101. By the words of the saintess (3) – Amendment 8.28

I rejected the two people’s absurd plan and scolded them not to talk nonsense.

I laughed out loud as I looked at the two of them.

One asked me to wait 10 years for a second wife position, and the other said that when I enlisted in the military, he would take me as a family.

“Is this the bag I’m carrying? I’ll use it for a while over there, and when I’m done using it, I’ll use it too?”

It’s not that there are illegitimate children for no reason, it’s not that there aren’t men who cheat here either.

However, it was a problem for Rebecca to take a step further when Fran said that she would marry me as a second wife in 10 years.

‘If the kid goes astray, I have to convince him not to do that. What if he said he would do it too?’

On the contrary, what should I do if I get caught up in it and act more immature?

The two of them didn’t lose their spirits even though I scolded them a lot, and they played each other while looking at me, as if the rhythm matched well.

until the late night is over.

It was already too late to send Franc back to the church.

“Just sleep here.”

I would have slept anyway, even if I had been alone, but since Rebecca was there, there was no reason not to let me sleep.

“Can I?”

“What could be wrong with it?”

Fran had once lived here, so she had comfortable clothes to change into.

The two of them hugged and fell asleep on the bed, and I also slept in the place I had made for Franc.

⁂ ⁂ ⁂

“Ahhhhh~ What about francs?”

“I went back to the dormitory early.”

I woke up early in the morning and tried to go out, but I woke up in the middle to feed them.

“I could have gone in with you, but I don’t know why you went alone.”

He was probably secretly planning something pretty cute.

Rebecca, oblivious to the circumstances of what had happened earlier in the morning, scratched her stomach and yawned.

I don’t know why I’m laughing when I see it.

“You’ll wake up well at dawn.

“Keuheum, I should sleep in the next day after drinking. Fran is too diligent.”

“Come on, honey water.”

“Oh, thank you.”

gulp gulp

After one shot of the honey water I gave her, Rebecca made a sound like an old man.

“Keuah~ It’s good. Ehhoo! My stomach is completely relieved.”

Her face was plump and swollen, perhaps because she ate meat late yesterday.

Seeing that smile on your face…

‘Why does that look so cute and crazy?’

Sensing a sign that it could be dangerous, I slap my cheek to wake up! he said after beating him.

“I need to wake up too. I guess I haven’t woken up yet.”

I mixed one more honey water and drank it myself.

In the meantime, Rebecca also slowly regained her senses, and her expression became lively.

“Oh, and talk about yesterday.”

“What happened yesterday?”

As if Rebecca was talking about something, she is taking off her pretense.

But I just couldn’t get over it.

“Don’t pretend you don’t know. You should stop a student from saying that he wants to marry a commoner man. What are you going to do if you get caught up in it?” would.”

“You really meant to do that?”

“Yeah, would you?”

“Why the hell are you?”

Franc has an excuse to repay the favor.

But doesn’t Rebecca have no reason to do so?

“Why? Are you asking because you don’t know that? Are you ignorant, or are you pretending not to notice because it’s hard to say no?”

From noble mtl dot com

It was an inescapable truth that Rebecca had a crush on me, just as I had a crush on Rebecca.

“Is marriage funny? You know what happens when a nobleman marries a commoner man?”

But it takes too many things for the two of us to connect.

First of all, it will not be possible to prevent the unfavorable eyes from pouring out in that it is a combination of a commoner and an aristocrat.

“I don’t care about that. If there’s a guy like that in front of me? I’ll never leave it alone. You don’t know my personality? I’ll protect you.”

“What are you saying, really?”

“I reflected a lot last night. A child 10 years younger than me is showing courage like this, but I thought I had been hesitant all this time. Shouldn’t I be more courageous than him?”

“No, it’s not easier to be brave because you’re an adult.”

The more you know, the harder it is to be courageous.

Just imagining the various problems that would arise if he and I were to eat together would be a headache.

