As a navy that maintains world order, it has failed one after another.

There is no doubt that the impact on this sea is huge.

Cyborg Kong, who had just taken over as the marshal of the navy, did not have much time to appreciate the scenery overlooking the marshal's office located on the highest floor of the navy headquarters building. He had already begun to fall into brief chaos due to the upgrading of the navy and the transition between old and new powers. Extremely busy.

A large number of elite naval headquarters were lost, and large-scale conscription was needed.

But it just so happened that at this time.

The evil consequences brought about by the Giant Soldier Pirates began to gradually emerge.

He has no scruples in extorting and robbing the countries that join the World Government, and he always reaps huge rewards, which makes people jealous.

In particular, the Demon-Slaying Order, the highest military operation authorized by the Navy Headquarters authorized by the World Government, failed to eliminate the Giant Pirates. Instead, the Navy itself suffered heavy losses and even sacrificed a Navy Headquarters Admiral.

All of this undoubtedly stimulated the hearts of countless pirates.

Finally, the lawless people in this sea who were ready to move could no longer hold back. It began to extend its greedy and evil claws towards neighboring islands, villages, towns, countries... East China Sea. The town of Cloris


"It's a pirate!"

"The pirates are coming, run away……"

"Ask the navy for help——"

"beep - beep——"


"I am a noble, let me go first!"

On the street.

Countless civilians fled in a hurry. They were scrambling for fear that if they were slow, they might be killed by pirates.

There were old, weak, women and children who were trampled mercilessly by the frightened people because they ran too slowly or fell down..Causing tragic bloodshed

"Bang... bang……"

"Yeah, hahaha, kids, grab this town for me!"

A pirate ship came slowly.

A man wearing a pirate hat, a pirate cape, and riding a tall horse laughed arrogantly:"Those stupid giants of the Giant Soldier Pirates can easily escape from the pirate ship. Freifans has robbed a lot of treasures, we, the Iron Knight Pirates, can't do too badly!"

"Oh oh oh——"

With these murderous and vicious pirates, they began to move the boat.

Be the first to land at the port.

Each one of them had greedy eyes, showing undisguised desire.

He rushed madly towards this supposedly peaceful town.

For a time, the sounds of gunfire, cries, and screams... were heard endlessly.

It was like hell.

This is a... devil's feast


"beep - beep——"

Donghai, Branch 36.

The sound of shrill horns echoed.

A large number of naval forces continued to bring their own guns and ammunition from the weapons depot, and lined up outside.

Colonel Phil, the base commander of the 36th Naval Branch in the East China Sea, said loudly:"I just received a call for help. The small town of Kroris, five hundred nautical miles away from the 36th branch base, was attacked by pirates... In addition, just Ten minutes ago, Saguro Island, about 300 nautical miles away from the 36th branch base, was also attacked by pirates.……"


"damn it……"

"Did those pirates eat the leopard's gall? Colonel Phil said in a deep voice to Lieutenant Colonel Mike, deputy base commander of the 36th branch:"Mike, you and I are divided into two groups and go to the rescue as soon as possible!""

"Wait, Colonel Phil.……"

A correspondent ran out sweating profusely, and said loudly and somewhat breathlessly:"Just now, the Rockel Kingdom sent a request for help, claiming that it was attacked by pirates, and asked our navy to reinforce it immediately, otherwise we will refuse to hand over the heavenly gold in the future!"

"But this way, our troops are simply not enough.……"

"Damn it, it just happened that at this time, these pirates were making trouble together……"

Colonel Phil and Lieutenant Colonel Mike looked a little ugly when they heard this.

The correspondent wiped cold sweat and spoke cautiously:"The Governor's Mansion also requires us to prioritize resolving the crisis in Rockel Kingdom!"

"Are you kidding me? There has to be a first-come, first-served basis, right? Colonel Phil

's expression changed drastically, and he couldn't help but curse:"Aren't the lives and property of people in other places important?""

If these kingdoms were to defend themselves with all their strength, he believed that it would not be a problem to hold off the pirates for a period of time.

It would be enough time for the navy to mobilize support from other places.

"But this is an order from the Governor's Palace!"



The same incident did not only happen here.

Also happens around the world.

South China Sea. barbarian kingdom

"Bang bang……"


"Come on, little ones!"

"It’s time for us to enjoy spicy food……"

"Use all your strength and fire with all your strength!"

"As long as we break through the defense line of the Kingdom Guards, this country will belong to us, gold, women, whatever you choose……"

"Oh oh……"

The leader of the pirates laughed.

