Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 977: Eye-catching

From the awkward position to the attention, this is Chen Hao's situation on the Oscars.

The red carpet of the Oscars has always been a place of fancy beauty, and has always been a place to focus on the world ’s entertainment media. Last year ’s Chen Hao, despite his brilliance, was not his absolute fame in this industry. The role of a clown, great is great However, it is impossible to make up for the inherent deficiency.

Many people are waiting to see his jokes this year. Normally, you feel uncomfortable. It is good to refuse Oscar invitations. Every day, a large number of artists refuse to attend Oscars. They are all the more popular ones. They do n’t need to see Oscar pictures. , I did n’t have any good works last year, so I wo n’t come here to complement others.

From the day Chen Hao promised to attend, the media was breeding news, and even the first draft had been prepared. Once he was marginalized or a little ugly on the Oscar, he could add some information to the first draft. Send it out as fast as possible.

In the eyes of some people, it has become Chen Hao's life-saving straw, but more people are still sensible. Where do they need life-saving straw, they have this self-confidence. When this film was released, it turned everything around.

Today's Chen Hao, a European-style suit top in Phnom Penh, a white shirt, no tie, no bow tie, no accessories attached, even the watch was taken off. His works this year are only fringe on the Oscars, and he was given to him at the beginning. The scheduled red carpet time is relatively advanced. He has been communicating with him these days, and he has not requested to change the time. It is still a relatively advanced time and appears on the red carpet.

As soon as others appeared, the scene was already boiling.

Last year's photo and, including a series of American dramas, placed the title of the most 'sex-sense' man on his head. That perfect figure was talked about by the world, and truly achieved the ultimate in perfect fitness. Put on clothes Thin and undressed, all muscles.

The hard features of the sun, the confident and charming eyes, the skin condition that can stand the test of any lens, the tall proportion of the figure.

Chen Hao, who has just begun to gain international acclaim, most of the female fans are young fans. Last year, she began to include mature women in her fan sequence. At this moment, everyone no longer feels that he just has a good skin, a perfect one. Send him to the sequence of film masters, although you still need at least two good movies to lay a solid position for him, but at least for now, you can no longer use only artists to locate him.

Past news has been turned out.

At the beginning of preparations, the comparison brought by fans was dismissed by the majority of people in the industry. Under tremendous pressure, people faced difficulties and faced constant provocations. He said to the camera: "This is destined It will be a classic movie. "

Now, he has not only fulfilled his promise, but also made the whole world see the box office value of art films and commercial films. Its North American box office has entered the top ten of North American box office film history, and this data is not the end. Before this film came out, you brought out the directors of the biggest Hollywood celebrity producers, and they did not dare to say that they could make a literary film of your choice, and they could get 300 million box office in North America.

Chen Hao did it.

So when he appeared on the Oscar red carpet, more than fans were cheering for him. From the host to the media reporters, including the on-site staff and security, the leaders in the industry who entered the venue were watching him. Among them, there are many people who worship with worship. It is too powerful. There are people who perform and guide. However, such a young person has completed such a transformation and produced such a work. You can only say that the sky is a talent. In this industry, God rewarded.

If this is the era of film, then Chen Hao's appearance is enough to take at least half of the film on the scene media.

With a confident smile, he walked calmly on the red carpet. He wanted to stop and stop, as long as he wanted to stop, as long as he wanted to stop. It was not that he wanted the media to shoot himself more. It was a shooting area where the media gathered on the spot. The sound made was not less than the hissing exhaustion of the fans.

Smith is the security director. He received an order before and sat down at the scene himself. If MOUSE stays on the red carpet for a little longer, he will be taken to signal him to leave immediately, without any extra actions. With $ 20,000, Smith doesn't care about the other person's favorite star of his daughter.

There are no dead spots on the red carpet at the scene. Ten media cannot cover all locations. What about twenty and thirty? So as long as what happens on the red carpet, it will be recorded by the camera. If you are a hot artist, all this will be exposed with your fame.

