Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 968: Live 'accident'

September, October, quietly passed away.

Slowly, the awards season is approaching everyone, not only in the United States, but in November, the entertainment and cultural industries around the world have begun the year-end summary of various awards.

Fanghua starring Chen Hao, from the college student film festival to the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Awards, the awards awarded this year in the country, all the best actor was swept by Chen Hao, Fanghua itself has won a lot of praise, Unfortunately, there is no way for the show to compete for the Golden Award and the Golden Horse Awards, nor can a small award satisfy their appetite.

After getting two international awards with not so high gold content, Chen Hao also took the time to receive the award on the spot, otherwise he would be caught by some media, saying that he ignored other people's international film festivals. Is there only a few? Is the big film festival your recipe?

As Xiao Shenke's redemption director, Chen Hao can only take the time to complete this kind of thing. In order to keep everyone in the state, he constantly shoots. Every weekend, he gives everyone double pay for the performance, only occasionally. Rest awhile.

For two months in a row, Shao Shenke's redemption of all the filming was finished. On the day of killing, Chen Hao and Will Smith drank a lot, drunk with the crew, killing cattle and sheep, Chen Hao used the highest Sincere feedback to everyone, thank you for your tolerance and support for him in the past two months. This thank you for his incomparable sincerity. In these two months, he has completed all the things he wants, and got many places. Better play.

He hadn't heard anything outside the window for two months, he didn't know what the outside world looked like. He only knew that the second season of prison escape had a good broadcast effect. With the progress of the plot, all the people in the second season began. In summary, how cruel the performance of the box lunch is, and what is the future of those who are still fleeing, one by one, each has his unique story, and each has his own selling point. The audience is still very Buying a bill, just missing the atmosphere of the first season that is always tense at all times. One episode a week is fine. Those who concentrate on the Internet to collect seven or eight episodes together and start to feel the difficulty of watching. The first season You can watch it all the time without eating or drinking. If you watch episodes four or five at a time in the second season, you will feel like you ca n’t stand it. It ’s not good enough, it ’s not exciting enough, or it lacks the unique flavor. Movies are the best to play, and you can run and chase them outside. Such a bridge seems to have many film and television dramas.

Chen Hao still hasn't signed the contract for the third season. After Xiao Shenke's redemption filming, he clearly answered Fox for the first time, and he will not continue to sign the contract. At the same time, he also handed over the script from Fox and returned intact. The script of the third season was really difficult to attract him. He even felt a sense of professional failure that was bound to fail. He didn't believe that the professional talents in fox could not feel it. They just ignored this incident intentionally. Making money to shoot, even if it fails, you can still get at least one season of support from the audience. If it works properly, you can still get what you want in the market within two seasons.

During the filming of Xiao Shenke's redemption, Chen Hao showed little interest in anything. Outside you are willing to fight whatever you like, and I will say whatever you want. I will not respond. After the filming, I have no time to take care of you. The post-production must be perfect and perfect. The release time that he can set for himself has been put into the next year, and he has signed up for the Cannes Film Festival next year.

Prompting him to sign up for Cannes is a reform of the film festival. In addition to the additional one that must be released in France, it also reduces some restrictions on participation. For example, some films that have been released can also participate in the selection as long as it is in the Cannes selection cycle. There are no problems with the screening. Cannes believes that it is artistic and will not be affected by the box office and audience comments after a movie is released. It focuses on the independence and authority of the judges.

It is impossible for Chen Hao to release this film for Cannes next May and June. Now Cannes has changed the selection criteria. He has asked people to sign up, and he and his team have made post-production estimates and pre-screening releases. For publicity, the ideal release time is either the Chinese New Year schedule, and the Spring Festival next year is in early February, and the timing is just right. Plot needs

As for the film's release and the Oscar crash, it was Chen Hao who wanted to see it. The last thing he saw was the strength. From the end of the shooting, he was criticized by some people. Obviously, some of these people intentionally In the provocation, in order to let Chen Hao respond to him, in terms of fame, everyone is clear about the gap, and you can tear him up, you do n’t need to decide whether to win or lose. As long as he responds to you, then you will Won.