There, he followed the temptations and made countless pirates' eyes turn red.

There they looked like hungry wolves with green eyes and ferocious teeth, howling and howling.

Begin to aim and continuously bombard the port.

For a time, the limited guard force of the Barbarian Kingdom was unable to stop it.

Defeated quickly


"Grab this place!"

Countless greedy and cruel pirates were waving their weapons.

They were howling like hungry wolves, with madness and excitement in their eyes, and the burning fire of desire was undisguised.

They all rushed towards this place desperately. country.

For a time, the sound of guns and gunfire continued, and the flames shot into the sky.

Countless screams, pleas, cries, screams... were heard endlessly, echoing over this sea area.

The fire shot into the sky.

A group of pirates burned and killed people here. They looted and committed all kinds of evil.

A country that was already poor turned into a hell in an instant.


Not just here.

The West Sea, the North Sea, the first half of the Great Waterway, the New World... are all like this.

Affected by the consequences of the navy's successive defeats against the Giant Pirates.

The number of vicious incidents caused by pirates is increasing day by day.

Compared with the past, it has increased exponentially.

Even those countries that are members of the World Government, which few pirates dared to attack directly in the past, have been attacked by pirates.

The order of the sea gradually became chaotic with the fermentation of the"Demon Slaying Order Incident".

Many pirates who usually hid with their tails between their legs and only dared to plunder at sea, believed that they and others might have overestimated the navy's capabilities in the past, and began to become unscrupulous and bold.

All major branches of the Navy continued to receive calls for help.

Many branches were severely under-manned and had no time to organize personnel to go to the rescue.

Extremely busy


Naval Headquarters, Marineford.

The highest floor of the majestic Navy Building.

Inside the spacious, bright and luxuriously decorated marshal's office.

With a gloomy face and bloodshot eyes, Cyborg Kong couldn't hide his fatigue. He slapped his hand on the desk, a little annoyed:"Damn it, the impact of the Giant Soldier Pirates is so great.……"

In recent days, he, the newly appointed naval marshal, has not yet had time to light a few fires.

As a result, such bad things happened one after another.


"Come in!"

Gang Gukong took a deep breath.

Looking at the adjutant who hurried in, he frowned:"What's the matter? Which kingdom was attacked by pirates?"

"Marshal Kong……"

The adjutant did not dare to delay and stood up straight after saluting.

There was a concise report:"A few minutes ago, the base commander of the 177th branch of the Grand Line, Major General Mori, sent a farewell telegram. Their warships encountered giant soldiers near Whiskey Town while annihilating the Mountain Rat Pirates. The pirate group has lost contact currently.……"

A general-level officer is no better than a junior captain.

When it comes to naval headquarters generals above the rank of rear admiral, they naturally have to report to the naval marshal Cyborg Kong.

In particular, the Navy Headquarters has just been replaced, with new commanders and generals, and the functions of various departments are somewhat confusing and have not yet been coordinated.

Cyborg Kong, the newly appointed navy marshal, is very hands-on and personally involved in everything that matters.

"The Giant Pirates?"

Gang Gukong, who had an ugly face, gritted his teeth and said,"Didn't I issue an order requiring any fleet performing missions outside to temporarily not provoke those guys and wait for the deployment order from the navy headquarters to avoid unnecessary losses?"

This time the demon-slaying mission failed.

The navy suffered heavy losses.

It made Cyborg realize clearly that the Giant Pirates are no longer the ordinary pirates that were just fledgling and could be easily handled. In a short period of time, they have grown. For a behemoth that is powerful and poses a great threat.

Even if the Navy wants to destroy the Giant Pirates, it must assemble a large number of troops and elites and make complete preparations.

Now that he has just taken office, the Navy is in chaos.

Want to take the huge and bloated navy aboardNext, all departments will be sorted out one by one. It will take time for the Navy to recover.

I really can’t spare the time in a short period of time to pursue and take revenge on the Giant Pirates.

"No, according to the report, Major General Mori and the others immediately gave up chasing the Mountain Rat Pirates and turned the fleet to evacuate.……"The adjutant wiped cold sweat and carefully reported:"But the Giant Pirates directly launched an attack on the fleet that was more than ten nautical miles away. As of a few minutes ago, the fleet led by Major General Mori had lost contact with them all."

"What! ?"

Cyborg Kong's face was as gloomy as water.

He was a little angry:"That bastard Andre Ares……"


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