How easy would it be to be brave in the midst of that?

“Sir, how could you suggest such a thing to a child? It would be better if you hadn’t said that in the first place! And if you’re going to ask a favor like that!”

What if?

“Isn’t that what you should have done to me? After all, you like being younger than me?”


I thought only Gwangnyeon was like that, but he doesn’t seem to be able to handle it either.

I want to follow you only if I feel like it.

A woman who likes me, and she likes Rebecca, who is also pretty and has a good heart, but how could she not dislike it?

But it won’t work.

I couldn’t follow him and stay as he suggested.

‘How many children I haven’t raised yet.’

If you raise all the SSR characters, then you won’t know again.

It was impossible to follow Rebecca’s suggestion right now.

In the end, it is a woman I won’t see for the next six years.

“The reason I made that offer was because he didn’t want my help. I mean, I didn’t mean to tell him to be his real wife.”

“No matter what the circumstances were at the time, it’s impossible to just move on. I’ve already been greedy for you, and I can’t stay still until I know that someone else is targeting you.”

Rebecca’s attitude was firmer than expected.

“It’s something that won’t even happen. How much time is 10 years?”

10 years.

It’s a really long time.

10 years from now, I will be 40 years old.

By then, your face will start to wrinkle and you will feel that you are slowly getting older.

In addition, it was also enough time for a girl who had been subjected to strange brainwashing by a cult to become a young lady and be reborn as a woman.

During that time, thinking only of grace for me?

‘For the sake of me who will become a full-blooded man?’

There’s no way.

That’s why I said it wouldn’t happen to Rebecca.

Fran is a Tier 1 character.

That ability is not at the level of dare to compare with a guy like me.

‘In fact, Rebecca does the same.’

It’s because he hasn’t re-enlisted yet, so he’ll rise to a great position after he re-enlists.

“In 10 years, you and I will be aunts and uncles. Fran must be a charming young lady.”

I want to let people know that factual assault is also violence.

Then, Rebecca came closer and put her arm on my shoulder.

“So it’s right that a wrinkly man like you should date a woman like me, okay?”

Rebecca’s words were absurd, so I just laughed.

“Who would see you as an ajumma? You’re so beautiful.”

Ten years later, Rebecca will still be beautiful.

It’s as fresh and clear as it is now…

It’s cold-!

Rebecca’s face approaches, and then it touches my lips.

‘It’s even tempting.’

I gladly opened my mouth and put mine in her mouth.

“Huh, yes.”

A rich and sticky time with Rebecca that started suddenly.

The intense stimulation makes the mind dizzy.

I had been thinking that I should reject him just a moment ago, but when I came to my senses, I was doing something that the guy who said he would refuse would not do.

‘It’s completely gone. me.’

When Rebecca comes out like this, where is the man who won’t fall for it?

A man wouldn’t be able to criticize my actions.

I just don’t know! I was concentrating on kissing.

That’s how we held our breath until our lips were swollen.



When the lips finally parted, the clothes were quite messy.

We were wrapped up in the afterglow of a kiss for a while, and Rebecca told me with a bashful laugh.

“I don’t know what will happen in the future, but I don’t want to put up with what I want to do right now. It’s also true that I became impatient because of him.”

He looks up at me and says in a moist voice, what kind of man can stand it.

“So, go over to my sister. It’s so tantalizing that I feel like dying.”


I thought I shouldn’t fall for her like this, but I couldn’t resist the urge.

“By the way, am I a virgin?”


Finally completely broken, I moved my body as she wished, like an obedient student.

A bit more intense than before.

She was a bit clumsy, but quite flamboyant and flexible.

When I led, they often followed.

Because she was so talented at what she did with her body, it was to the point that I had to pant under her later on.

The night was long, and our youth was still burning brightly.

⁂ ⁂ ⁂

After spending a lot of stamina with him, I fell down and ate rice.

Even so, she didn’t think of going back, so she asked incredulously.