After the whole show was killed, Chen Hao took all the teams to Huaxia's Sanya to go on vacation. All the subsequent editing work will be done there. He also took precautions, not afraid of 10,000, just in case, what happens? False, the content leaked before the film was released. Then his efforts in these months will be brought to naught. Do n’t look at his mouth that he does n’t care about the noble young master or the gang young master, but beware of these people. Sometimes there is no bottom line for doing things. Do you know if they will use some hooligan methods, play some old-fashioned methods, and come up with the worst inferior information to steal in such a small gutter When the boat turned over in front of him, only Chen Hao's heart was dead.

All the people were taken to Sanya, where the newly-developed secluded high-end tourist area wrapped up the first floor of a hotel, and specially arranged several security to ensure that no unrelated personnel appeared on this floor.

Sanya in November is undoubtedly comfortable. Entering the tourist season also means that the weather here will attract everyone to relax and lie on the beach or rush into the sea. It is undoubtedly the first choice for leisure and vacation. What is not wrong is even more recognized by everyone.

At this point, Chen Hao's workaholic approach has changed. He told you that we have to rest one day at work. We must ensure a good mood and complete the rest with the highest enthusiasm and work attitude.

Chen Hao did not return to Yanjing. He participated as a member when everyone was working. He also took a rest when everyone was resting. Xiao Di was busy. He spent the rest time on the live broadcast. The result was just a live broadcast. Two events, when he revealed in the live broadcast that he would stay here for a while, an incident that caught the attention of the leaders of the Sanya Tourism Bureau occurred.

To say that the beginning of this season, until around the Chinese New Year, is the peak tourist season in Sanya. During this period, the number of tourists here is undoubtedly the largest, and the daily passenger flow is also amazing. In the face of such a big data, Prying for obvious changes in this number is difficult and difficult, unless something that humans can't resist, such as Sanya being at extremely high temperature or cooling for ten days and a half months in a row, may affect some significant changes in big data.

Recently, the temperature is very stable and has not changed, which is the good temperature for tourism.

For three consecutive days, the number of tourists has increased by a few thousand every day. The number of thousands of people is not a terrible thing. The key is in the new tourism area where Chen Hao lived. These thousands of people flooded in at once. Every day, there are 3,000 or 4,000 people. This 10,000 people cast down is not much for the whole Sanya, but in the newly developed bay, most of the hotels are still under construction. On weekdays, the hotel prices are significantly higher than this. The old-fashioned bay tourist area also has relatively small passenger flow. This suddenly influxed more than 10,000 people. At that time, the tourism bureau was alarmed. This investigation only knew that no matter how many things they might have thought about before, I never thought that it was because of Chen Hao, that Sanya made more than 10,000 tourists at once, and there were more than 1,000 foreign tourists ~ ~ The newly developed bay was suddenly lively. As a result, together with the tourists who originally lived here, there were not many people on the beach. They had the hustle and bustle of Dadonghai and Sanya. At the time, the tourism bureau cooperated with several departments, together with the office. The hotel, given this matter to redouble attention to any unexpected responses are thought of in advance.

Thinking of everything, I overlooked one thing, or the daughter of a deputy leader of the tourism bureau, reminded his father at home, so that the missing part of the whole preparation work was supplemented, and the whole The bay, enters into a quality lively.

"Dad, Haozi may be broadcasting live on the beach these days. Is it possible for you to take me through the back door and go to Haozi's side and take a picture with him?"

The child wanted a little privilege, but reminded dad, yeah, how to forget this most importantly, these people are because of Hao Zi, what effect will he have once he broadcasts outdoors, can come thousands of miles, Can it be an obstacle at a distance of hundreds of meters or even kilometers?

The deputy reported the incident overnight, which aroused the full attention of the above, and specially arranged corresponding countermeasures, especially for Chen Hao's security work. Someone came to the hotel early the next morning to contact Qiuyu. In the past, the government will cooperate with a certain degree of security. The main thing is that you should pay attention to it yourself. The hotel can cooperate accordingly.

I will stay in Sanya for a while and go swimming by the sea every day.

In this sentence, more than 10,000 people were attracted, and after seeing Hao Zi in their reality, this number once again ushered in a surge of tourists. If we can really see Hao Zi, then we will also go , This year's annual vacation has not been closed, just now go.

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