally attractive, he also has fatal flaws. Without a sense of security, you will find that there is no way to plan for the future with him, and there is no commitment.

Mr. Smith is different. He is a very good man at home from nine to five. The story behind him is that he does not want to affect the family's intentional concealment and lives with him, which not only satisfies everyone's mentality for seeking excitement, but also Delaying your long time tends to flatten family life.

This role has added a lot of points to him personally, and his own advantages cannot be dispelled. The various shows, various good figures and various tricks in the play make you unconsciously want to be a woman around him.

This film is more like an introduction, opening up all the accumulation of Chen Hao in the past, his Chinese kung fu, his perfect figure, his youth and gold, his history of grassroots struggles, everything is in line with a mature woman For the perfect man.

Duojin, not the second and third generations, is a generation, so that you won't need to be a regular daughter-in-law when you enter the house.

Handsome, this handsome is not only the face, but also the body, but also the physical strength in a sense. After all, the advantage between the bed quilts is an important criterion for men in the West.

Strong, possessing the strength that can protect everything you have, and possessing a variety of abilities. With him, you can be at ease to be the little woman you want to do. Take a look at "Living Alone", you are with him Together, even if he really wanders to a desert island one day, he can still give you a stable life.

Talent, musical talent, independent script creation, editor and director can take on one's shoulders, be proficient in various instruments, be able to sing and dance and be proficient in several languages. Having one of these skills is enough for girls in their own life circles. That crazy man.

The demonstration of Chen Hao's survival skills in "solitary wilderness", the addition of the screen image and self image in "Smith and wife", to women in their twenties and thirties, including forties, still holding on to beauty These women with youthful tails are more practical. It is their first choice that men with mature charms such as Chen Hao laugh and smile are not their favorite.

In the Internet era, if something is being watched, the speed of coverage is unprecedented. It will attract more people at a speed you can't imagine. Once you get crazy, the degree of madness will make you feel incredible.

The most attractive man.

After such a topic emerged, it was out of hand, and all of a sudden everyone was talking about it.

Where there is a market, there is capital to operate.

w magazine became the winner of the final ‘bid’. Any one of the necessary prices for any magazine is exclusive.

For $ 30 million, w magazine has the exclusive right to take a full set of photos and interviews for Chen Hao. Chen Hao needs to promise that he will no longer accept any photo shoots and interviews in the short term. This short term at least w has reached the sales of his special issue. After saturation.

Chen Hao also created a small record. Such a high-priced fashion event, worldwide, has to include historical annual rings, and the increase in prices is also included. He can just put his finger on it. One of them, $ 30 million, a documentary film, can meet the full set of photos of a special issue at a time, crazy, is it really easy to make money?

He now has a Swiss bank account. In the past few years, all the money he earned abroad, including the income from previous songs, even after a large tax payment, he has now exceeded nine digits, 90 million and 100 million. There is an essential difference in the knowledge. When the nine-figure number was reached, he himself felt a sense of dizziness. Once upon a time, when domestic banks had hundreds of millions of deposits, he felt that he had made enough money. Subsequent work no longer focuses on making money.

For example, for the two characters, the former he does n’t like very much but gives ten million pieces of pay, and the latter he likes very much but only four or five million pieces, he will choose the latter.

This has the confidence. After he no longer cares about income, the income is higher. After he started to earn dollars internationally, the income has risen linearly. After the value of his own brand has risen, he thought about going into the 2000s himself. 10,000-paid club, but did not expect the film results have not yet reached expectations, the derived value can reach 30 million.

Thirty million is really scary.

In the second season of "Prison Break", Chen Hao's total pay was over 30 million, which was reduced to more than ten episodes. Two million one episode also cost more than 30 million. According to the numerical ratio, it seems that there is nothing surprising. Knowing that for the 30 million in the magazine, he can complete the work in at most three or five days. The second season of "Jailbreak", no matter how fast, according to the weight of his drama, it will take a month or two.