In the name of Chen Hao, a thin dead camel is larger than a horse. I really want security to make an 'invitation' on the red carpet that you leave the scene quickly, and it will be photographed in the media. This is not us. Some domestic and international unknown soldiers have gone. Our media looks like how tall they are. Actually, the red carpet is the object of no one's attention. Some of the motives want to stay on the red carpet and are driven by security. It ’s common, and there are similar people in various countries. If it is not a special concern, even if it was accidentally captured, some media will not take it seriously. The only thing they do is to delete this paragraph directly. Why do we shoot him? We I don't know who it is. Artists from Asia, Huaxia or South Korea, forget it. If you are not interested, just delete it.

A few days ago, Smith reluctantly returned the deposit secretly, let alone 20,000, and 200,000 he is afraid to do it now, not to mention how much the money has done to himself. One out, Chen Hao not only re- Becoming a darling, the expansion of the fan base is at an incredible speed. I really need to "invite" him on the red carpet to leave quickly, without the need for fans to shoot, and the media at the scene cannot spare themselves.

How long he wants to stand here, then how long he stands here. This is an internal arrangement of Oscar. At any time, anywhere, according to the scene conditions, adjust the time for the back guests to come out. Before the adjustment, he also prepared 50 times more than others. Seconds.

Artists who do not lack exposure, they don't need to show themselves crazy on the red carpet. Everything is quite satisfactory. I took a few POSS in the photo area for everyone to take pictures, and then walked into the awards hall and the hall in a hurry. There are few people, everyone stays in the lounge area and corridor lounge area to chat first, and some will enter the lobby. Every year the biggest event in the film industry in the world, no one here should consider themselves as others. Protagonist, it ’s normal for you to be left unattended here. The number of media that can come in is limited, and the lenses are also limited. Not to mention many artists who come in at this time, there is no serious thing in the award ceremony. Lens, that's all normal.

It stands to reason that Chen Hao has little to do with this year's Oscars and nominated some technical awards. It has nothing to do with him. The pure awarding guests are artists who need exposure or temporary exposure. Which one is with him? He didn't make any friends, but his treatment was the treatment of Oscar's best actor and other award nominees. From the time of entering the stadium, there were not only temporary interviews, but also the camera was always looking for him.

More importantly, he saw some real big names in the industry. Some came to say hello, and some said hello to each other. Chen Hao is a guy who is not obsessed with or admiring anyone, so despite seeing Spielberg , Martin Scorsese, Cameron, he has no special performance, he greeted him, and he also chatted warmly with others, compared to last year, these people have never greeted him. Maybe everything is different this year.

The red carpet outside is still going on, and some people have begun inside ~ ~ Through some relationships, it was formally introduced to Chen Hao. The ancient masters of the Three Emperors came here today, and the families of Tang Feng and Er Zhonghai are here. There are also contacts on the side, and they are all here. They introduced several groups of people to Chen Hao, the boss, shareholders, senior management of the film company, the head of angel investment, and some of the big names in the industry.

Paramount also came to the high-level today, and also served Chen Hao as a 'bodyguard' for a while. One of the eighth, they will never lack their shadow on the Oscars. This year they came with high spirits because everyone Everyone knows that the next year ’s Oscar will be the most popular award-winning film. They did not expect that they will make so much this time. The amount of money is easy to discuss. What they care about most is this time as an investor and publisher. Potential benefits gained in this film.

A person who is not competing for this year's awards has become a hot spot at this year's Oscars. Many people admire Chen Hao's confidence. He dares to directly confess that my movie must be classic, and then dare to put the date on the Oscar. In front of it, it is the picture of today. It has attracted a lot of attention. Nothing happened to me this year. My movie was not released during the registration period. Next year, my movie went to the Oscars and I got some second-release box office. After one year, there are still some people who are willing to go to the cinema to watch it during the second release; if it fails, it will be dead, and without this courage, why is he so young that he has become the leader in the world film industry today.

For him, Oscar made some adjustments to the set links. The award he awarded was changed to the best supporting actor with a large amount. Although he was the winner of last year, he did not award the award as usual. It is a technical award, and the honored guest is also an old acquaintance.

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