“How long will you be here?”

“Are you noticing me to leave?”

It’s completely your own house to roll around.

“Do you notice that I notice?”

“No way~ hehehehe! I want to rest a little longer. My stomach hurts.”


I’m sick, what should I say?

I just want to know.

Rebecca was defenselessly exposing her skin because she borrowed my clothes instead of her dirty ones.

I couldn’t help but keep my eyes on that side, but she didn’t notice my sinister gaze.

“But I mean.”


“It’s kind of strange that you’re friends with Fran.”

“Why Fran?”

“What’s wrong with mentioning it from my point of view, do you know that there are bad rumors about him?”

“A pseudo cult?”

“Did you know? Are you okay with that?”

Are you fine.

“I’ve cleaned up everything there.”


“Oh, so it’s no longer a strange place there.”

Rather, it has turned into a good place.

It has become a place that gives hope to those who are frustrated.

“Isn’t pseudo bad?”

“Exactly, it’s not going to be a pseudo.”


The fact that Fran was a saint was still a fact that only I knew.

How many people truly care about the saints created by the cult?

You say saintess, saintess to people who are addicted to cults and to Fran.

But things will change when Fran enlists.

The awl that was in the pocket will eventually pierce the fabric and shine brilliantly in front of people.

“I have to tell you now, since the subject of Fran came up. I asked Fran to take care of your eyes.”


Rebecca blinked.

One unfocused eye is covered by an eyepatch.

“That eye. Combined with that, ask him to look at your body condition and get treatment.”

“You idiot, my eyes couldn’t be fixed even with Awoken treatment. They’ve already lost their function for a long time.”

Wasn’t Fran the one who looked after Rebecca all this time?

“Fran is different. So go and get treatment. You won’t regret it.”

I was certain that with a high probability Franc would be able to cure Rebecca’s eye.

So it’s better to take it while you can.

Later, when people know of Fran’s ability, they will not be able to receive it even if they want to.

“Okay. It’s rude to a student. I don’t like it.”

“I already asked for it, so just accept it. I think I can fix your eyes.”

“Have you already adjusted to this state?”

“Anyway, your skills have improved dramatically and you’re adapting again. And your equipment will solve the subtle difference in balance.”


“Don’t you want to fix your eyes?”

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Rebecca was just munching on her lips, as if her heart was complicated by my words to seek treatment.

“I’m still this strong, imagine what it will be like when one eye recovers.”


“I don’t like it because I feel like I’m indebted to you? Don’t worry about that. He decided to treat me instead of getting scolded for doing something wrong with me.”



He secretly woke up at dawn and tried to snatch my lips like a stray cat.

Did you say you should stamp it before it is taken away?

It caught on and failed to achieve its purpose, and Fran returned to the church at dawn like a defeated soldier.

It was said that there was an urgent matter left, but judging from the red face, the probability that there was no urgent matter was very high.

‘There was cod roe in front of my eyes, so I grabbed it with my fingers without even realizing it… I guess I got hurt a lot?’

To be honest, I have to say that I’m just glad I didn’t point my sword at him.

If I had any sense left from my mercenary days, I would have swung the sword without hesitation.

‘Now, subconsciously, the first thing I thought was that I couldn’t get out of my hands.’

It took less than a year for the habits I had as a mercenary to disappear.

Even I am like this, how did the aristocrats react?

I can guess the reason why I can’t organize the monster wave right now in the forefront.

That’s why I have to pick out the characters and develop them.

‘Currently, it is impossible for nobles to solve the pollution problem. It’s also impossible to solve the monster wave.’

How much will your skills increase if you succeed in saving Rebecca’s eyes?

I was already looking forward to it because I knew the fun of raising it.

Can you imagine how the situation in the Polluted Zone War will change when Rebecca and the other SSR kids she so painstakingly raised are enlisted?

The nation will get the only chance to organize the monster wave that has been a headache for them.

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