If the shooting of Chen Hao W goes well, let ’s say nothing about paying taxes. At least in the eyes of the media, if you finish shooting in three days, you will earn tens of millions a day. This is not accurate enough, but the algorithm loved by the audience came out. The performing arts circle within the scope is discussing this matter. Can a star have such value?

An NBA superstar. After playing a year, the salary is not as good as Chen Hao's work for a few days.

People who want to make this matter very big, there will always be many reasons to make this metaphor, not just stars, listed companies are compared with Chen Hao, what is the profit of a listed company in a year, In terms of conversion, a global type of listed company is inferior to Chen Hao in terms of single-day income.

This algorithm is of course nonsense, but in the entertainment industry, everyone is willing to watch such news, and is willing to magically personalize heroism, and in the end it will bring benefits or disadvantages to the artist, and no one cares.

Holding you to the cloud, if you really fall, that has nothing to do with me, it's your own business. We saw that people happily hovering in the cloud, and we can see what the person on it looks like after that. No People care.

Look at the lively, participate in the lively, no one will be too busy.


After discussing the filming arrangements with the producer and director, Chen Hao, who just entered the group, asked for a few days off. This made the "Prison Break" crew very helpless, but there was nothing they could do. This could not be considered a big name. It was too mouse It ’s on fire. People can take a long time to sit down and talk to your producer and director about how I filmed my film. How much time are I willing to spend each day to help you shoot, your producer and director are secretly enjoying it. If you come for two or three days and go for four or five days, you will recognize it equally. The progress of the filming has been delayed. What you are looking for above is you. At a time when Chen Hao is in the ascendant, who dares to risk being a target of attack by the world and attacking him with two big names.

w Magazine, this time, but it cost a lot of money, and did not play in the studio to shoot, directly got a big team, ready to play a big one.

After Chen Hao got the business plan, there was nothing to say. According to the arrangements, people took 30 million. Of course, you can't let you only take three or four days. This time, the theme is spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Photographs of four sense styles.

Thirty million were smashed out, and they didn't care about smashing another eighty million.


Chen Hao's hotel in Los Angeles has officially entered the preparatory stage for filming.

From this moment on, all the expenses incurred by him during the shooting will be borne by W Magazine. The coordinator from the magazine will come first to count his entourage to make detailed arrangements ~ ~ Chen Hao is just With Kang Yan, Chen Gang, Qiu Yu and a small assistant, there are even less than this number on weekdays.

After he got up in the morning and walked out of the bedroom to see the people in his suite and living room. From this moment, he really enjoyed the treatment of what is called an international superstar. Before that, he had almost no such concept.

Speaking before and after, these four words are not enough to accurately express the treatment of Chen Hao by the magazine this time.

A makeup artist, a hair stylist, a physical therapist, a stylist, and each of these four people also carries an assistant. Such a detailed division of labor requires only one, in order to achieve the ultimate standard.

Bodyguard, eight.

Shooting team, twelve people.

Logistics support team, six people.

Driver, four people.

There are more than forty people who are huh-huh-lah. When they go out, Chen Hao is startled. He does n’t need to do anything, even if he tries on clothes. As long as he raises his hand, someone will change his coat directly. he.

I won't say anything else. The daily meal cost is one thousand dollars. He has a team of three hundred, a shooting team and a stylist, a hairdresser, a physiotherapist, and a makeup artist. It is two hundred, and the standard for everyone else is one. hundred.

The standard of meals a day can be said to be high for music or some, which is not lower than tens. An average family in the United States eats three or four hundred dollars a month. You can imagine the consumption of this standard. What level is it?

When going out, Chen Hao must use a high-level nanny car. No matter where he goes, people with logistical guarantees go in advance and arrange food, clothing, and transportation in advance. Not only will fresh fruits be arranged in the hotel, but also various supporting daily necessities. On the first day, I was pulled by the person in charge of logistics support for more than an hour. They asked him about Chen Hao's corresponding habits, eating habits, some taboos, and so on.

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